Best Impact in a while. I loved most of the show
Great way to open the show w Aries/Storm. Builds your champion, includes the Storm/Roode feud, gives time to hype both of the MEs
Sting/Hogan/Kaz/Daniels Bully segment was great and set up a good match. BUlly playing all innocent and "I'm on your side" is hilarious. He even got cheered during his entrance and when he got the hot tag!
Not a fan of RVD, but can't say I'm mad at the thought of RVD/Ion for the X Division title, especially since I'm pretty sure Ion goes over.
Joseph Park being Aces & 8s prisoner is hilarious in a 'low budget action movie' kind of way
Good build for the tag team titles match throughout the show
You know you marked hard for BULLY GET THE TABLES!
Joey Ryan is bringing Sleezy back
Joe/Magnus segment was good, wish this feud had been given more time.
We got a Bobby Roode main event match, with an awesome Aries promo to end it. Good shit
Everything was fluid, entertaining and built to the PPV, which I am now looking forward to much more than I was before the go home show.