A wise man once said....
"There's no such thing as premature ejaculation. When I cum it's right on time. As far as I'm concerned I can't cum fast enough"
There's a video but I can't find it.
I had an incident with not getting hard or staying hard. We were naked, doing foreplay, and I was hard, but for some reason, when we finally came down to having sex, I started going soft. I new something was wrong in the beginning cause anytime when I go in here, she lets out a big moan, but she did nothing that time. That was the 1st and hopefully only time that that happens. Ironically I laughed at one of friends when they told me they couldn't hard and it's embarrassing and he said when it happens to me, he wants me to tell him. That was before I started having sex (he's 2 years older than me maybe 3). Well 2 years later I texted him and told him, and a few minutes later, I had a long ass voice mail of him laughing at me.