Rate GFW Impact 8/31/2017

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Rate this week's episode of GFW Impact

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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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Rate this week's episode of GFW Impact and let us know what you think about the show!

- We kick the show off from earlier today with the new GFW Champion, Eli Drake (and Chris Adonis) arriving to the arena. Also, Lashley and American Top Team show up yet again. Lambert gets into another argument with Jeff Jarrett.

- Recap of last week's Gauntlet for the Gold match and American Top Team getting physical at ringside while Drake celebrated his big win.

- Out to the ring is Eli Drake and Chris Adonis, both in suits and with celebratory cigars. Drake on the mic, he says fourteen years he's traveled all over the world and now he has the title. Drake says looking at the title it pisses him it took him this long to get it. Drake gloats about his win and that no one - not even Jim Cornette - could keep him away from the championship. Out to the ring comes Johnny Impact, who tells Drake that he and everyone in the back are sick of him running his mouth. "Take it from me, a guy who's had more names than you have had titles," says Impact. He wants the title and now out comes Eddie Edwards.

Edwards gets on the mic and says he knows to get chances, you need to speak up, so he's speaking up. Edwards then lets Impact that because he's been a world champion in GFW, he outranks Impact and he wants a shot at the title. Drake stirs the pot between Impact and Edwards, but out comes Cornette to fix things. Cornette says tonight it will be Edwards/Impact vs. Adonis/Drake and if Drake's team wins, he doesn't have to defend the title. If Impact or Edwards gets the pin, they get a title shot.

- Backstage, Allie introduces herself to a disinterested Taryn Terrell and wonders why Taryn was so mean to Gail Kim. Taryn says it's been bothering her and wondered if Allie could give Kim a message, Allie agrees, and gets beat up by Taryn. "Make sure that message gets delivered, okay?"

oVe (Dave and Jake Crist) vs. Mario Bokara and Fallah Bahh

Dave and Mario start things off with Dave landing a big kick, quick tags back and forth as Dave hits a senton splash, cover, two. LAX watches on from their hideout as Bahh is tagged in. Jake tries to use his speed and gets flattened by Bahh. Bahh with a leg drop, misses, and tags out. Jake and Dave with double kicks on Bokara. Double kicks on Bahh clear him out of the match. High elevation cutter on Bokara that puts him down for the 1-2-3.

Winners: oVe via Pinfall

- Jim Cornette talks with Moose in his office and in rolls the Grand Champion, EC3. Cornette lets EC3 know he's taking on El Hijo del Fantasma in his next title match.

Caleb Konley (with Trevor Lee) vs. Petey Williams

Konley gets things going early on before Williams lands a nice hurricanrana and running drop kick to ground Konley. Action goes to the floor and Lee gets involved by choking Williams before throwing him back in the ring. Konley goes to work on Williams and goes for a pin, two-count. Konley in complete control of this one at the moment goes for a number of pins and just can't put Williams away. Williams with some kicks and chops, drops Konley on his face, goes for a pin, but no luck. Williams calls for the Canadian Destroyer, gets countered, Konley up for a moonsault, misses. Williams gets distracted by Lee on the apron, Williams tosses Konley to send Lee to the floor and then hits a hurricanrana to take out Lee. Canadian Destroyer hits and that's enough to get the win.

Winner: Petey Williams via Pinfall

- Post-match, Lee instantly attacks Williams, but out comes Sonjay Dutt to clear the ring.

- Backstage, we see Richard Justice who finally has a match.

- Backstage, Taryn and Sienna are chatting it up, Karen Jarrett tried to break up the fun. She's not happy with how Taryn attacked both Gail and Allie. Jarrett then books a tag match for next week Sienna/Taryn vs. Kim/Allie.

Richard Justice vs. Kongo Kong

Justice goes right to work on Kong's midsection, attempts a shoulder block, but hurts his shoulder against his opponent. He does some squats before running straight into Kong's fist, dropping to the mat. Kong heads up to the top rope and lands a rough looking splash. It's all over.

Winner: Kongo Kong via Pinfall

- Post-match, Kong beats up Justice some more. Mahabali Shera heads to the ring, back and forth punches before he sends Kong to the outside.

- Backstage, McKenzie Mitchell talks to Johnny and asks about his thoughts on tonight's match. He said he's come to GFW for the title, but it excited for tonight's match.

- LAX's hideout, Konnan talks to Low Ki about proving a point against James Storm. He wants Low Ki to send him to the hospital and to send a message to the company that nobody disrespects LAX.

Low Ki vs. James Storm

Low Ki with a quick strike, surprising Storm. He's able to get off to a good start before Storm recovers and uses his power to slow his opponent down. The rest of LAX watches closely as Diamante yanks Storm off the second rope and LAX strikes. Thanks to that assist, Low Ki is able to get control back, number of kicks to floor Storm, pin, two-count. Storm with a comeback, inverted atomic drop, clothesline, kick to the back of the head, side Russian leg sweep, pin, two! Storm tries to monkey flip Low Ki who lands on the second turnbuckle and hits a double stomp, pin, two. Plenty of back and forth action, Low Ki goes for Warrior's Way, misses. Storm hits Eye of the Storm, pin, Low Ki kicks out! Ortiz jumps up on the apron, trying to get Storm's attention. Ref distracted, Santana hits Storm with the title, Low Ki with a Warrior's Way and that will do it.

Winner: Low Ki via Pinfall

- Backstage, Braxton Sutter checked in with Allie who's holding some ice to her head. In comes Garza Jr. to see how she's doing, Sutter gets instantly mad and sends Garza Jr. off. Allie says he was just checking on her, Sutter responds "I know what he was doing."

- Promo about Bobby Lashley and if he should stick to pro wrestling or MMA. Footage of American Top Team is shown (as Jim Cornette calls them a bunch of "thugs" in an interview) as they fight with Jeff and Karen Jarrett.

- Some random room, Grado and Laurel Van Ness are flirting as Joseph Park goes over a checklist of wedding items. As they are going over said items, they realize Van Ness is actually from Canada, not the U.S., which won't help Grado's issues of staying in the country.

- AAA Star, Pagano, is coming soon to GFW.

- Taya Valkyrie is coming next week. Also next week, Trevor Lee and Caleb Konley vs. Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt.

- Lashley sits with his American Top Team group and talks about whether he should stay with wrestling or go. His coach tells him now is the time to be in MMA, Lashley doesn't want the door to close on wrestling if he ends up becoming a champion in MMA. Nothing is really settled.

Eli Drake and Chris Adonis vs. Johnny Impact and Eddie Edwards

Edwards and Adonis start things off, but Impact is brought in first. Adonis ends up getting the best of him and tags in the new champion, quick tags back and forth with Adonis and Drake as they both keep Impact down. Edwards with a splash to the outside taking out Drake. Impact with a corkscrew over the top rope, flattening Adonis. Action back in the ring with Adonis hitting a bodyslam on Impact who has taken a real beating in this match, he just can't get Edwards into the match.

Impact finally gets a tag, but ref was distracted by Adonis, so out goes Edwards. Drake and Adonis working well together, lot of double team moves, keeping total control in the ring. Edwards tries to get the crowd to encourage Impact as he works his way out of a headlock. Edwards finally is tagged in and lands a number of moves on Adonis including a blue thunder bomb, cover, two. Drake is brought in, Edwards goes to the top and is distracted by Adonis. Drake runs, leaps up to the top rope and hits a beautiful superplex all in one motion. Edwards can't get much going against Drake or Adonis at first, but Edwards hits a suplex to work his way back into this one. Crowd is fully behind Edwards as he is able to crawl his way to Impact. Huge springboard splash and superkicks on both wrestlers.

Impact sets Drake up in the corner, Adonis runs in, Impact flips over him. Double neckbreaker, pin, two! Impact back to the top rope, takes too long, leaps, but lands on his feet. Edwards is sent to the floor. Drake and Adonis go to work on Impact, pin, two. Everyone taking shots at each other now. Edwards with a top rope hurricanrana, Impact hits the Thursday Night Delight (corkscrew elbow), Adonis breaks up the pin. Adonis is taken out to the floor, Impact follows. Drake hits the Bottom Rung to pick up the win for his team.

Winners: Eli Drake and Chris Adonis via Pinfall

- Post-match, American Top Team heads out to the ring from the crowd. Lambert gets on the mic and calls out all four wrestlers in the ring. Cornette comes out and tells Lashley he'll lose his upcoming spot at AAA TripleMania (which has already happened) if he doesn't keep his team in check. Cornette announces it will be Matt Sydal vs. Eli Drake next week for the GFW Championship. Sydal won his chance at a title at Destination X and decided to go for the GFW Championship. Eli Drake isn't happy, Lashley isn't happy, and we're out!

Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
Reaction score
Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Okay...so here is the thing...

I only care about the Knockouts division and
I was so into the Rosemary/Allie story...but that
basically ended before it started.

Rosemary dropped the Knockouts title to Sienna
(who I find boring as sin) and even with Gail Kim
back in action...I just don't care.

I think Sienna is a solid worker...and she has an
okay look (Charlotte does it 100x better) but she's
so boring.

No Rosemary...No caring from me...

Don't get me wrong...Allie is adorable and Gail Kim
could possibly be the greatest female worker ever...
but without Rosemary...I just don't care.

Awesome recap Jakey-Jake...keep up the good
work and make sure to wear those sexy turtle necks.

Jeffry Mason

Your Local Sports Team Sucks
Jan 16, 2017
Reaction score
Parts Unknown
Thought it was an overall good show. I'm fairly convinced at this point, after watching him for many years, that Dave Crist must have been working somewhat hurt for these tapings, because it seems like he's not even moving the same. Was nice to finally see him hit some version of the Magdeline, though. Always a pleasure to watch Richard Justice, and even though he has seemingly dropped the cop persona in GFW, he is still thoroughly entertaining as a comedy wrestler. Also been enjoying the slow change that Braxton Sutter has been showing, even if I believe it was a missed opportunity months ago with how over he was from the whole wedding thing. I never thought I'd say this, but thanks to Joseph Park & LVN, Grado may have finally grown on me. For a "dumb comedy angle", this thing has really been good. I'm really dreading this thing with Gail Kim, mostly because she has been downright boring for years, but with the other talents involved, and knowing I won't have to watch her much longer, this could be entertaining. (Also Grievous, I'm gonna go ahead and disagree with you yet again on this, because Sienna is better than Charlotte in every aspect. Just sayin ;)) Super excited to see what they do with Taya based on the video package. Could we actually be getting multiple Knockouts stories at the same time again? Only real reasons the show gets a 9 instead of a 10 are because I could absolutely care less about American Top Team or whatever the fuck they're called, and because of the weird timing thing where they're acting like Triplemania is happening tonight instead of a week ago.