:greedy: <greedy fucking hoes....
da' checky-check list;
-lead singer that looks straight creepin'.....check.
-both bands....cha-checky'.
-both discriminate againest black-punkrock-emo-bandmemers....check.
just sayin'...da simiularityies are endluss and sutff....
what if...just what if...they'r e both the same band on the same day...
like...ya-know...both born from the same jizz and shit...
just think about dat' dick dawgz'...
da' checky-check list;
-lead singer that looks straight creepin'.....check.
-both bands....cha-checky'.
-both discriminate againest black-punkrock-emo-bandmemers....check.
just sayin'...da simiularityies are endluss and sutff....
what if...just what if...they'r e both the same band on the same day...
like...ya-know...both born from the same jizz and shit...
just think about dat' dick dawgz'...