Kayfabe Precision: Buried Alive Match: Ivy Hale vs Jack Rogue, Non-Title

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Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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New Brunswick, Canada
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It is main event time for Precision and the arena is set up for the first ever buried alive match in Precision history. The lights are dimmed, creating an ominous feeling as the camera looks towards the side of the stage where a gravesite is made. The dirt elevates above the stage as there is a rectangular hole in the ground about six feet deep. At the end of it is a headstone with the Precision logo carved into it and underneath it reading "Ivy Hale vs Jack Rogue." To the right of the grave is a huge amount of dirt along with a shovel jabbed into it. A match, unlike no other...a score, will be settled once and for all...

Announcer: The following main event match is a Buried Alive match! There will be no disqualifications, no count outs: the only way to win is to throw your opponent in the grave and cover them in the dirt until they are buried alive…

Making her way to the ring first, the Empress of Fear, Ivy Hale!

As soon as the theme music that has grown synonymous with the Empress of Fear begins to play, the crowd immediately boo as the lights of the arena begin to flash red. Ivy makes her way out onto the stage wearing a long black hooded jacket and face mask, covering her red and violet ring attire. There is a knee brace on her previously injured knee and she tilts her head and has an almost crazed look in her eyes. She looks slowly over towards the gravesite, the place she aims to bury the Precision Champion alive, and turns away and heads down the ramp. Over the past few months, she has tried to get inside the head of Jack Rogue, transform him into her loyal soldier, but he has broken her control and, as she put it, committed treason against him, now she gives him his punishment and is the first ever female to compete in Precision. Ivy gets to ringside and walks around the ring and slides on the apron. She glares towards the fans before hanging upside down from the ropes. She slips into the ring and climbs the top turnbuckle where she pulls down her hood and removes face mask and gets down from the turnbuckles as her theme music fades away.

Announcer: And her opponent, from Birmingham, England, weighing in at 220lbs, he is the Precision Champion, Jack Rogue!

Creating a loud ovation is the theme music of the popular Precision Champion, Jack Rogue. Making his way out in a hoodie over his ring gear, he has his title over his shoulders as he walks out onto the stage, looking towards the grave that, if he is not careful tonight, may be where his body will lie covered in a mountain of dirt. He takes a deep breath and starts to head down the ramp, looking towards the ring where the deranged Empress who tried to play him like a fiddle over the past number of months stands. The two do not break eye-contact as Jack makes his way down the ramp. The reigning champion doesn't even take the time to give high-fives as he knows what is at stake, something more than his title...Jack goes up the steps and climbs the top turnbuckle where he holds his championship up high before dropping into the ring. Ivy heads towards a corner where she crouches and tilts her head, having a smirk on her face. Jack looks towards her before raising his belt up high and handing it to the official. Ivy gets up and stands face to face with Jack Rogue in the ring, and, despite her being fairly short, her stare tells the signs of a monstrous woman. The bell is soon rung, tolling the end of one of these competitors and the match begins.

Ivy and Rogue step forward as they are set to settle this once and for all. There is a twisted smile on Ivy’s face as she raises her hand, oddly, looking for a lockup. Rogue, despite usually being a more respectable wrestler, doesn’t buy it as he stands there, fists up. For once, he isn’t here to wrestle, after all, she put him through, he is ready to fight. Quickly trying to put her away, Rogue loads up a super kick, but Hale is quick to dodge and rolls out of the ring. She smirks and walks around the ring, almost inviting Rogue to join her outside of the ring. The Precision Champion takes this invitation and runs off the far ropes, appearing to want to dive to the outside. Ivy side steps, thinking she has outsmarted him, but Rogue Baseball slides right to the outside of the ring and stands right next to Ivy and finally, he gets his hands on the psychotic Empress. He throws her into the barricade and throws elbows towards her, letting all his frustration out as best as he can without snapping into his psychosis again.

The Empress of Fear got outsmarted right away and right now she is feeling the brunt of the attack. She reaches up and in a desperate attempt to get out, she blows one of the strikes and bites the forehead of Jack Rogue! The champion screams in pain before pushing Ivy off as the Empress wipes off her face, which is a bit red with blood. She connects with a thrust kick to the gut of Rogue, before grabbing his head and sending him into the steel steps. There is a cut starting to form in Rogue’s face from the bite and Ivy, despite her size, is always resourceful and uncaring what she does to an opponent. She grabs his head and slams it into the steel steps several times, before sending him backward, tripping him in an almost STO-like way,

Ivy, despite having a bit of a slow start, is now starting to take it to the Precision Champion and now, with him down, she looks for further ways to punish him. She pulls the nearby ring-skirting up and pulls out the first weapon into this match, a barbed wire bat. With a devilish grin, she walks over towards where Rogue is attempting to get up and she yells “Traitor!” before swinging the barbed wire into the back of the champion!

There is a wince in pain as Rogue stumbles forward. Ivy takes another swing with the bat, hitting the fan favourite again as he looks to be an easy target right now. Ivy backs up and watches Rogue try to get to his feet. She holds the bat and giggles with a sick grin on her face as she watches her prey. She runs towards him, aiming high with the bat, but Rogue ducks the incoming barbed-wire and jumps, hitting Hale with an enzuigiri kick! The bat is dropped and hits the floor as Ivy is off her feet. Jack grabs the bat...but stops...Ivy looks up slowly with a smirk on her. “Hit me…” She mutters. “I dare you…” It looks as though Ivy...was hoping for this. Jack looks towards the bat and Hale and decides against using the weapon, and instead hitting her Hale with a swift shining wizard!

Keeping true to his morals and not giving into Ivy’s game, Jack picks up Ivy off the ground, who is still stunned after that knee, and starts to bring her up to the stage, closer to the grave site. About half way up, Ivy starts to come to her senses and she tries to wrestle the champion away from her. Jack doesn’t lose his grip and Ivy is forced to be resourceful. Going low, she uppercuts him right between the legs! A low blow from the Empress of Fear!

There is a collective groan from the fans as Ivy, despite the fact that is legal in the match, just went to low means to win this match. Jack is on his knees in obvious pain... and Ivy backs up. She smirks before running at Rogue, driving both her knees into his head and they roll down the ramp from that blow, landing near the ring. Ivy pulls herself up by the apron, holding her neck from the tumble and laughs. She grabs the barbed-wire bat she dropped earlier and continues to further punish Rogue. She holds the bat in front of his face and rakes the barbed-wire across his forehead! Rogue screams as the metal further cuts into his face and blood appears.

The Empress of Fear pulls the bat off the skin of Rogue and steps on the back of his head, taunting the fact she is in control. She tosses the bat aside and picks up the battered Rogue as best she can and, oddly enough, tosses him into the ring, not wanting to end the match just yet. Ivy decides to look under the ring’s skirting again for a weapon and pulls out an always reliable, and brutal, steel chair. She kisses the weapon and rolls into the ring where Ivy looks down at the injured champion. With all her might, she swings the chair directly into the smalls of the back of Rogue, creating a loud cracking sound!

Ivy swings the chair over and over with unforgiving intent. She laughs each time the steel makes a cracking sound. Completely catching everyone off-guard, since is not just wrestling like she never got hurt, she is perhaps even more twisted than before. Jack, in an act of desperation, crawls towards the corner and Hale tosses away the chair. She rushes towards Jack and grabs him by the throat with both her hands! She squeezes the neck of the champion, aiming to suck the life out of him. Jack tries to break her grip, but due to the blood dripping, and the pain she has caused, he can’t break her grip. Slowly, his strength weakens and he collapses in the corner.

Laughing, Ivy looks at the collapsed Rogue in the corner. She looks towards the steel chair and hatches a plan. She takes the steel weapon and places it directly in front of his face and she has devious intent. Backing up to the far corner, Ivy takes a moment to gloat. She hangs upside down from the top turnbuckles and laughs, looking at the passed out Rogue as the crowd boo the Girl of Nightmares. She flips herself over and runs at Rogue full steam, but is stopped as the Precision Champion comes to his senses and throws the steel chair directly in her face!

Hale falls back and Jack Rogue is finding a second wind! Jack sees a chance and fights back, first with a kick to the previously injured knee! Ivy lets a yelp in pain before Jack throws another side kick to the ribs and she falls towards the corner where Rogue runs at her with a hard forearm to the head! Hale falls in the corner and now Rogue is able to take control. The fan-favourite takes the chair and now he wedges it in front of Ivy and hatches a plan of his own. He steps onto the apron and walks across to the next turnbuckle away from where Ivy is. Slowly climbing the turnbuckles, the fans have an idea what he is doing. He gets to the top and looks across at Ivy who is lying there, in prime position. He jumps and flies across the ring, hitting a chair with a dropkick, Coast-to-Coast!

The chair is driven into the head of Ivy and she looks to be out of it! The Empress is not so high and mighty as she slides down to the mat, the chair falling off her. Now Rogue looks to be able to finally put her away and send her to her final resting place! Despite the pain he had suffered, he rolls Ivy out of the ring and follows suit, grabbing her in a side headlock and he tries to bring her up the ramp. Slowly he heads up, with Ivy looking to be completely out of it and is just dead weight. He eventually gets to the top of the stage where the grave is near.

Rogue drags Ivy onto the dirt and is nearly ready to put her away. Her head is getting near the grave, but Hale finally comes to her senses. She elbows the Precision Champion in his ribs, before hitting a hard elbow to the jaw. Hale jumps and, showing some athleticism, kicks the Precision Champion in the chin with an enzuigiri! Rogue rolls back and Ivy tries to get the cobwebs (and perhaps voices) out of her head and looks towards her former ally. She blows a kiss and runs at him, turning around, aiming for her Halestorm kick, but Rogue ducks it! Keeping her balance, Ivy stands behind him and Rogue takes advantage, slamming her down with a slingblade onto the stage!

Rogue may have finally taken out Ivy Hale! The match has taken a major toll on him, but Jack may be ready to put this rivalry to rest. He pulls her by the arm and drags her on the dirt and eventually, her body falls into the grave. Step one, done, now he must shovel the dirt on her to win. He looks towards the mound of dirt and grabs the shovel and starts to slowly scoop the dirt into the whole. The official keeps a close eye, to see when to call the match. But, noticing something move in the dirt, Ivy appears to be still in the match, Right as soon as Rogue is about to scoop another part of dirt in the whole, Ivy grabs the shovel and pulls on it, dragging Rogue into the grave!

Ivy starts to brawl with Rogue and stomps away on his chest, keeping him on the ground. She looks and grabs the shovel that fell in the grave with them, and picks it up. She holds the shovel up, looking to drive the spade into the throat of Jack like a madwoman! Before it reaches him, Jack grabs the shaft of the shovel and pushes against Ivy. With him having more strength, he slowly gives himself more room to stand and the two are fighting over the shovel. The push back and forth until the shovel flies out of the grave and hits on the tombstone, cracking the blade in two!

Jack looks behind to see the weapon is cracked and Ivy strikes. She jumps behind and pulls him down into the dirt, securing her Never-Ending Nightmare Dragon Sleeper! There is little room to move and Ivy has the hold locked in! Jack tries to move but is unable to as he slowly slips into unconsciousness. Both competitors are covered in the dirt as Rogue reaches up, life fading away. He collapses and Ivy lets go of the submission, having Rogue succumb to her nightmare.

Ivy slowly gets up and pulls herself out of the grave to see Rogue lying in it. She looks around and sees the shovel broken, rendered obsolete (I went there). Desperate to put away Rogue once and for all, she starts to scoop the dirt in her hands and throws it into the grave. This is slow and monotonous, as Ivy increases in her frustration. She then starts pushing the dirt in with her entire forearm to very little success. “Sleep Jack, Sleep!” Hale yells as she is pushing the dirt into the six-foot grave to almost no success and she finally snaps. She throws the broken shovel into the grave with Jack’s unconscious body as she heads to the backstage area.

There are murmurs from the crowd as they are unsure where Ivy is going, or even if Jack Rogue is moving in the grave. They wait as time passes, even the commentators themselves are not sure what is going on. That is until they hear the sounds of heavy machinery. Driving on the side of the gravesite is a backhoe with a mound of dirt. Ivy Hale is rolling it into swiftly put away Jack Rogue! But, due to her being preoccupied with moving it into position, she fails to see, crawling out of the grave, is a recovered Jack Rogue. As soon as she steps out to look...she sees this and screams.

She walks next to the grave and she is more than frustrated with Jack Rogue. Begging for the Precision Champion to get to his feet, she is hoping to finally put away the resilient champion. Rogue is next to the grave and looks to be one big Halestorm kick away from falling into the grave. Ivy runs at him and twists her body again for her Roundhouse, but Rogue catches her. He lifts her up in an Oklahoma Position and holds her upside down. He jumps and drives Ivy head first into the dirt with a kneeling reverse piledriver, the Tombstone!

The Tombstone Piledriver may spell the end of Ivy Hale once and for all. Tired, covered in dirt and blood, Jack rolls away, breathing heavy as Ivy Hale lies on the ground, one hand literally hanging over the grave. Rogue looks up at Ivy. For the past several months she has tried to manipulate and control him, take advantage of his condition, and now his chance at retribution. He slowly gets up and slaps his knee, looking for the Superkick of all Superkicks. Not surprisingly, Ivy has rolled to her stomach and is trying to get up, showing just how inhuman she really is. She looks up towards Rogue and mutters… “One last chance, Jack...You don’t need to do this…”

But, Jack Rogue is NOT buying her words this time. Right as soon as Ivy gets to her feet, Jack hits a MASSIVE Superkick right to the chin!

Ivy falls down, landing right into the grave as Rogue falls to a knee, exhausted. He looks down at the grave to check if Ivy is still in and slowly makes his way to the backhoe. He climbs up the steps and gets behind the wheel, hand on the lever. He waits a moment, looking towards the crowd, and finally pulls it, dumping all the dirt on the grave as the bell rings, declaring him the winner!

Announcer: And here is your winner, the Precision Champion, Jack Rogue!

Jack Rogue stumbles out of the backhoe and almost falls down, his body battered, but he is victorious as the official raises his hand and a ringside attendant runs up to the stage and hands him his Precision championship. Rogue kisses it as, despite the fact this match was non-title, he was mere moments away from possibly being unable to see his championship again. He holds the title belt up high and stands next to the grave where Ivy Hale was put him.

He stands in place, with a bit of an uneasy expression on his face as he basically brought a girl to her grave. But, if anyone who knows the history of these types of matches, it doesn’t always mean goodbye for the person who loses. Ivy Hale is beyond human...and she may be seen again when the time is right. Her own insanity, lust for power, brought her to her grave and for now, Jack Rogue has rid himself of her. The final image of Precision for the night is of Jack Rogue holding his title up next to the grave as the camera cuts away.

Thanks to @Geek773 for allowing me to do this storyline with him. For now, Ivy is "dead" (not really, crazy characters never die) well more done for now. I will still be lurking around the leagues and willing to give promo feedback but for now, I am stepping away as a manager as the storyline is done and served its purpose.

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