So what are the rules?
Easy, once the official match card comes in you will get the chance to predict the results of the matches.
And for every correct answer you get you are awarded a number of points depending on the match.
The predicted results will be locked in on the day before the PPV.
Current Pay-Per-View To Predict
It is now time for the Wrestlemania predictions, hold your hats and wait for the official match card t come in.
Official Wrestlemania 28 Match Card
*RESERVED* (Match card has not been released yet)
How do i participate?
It's simple all you have to do is post that you are participating and when the match card comes in you can edit your post with your predicted results. Please post before the day that the PPV will be held on so i can register you in the points table.
How to win?
The guy with the most points after the PPV gets declared the winner of this PPVs Predict & Win contest and will most likely be rewarded (Check rewards section).
Points table
Predicts (Will be locked in on 18 Feb.)
Predictions for Wrestlemania to come when the Official Match Card comes in.
Rewards for the upcoming PPVs
Wrestlemania Reward first place prize MAY BE 3 Months XBL LIVE CODE.