Hate how the quarter-hours come out so much later than the regular ratings, so we really didn't know if anyone saw the epic ME promo segment.
Apparently starting the show off with a black hole of suckdom doesn't draw viewers. Who knew?
Q1: 0.83 rating - Eric Bischoff introduces his Lockdown team, Gargett Bischoff out and introduced Mr. Anderson as a member of his team, Gunner vs. Mr. Anderson
Q2: 0.98 rating - Gunner vs. Anderson continuation, Joseph Park and Eric Young backstage, The Motor City Machine Guns promo and verbal exchange with Samoa Joe and Magnus, Mexican America out
Q3: 0.92 rating - Christopher Daniels vs. Austin Aries, one and a half commercial breaks
Q4: 0.91 rating - Jeff Hardy promo, James Storm and Montgomery Gentry, Sarita and Rosita flirt with Eric Young, Young and ODB out for the wedding
Q5: 1.11 rating - Young and ODB wedding vows with Sarita and Rosita interruption, Ric Flair backstage with Eric Bischoff's Lockdown team, Bobby Roode backstage promo
Q6: 1.14 rating - Bully Ray vs. A.J. Styles, Hulk Hogan out, Eric Bischoff names himself the fifth man on his team, Hogan and Garett introduce Rob Van Dam as the final member of Garett's team
Q7: 0.97 rating - Storm and Roode video package, Gail Kim and Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky and Mickie James,
Q8: 1.00 rating - Storm and Roode verbal exchange in the ring to close the show