honestly ive avoided his album so badly. Either im going to be butthurt as fuck (ill listen to every song twice before deciding) or i'll be amazed. I really liked what Eminem has done since moving past his crew shit and having to rock the almbums, but this is dogshit radio beat at it's finest.
The thing i love is always pointing out this dude has a masters in english. That is cool as fuck. This is white people rap at it's finest. Cheap final lines, great lyrics but pushed too fast to let it soak in, and the beat is what 90% of the main stream idiots will flock to.
I know you disagreed on my blu stuff but below the heavens is 100% more soul track hip hop and give me my flowers while i can smell them is inbetween Blu's good shit and the radio he wants to hit. I'd rather listen to Travie McCoy honestly.