Of course knowing how much the WWE is pushing Alexa Bliss at the moment...
Sasha will get squashed in about 5 minutes and Alexa's reign of terror will continue.
Going back a few months, we had a Bailey vs. Charlotte match happen at Roadblock. If you remember back then, Bailey was still aiming for her first championship and Charlotte had the undefeated PPV streak going. With Wrestlemania about a month away, we all pretty much assumed Charlotte would retain and they would save the big moments (first title win for Bailey and first defeat on PPV for Charlotte) for the grandest stage, however WWE decided to pull the trigger and make the switch in what is for the most part considerd a "B" PPV.
The way I see it, this situation isn't that much different. I've personally called for this match to happen at a bigger stage (which I feel it more than deserves) as is the biggest party of the summer but instead they decided to go with it a month earlier on (once again) a "B" level PPV. That being said, I would not be surprised whatsoever if they take the same exact approach as they did at Roadblock and go ahead with a title change. Quite frankly, that's my early prediction....
Other then that, I feel this PPV will be saved by the two monster matches on the card, those of Lesnar vs. Joe and Reigns vs. Strowman. I think these are the only two other matches (aside from the woman's championship) that can remotely peek our interest and two matches I'm sure all of us are anticipating. In other words, these are the two feuds I feel WWE have done an excellent job in building. I mean, sure, I guess Goldust has done a pretty good job on his end but it's still a lower card match of much less importance in comparison to the aformentioned two monster matches.
Let's be honest, does anyone really care about a potential Enzo vs. Big Cass match? Yeah, sure, maybe Big Show interferes and they set up a Summerslam match with Cass and Show but...meh....that ain't something that's going to get me all that excited....
A case could possibly be made for the tag team championship match, provided it is used to possibly propel the broken gimmick that most of us eagerly anticipate. In my opinion, there's really no question as far as the outcome is concerned (Sheamus and Cesaro should retain) so it call comes down to Matt's words about this "broken situation being a matter of when and not if". In other words, the Hardyz should lose and I would have Matt take the Brogue Kick from Sheamus, one of the most devistating and protected moves in WWE nowadays and work with that. Let's not forget, not long ago Sheamus already knocked a tooth out of Jeff so, in my view, they could easily build on that. Not implying more teeth to be flying obviously but Sheamus could easily just knock Matt out with the kick (or a knee for that matter) and basically cause the "turn", if you will....
Neville vs. Tozawa should be fun in the ring, however once again I think the outcome is rather predictable. Neville has had too big of a run to cut it short at fucking GBOF and I also feel it shouldn't be that easy for Tozawa. In other words, I feel there's more story to be told with the Titus brand being involved by failing on the first attempt and if anything, this is a story that should carry on and finally culminate at Summerslam.
Balor vs. Samson: No desrespect to Elias but kind of a downgrade for Balor, don't you think?
Rollins vs. Wyatt: Unfortunately, its come to a point where WWE have forced us to basically not give a fuck about Bray Wyatt with his empty words and him being the eater of pins. Sad but true, as Metallica would say....
Miz vs. Ambrose for the....zillionth time? What else is there to say, I wonder....
Sadly, the way this is shaping up, there's apparently no room for Anderson and Gallows or the Revival on the show so I guess...have fun at catering? Same pretty much applies to the rest of the woman's division though I'm sure they may go for some tag match to use as filler....