Here I come in with my difference of opinion, it was just okay. The match was well-structured, particular in part 2 and the finish and I enjoyed those for the most part but part 3 was a chore to get through. I liked some moments from it (like Shawn using the ropes for leverage) but overall I was just bored throughout. I guess this can be pinpointed as just not being a fan of the brawling style. I really wouldn't say it was because I wasn't watching during the time and thus wasn't invested in the angle leading into it because I didn't watch my top five favorite matches during the time they happened and despite not really being invested in the angle I still rank them as my top five. And while I don't care for Austin (with the exception of his Mania bout with Bret a year prior to this one, every match I've seen of him has been average at best), Shawn is my favorite wrestler so it's not about lack of care in the wrestler. The only reason I'm rambling on like this is that my mentality is that an opinion should be followed up with some explanation of why.
Also, was King ever a good commentator? He was terrible during this match (still better than he is today but that says squat). Like go to 7:50 on the second part and listen until like 8:10. What the . . . hell with . . . all the . . . pauses. Seriously? And no, I don't think he was good for the rest of the match, but that point specifically was bad enough I took note of it. JR was in top form though.