Questions about the fans(Mini-rant)

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Caution:Contains mature themes and Vulgar language...Approach with care:

I just want some answers here to my mini-rant because I really dont understand alot of us wrestling fans as a whole....
A few things Ive noticed is this:
-Why the hell cant we(alot of people but not me)wait to find out anything...:Wrestling fans seem to like going on to the spoiler sites to find out whos going to win a belt or how a storyline will go.But why?It just ruins it in the end because what couldve been an exciting storylie is no longer exciting to you because you knew it for months...This came to my attention when somebody posted in the spoilers section who Mr.McMahons son will turn out to be.Well obviousley that was the original plan to have the man mentioned to be the son but thats obviousley gfoing to be changed now...BUT...then intent was still there that you guys wanted to find out,which was the reason someone would post this and peopple would go look at it.Now I saw the amount of people who saw the amount of people at the bottom who had viewed that,including myself(although I only viewed to see how many others did so I could write this)...But that just proves that most fans dont even want to wait and see where it goes.If theres a chance for you to know you'll take it...So I want people to answer me this:Why would you want to look at spoilers that will ruin the fun for you???

This is not to all wwe fans and also I would like to note that all indies fans should not be offended by this..ONLY DUMB ONES.
Because I know some of you prefer,or like equally as much,the indies and thats fine/But I see some idiots around here(the shall not be named)other than Tracey Gerweck,who come around and say that WWE sucks and they will go watch real wrestling like ROH...Well hows that real?Its still fake and scripted and the storyline qualitys are shit.But if you like it because of the wrestling style thats cool but you must be a real dumbass if you say ROH or any of the other indies are more real wrestling than WWE or TNA...So why do some people think that because it doesnt have crazy gimmicks and big storylines that its real?

And my last segment/question

Also another one is our wish to have the attitude era back.The attitude era was all about entertainment and wrestling SKILLS were secondary.Well now though,fans are raving about how someone like Cena or Batista or some others arent great wrestlers yet at the same time you want old style entertainmen back.BREAKING NEWS:Stone cold had like 3 moves and we all loved him...Chris Benoit was a great wrestler but not entertaining.What Im ttrying to say here is that its rare to have both at the same time yet you want attitude era style shit back..So how come when Mr.McMahons limo blows up,or when he has a new son,or when he feuds with lashley for months,or when Eric Bischoff goes on trial throughout an epiisode of Raw we have people loving it but we also have people hating it.And the thing that gets me is that some of the people hating it are the ones who want the good fucking storylines back...So answer me what makes these recent storylines different and crappier than the attitude era...or can you not just accept that they dont wanna repeat the exact same storyline and want to do something similar but different...cause TRUST ME,if WWE ever re did the segment with stoone-cold and mcmahon peeing in the ring with the bang 3:16 gun alot of fans would be all fucking over wwe for repeating the same shit...So if this is different and still entertaining why the fuck are we complaining?

Well this concludes my mini rant.And even if these rants dont include you as well then please reply to help me find the answer to some of these question...Thank you all :)


Active Member
Feb 22, 2007
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lol It always makes me laugh when people call Independent Wrestling "Real Wrestling" when it's obviously fake (scripted, pre-determined, etc.), as is all wrestling. I'm one of the guys who prefers the Indy's because the quality of wrestling is better (In my opinion), But don't like to categorize myself as an "indys fan" or "ROH fan"...Overall I'm just a huge wrestling fan, and I watch as much of it as I can, weather its WWE, TNA, hell I watch AAA on weekends and I don't speak any Spanish. As far as spoilers go, they don't bother me much at all. I used to hate spoilers, but I've been watching wrestling for so damn long, I'm rarely shocked or surprised. I actually could care less for most storyline's, the in-ring product is what keeps me happy. Some guys watch wrestling for the shock value and entertainment, and some guys watch wrestling for the wrestling, I fall under that category.

While we're in the "ranting" mood, I have a very small rant that I would love to put out in the open...Bashing. Is there really a need for it. This is one thing that I hate about wrestling forums. Most people will agree with me when I say those "Bill & Doug" guys are nothing more than fanboys. When I see people make remarks like "WWE Rules TNA sucks" or "WWE sucks balls" It makes you exactly what "Bill & Doug" are...fanboys. Why cant people just enjoy wrestling for what it is? Everything doesn't have to be a competition.