I'm actually a tad bit interested in what they are doing with ADR's character, if only because it is so weird and lame. No way they really plan to just give him a gimmick where he sucks up to the Mexican community.
My first thought during his promo (since a lot of the Latinos in both L.A. and Anaheim popped when he started talking good about Latinos) was that they were building toward a Bret-Hart-style pro-Canada/anti-America gimmick, which would be interesting when compared with Swagger/Cesaro/Coulter's Real Americans gimmick (especially since they're both heel gimmicks).
Then, he started touting himself as the "Hero of the Latino Community" and that ended for me.
It is an interesting idea, but I'm with Hoss in that I thought Rey would be returning (albeit with no promos or anything) in Anaheim to challenge ADR.
I do think the match-up between ADR and RVD will be interesting, though. I don't know how I'll feel about the build-up. But the writing's been a lot better lately, so I'm just going to sit back and enjoy it.