I still think he was referring to Curtis Axel on that one. Michaels came out and said that Vince didn't see money in a certain superstar right after they cancelled the proposed Triple H/Axel feud that they were already building to. Plus, Axel is 6'3, which is the estimated height of the person Michaels said Vince was talking about.
Regardless, it seems Ziggler is destined to be forever regarded as "one hell of a hand." Someone they can count on to have good matches and make people look good, but not someone who's skills and charisma absolutely demand that he be given a top spot. Being honest, I wouldn't completely mind him as a lifelong midcarder (the kind of role Christian settled into for years) as long as he wasn't losing every match. Being a midcarder isn't an absolutely bad place to be as most of the roster are in the undercard and there is still plenty to do there (IC Title, US Title, Tag Team Titles, etc.), but just book him in feuds that feel like they have purpose, like his feud with Zack Ryder over the Untied States Title in late 2011.
I'm still inclined to think that that interview he gave against Randy Orton was kayfabe but meh. I don't see why bad mouthing the company would automatically get him punished. Punk did it (and still does when he isn't getting his way) and got an eventual push out of it.