It's sad, really. There's just no way they could keep their momentum. Bryan appears to be the priority right now, with the Ziggler, Punk, Henry, Wyatt pushes right behind (and understandably so), they've gotta keep Cena looking strong and get sexually aroused watching Sheamus win so those pushes are continuing (to an extent)... The Shield just seem lost in the shuffle right now.
Crayo, your boy Ambrose is far from a lost cause. Just for fun, lets say Dean doesn't win MITB and Ziggler wins the belt. After Ziggler hopefully kicks Del Rio the out of the WHC scene (long overdue) who's more primed to be his opponent than Ambrose? Other than Henry I can't think of a better option... then again it's WWE and that hardly means anything especially since that title seems to attract idiots like flies to a week-old taco.
Oh, right, Reigns and Rollins. Hope the Briscoes or American Wolves can get rushed to the main roster since there's no face team for them to feud with, otherwise just have them turn on Ambrose so they can feud with the Wyatts... wait, won't Rey will be healthy by then? They can feud with him and Cara... oh who cares. This tag division sucks.