My thoughts:
1.) Wayyyyyyyy too much Hogan (first time I've said this since he took over as GM)
2.) Devon vs Bully- not a bad match, and they seem serious about pushing Devon as the TV Champ. This is a perfectly acceptable plan IMO, gives them a real mid card belt that they've ben lacking
3.) Not nearly enough Aries or Roode (though Roode sucker punching that chump Silva was hilarious)
4.) Borash's BS was a waste of TV time
5.) Angle squashing Anarquia was fine by me. Did Angle seem like a face to anyone else? Based on the match and his interaction with Daniels
6.) Besides getting to see Al Snow, the gut check shit sucked balls. Alex Silva was god awful. Literally terrible. Such a waste of time
7.) Tessmacher actually seems to be improving in the ring. She gets the win over Gail, and seems to be the next face they will feed to her.
8.) Joseph Park/Bully Ray-- yes! yes! yes!
9.) RVD as the #1 contender.. whatever. Nobody on Earth thinks he is beating Roode. Pure filler feud.
10.) The stupidity aside that was Hardy teaming with Anderson, I liked the turn of events in the tag match. Joe choking out Anderson was a perfect win for Joe/Magnus, and they are laying the foundation for a Daniels/Kaz & Joe/Magnus feud. Sounds good to me
11.) What the fuck at the main event segment? I didn't bother to do anything besides fast forward through it, but it ended with Borash and Garrett putting Eric in a portal potty and getting shit all over him? I felt like Eric Bischoff after having watched that, with TNA being the ones who shit all over me. What a waste of time. Bischoff, work backstage, and stay the fuck off my TV
4/10, a half point higher than last week, but still more bad things happening than good IMO