OMB Goes Across The Pond! A NXT UK BTB

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Big D Energy
Jun 10, 2019
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OMB Goes Across The Pond NXT UK!

This will be picking up just as it did in real life with the empty venues coming out of a relaxed pandemic protocols. I have changed a few things from this including NXT UK Tag Team Championship being vacated. Johnny Saint being relived of his duties as well. This will take place starting September 17th 2020 as well.

NXT Takeover Regal Decree Match Card (EP 4)

UK Championship Match:
Walter (c) vs. Ilja Dragunov

NXT Tag Team Championship Finals


Alexander Wolfe
Amir Jordan
Aoife Valkyrie
Ashton Smith
Dani Luna
Dave Mastiff
Eddie Dennis
Fabian Aichner
Flash Morgan Webster
Ilja Dragunov
Isla Dawn
Jack Starz
Joe Coffey (suspended)
Jordan Devlin
(NXT Cruiserweight Champion)

Joesph Connors
Kay Lee Ray
(NXT UK Women's Champion)

Kenny Williams
Lewis Howley
Marcel Barthal
Mark Andrews
Mark Coffey
Nigel McGuiness
Nina Samuels
Noam Dar
Oliver Carter
Piper Niven
Rampage Brown (yet to debut)
Sam Gradwell
Sam Stoker
Saxton Huxley
Sid Scala
Trent Seven
Tyler Bate
Tyson T-Bone
(UK Champion)

Wild Boar
Wolfgang (suspended)
Xia Brookside
Tag Teams & Stables:
Amir Jordan & Kenny Williams
Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter
Flash Morgan Webster & Mark Andrews
(Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey & Wolfgang)
(Walter, Wolfe, Barthel, Aichner)
Moustache Mountain
(Tyler Bate & Trent Seven)
Pretty Deadly
(Sam Stoker & Lewis Howley)
The Hunt
(Primate & Wild Boar)

Announcers & Non Wrestling Personality
Andy Shepard
Nigel McGuiness
Sid Scala
William Regal


UK Championship:

NXT UK Women's Championship:
Kay Lee Ray

NXT UK Tag Team Championship:

NXT Cruiserweight Championship:

Jordan Devlin
Last edited:
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EP 1
September 17th 2020

Andy Shepard: Ladies & Gentleman welcome back its been a long time coming but, NXT UK is back live here on the WWE Network from our enclosed studios. We do hope that you and your families are doing well and we are so excited to be back. I am Andy Shepard and I am here alongside my colleague and UK legend in wrestling in his own right Nigel McGuiness.

Nigel McGuiness: Thank You Andy and what a relief to be back. We got a good show for you tonight. Sid Scala is in the ring right now lets see what the
assistant to the GM has to say.


Sid Scala stands in the middle of the ring with a mic in his hands as soon as he goes to speak music goes off.

The music of #1 contender Ilja Dragunov plays and out he comes and he rushes straight into the ring getting face to face with Sid Scala there's a hunger and a anger in his eyes.

Ilja Dragunov: Where is he! I am tired of waiting. I have waited long enough for months now I have patiently waited for my chance and I am ready to fight give me what is rightfully mine give me Walter.

Sid Scala tries to calm Ilja down but, it seems as though all he has done is unsettled the number one contender who is pacing around the ring like a wild dog.

Willam Regal's music hits and from up on the titantron in his office back in the US is Mr. William Regal.

William Regal: Mr. Scala if I may I have some news I like to share with you and the NXT UK universe. Triple H has a message he would like me to deliver one of which will impact the brand. Triple H was informed today that Johnny Saint GM of NXT UK has been relived of his duties and while we wish him well on his future endeavors.

This does leave NXT UK in a wild west sort of position we are going to resolve the situation as soon as possible. Triple H has put me in charge of the search for a new GM and Mr. Scala I will leaning on you to help me on this search as well.

Mr. Dragunov I admire your passion that fire and know you earned a UK Championship Match and you will get it.

Sid Scala jumps in and turns to Ilja before looking up at the tron.

Sid Scala: However Walter is not here tonight.

Ilja seems to be more anger then before getting into the face of Sid who back up before going on to speak again.

Sid Scala: He isn't here tonight Ilja there is nothing I can do about it but, I tell you what from what I hear he will be back in three weeks. Ilja you can have the title match then how does that sound.

William Regal: Mr. Scala while you don't have final say on that matter it does sound like a great idea in three weeks Walter will defend UK Championship against Ilja.

Regal turns his attention to Sid.

William Regal: Mr. Scala I would like to have a word with you in private as for you Mr. Dragunov you want a fight tonight I know of a man that is just like you hungry and ready for a chance to prove himself again. So tonight in our Main Event Ilja you will go one on one with Dave Mastiff.

Ilja smiles about that news with a grin on his face as Mastiff walks out and the two of them have a face to face as we go to break.

Commercial Break

Nigel McGuiness: What some huge news that Mr. Regal has informed us of and while we were on break we also hear that NXT UK Tag Team Championship has been vacated and a six team tournament has been announced.

Andy Shepard: There will be 2 former NXT UK Tag Team Champions who will get first round byes including Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster and the returning to NXT UK Grizzled Young Veterans!

Nigel McGuiness: That is some awesome news with the return of GVY. The other four teams in the tournament will be.

Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter

Kenny Williams & Amir Jordan

The Hunt

Pretty Deadly

Andy Shepard: Williams & Jordan will face The Hunt with the winners of that facing Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster while Carter & Smith will face off with Pretty Deadly and the winners will face GVY.

Nigel McGuiness: That is exciting news but, here is some even more exciting news Noam Dar is in action right now.

Match One:
Noam Dar vs. Jack Starz


Match Results:

The match starts off quickly with the cocky Noam Dar looking at Starz and seeing him as a non threat mocking him as the two tie up. After that follows a series of lock ups that end up with both men in the corner Starz has enough of the attitude of Dar slapping him across the face.

Dar off guard by this and Starz gets a few strikes in and then climbs to the second rope looking for a high risk move well with high risk comes just that as Noam Dar catches Starz and hits him with a superplex from the second rope. Dar goes for the cover though but, can only manage a two as he gets in the face of the
official before coming back in with a leg lock and he starts to work the leg with a few more elbow strikes to the back of the knee of Starz.

He follows this up with a dragon screw and we can see the pain in Starz eyes as the Scottish Supernova has done some serious damage to the leg. He tells Starz that he is a nobody as he lifts him up and returns the favor with a slap across the face and whips him into the corner.

Dar then hits the Nova Roller (Running Enzuigiri) and Starz falls to the mat out like a light. Dar looks to go for the cover but, instead as the
official counts it he stops at two. Dar instead locks in the Kneebar that he dubs the Champagne Superkneebar and he has no choice but, to tap out and Dar gets the victory.


Noam Dar by Submission

Noam Dar: Aye yeah, that's a message to anyone of you wankers who thinks that I am some kind of joke that you can disrespect the Scottish Supernova. I have a very clear message for everyone on the NXT UK roster by the end of 2020 I am going to be wearing gold around my waist.

Commercial Break

Andy Shepard: What Rampage will NXT UK be in for with the debut of Brown.

Nigel McGuiness: This man is a legend in UK Scene what a huge signing for NXT UK.


Trent Seven is seen walking into the arena. He seems to be pretty happy to be back. He is asked about the upcoming UK Championship match in few weeks with Ilja & Walter.

Trent Seven: Well no hey Seven how are you doing?

Seven laughs as he goes back to the answer.

Trent Seven: All due respect it doesn't matter who wins the match because he is going to get his chance and he is going to win UK Championship. This is my time. I am focused I am ready to become UK Champion. This is something that has seem to be eluding me for time here in NXT UK.

There is a laugh coming from the inside the arena as Joseph Connors is standing.

Joseph Connors: You as UK Champion that is a funny mate because the way I see it you are just a weak link of your little British Strong Style group. Pete Dunne UK Championship, NXT Tag Team Championship one of the biggest stars in the WWE. Then there's Tyler Bate the first UK Championship. What have you done?

Trent Seven: I am a former tag team champion. What bout you?

Joseph Connor's laughs and then goes back to talking.

Joseph Connors: That was clever but, I mean if your biggest claim to fame is being the guy Tyler Bate carried to gold and the weak link of British Strong Style you may want to evaluate your career. You are dead weight and by the looks of it I see why Bate has been named Big Strong Boy.

Connor goes to laugh again but, that laugh is cut off by Seven striking him with a right hook dropping him to the ground while still holding onto his luggage we see him kneel down to Connors.

Trent Seven: I tell you what Joseph. I am going to go get myself settled in here I will meet you in that ring next how that sound?

Commercial Break

Match Two:
Trent Seven vs. Joseph Connors

Match Results:

After a few moments of mouthing back and forth Trent starts off the match very aggressive much more then we are normally used to as if he has a point to prove. He follows up a series of nasty chops in the corner with a dragon suplex and looks for a cover he only gets a one count and Connors rolls out to the ringside where he seems to try and dodge Seven who is like a bloodhound before he slithers back in the ring and catches Seven with a dropkick taking back control of the match.

Connors rolls back to the outside and then spears him into the side of the ring off. He follows it up by tossing him back inside the ring and then looks for a springboard DDT and connects with it he looks for Cradle Reverse STO dubbed the DLD (Don't Look Down) however as he goes to do this a series of side elbows and with that Connors drops him.

Seven with a whip into the corner then with a running European Uppercut Seven is all fired up hit hits a airplane raid and he calls for the Seven Star Lariat however as Seven does the ripcord Connors with a roll up and a handful of tights he gets the three and this one is over as he sits in the corner with a evil smirk on his face.

Winner: Joseph Connors by pinfall

After the match as Seven is triying to explain what just happen. Connors from behind with strikes as he grabs Seven he looks for Righteous Cause (Cradle DDT) however as he does it....


Tyler Bate runs into the ring and Connors runs off through and we see then Seven come to it and see his friend and partner who offers him a hand which he accepts and gets up. The two of them walk off while talking to one another.

Andy Shepard: Tyler Bate is back the former UK Champion is here to help aid Seven from the attack by Connors.

Commercial Break

As we come back from break we are joined by Amir Jordan & Kenny Williams who seem to be doing an interview but, suddenly there's a scream as a number of superstars find once again with Flash Morgan Webster clinching his knee and you can hear Mark Andrews yell for help as the wrestlers that are seen are Jack Starz & Levi Muir, Pretty Deadly, Smith & Carter, The Hunt.


Match Three:
Nina Samuels vs. Xia Brookside

Match Results:

We start off quick and fast with the two of the upcoming women in the UK roster giving off a good back and forth until Nina catches Xia with a big boot following it up with a pinfall attempt but only getting a one count. Nina taking control using the time to showboat every big move she hits to the point that Xia would be able to get back in the match and find herself taking control after a rana into the turnbuckle.

Nina would grab at her face but, Xia would follow that up with a bulldog attempt springboarding off the second turnbuckle as she goes for a cover only getting a two count and Nina still seems to be more focused on her nose at this point then the match backing up before being met with a superkick by Xia.

Xia grabs Nina then and calls for Brookside Bomb (just like dad) and she almost has it but, Nina is trying to fight it off. Xia though with a strike to the face and with that causes Nina again to get herself to hold her face again as Brookside Bomb gets the victory for Xia.

Winner: Xia Brookside by pinfall

After the match Nina sits in the middle of the ring pouting and holding her news she tells Xia she will pay as we go to a video package.

Commercial Break

Nigel McGuiness: Camera's caught up with Dave Mastiff moments before he's out to go out for our Main Event match.


Dave Mastiff: Ilja thinks he has something to prove. He isn't the only one. I am a man who challenged Walter not so long ago and the truth is I have something to prove I got to prove that Mastiff is still one of the best wrestlers that the UK has to offer I got to go out there and prove that I can take on someone on the level of Ilja & Walter and beat them. I was waiting to Ilja and just like you I am done waiting. You are not going to set an example out of me you understand.

Main Event:
Dave Mastiff vs. Ilja Dragunov


Match Results:

The match starts off with the two men just trading violent strikes back and forth with each man trying to hit harder then the other but, Mastiff sizes does give him the advantage and a nasty chop takes Ilja down to the mat. Mastiff uses his massive frame to try a seated senton but, Ilja moves out of the way and Mastiff gets a thunderous thud as he does hit the mat.

Ilja follows up with a series European Uppercuts though it seems as though Mastiff has no effect in it with the big man standing back up and delivering a powerful body slam and then elbow drop onto the chest of Ilja who seems to be gasping for air as Mastiff goes for a cover only to get a one.

Ilja fights back onto a vertical base and tries to send the big man into the corner but, Mastiff sends him into the ropes and Ilja reflects right off it and comes in with a spinning knife edge chop.

Ilja is trying to pick up Mastiff whose weight seems to crush him for moment until he gets him up and Death Valley Driver into the turnbuckle the whole ring shakes down and it would seem as though Ilja would drape his arm over Mastiff but he has rolled out of the ring. Ilja looks on with anger at his luck and starts to smack the mat before getting up and then awaiting Mastiff to get up and hitting a dive to the outside.


Mid air he is caught by Mastiff who shakes off the previous attack and sends Ilja back into the ring with a throw.

Ilja flops like a fish back in the ring and Mastiff slowly makes his way back in the ring. Mastiff makes his way to Ilja but, is met with a high knee and then Torpedo Moskau (flying headbutt) followed by another and Mastiff falls to one knee. Ilja follows it up with Grüße aus Moskau (lariat) he then goes for the cover and gets the victory.

Winner: Ilja Dragunov by pinfall

Andy Shepard: What a match, What a fight Ilja was looking for one tonight and Dave Mastiff obliged.

Nigel McGuiness: Oh My God, What a way to kickoff our return to NXT UK brand.

Nigel McGuiness: No! Can It be that's the music of UK Champion Walter!

However as Ilja looks up to the ramp his chin on the bottom rope.


He looks ready for a fight but, Walter does not come out instead it's Alexander Wolfe and he stares directly into the eyes of Ilja as we end the show.


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Dreams are Endless
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Awesome first show back, also really easy read with the way it's formatted and everything
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Big D Energy
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Awesome first show back, also really easy read with the way it's formatted and everything
ty yeah the formating is different for me and def something I wanted try out curious on your thoughts with things though when you get a chance match writing stuff like that and storylines this was fun to write though for sure whats good too is I outlined stuff before I starting writing the BTB so I got first 4 eps laid out which Week Four will be the Takeover.


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NXT UK News:
DH Smith the son of British Bulldog is in possible negotiations with NXT UK if a deal can be done DH maybe able to debut post Takeover
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Ep 2
September 24th 2020


The show opens up backstage where a sign for Assistant to the GM Sid Scala office is. Sid walks out but, he seems to be a little unfocused at the moment. He is asked about how he thought last week's episode went and what does Ilja think about the fact that it would seem Walter has sent in his second in commend to play mind games with Ilja just 2 weeks from their match. He is also asked about Ilja condition after a brutal fight with Dave Mastiff last week.

Sid Scala: Look I think last week was a great return to NXT UK for us and while things didn't go over smoothly as I would of like there is no doubt that we proven why we are the best wrestling in all of the UK our talent were done sitting on their hands and are ready to get back in that ring. Walter is our champion and he may think he could get in the head of Ilja but, he won't Ilja is a fighter and is more focused then I ever seen anyone. Ilja maybe beat up but, he's ready to fight Walter. Now as for Alexander Wolfe he is going to be in action tonight facing A-Kid.

Sid is then asked how is Flash Morgan Webster after the attack last week. Does he think there is some sort of connection between the attacks from pre covid as well?

Sid Scala: Flash Morgan is resting at home this week his attack has left him medically uncleared this week and while he can't see 100% for sure but, I do think the attacks were from the same person or people. I am looking into it with Mr. Regal as this kind of attacks will not stand.

Scala is then asked about his meeting with William Regal as the former GM Johnny Saint apparently is apart of the hiring committee of the job for GM of NXT UK. Scala looks on and there is a faint moment of maybe disapproval or anger as he quickly turns it to a professional look.

Sid Scala: Well it's going well I had an interview for the job and apparently Mr. Saint didn't exactly say much but, that's ok I know Johnny has alot on his mind. There will be more interviews going on later in the week now if you will excuse me I do have business to attend too.

Sid walks off as we open the show.

Andy Shepard: It would seem that Sid Scala is a man of many hats as of this moment.

Nigel McGuiness: Yes he is and while things went off with a somewhat chaotic start it was certainly the talk of the wrestling world.

Andy Shepard: Yes it was Nigel and we do hope to keep it rolling as we have a hell of a show for you tonight.

Nigel McGuiness: Kay Lee Ray returns! NXT UK Women's champion will be in action.

Andy Shepard: We can't forget about the start of the NXT UK Tag Team Title Tournament as in our Main Event Kenny Williams & Amir Jordan will take on The Hunt!

Nigel McGuiness: Speaking of the tag team tournament we are starting off with that as Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter face off against Pretty Deadly!

Match One:
NXT Tag Team Championship Tournament Round One
Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter vs. Pretty Deadly

Match Results:

The match starts off with Carter and Stoker as the two of them trade rest holds before the pace picks up with Stoker sending Carter into the corner Carter though leaps onto the top turnbuckle and comes back with a cross body but, no! Stoker catches him with a dropkick to the ribs mid air and Carter falls to the mat below him.

Stoker with the advantage now tags in the fresh Lewis Howley and the two of them start to stomp into Carter in the corner and targeting the ribs. Howley suplexs Carter into the corner and he folds over his body and then goes for a pin attempt but, Carter is able to get his shoulder up at two.

Howley picks up the pace a little in control of this march as Carter is seen trying to make the tag but, failing time after time. It would seem the cocky Pretty Deadly Duo are now mocking Carter allowing him to get close to making the tag only to drag him back into the ringside of Pretty Deadly.

Carter though finally gets the tag in as a german suplex attempt allows Carter to reverse landing on his feet and sending him into his corner where Howley is tagged by Stoker but, as Stoker does that Carter tags in Smith who springboards in with a dropkick and follows it up with a superkick to Stoker who bounces into the rope and Smith follows it up with a Leg Lariat that turns Stoker inside out and with that he looks for the cover and only gets a two count as Howley breaks up the pinfall attempt.

Carter back in the ring and he takes out Howley sending him to the outside rolls back in the ring where Ashton Smith turns Stoker round into a lifting reverse DDT as he comes down Carter with a backstabber and this move connects and they get the one, two, three.

Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter by pinfall

Nigel McGuiness: A huge upset victory as Pretty Deadly lose in the very first round.

Andy Shepard: I think many had the deadly duo as favorites to win.

Lewis & Sam seem to be licking their wounds as the tron goes off. The tron then shows a knocked out Flash Morgan Webster in the background as Pretty Deadly are shown by him thet walk away and are seen talking on the phone before it cuts off. The duo look on confused as from the back wielding a steel chair is Mark Andrews and they both take shots across the back before running off as backstage crew get in between them and Andrews. Sam Stoker can be heard saying "It wasn't us" as we go to break.

Commercial Break

The camera pans to a room where on the backwall you can see space and starts all around it including a shooting star as it falls right above a couch and a chair. Noam Dar then walks onto the screen and says welcome to Supernova Sessions! He states that next week here on NXT UK the very first episode he will have NXT UK Newest Superstar Rampage Brown!



Andy Sheppard: Oh my that has the chance to be an explosive encounter on the Supernova Sessions.

Nigel McGuiness: I have to agree this will shape up to be a very interesting encounter.

Match Two:
Non-Title Match
Amale vs. Kay Lee Ray (c)

Match Results:

The match starts off with a very aggressive Kay Lee Ray as she sends a wicked slap across the face. Amale who tries to rush KLR but, that turns out to be a mistake as KLR meets her with a big boot that drives Amale to the mat. KLR laughs at her opponent before grabbing her by the back of the head and connects with a Parallel Snapmare and then a nasty kick to the head.

KLR takes her time showboating around the ring until she states thats enough little girl and drops her with a Gory Bomb to pick up the victory.

KLR by pinfall

KLR after the match kicks Amale out of the ring and grabs a mic.

KLR: You see that... That is exactly what is going to happen to any of you girls in the back if you dare step up to the champ. You see I didn't care how long we were gone because the truth is for me it didn't matter because this championship was never going to go anywhere. You see I am the most dominate champion in all of women's wrestling period.

William Regal pops up on the screen and smiles.

William Regal: Hello KLR I am glad you are back and I wouldn't except anything less out of you. You see you are a great champion in wrestling today and one of it's most decorated. I know you are a fighting champion and right now it seems as though you don't have a challenger for Takeover which to my many thanks is named Regal Decree. So next week here on NXT UK. We will have a Fatal Four Way to decide who will challenge you at Takeover. The four are...


Nina Samuels


Xia Brookside


Piper Niven


Mystery Opponent

I look forward to seeing you very soon champ.

Regal states as the tron goes off KLR gives a cocky little side grin before holding her title high and walking off as we go to break.

Commercial Break


Alexander Wolfe is seen backstage and he is asked about his match with A-Kid tonight and about his return to NXT UK.

Alexander Wolfe: Yeah, I am back and Imperium maybe on different continents but, are focused our grip in NXT & NXT UK are as strong as ever. We are bringing back respect to this ring and we are gonna come out here night after night and dominate just as we always have. Ilja isn't worth lacing up my boots let alone deserving of facing Walter. Walter my general will stand tall as many of foolish men who tried to stand up to him and have fallen before the result will stay the same. A-Kid well A-Kid is just that a young boy who is going to be out of his depth here tonight.

Wolfe walks off as we get set for his match right now.

Match Three:
Alexander Wolfe vs. A-Kid

Match Results:
The match starts off with tech holds going back and forth until A-Kid gets the advantage with a enziguri to back of Wolfe's head which surprises Alexander who is then taken back even more as A-Kid connects with a dragon suplex into the turnbuckle and then a dive to the outside.

Alexander comes back with a series of shots later in the match and tries to slow down the pace but, A-Kid seems to have a counter for every counter that Alexander has.

Alexander grabs A-Kid by the back of his head dragging his face across the rope until the official breaks it up. The official gets in-between the two and Alex takes advantage of the ref back turned delivering a shot to the throat and this sends A-Kid back a bit and Alexander Wolfe comes in with a series of strikes before a Bicycle Kick.

A-Kid takes him back he follows it up with a European Uppercut and then grabs A-Kid and hits a Death Valley Driver into the turnbuckle which is able to get the three count for the win.

Alexander Wolfe by pinfall

Andy Shepard: A very game A-Kid give it a hell of a fight here tonight.

Nigel McGuiness: A-Kid has nothing to be ashamed of he has a bright future ahead of him.

Andy Shepard: I am receiving word too that next week here on NXT UK Ilja will face off against Alexander Wolfe just a week before UK Championship Match.

Commercial Break
Main Event
NXT UK Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1
The Hunt vs. Kenny Williams & Amir Jordan

Match Results:
The two teams shake hands but, after that a very physical match breaks out with Primate in full control of the match taking a series of knees, elbows, and headbutts to take out Kenny Williams. It would seem that every time Kenny gets some sort of momentum it is stopped and Amir Jordan gets involved trying to save his partner.

Amir now in the match is trading shots in the middle of the ring with Wild Boar the two men then seem to have the same idea as they both go for a European Uppercut that drops both men in the middle of the ring.

Kenny is tagged in as wells as Primate and the two of them go back and forth with Kenny getting ahead following a hurricanrana to the outside and Williams with a swanton bomb over the top rope taking out both members of The Hunt. Amir Jordan tags himself in and the young upstart climbs to the top rope after Kenny throws in the legal man Primate.

Primate though is slowly back to his feet he takes out Jordan in the corner and we see Kenny come in tagging trying to make the save.

What Kenny doesn't see is Wild Boar who from behind chop blocks Kenny on the apron. Kenny falls to the outside as Primate takes out Jordan. Wild Boar tosses Kenny back in the ring and he is tossed into Primate who tosses him back in the air with a suplex throw into a powerbomb by Boar. Primate makes the cover as Boar watches on protecting him like a animal with food.

The Hunt by pinfall

Andy Shepard: A very good win for The Hunt here tonight Nigel...

Nigel McGuiness: Yes it was but, it seems there is something going on backstage.

The cameras pick up as Mark Andrews is confronting Pretty Deadly as crew try again to break them up.

Mark Andrews: You bastards you attacked Flash Morgan & myself when we had our backs turned you are cowards. Who were you on the phone with?

Sam Stoker: We didn't attack you from behind you Welsh Wanker. It wasn't us there was no one on the phone someone called us but, there wasn't anyone on the otherside.

Mark Andrews: You are liars both of you. I know it was you.

Andrews gets passed the crew and starts to attack Pretty Deadly but, they get control quickly and start tossing Andrews around backstage Howley throws him into the wall as Stoker grabs a chest with wheels on it and tells Howley to hold him in place grabbing his ankle for an attack before anything can happen though The Hunt run in taking out Pretty Deadly and hitting the suplex throw powerbomb onto the chest to Stoker. Howley pulls Stoker away as they run off and The Hunt help Andrews to his feet. The sound of a phone going off is heard and we look down to see its from Stoker phone. Andrews answers it putting it on loud speaker.

Mark Andrews: Hello?

There is no answer for a few moments and some heavy breaths followed by a voice changing voice that speaks.

???: It is pretty deadly game to play throwing out false accusations especially when they aren't right.

Mark Andrews: Who is this???

The phone goes dead as the three of them look at one another to end the show.

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Pretty deadly eh :garrett


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Not knowing most of the roster as I don’t watch NXT UK. I got to say it was a good little read. Hoping that Trent ends up champ soon.
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Big D Energy
Jun 10, 2019
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Reports From NXT UK
Word round the rumor mill is that NXT UK will be introducing a number of new tag teams in the future that being said a few tag teams in the division as of the moment might not be round after Takeover.

Another rumor around the mill is that a secondary championship is coming to NXT UK in the upcoming weeks some rumors even state it maybe a submission based championship.

Johnny Saint is still with NXT UK just not as a TV capacity word is that like Dusty Rhodes did for NXT he is working backstage as the lead for performance center and running the whole thing. Robbie Brookside is helping along with new coaches Dave Taylor & Doug Williams.

Doug Williams is said to be one of the possible choices for NXT UK GM. There is also a rumor he will compete in one more match before possible retirement

Noam Dar is reportedly very well liked backstage and someone held in high regard in the case that he is hard working good on mic and someone they say can make anyone look good.

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