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From Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Episode 5
"Realizing Potential"
“Made an America” cues the opening intro to LDW PrimeTime, showing everyone’s favourite and least favourite LDW stars. After the video plays out, we have the theme music continuing as we get a shot of the crowd in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Showing the commentary team once again, Rodney Perkins and Doctor Smooth Wally Shine are sat at ringside, getting ready.
Perkins: Rodney Perkins here with my broadcast partner, Wally Shine and we got ourselves a match heavy edition of Liberty or Death Wrestling Primetime featuring a rematch from Foundation, singles debuts, the first match for our world champion since winning the championship, and a main event with about as much bad blood as a Pay Per View main event.
Shine: After months of being made miserable by the LDW co-owners, Slate Bass and Eden, the Rainbow Princess, Nova Taylor can finally beat the hell out of the Seamstress of Reality and settle this grudge that is years in the making.
Perkins: Also, in a monumental test for the young Jay Washington, he has a date with the LDW World Champion Mr Darius Wright we’ll call him. After calling out his change of heart last week, Jay has a chance to back up his talk and prove he belongs with the main eventers.
Shine: Considering the mean-streak Darius had even before winning the title, I think Jay will be fighting from behind.
Perkins: Adding to the show, we have Al Blizzard facing against the… unique, Robby J in a match between a rib-cracker and a wise-cracker, Luke Saint will make an appearance after taking a week off, and to kick things off, a rematch of Foundation between Brian Toogood, looking to bounce back against Patriot.
Singles Match
Patriot vs Brian Toogood
As “Keep Your American Dream” blares through the speakers, the Harrisburgh crowd cheer as the lights flash a Patriotic red white and blue for Patriot. Patriot runs out to a positive ovation as someone who captures the “Liberty,” in Liberty or Death Wrestling, pumps up the crowd. He throws his fist and hops a bit before walking down the rampway.
Garcia: This opening contest to PrimeTime is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring first, from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing in at 199 pounds, Patriot!
Perkins: This match came to be after an encounter after Patriot’s match last episode where Brian Toogood took a verbal jab at his misfortunate ending to his contest with Nova Taylor, and of course, Patriot took his shots back.
Shine: And Brian Toogood, not wanting to take responsibility for his loss, blamed his main event loss to Reagan Cole partially on Patriot, causing this match.
Perkins: And considering Brian has had more time to “show himself,” Can Patriot come in completely prepared for Brian Toogood?
Shine: As a veteran who learns from his wins and losses, I think he will.
High fiving the fans before going up the steps, Patriot nods his head before heading across the apron and stepping into the ring. He runs up to the turnbuckles to pose for the fans, giving them a small salute, before jumping down as his song by Beartooth fades away. Patriot jumps in place, waiting for Brian Toogood.
Signalling the arrival of the detestable Brian Toogood, the fans jeer as the song “Live Fast, Die Young,” plays through the speakers. Walking backwards with black and gold attire, Brian Toogood soaks the spotlight for a few moments before turning around with a smug grin on his face, and a pep in his step. He tips his sunglasses forward before walking down the ramp slowly, badmouthing the crowd as Clarissa introduces him, adding in his pointing routine.
Garcia: And his opponent, from Buffalo, New York, weighing in at 243 pounds… B...T...G, Brian Toogood!
Perkins: Looking to get back in the win column, Brian Toogood challenges Patriot and he looks to repeat what happened at Foundation.
Shine: And unlike last week, he is at 100% and isn’t sporting injuries, at least we assume.
Brian Toogood walks around the ring and steps onto the apron, taking his glasses off while raising an eyebrow. The cocky young wrestler steps into the ring and poses on the top turnbuckles, taking off his Fedora with a bow as his theme music fades away and he steps down from it to remove his vest, looking at Brian Toogood. Before Clarissa leaves, he whispers something into her ear and she rolls her eyes before saying.
Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen, the Embodiment of American Exceptionalism, Brian Toogood.
And Brian Toogood spreads his arms to embrace the groans and boos before the official gets them both to their corners and rings the bell to start the match.
Opening the match with a lock-up, Brian Toogood is taken to the mat with a snapmare from Patriot and the two exchange holds for a brief sequence before a soccer ball kick to the chest of Brian Toogood from Patriot breaks it up. Patriot runs off the ropes and hits a knee drop, doing a quick pin that barely gets a one, then going for a springboard off the middle rope…
To be caught by Brian Toogood who drops him for an Irish Curse backbreaker! The self-proclaimed “Embodiment of American Exceptionalism,” ground and pounds Patriot, showing a mean-streak once again, before stomping on his chest and spreading his arms out to boos from the fans.
Grabbing both legs of Patriot, Toogood feigns hitting him in the groin but instead dropping an elbow on his knee, turning it into a single leg crab. He torques back the knee and keeps the hold firmly locked. As he bends the leg back, he pretends to be bored and yawns, thus giving Patriot enough time to roll him over into a single leg crab of his own to cheers from the fans! Using his larger frame, Brian Toogood quickly crawls to the ropes to force a break which Patriot follows.
With Brian Toogood caught off guard, Patriot takes advantage. He Irish whips Toogood across the ring and drops down, before following with a leap-frog, then a vertical dropkick to the face of BTG! With Brian Toogood seemingly a step behind, Patriot continues his offence, doing a quick snap German on his larger foe, before going to the corner and hitting not one, not two, but three superkicks in a row on a kneeling Brian Toogood, Three Number Nines! Patriot gets the pin!
And Brian Toogood kicks out!
Rolling to the apron, Brian Toogood has not had a chance to properly get going in the match and is playing catch up. Patriot follows as a groggy BTG comes to his senses and hotshots the uber-American off the middle rope! Brian Toogood rolls in and hits a hard lariat! Brian gets a pin, but only gets one and a half, before the “Big Money” rookie picks Patriot up for a snap suplex! Following through with a knee drop, Brian Toogood gets in control. Going to the corner, Brian Toogood stalks his red, white, and blue foe before going for the Best (Super)Kick around, but Patriot ducks it! Patriot quickly transitions to a backslide!
And Brian Toogood rolls out, hooking the wrist of Patriot and bringing him in for a short-arm Lariat! Keeping a hold of the wrist, Brian transitions into a hammerlock, then once again nailing a lariat, this one being his Buffalo Steak Lariat! With Patriot dazed, Brian Toogood hooks both legs.
After Patriot gets his shoulders off the mat, Brian Toogood pulls him up by the shoulders and elbows his neck, before getting him with a deadlift back suplex! Keeping a hold, he transitions to an exploder suplex, then a double underhook to top off the trifecta!
A battered Patriot goes to the corner and Brian Toogood, feeling confident, gloats to the crowd, chanting “USA!” which gets boos as he mocks Patriot. He backs up to the far corner from him and charges at Patriot…
For Mr American Wrestling himself to jump away, causing Brian Toogood to go crashing into the corner and he gets caught on the second rope! Being quick as ever, Patriot quickly comes in with a sliding German Suplex, dropping Brian Toogood on the mat as he gets onto the apron! Brian Toogood gets to his hands and knees, holding the back of his neck as Patriot quickly ascends the top rope. Going through the air like a bald eagle, Patriot drops a Homecoming Elbow to the back of the head of Brian Toogood! He pins the self-proclaimed “Great,” but Brian Toogood finds it in him to kick out before three!
Clapping to get the crowd behind him, Patriot begins to rally by hitting a flying forearm smash on Toogood as he gets up, he follows that up with a chop to the chest, a spinning backfist, then a Pele kick, nailing Toogood in the back of the head! Getting up, Patriot drips Brian down to go for “Donut Getup,” but Brian Toogood slides behind using the momentum of the Rainmaker DDT and hooks Patriot with a full nelson. Lifting Patriot up, he drops him on his face with the Downside Guarantee facebuster! Brian Toogood pins Patriot down!
Patriot kicks out once again, showing his heart, and getting frustrated, Brian Toogood pounds the mat. He gets his smaller foe in the prime position for his Good Night’s Sleep Brianbuster onto the knee. A frustrated Brian shouts his initials, before lifting Patriot who uses that extra time to slide onto Brian Toogood’s shoulders! Patriot nails Brian Toogood with several elbows before swinging himself around. He gets both his legs under the arms of Brian Toogood and using his momentum to hit a Code Red out of nowhere! Brian’s shoulders are on the mat!
Perkins: And Patriot just pinned Brian Toogood out of nowhere and he avenged his loss at Foundation!
Shine: Brian Toogood took just a few seconds too long gloating and it cost him!
Rolling away after the three, Patriot has a massive grin on his face and the referee raises his hand in victory as “Keep Your American Dream” plays and the Harrisburgh crowd cheer! Brian Toogood, quickly realizing what had happened, grabs the back of his neck and his face is showing an expression of pure shock and terror. Patriot goes to celebrate on the top turnbuckle a moment before jumping down and seeing Brian Toogood slowly turn his head towards him.
Perkins: And Brian Toogood is filled with utter shock. His slide continues.
Shine: If I was The Patriot right now, I’d run before Brian Toogood snaps… again.
Smirking at Brian, Patriot gives a small wave, saying “Adios” before rolling out of the ring and high fiving some fans quickly before heading up the ramp. Eventually, “Keep Your American Dream,” stops playing and Brian Toogood, shaking his head and repeatedly muttering “No…” snaps and jumps up, yelling at the referee.
“This can’t happen!” Brian shouts. “I can’t lose to that geek! Do a recount! Recount! Do it now!” and the official shrugs, feeling a little uncomfortable as he is backed to a corner before Brian Toogood turns around and pounds the mat in a temper tantrum. Brian Toogood goes out of the ring and takes the ring bell, throwing it against the ground, being frustrated as can be.
Perkins: Well, looks like Brian Toogood is far from ha-
“Shut up!” Brian cuts off the commentator and gets in his face, before throwing everything off the announcer's table and stealing the headset of Rodney Perkins.
BTG: Hello? Is this on? Are we live!? Well, guess what?! That shouldn’t have happened! I’m Brian Toogood! I should be world champion right now! Not losing to that shithead in Harrisburg of all places! I need to make this right!
Shine: We get it, you’re frustrated, man. But what are you going to do about it?
BTG: Zip it, you senior citizen pimp! I’m going to kick that guy’s ass, and I’m going to do it in my home state where the bright lights are on! Brooklyn, Blackout, I’m throwing out the challenge there! Brian Toogood will right everything!
And Brian Toogood takes the headset off and tosses it back at Rodney Perkins before kicking the ring steps on his way to the back as the voice of LDW gets his headset back.
Perkins: Well, that was…
Shine: Very Brian Toogood.
Perkins: Exactly… And looks like we will see a rematch of that in Brooklyn at Blackout. The rubber match between Patriot and Brian Toogood.
Singles Match
Al Blizzard vs Robby J
As Seether Remedy begins to play the lights dim as the music picks up and then as the lyrics kick in Blizzard appears on stage walking slowly. He glares around at the fans, being unimpressed with the fans before he goes down the ramp.
Garcia: This following match is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring first, from London, England, weighing in at 254 pounds, The Punisher of Wrestling, Al Blizzard!
Perkins: With Jay Washington in the back of his mind, he is facing someone with a completely different demeanor to him to say the least.
He continues down the ramp for about fifteen seconds or so and he circles the ring until he has fully circled it and he climbs into the ring. Blizzard climbs onto the apron and enters the middle rope and he looks it the crowd smirking.
And making his in-ring debut, our next competitor is about to make some heads turn and even cause some memorable moments. This disruption of noises and sounds make their way to echoing around the arena as his theme music begins to play.
From up top, there are beams of blue and purple lights oscillating the stage floor and the beat of the music comes on. This is when the eccentric individual dip the top half of himself from behind the curtain that connects to the stage and backstage area. He then hides his body and pops out before hiding again. Robby is having a fun time, playing with the attendees at tonight’s show. He finally steps out and dances his way out to the middle of the stage, trying to hype the people up as they watch. He lifts his arms above his head and does a big slow clap.
Perkins: Talk about a perplexing individual, Robby J was seen a few weeks ago making fun of security, and showing his comedic chops in the crowd.
Shine: He’s like a walking comedy routine out of the ring, but we have no clue how he is in the ring. And if he tries to make fun of Al Blizzard…
Perkins: Oh god…
Still remaining on rhythm to the music, Robby makes his down the ramp and up the ring steps. He slips in between the first and second rope, keeping his eyes on his opponent. Robby steps to the middle of the ring extend his out at his sides and tilt his head back while closing his eyes. The referee immediately holds off an agitated Al Blizzard as the match has not officially started. After Robby had his moment of peace, his head returns to the normal position and he smirks over at Blizzard.
The music stops and the referee attempts to get confirmation from both wrestlers that they’re ready. Robby nods his head as he finishes some of his light stretches whereas Al has this maddening stare on his flamboyant opponent while pacing back and forth. Blizzard gives his nod and now the ref signals for the bell to be rung. And within a blink of an eye, Blizzard charges for Robby J and connects with THE MAULING spear.
Leaving Robby folded over and kicking at the mat, The Punisher shows that he is extremely focused on his mission to hand out the pain. He grabs Robby by the head, lifting his lifeless body off the mat and happens to check on RJ to see if he’s alright. But that quickly changes as he locks in the gutwrench and hits a powerbomb. And now from the look of things, Blizzard is really getting comfortable in this one-sided match. Al begins laughing upon sitting up off the mat, leaving the other guy laid out. He scoots over and hooks the leg to go for an easy pin.
And Al raises the once energetic Robby J’s shoulder up, still laughing as he is getting ready to torment even more.
However, right then, a dazed Robby swings a hard right to the jaw of The Outlaw. Blizzard is both stunned and pissed as the reaction on his face describes this. Bug-eyed and nodding his head to shake off the heavy loaded punch, Al turns his head back to face RJ and is met with another hard punch to the side of his face. This time the hit forces his face to jerk around and end up on the canvas. An inaudible mutter can be heard from The Punisher who is doing his best to recover from the unexpected assault.
As for the beaten newcomer, he is still establishing his endurance against such a menacing adversary. Robby starts to get up on his feet and Al, now picking up his face off the mat, tries to get back up also. Robby J is standing now and regaining the energy he started this match with. He instantly goes to a corner and grabs onto the ropes, fixated on Blizzard rising. The Punisher gets a solid stance while his foe runs towards him at full speed. Instinctively as RJ comes within reach, Al clasps the small frame of this quirky individual and does a spinning spinebuster. Once leaving the newcomer flattened as he decides whether to go directly for the pin or a finisher. Just as he gets to one knee, we hear…
“The One” Jay Washington takes his time to come out to the stage with his hands behind his back and a big grin on his face. He takes a look at Al Blizzard who is now standing and looking perplexed at his Blackout opponent. Revealing that he had a microphone in his hand, Jay goes on to speak…
Jay: Hey there, partner. I know you’re wondering what am I doing out here. But I just wanted to properly express my sentiment in return for our tag team victory last show. Oh, and it looks like it’s going to be delivered right aboooooouuuut…
Just then a frustrated Blizzard turns around to a patiently waiting Robby J who is now ready to introduce his finisher to his “punisher”. With a running charge followed by a stomp to the foot and a swift right hook to the jaw, Robby has executed his move known as Shirley’s Temple.
And Jay smiles right after he sets up his temporary tag partner for defeat in his match. He adds a loud and emphatic…
Jay: NOW!!!
Al collapses, Robby swoops in for the pin and just like that he picks up his first victory on this night of his in-ring debut.
Robby J
Perkins: Talk about an upset?! Robby J defeated Al Blizzard with help from Jay Washington!
Shine: And Al Blizzard, when he wakes up from that knock out punch… I wouldn’t want to be either Jay or Robby J.
The newcomer to LDW, Robby J, celebrates his win by kissing his hand and going around the ring to shadow box, having a laugh at Al Blizzard. Jay Washington nods on the outside and smirks before heading up the ramp and back. As Al Blizzard starts to come to, Robby J waves before running off and Al Blizzard, absolutely filled with rage, pounds the mat and storms to the back, not even acknowledging the fans.
Impromptu Segment
“The Cost”
And just like the week before we get another demonstration from our LDW World Heavyweight Champion but an unscheduled one. As Darius Wright’s theme music hits, it is merely seconds until we hear his voice on the speakers…
Wright: CUT THE MUSIC!!!! I SAID CUT THE MUSIC...COME ON!! Cut the f’n music! Guyyyyyyyyyyys, don’t piss off the champ tonight...don’t do it...
Soon the music is cut and out comes the champion in a plain black tank top, black slacks and another pair of black dress shoes. Darius also is sporting a lot more band-aids and medical tape than last week...all up and down his arms, all over his hands, face, head and neck. He damn near looks like a mummy but with clothes and dark-tinted spectacles. Mr. Wright has a big smug grin on his face as he nods to the boos coming from the crowd. Taking in all of the negative responses, he raises the microphone that he holds in one hand while what seems to look like he’s holding the championship title under this half shoulder cape.
Wright: Ahhh yes...some reassurance...that you’re all bottom feeders as always will be, oh yes. Yes...yes...yes, you are...you see, I AM the champ and there’s no stopping that...no denying that...and no changing that EVER. It is now a living fact that everyone has got to face and if you don’t like it, well...TOOUUUUUUUUUGGGHHH SHIT!!!!
The arena erupts with louder boos as the audience is vocal about how they feel.
Wright: Oops sorry parents, you might wanna put the kids to bed now...it’s about to be a loooooooonnnnngg night.
The champ takes a moment to scratch his beard and takes a few paces across the stage. He continues his rant…
Wright: Because..it’s time we act like adults, right?! Right?! I SAID...WE CAN ACT...LIKE ADULTS, RIGHT?!...Like grown men and women, yeah? Well let’s get straight down to business, shall we?
He pauses after putting his whole face in the lens of the adjacent camera. This gives a really strange close-up of the expressionless champ until he says this name…
Now standing back to normal, face no longer in the lens but still staring without any hesitation...
Wright: Reagan...Reagan...Reagan, this is not going to end well for you. I think I...vaguely recall us doing this one on one before. Of course now, I have this “illustrious” belt here…
Darius pats the item hidden under this black velvet cape, with not even a hint of leather or gold showing.
Wright: Yeah, just like these people...you won’t be seeing this anytime soon either. But back to what I was saying...Reagan Cole...you have once again made your way...in the middle...of my path. And you know like I know that I can’t simply tolerate that. It’s like I’ve said when I warned you and the others...EVERYONE...AND ANYBODY...standing in my way...will...PAY. THE. COST! The way I see this whole...uh, what they say… ”streak of luck?”, it is just not going to cut it when we battle again. This is all just another poor excuse for “THE BRITISH APPRENTICE” to fail at this test...AGAIN. And sadly, my patience...my patience is running thin when it comes to assholes like you. So I hate to be the bearer of bad news but...Cole, you just don’t measure up...especially in these intense situations. So I don’t give a damn about your recent “winning streak” or that you have your little Rainbow Brite as your personal cheerleader. The fact is this...you’re never, NEVER going to beat me, ever. You couldn’t get it done at Foundation and you won’t get it done at Blackout. But maybe, just maybe...we can find a way to make things more interesting this time around. I mean I AM a street fighter...and you’re...a so-called fighter of some sorts…
Darius shrugs sarcastically at the thought of taking Reagan Cole to be real competition anymore. More boos are boosted towards our arrogant bastard of a champion as he gloats in his remarks.
Wright: Oh, that's right, I heard...I heard you’re not even here. You had some trouble getting your papers in order, huh? Oops!... Oh please don’t get stuck at home after all this “hard work” you’ve done to get a title shot. Because I can guarantee you...this time...after you flunk your exam...it’ll be a cold day in hell before you get another retest...and ain’t no luck going to change that!
Mr. Wright flips the mic upon dropping it and leaves the stage, waving and smiling at both the people and the cameras as he has to go prepare for his match tonight.
“Kush-ioning the blow”
Walking through the backstage area we see, after their embarrassing loss last week, Corey Keenan and Daemon Raze. Daemon Raze has a jacket of his hometown Edmonton Oilers along with a pair of jeans and sunglasses while Corey Keenan has a blue tracksuit. This odd pairing, despite the terrible loss, are sticking together, as they head towards the parking area.
Keenan: What kind of scheme are you up to now?
Raze: Easy. I’ve realized something, we could use some muscles! So I found someone who is higher than the rest.
Keenan: Aren’t we a ‘Tag team?” You know, a tag team in a place without a tag team division?
Raze: But that’s the thing. Tag team wrestling is so yesterday! Have you heard of Trios? It’s all the rage in Mexico and Japan! So, I’ve been looking for someone who has had similar bad luck to us, and I know who he is.
Rolling his eyes, Corey Keenan, who has been reluctant in teaming with this idiot, is unamused.
Keenan: And where exactly is he?
Pointing towards the door outside, Daemon Raze says.
Raze: I know he always goes outside before his matches, come here!
The two wrestlers peak out the door to see, in full gear, “Sour,” Marley Jameson. He is leaning against the building as Daemon and Corey go up to him.
Raze: Hey, buddy! Sorry to bother you, but we wanted to talk to you before your match.
Keeping very chill, Marley Jameson shrugs and says.
Jameson: I guess man. I don’t mind sharing a little of my pre-match kush.
Keenan: Pre-match… Kush?
And Marley Jameson pulls out of his jacket pocket what seems to be a roll of the green stuff. He reaches for a lighter but Corey Keenan, being Lean, Mean, and Squeaky Clean slaps the joint away.
Keenan: No! You are not going to get high before your match!
Looking rather annoyed, the Colorado Native shouts.
Jameson: Why?!
Keenan: Because drugs are bad!
Seeing his recruitment effort possibly going downhill already, Daemon Raze steps in.
Raze: What he meant is… they are bad… to have before a match. Instead, it should be to celebrate a win, and I think you want one of those, right? You want a win?
Jameson: I mean, I guess having some wins are alright, man. But tough luck, I’m against some psycho tonight with his goons.
Keenan: Those guys? They give me the creeps…
Seeing an opportunity, Daemon Raze takes it.
Raze: Well, wouldn’t you like to have two people to have your back tonight and maybe from here on out?
Thinking for a second, Marley is unsure.
Jameson: I don’t know, man…
Raze: Well,
He puts his arm around Marley Jameson as best as he can.
Raze: I see you appreciate the green stuff, and I happen to be from a country who sees that as fine and we have the best “dealer” around, the government itself! So, I’m sure eventually, we will have one show in Canada, and when we do, I’ll get you some.
Being quick in his answer, Marley gives an emphatic
Jameson: Yeah!
Raze: Great! Then let’s go!
Daemon and Marley head back in as Corey Keenan sighs.
Keenan: What did I get myself into?
Then he heads in.
Singles Match
“Sour” Marley Jameson vs Luke Saint
As the chill beats of “Burn,” by Militia plays, the fans know exactly who is showing up. After a few moments, the “Sour,” Marley Jameson struts his way out with his two new allies behind him. Corey Keenan humbly holds up a finger while Daemon Raze kisses his hands to spread them out and starts to pep-talk the man from the Mile High city, as Clarissa Garcia does introductions.
Garcia: This following match is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring first, accompanied by Corey Keenan and Daemon Raze, from the Mile High City, Denver, Colorado, weighing in at 240 pounds, “Sour,” Marley Jameson!
Perkins: And Daemon Raze’s recruitment efforts have grown to a trio, will it help?
Shine: My hopes aren’t high.
With Marley getting into the ring, he holds his hands up high as the man high on life goes to a corner where the “veteran” Daemon Raze gives him a pep talk as his music fades away.
As the classic tune by AC/DC blares through the speakers, the Harrisburg crowd jeer a man who has done no favours in getting himself to be loved by the crowd. The screens show Saint’s signature car, a black 2019 Cadillac Escalade, drive into the parking lot as a wrestler who took last show off to attend to business matters, arrives. Two of his associates make their way out to let Luke Saint out of the car, sporting his mask and trench coat and the trio make their way to the ramp. Luke Saint takes off his mask to show his devilish smirk as Clarissa Garcia makes his introduction.
Garcia: And his opponent, accompanied to the ring by the American Saints, from New York, New York, weighing in at 222 pounds, The Patron Saint of Crime, Luke Saint!
Perkins: Whether or not he took last show off to recover from the rough loss to Patriot at Declaration, or for business matters, this match is needed for Luke Saint to get back on the right track and remind people of his mantra.
Shine: And I think Marley Jameson is a perfect punching bag… With two extra on the side if needed.
He hands the mask to one associate and they follow his walk to the ring. Once in front of the ring, Saint discards his coat, gloves, and one of his rings. Stuffing the one on his right hand into his knee pad or kick pad. Luke motions his head towards his corner, causing the two men to post up there as his theme music fades away.
Luke Saint starts the match with pretending to shake hands with Marley, but Daemon Raze shouts at Marley to hit the Crime Boss. Luke Saint quickly ducks and chops the chest of Marley Jameson before Irish whipping him across the ring and into a stun gun onto the top rope! Luke Saint goes for a quick pin, only getting one, and continuing on with stomping the abdomen of Marley Jameson. The stoner gets up (I mean, he had a joint backstage, we don’t need to hide it), and Luke Saint follows it up with several hard punches to the abdomen and elbows to the head. He traps him in the corner with shoulder barges, getting to a four before backing off.
Daemon Raze gives Marley some “advice,” and by advice we mean SHOUTING AT HIM TO HIT A CLOTHESLINE, and Jameson does so, only to be hit with a spinebuster instead. Luke Saint rolls Marley to his hands and knees and puts his head between his thighs. The mad Saint cracks his neck before wrenching Marley for a powerbomb…
Before turning it into a stunner!
Marley Jameson bounces around the ring and Luke Saint goes for a cover, lazily lying on him.
Daemon Raze, to protest from Corey Keenan, quickly gets the foot of Marley on the rope and notifies the ref. The American Saints walk over towards them both, cornering both Corey Keenan and Daemon Raze. Fearing the worst, they both quickly run into the ring and around the referee and Luke Saint! The patron Saint of crime tries to get their hands on them both, but they both escape on the other side of the ring, away from the American Saints. This gives Marley Jameson enough time to recover to turn him around and lift him up for a Brainbuster! Marley Jameson actually hit a move! He pins Luke Saint!
And a kick out!
Daemon Raze shouts at Marley to capitalize and even Corey Keenan joins in. This could be a major upset. Not used to being in this position, Marley Jameson looks around confused before backing up into the corner. Luke Saint shakes the cobwebs out of his head to get up, and Marley Jameson runs full steam
Into a hard kick to the stomach! Luke Saint runs off the ropes and drives his big Boot to the back of the head, Mercy Curb Stomp! He rolls Marley Jameson over and it is academic, it’s a three count!
Luke Saint
Perkins: There was a brief moment of hope…
Shine: and Luke Saint stomped it away, literally. Definitive win.
Luke Saint gets his hand raised and invites his goons to stomp away on Marley Jameson, again. However, Daemon Raze and Corey Keenan quickly rush in before they touch him and, curiously, Daemon Raze reaches into his pocket and pulls out Canadian dollars. “I know the value isn’t much,” he says, “But it’s something…” before tossing the colourful money into the air and quickly dragging Marley out of the ring with Corey Keenan, leading him to the back.
Perkins: ...Welp
Shine: They got out lucky this time…
Backstage Segment
“The Receipt”
Interviewer Sydney Turner is seated backstage with “The One”, Jay Washington. Behind them, placed on the wall, is a TV screen currently showing the LDW logo.
Sydney: Ladies and Gentlemen, my guest at this time, a man that is no stranger to controversy, Jay Washington.
Jay: It’s a pleasure, Ms. Turner.
Sydney: Jay, many people are questioning why you cost Al Blizzard his match against Robby J and I believe those questions are valid ones. Some would say as a result of that, you are being punished by having a match against current LDW World Champion Darius Wright. You’ve already made one statement, so my questions are, what is going through the head of Jay Washington and are you prepared for quite possibly the greatest test of your career tonight against our World Champion?
Jay leans forward in his chair, getting closer to Sydney Turner. He motions for her to bring the mic closer to him so he can be heard clearly.
Jay: When it comes to-
Jay is interrupted by the sound of metal on flesh, as Al Blizzard nails him in the back with a steel chair!
Sydney: Oh my god!
Blizzard: This isn’t a game, who do you think you’re messing with huh!
Al hits Jay with the chair once again.
And again.
And again.
He hits him over and over until LDW security run onto the scene to push him away.
He drops the chair and slowly backs up.
Jay begins to get back to his feet, but just as he is almost up, Blizzard comes running back into view and body checks him backwards into the set, causing it to come down around him.
Blizzard: That’s what you get! That’s what happens!
Security returns and forces Blizzard out.
Blizzard: Good luck with your match! Haha!
Perkins: And Al Blizzard just gave his receipt from earlier tonight, and someone needs to check on Jay Washington.
Shine: That kid, he’s brave, but he may have made a major mistake in getting Al Blizzard mad at him, can they even do the match against Darius?
Perkins: We will see, but we need a break to get him checked up.
Singles Match
Darius Wright vs Jay Washington
One can only hope that this match will happen after the damage done to one of its wrestlers. We all sit and wait as the first wrestler’s music is played…
Everyone is worried that Jay Washington will not be able to come down to the ring. The music stops playing then starts over again.
And yet again, the theme song plays but there is no sign of Jay Washington. The music is stopped but another theme song is played and it received a massive uproar of dislike for the new LDW champion is on his way out.
Once the intro is done, the music begins to play and these white lights all over the arena start to flicker to each word in the bridge of the theme song. And finally, the lights return with Darius Wright stepping out onto the stage. At first, he is smiling at the disapproval from the fans as he now sports tinted specs, covered in band-aids all over his bare skin and the title on his shoulder is covered by a black velvet, half shoulder cape. He then does his slow stroll with his grim expression, looking out over the entire crowd, nodding his head at them and then tugging at the top of his sleeveless t-shirt that reads “FEARS...NOTHING!”.
Garcia: This following match is a non-title match scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring first, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 243 pounds, he is the LDW World Champion, Mr Darius Wright!
Perkins: We will get an update on Jay Washington after his attack momentarily, but for now, this match is still scheduled to happen and this is not just the first match Darius Wright is having since winning the LDW World Championship, but the first match we will see the “new” Mr Darius Wright.
Shine: I said it again, gold changes a man, and it was instant with Darius Wright who is scheduled to face against Reagan Cole at Blackout for his first championship challenge. And we will see how it changes him in the ring if Jay can actually show up.
DW makes his way down the ramp, up the ring steps and through the top and middle ropes. The lights are still flickering to each word in the bridge of Jeezy’s Scared Of The Dark. When he gets in the center of the ring, Darius takes a moment and confidently dust off his hands with this hint of a smirk right before handing the referee his covered title belt, removing his shirt and specs then tossing them aside.
The champ remains smirking as he can tell that his opponent probably won’t be able to make it to the ring after the brutal and vicious attack he just received from The Punisher, Al Blizzard. Darius leans back in his corner, staring at the stage for the arrival. He waits a few seconds as the crowd begins to get restless and he walks up to the referee. Chuckling as he argues you with the ref about Jay Washington not going to show. Mr Wright shouts at the official while making sure to keep his hands up and off of him.
Hey, just count him out, ref! It’s obvious, he doesn’t want to face the champ. So just start counting...COME ON, Count him out!
With a bit of hesitation and regret, the official finally begins to count.
As the arena fills back up with boos from the fans in attendance. There is no sign of The One known as Jay Washington or the condition he is in as the official gets closer to forfeiting the match in the champ’s favour.
And a split second before the count of 9 is spoken, we hear this again…
Everyone including Darius is surprised that the overconfident newcomer is still going to come fight in this scheduled match. Soon, we see a few guys come out of the curtain trying to prevent something or someone from coming out from backstage. And sure enough, that is when we see the second generation rookie come shuffling it. He has his head wrapped up a bit and barely able to walk on his left leg, let alone straighten it. Meanwhile, he has two EMTs and another referee is trying to coax the young signee back to safety. So seeing this awkward display is actually entertaining the champ as he is laughing his ass off.
Jay focuses only on the ring as he gets closer and closer, finally making it to the ring steps. He works his way up through the pain and manages to get into the ring. The match ref talks with the other guys tried to stop Washington from being out here. Shortly after the ref walks over to Jay to confirm if he’s okay to compete. He begins to slowly and carefully straighten his left leg but still unable to stand on his left heel. The ref checks a few more times with The One while Mr. Wright has been blissfully waiting for the bell. The bell rings and Darius casually walks on over to a vulnerable competitor in Jay Washington. He hobbling his best from side to side while Darius gives this sinister grin at the thought of tormenting another victim. The champ comes up with the idea to corner Washington but just when he gets close enough, somehow Jay slides out of his reach. Mr Wright gives it another try but this time he doesn’t reach out to grab The One but kicks at the calf and knee of the left leg. Washington does what he can to block and dodge the incoming attack which he ends up taking the brunt of it anyways.
And for the moment, The Arizonian is stumped on how to get through this match. The pain continues to become unbearable but Jay is still willing to fight through it. Darius takes his time in getting hold of Jay which could be his biggest mistake in this match. Each time the champ moves toward him he throws some wild punches that never lands.
So at this point, Washington is getting tired of the games and mad at being the wounded prey in this predator’s lair. He begins to make his plans for offense as it looks like he’s...he’s...he’s mustered enough strength to fight back, injuries and all. Jay cautiously stand...ON BOTH FEET and then with a focused look, he circles around the ring making adversary circle around in the opposite direction. After taking some time to think fast, he runs the ropes, picks up speed, taking a chance at hitting a Running Hurricanrana. It beautifully connects and Darius is thrown for a loop, shocked by the tenacity of this new addition to LDW.
Jay has to take a couple of seconds longer to recover than usual but he finally gets up. And as Darius stumbles trying to stand, he is met with a perfectly executed dropkick from behind that sends him flying face-first into a top turnbuckle. From here, the champ’s body goes limp in the corner as it hangs there corner due to the arms hooked around the top ropes. Washington gets a little hyped with the crowd as he starts to feel more hopeful in a possible victory. However, Darius is not reeling for too long and it looks like it’s going to take more to stop this incredible powerhouse.
Mr Wright gives a fierce scowl at the people who were just cheering his competitor. Then looks behind his shoulder at Jay and shares this new anger that has developed. Not knowing exactly how to take this reaction but he prepares to counter whatever is about to come. Jay doesn’t want to wait for Darius to do a charge attack so he charges first instead. The champ waits and...WHAM...he makes contact with second-generation prodigy’s noggin...using a high knee.
And from the look of things, this seemed to have made a lot of impact to the bandaged head. Darius recalls these evident gifts from another so he rips the head bandage off and smiles again as he lifts Jay’s left leg. He does a few theatrics as if he’s polishing up his right elbow and in seconds, the champ does a heavy elbow drop onto the damaged leg. Washington screams out in agony but with a blank face, he takes the left leg again and does several more elbow drops at the side of the knee as well as right where the thigh connects to the pelvis. Darius hops right up to his feet and stomps on the leg a few times to weaken this adversary. Jay is left writhing and flailing around the mat in pain.
Darius goes to lift The One off the mat to possibly hit Dark Cloud but Jay isn’t ready for it to be over yet. Washington fights back with a melee of punches to get the champ off of him. The champ finally drops his grip (and his guard), leaving himself open for a...CROSSFACE! The arena is hollering “TAP OUT” chant as the champ is in panic mode.
The only problem for Jay Washington is the move takes his legs to lock in an arm and with the damage done to his left, Mr Wright grabs the knee and squeeze his thumb into the side of it. Jay goes into an instant spasming tantrum, screaming out like before. Darius takes a quick breather, gets to a vertical base, lifts the body of Jay Washington up and Jay springs back to life...and off the ropes, barely getting enough speed for an effective power move. Yet, Washington hits LOST IN THE WOODS, rolls over and goes for an enzuigiri (using the right foot to kick) followed up with...THE GOBSTOPPER. Which didn’t really have the full effect that it usually comes with but it could still work in securing the win.
The One goes for a pin as possibly his last effort of winning this match.
The champ not only kick out before the count of two but he’s laughing again. He starts to sit up and Jay push himself close to a corner. Washington tries to get up before Darius does but he has no luck and the champ runs at Washington. In an act of pure desperation, the protege throws out a straight arm clothesline just in time to pump the brakes of an aggressive Darius Wright. He hurries up to climb to the top of the turnbuckle, standing up to prepare to hit a huge move. In a blink of an eye, Jay takes a leap of faith to hit probably a diving leg drop...but Mr Wright is done yet as he takes the momentum from Jay Washington high move, flips him around and over a shoulder. And this time, the champ is able to slam Washington with The Dark Cloud dominator then pin the opponent for the…
Darius Wright
Perkins: And Jay Washington, in his first singles match in LDW, came to fight, but with less experience, injuries, and a monumental test, he failed to get the win.
Shine: I’m interested in how he will come back from this and grow, but for now, we learned exactly who the new Mr Wright is... and that is deadly.
With his arm being raised by the official, Darius glares down at Jay Washington who, put up more of a fight than expected, but was the first man to fall to the champion’s Year of the Dark. He is given the title, still wrapped in the shoulder cape, and he pats it, and teases revealing it to the fans, before covering it up. He puts his foot on the chest of Jay Washington as we go to commercial before our main event.
"New York, the cities of bright lights, and where stars are made..."
And the commercial shows images of the bright lights of New York city.
"Except this time..."
Then it shows Darius Wright nailing the Dark Cloud on Brian Toogood with slow-motion footage.
"It'll be lights out..."
The footage goes to black.
"Liberty or Death Wrestling Presents..."
"See Darius Wright defend the LDW World Championship against Reagan Cole."
"Jay Washington faces off against the Punisher of Wrestling, Al Blizzard."
"Brian Toogood will go one on one against Patriot in a rematch of Foundation."
"And expect more of your favourite LDW stars."
"Live from the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York, be there!"
Main Event
Singles Match
Nova Taylor vs Eden
The opening to “Now,” by Paramore sparks a loud cheer from the LDW fans as the lights change to rainbow colors. Nova Taylor makes her way out, but she isn’t exactly her usual super happy self. After months of torment from her opponent tonight, she is only focused on one thing. She does a very small twirl on the stage before beginning her walk down the ramp.
Garcia: This match is your PrimeTime Main Event and it is scheduled for one fall! Making her way to the ring first, from Vancouver, British Columbia, she is the Rainbow Princess, Nova Taylor!
Perkins: We have ourselves a grudge match here in our main event and the normally happy and smiling Rainbow Princess is completely focused here tonight.
Shine: She has had her life made into living hell by her bosses and this is her chance to take a stand, finally, and do whatever she wants in the confines of a sanctioned match.
Perkins: And in a sick way, this will be the one way to show her “potential” against someone who may be inexperienced as a competitor, but is known to be completely untouchable.
At least taking some time to high five the fans around the ring, Nova keeps her focused demeanour about her. She gets onto the ring apron before swinging herself in the ring. Nova gets on the top and, rather than posing, looks out to the crowd. She takes her hat off and tosses it away and removes her jacket before standing in her corner as her theme music fades away.
Keeping a laser focus on the entrance-way, Nova shakes her fingers and is practically holding in every emotion she has felt at the hands of Slate and Eden. The official quietly reminds her to hold off until the bell rings and she quietly nods as finally, the theme music of Eden plays through the speakers.
After 10 seconds of “Die Free” by FIREFLIGHT playing throughout the arena, a spotlight appears on the stage, engulfing Eden in an angelic glow as she stands there with her daughter, Keres. Eden looks over her shoulder, signalling her “Torn” husband to emerge from the backstage area carrying a rose. They exchange Keres and the rose.
Garcia: And her opponent, being accompanied to the ring by Slate Bass and their daughter Keres, from an Undisclosed Location in California, weighing in at a lean 120 pounds, she is Co-owner of Liberty or Death Wrestling, the one, the only, the “Seamstress of Reality”, Eden!
The camera has zoomed in on her face as she licks the stem of the rose handed to her by Slate, which she now tosses behind her before beginning her walk down the ramp.
Perkins: I can imagine that Clarissa Garcia was thoroughly instructed on how to introduce Eden here tonight.
Shine: They don’t call her the “Seamstress of Reality” for nothing. You name it, she wishes it, and it manifests. Whether it be by her own doing or, “fate” doing it for her.
Perkins: Well she’s certainly been doing a lot of weaving and sewing lately on her opponent Nova Taylor. She has made this girl's life a living hell lately, to say the least. From a very uncomfortable photoshoot to the downright mental abuse that was her hotel room and everything in between, Eden has tried her best to ruin Nova.
Shine: She alleges that this is all a misunderstanding and she wants what is best for Nova Taylor, and what might be best for Nova Taylor is a victory here tonight.
Perkins: The manner in which Eden accepted Nova’s challenge does make me very uneasy, there was no protest, just pure acceptance and perhaps joy in her demeanour.
Eden and Slate have made their way to the timekeeper's area, where Slate places Keres in a beautiful black baby carriage, reminiscent of the rarities seen in the ’60s and ’70s.
Eden plants a kiss on both her husband and their daughter before sitting on the apron and seductively lying back. In a sudden and jarring movement, she pulls herself under the bottom rope and stands to walk into the corner. Once there, she positions herself across from Nova and crosses her arms, putting a devilish smirk on her face as she stares at her opponent and licks her lips.
Upon the ring of the bell, Nova Taylor immediately charges at Eden, catching her off guard as she likely expected her agile foe to be more timid, given her recent mental state. The Rainbow Princess delivers a series of elbows and forces Eden in the corner and a break. Refusing to step away until the count reaches a four, the tone is clear, this will not be the normal Nova fighting.
With the referee between the two, Eden wipes her mouth and check her nose for blood, while letting off a rather large smile to Nova, impressed by the more ferocious side she has on display. The two lock up afterwards and Eden, showing her own vicious side, quickly pulls the hair of Nova and trips her up, slamming her on the mat. She tries to drop an elbow and Nova Taylor quickly rolls out of the way, hitting a hard kick to the chest of Eden who responds with one of her own! They both exchange elbow strikes before Nova ducks one and kicks the co-owner of LDW in the gut with a sidekick and quickly goes for a Springboard, but Eden catches her mid-air with a surprise headbutt that connects directly on the jaw, punishing Taylor for going to her wheelhouse in the air.
Taking a moment to revel in her headstrong offence, Eden walks in a circle around Nova like a dog claiming it’s territory. She places one foot on Nova’s outstretched arm and kneels down at her side while keeping the arm pinned under her foot. She leans in and mushes her forearm into Nova’s face exclaiming “Not doing too well there, are we?” in a mocking tone. Nova attempts to reach up with her free arm, but Eden locks it in an underhook, momentarily freeing the other arm in the process before also locking that one in an underhook.
Face to face, with Eden on top of her, Eden jokingly says “I should have bought you dinner first”, before kissing her forehead and laying in a second headbutt, which is followed up by a bite to the nose, causing Nova to kick around and wriggle free of Eden’s grasp.
Rubbing her face, Nova scowls at Eden and the Seamstress of Reality keeps her devilish smirk as she looks at her. She gestures with her finger for Nova to come at her and the Rainbow Princess quickly attempts a Super-Duper Kick, but Eden catches her foot and turns her around, trapping her foot behind her back in a waist lock. “Think next time.” then snaps Nova backwards with a leg-trapped snap German Suplex!
The momentum of Nova forces her into the corner and she sits down, trying to pull herself back up. Eden stalks her Rainbow prey, runs towards Nova as she’s midway up, leaps in the air and lands one knee to the chest of the Rainbow Princess. Using the momentum in her favour, Eden goes over the top rope, lands on the apron behind Nova and turns herself upside down to lock Nova in a Tarantula like maneuver, but Eden’s legs are wrapped around the neck!
The referee starts a five-count, and returning the favour from earlier, Eden lets go as the count reaches four. Back in the ring, she lifts her plaything back to her feet and strikes her with precise slaps to the side of the head, followed by a hard open palm strike to the chest before sending Nova off the ropes. As she rebounds back, Eden goes for an elbow strike but this is ducked by Nova, who towards the ropes once more but is stopped as the Co-Owner of LDW had turned around and followed her, delivering a clothesline that sends them both out of the ring.
Nova Taylor gets to her feet first and lets off a stiff stomp to the side of Eden’s head before walking away slightly to regain her composure. She returns to Eden who lunges at her, but misses due to being dazed and ends right back on the ground. Nova grabs Eden by the hair and yells “See this potential, bitch,” in her face before slamming her face off the apron and rolling her back into the ring.
Quickly ascending to the top turnbuckle, with fury in her eyes, Nova goes flying through the air with a missile dropkick done with extra force! Eden flips backwards on impact and Nova Taylor, not taking any time to play to the crowd who are cheering her on, hits a snap suplex on one of the few people she can easily hit the move on, before bringing Eden to a seated position and running at her with a dropkick to the back of the head!
The Seamstress of Reality rolls towards the corner and Nova Taylor, showing a wicked smirk, has her target locked. She does a running dropkick in the corner, sandwiching her boss between the corner and her boot! Bringing Eden back towards the middle of the ring, the Rainbow Princess flips off the co-owner of LDW before hitting her in the gut and then doing a split-legged stunner!
Topping off her offensive flurry, Nova Taylor runs off the ropes and handsprings before crashing her entire weight onto Eden with a handspring Moonsault, Around the World! She hooks a leg and cradles the head of Eden for an aggressive cover.
And the Seamstress of Reality stays alive in the match.
Feeling this match go south for the winter like an Eagle, Eden rolls to the outside to recover, and be near her husband and Nova Taylor, the daredevil, sees a chance to take a risk. As Eden is about to get up, the Rainbow Princess runs to the far side of the ring to build momentum. Slate, seeing Nova running, shouts “Look up!” and Eden turns around in time to catch a Nova who is diving through the ropes with an uppercut!
Having herself knocked loopy, Nova sits on the outside in a daze. Slate Bass quickly checks on his wife before Eden gets back to tormenting Nova Taylor. She pulls the Rainbow Princess up and puts her head in front of the carriage that Keres is in. “Look who I have, Keres,” she says, holding Nova’s head up. The baby giggles at Nova before Eden throws her against the ring and back in.
Hooking the legs of Nova Taylor, Eden grabs the arms and pulls back, doing a Romero Stretch to further torment Nova Taylor. The limbs, abdomen, and back are all being arched back as the official asks Nova Taylor if she gives up. Still remaining resilient, Nova shakes her head “No” and continues on. Eventually, Eden releases the hold and puts Nova up by the chin. She slowly brings her up to her knees and backs up, before driving her knee right into her face, Desti-knee!
Rather than covering Nova, she once again brings her to her knees and kisses her forehead gently before backing up to the corner. Waiting for her Rainbow foe to get up, Eden looks to be ready to take her head off. She runs, spinning around for a breathtaking Tornado Kick, but Nova ducks back at the last second find a second wind in her as she runs towards the ropes and springboards off, nailing her Springboard Cutter, “The Space Unicorn!” Nova goes for the pinfall.
And a kick out from the Seamstress of Reality!
Rolling to the apron to catch her breath after pulling that move from out of nowhere, the Rainbow Princess has to reassess what to do next and get any remaining cobwebs out of her head. Seeing the position Eden is in the ring, she sees a chance to springboard through the air for damage. The fans clap to cheer her on and Nova Taylor pulls herself up,
As Eden lunges forward and hits the top rope, knocking her down to the outside! The Seamstress of Reality follows and, she pushes Nova Taylor against the steel barricade, trapping her as she hits her several times with punches to the stomach and jaw! She pulls her by the head and throws her crashing back first into the barricade! An aching Nova Taylor stumbles over to the ring post and leans on it to keep herself up. Eden quickly rolls in and out of the ring to reset the count and she does close-fisted strikes to the ribs of Nova Taylor. She presses the Canadian against the ring post and takes a big swing at her head,
For Nova Taylor to dodge and Eden cracks her hand on the steel ring post! Slate looks on with concern as Eden grabs her hand. The camera zooms in to see a big cut on her knuckles and a bit of blood is seen. Seeing Eden with one hand, and vulnerable, Nova has anger building inside of her, remembering everything that has happened to her over the past few months. There is blood in the water and Nova smells it.
The Rainbow Princess charges at Eden and kicks and punches her before pushing her into the ring. She yanks the arm of Eden and slams the injured hand down, before stepping on it. She leans over and looks at an Eden who is showing rare signs of concern and she smirks, before stomping the hand!
Crying at the sight of her mother being beaten, Keres begins to cry at ringside as Nova Taylor stomps on the hands a few more times before pulling Eden up for a snap DDT! Backing up in the corner, Nova eyes up the Seamstress of Reality and blows her a kiss then hits a Super-Duper Kick! She backs up and does a second which drops Eden down to the mat and Keres continues to sob at ringside, which causes Slate to check on his daughter.
Not satisfied with that, Nova Taylor signals for the end and goes to the top rope. With no haunting audio to break her concentration, she flies through the air for a massive Starlight Splash!
At the last second, Nova Taylor… lifts the shoulder of Eden up!
The Rainbow Princess shakes her head and goes to the top turnbuckles a second time. No hesitation, she flies through the air and hits a second Starlight Splash!
Slate is looking on almost in shock… Nova Taylor is not letting up on dishing out punishment on his wife and Keres screams out… “M-M-Mama!!!” The baby’s first words and they are in terror for her mother.
Not caring about what Slate or a baby thinks Nova Taylor doesn’t pin Eden and the fans while loving the fact that Nova is giving Eden what she deserves, are in shock that Eden has brought this out of the bubbly Taylor. A third time Nova Taylor gets to the top rope and there is a wicked smirk on her face as she blows one last kiss to Eden before hitting her third Starlight Splash!
Nova Taylor
Perkins: Nova Taylor did it! She finally has taken a stand against Eden!
Shine: And what lengths she had to go to?
Nova Taylor holds her ribs and gets up, looking directly at Eden. She has finally beaten he-
With Nova’s attention solely on Eden, she fails to see Slate Bass who has run in, removing his jacket and tie, and nails her in the back of the head with a 12-6 elbow!
Perkins: Slate Bass! He’s attacking Nova!
Shine: I mean, Nova just beat down his wife and made their only child cry out in terror, I don’t think it’d be a stretch to say he’s pissed!
Mounting on top of Nova and throwing countless punches, Slate Bass is showing a rage we haven’t seen before from him! Eden, still feeling battered after her match, sits in the corner and looks at Nova Taylor in shock, and almost intrigued. Nova Taylor beat her, she actually did. Eden looks at her hand to see that her missed punch has resulted in blood on her knuckles and Nova made it worse.
Pulling Nova Taylor up, Slate Bass gets behind her and picks her up, dropping her on her head with a Blank Slate Omega Driver!
Perkins: Blank Slate on Nova!
Shine: And to think, just after one of her biggest wins in LDW, this happens.
Slate Bass quickly checks on Eden who gazes towards her crying daughter and her expression changes to one of anger. She whispers something to her husband and rolls out of the ring, limping her way to Keres to comfort her and she calls down their personal photographer who runs down the stage.
Slate Bass continues to stomp away on Nova Taylor who is absolutely defenceless and Eden, after calming her daughter down, quickly reaches in a bag on the stroller where she takes out a champagne glass. Putting Keres back in the stroller for a second, she takes the glass and smashes it on the edge of the ring, shattering it into shards and hands one to her husband.
Perkins: The glass, Slate has a shard of glass!
Shine: I don’t want to see this!
Pulling Nova Taylor up by her hair, Slate Bass drives the shard of glass into her forehead! Slashing at the skin of Nova Taylor she screams out in pain as Slate Bass holds up the glass, now with Nova’s blood on it.
Perkins: Disgusting! Disgusting! Slate and Eden have crossed a line!
Shine: That was one of the most uncomfortable things I have witnessed wrestling, on commentary, ever.
Rolling on the mat and holding her head, blood drips and Slate Bass, to put the final nail in the coffin, gut wrenches Nova up for a Deadlift Bassline Powerbomb!
Getting Keres and a cameraman, Eden steps into the ring and looks at the motionless, battered Nova Taylor. She hands Keres to her husband and gets a microphone to hold in her good hand sitting down next to Nova and lying her on her legs, almost holding her like a child. Her breathing is a bit heavy after nearly having her ribs caved in from three Starlight Splashes.
Eden: Just when I thought I was going to end this with you… You caused my daughter to break into tears. You deserve this Nova. This blood. Look at it…
She rubs her bloody knuckles on the forehead of Nova, almost grinding them into her skin.
Perkins: That’s just gross! Come on, stop it!
Eden: We did this to you! We know how to cause you pain. We want to bring you to your limits. Only then, your potential will be realized. And we will bring you there…
She looks at her husband and does a small smirk.
Eden: When you face my husband, my Torn Warrior, Slate Bass at Blackout in Brooklyn, New York. Then, you will understand…
Gently, she drops the microphone and cradles a bloody Nova as Slate Bass and Keres get behind them. The photographer takes a picture of them, as the fans jeer.
Perkins: All this, for this notion of potential, to bring Nova Taylor to her absolute limits...
Shine: I’ll never understand Slate Bass and Eden, but we will have Slate Bass and Nova Taylor stepping into the ring at Blackout.
Perkins: That’s all the time we have this week, tune in next time… On Primetime…
With the commentators sounding uncomfortable and Eden and Slate Bass posing for a “family portrait” with Nova and their daughter, the show fades away...
Big thanks to @King Of Armageddon for writing two matches on the card, @DemonHunter1257 for helping provide ideas for his segment, @Jonny Nostradamus for his part in making the show, and everyone else in the fed. Next sign up will be posted tomorrow when I get home from work and it'll be the go-home show before Blackout.
Enjoy, my friends.
@Jeffry Fucking Mason
@The Reagmaster
@Patriot Pants
@Grievous II