My thoughts... It's a different creature now. You've got guys who like the old school stuff, guys who like the new stuff, guys who like it all, etc. My book covers 1970 thru 1985 and with the attendance in a lot of the results, you can start seeing the decline happening. A lot of people associate this with Vince & JCP signing everyone to exclusive contracts. I disagree completely with this. There were cards in Memphis that had Lawler, Randy Savage, The Fabs, the Rock n Roll Express, the Rick Rude, King Kong Bundy, etc on the same card and the attendance was under 4000. I believe (and forgive me for saying this to those who love the mid-80's WWF stuff), but the cartoon-ish factor of the 80's WWF and even more detrimental was the emergence of breaking kayfabe is what led to the initial decline of the sport. Once kayfabe was lost, you can't get it back. You could go on and on about it, but I'm digressing. The current Memphis product is what it is. I honestly miss the old days while i acknowledge they were far from perfect, but i would never miss the live show on Sat mornings. Now I dvr it and might watch it, might not.