NWW: New Wave Wrestling

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Mar 11, 2009
Reaction score
Leeds, England
In February of 2009, following years of what he had seen has bad booking by the WWE, a young englishman known as Jim Dean formed a fledgeling wrestling federation that would become known as the NWW: New Wave Wrestling. Using his significant financial clout and connections with some of the indie promotions in America, Dean was able to pry several talented workers away from the WWE (and some other, small federations) and instantly began utilising them to establish the NWW as the number 2 federation in North America, and indeed the world. The initial wave of new signings included CM Punk, Kane (who he immediately remasked), Jack Swagger, Chris Sabin, AJ Styles, Paul London, Christopher Daniels, Bryan Danielson, Ted DiBiase Jr, William Regal, John Morrison, Andy Douglas, Chase Stevens, Alex Shelley and Mike Knox. Within a month the NWW had established a developmental territory out of Florida known as the South Eastern Wrestling Nation, or SEWN, the purpose of which was to both produce new talent and also compete directly with WWE for these younger stars. After some difficult negotiations the NWW was able to secure the services of Jimmy Jacobs, Matt Sydal, Tyler Black (renamed TC Black) and a young brawler by the name of Drake Younger for SEWN. Added to these was an influx of British talent which included Hade Vansen, Aidan Nathans, Drew McIntyre, Jack Gabriel and a completely unknown high-flyer called George Bromhead. However SEWN was different to the WWE's developmental territory in that it trained erstwhile NWW performers, this being made necessary by the federation's comparatively small roster size.

Jim Dean also introduced a new concept in professional wrestling: that of a 'champion's title'; a belt that could only be won by an existing champion. Although normally held by the World Heavyweight Champion, it marked a departure from the traditionally tiered system of wrestling hierarchy, allowing for the possibility of a Cruiser to hold the biggest belt in the company. And indeed, this had already happened before the company was televised with Cruiserweight Champion Bryan Danielson taking the gold, and holding it for a very respectable month-long reign.

On the Friday 3rd of April 2009 the NWW broadcast it's first ever television show - entitled DangerZone - to compete directly with the WWE's Smackdown! product. The show aired on prime time on Fox, and marked the first chapter in what was to become a rivalry that would change the face of wrestling forever.


Main Eventers
CM Punk
Mike Knox
AJ Styles
William Regal

John Morrison
Jack Swagger
Ted DiBiase Jr
Paul London
Chris Sabin
Christopher Daniels
Bryan Danielson
Andy Douglas
Chase Stevens
Alex Shelley
George Bromhead

Jobbers & Openers:
TC Black (formerly Tyler Black)
Jimmy Jacobs
Jack Gabriel
Drake Younger
Hade Vansen
Matt Sydal
Drew McIntyre
Aidan Nathans


NWW Champions Title

Mike Knox
The Monster Mike Knox dropped the title to Bryan Danielson in early April when the young cruisers shocked the world by defeating the big man in a ladder match at Dead End (February 22nd), however his size and experience prevailed as he regained the most prestigious belt in the NWW in late March.

NWW World Heavyweight Title

Mike Knox
Mike Knox had been feuding with Jack Swagger - whom he defeated on the NWW's first show to earn the vacant title - up until the middle of March, when Kane emerged through the fire and bromstone to challenge him for his title. So far Knox has managed to keep a hold of the championship that he has held since the NWW's birth in March, but with The Big Red Machine breathing down his neck only time will tell whether he has the ability to retain it for much longer.

NWW National Title

CM Punk
Punk picked up the National title off of William Regal in an epic Submissions-only match at Dead End and has defeated all would-be challengers for it thus far.

NWW TV Title

Jack Swagger
Swagger won the TV Title the same night that he competed with Mike Knox for the vacant World Title, however in this case his luck was in; defeating Chase Stevens to clinch the gold.

NWW Cruiserweight Title

Bryan Danielson
Bryan Danielson has been a forced to be reckoned with since his arrival, dominating the Cruiserweight division (winning the title from Chris Sabin on 20th February) and even notching up a Champion's Title reign in the process. Time will tell what lies in store for this young man, but you ignore his obvious ability at your own peril.

NWW Tag Team Titles

The Naturals (Andy Douglas & Chase Stevens)​
If Danielson is the singles competitor to fear at the moment then The Naturals are the team. They have brushed aside Age of the Fall (Jacobs & Black), London & Sabin and even disposed of Trans-Atlantic Terror (Alex Shelley & George Bromhead, whom they won the titles off in late Feb) with minimal fuss. The other teams in the division have learned to respect the young high-flyers, but it seems as if for the time being their reign at the top of the tag team ranks is unassailable.


May 9, 2007
Reaction score
I liek the backstory and the roster and titles. Everything about this fed sounds pretty interesting and I will for sure tune in for a couple shows to see how your match writing is. A pretty funny looking roster some odd choices for main eventers and stuff. It'll be cool to see what you do with it. Good luck.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
I say this BTB has some potential and the only thing I would like to say is... MIKE F'N KNOX FTW!!!! He's the new Sean O'Haire of BTB Section!!!!

On the serious note, this is pretty interesting BTB. You managed to mix up different guys in a roster. Now, I am looking forward to your first show and see if this really has the potential! Good Luck!


Interesting. You have a nice roster and placements. Mike Knox as Main Eventer and dual champion? I like. Maybe there are too many titles though. Stick with this, nonetheless, I am interested.


Mar 11, 2009
Reaction score
Leeds, England
Just an update: I'm in and out of hopsital at the moment (something which I should have forseen given my kidney problems, but hey, I'm an idiot) which is why the show is taking so long. I'll do my best to get it up asap though :).


Mar 11, 2009
Reaction score
Leeds, England
DangerZone: 10th April

(This is the first third/half, the rest should be done soon; I just thought I'd give those interested something to read in the mean time)

DangerZone: April 10th 2009

The opening title sequence runs with 'Devil In A Midnight Mass' by Billy Talent playing in the background, somewhat grainy footage of the superstars due to be on show streaming across the screen. First we see CM Punk hitting the GTS on Paul London, then Jack Swagger nailing Aidan Nathans with a devastating gutwrench powerbomb off the top rope. Quick glimpses of Chris Sabin, Christopher Daniels and Jimmy Jacobs are shown before an extended clip of The Naturals on alternate turnbuckles lifting the Tag Titles comes on the screen. Bryan Danielson locks The Cattle Mutilation on Drew McIntyre before the scene settles on Mike Knox, both the Champions Title and the World Title lifted above his head in the centre of a ring. The camera fades to black as the words 'New Wave Wrestling: DangerZone come up in big red letters.

* * * * * *

Red and gold pyros fire out in canon from the stage, above which are a gigantic, red 'D' and a golden 'Z'. The crowd, some 5'000 strong, cheer raucously as the show comes on the air, the arena flashing as the house lights go to work. The camera pans down from the stage, past the ring - which is also sporting the same 'D, Z' pattener as the stage - to the announcers desk, sitting at which are Tom Griffon and Lem Rogers...

Tom Griffon: Hello wrestling fans and welcome to this, an historic night in the industry of wrestling! I'm Tom Griffon, beside me is my colleague Lem Rogers and together we are delighted to bring you the first ever television broadcast from New Wave Wrestling: DangerZone!

Lem Rogers: Yeah that's right folks: what we're presenting to you this evening is the future of this business. The place with the talent, the money and know-how to keep you glued to your seat for the next two hours. It's balls-to-the-wall action from here on out folks, and you're welcome to it.

Tom Griffon: You certainly have a way with words Lem.

Lem Rogers: That's Mr. Rogers to you, you plebiscite.

Tom Griffon: Aaaanyway, we've got an action packed show planned for you lucky, lucky people tonight. The Naturals will be in action, defending their tag team titles against Trans-Atlantic Terror, a team that has thus far failed to gain an advantage in a rivalry that has threatened to tear the house down on several occasions.

Lem Rogers: Great matches those guys have been putting on.

Tom Griffon:Certainly true. Aside from that we also understand that our World Champion, and the Champion of Champions: Mike Knox will be here to deliver an address to the man who has been his nemesis in recent weeks: Kane!

Lem Rogers: Man that guy is a freak.

Tom Griffon: Harsh words, but even I must admit that Kane has certainly raised hairs on the back of a fair few necks since his arrival in the NWW.

Lem Rogers: The guy's a freak Griffon. Plain and simple.

Tom Griffon: ...Ahem... First up we have Jack Gabriel - the English brawler - squaring up against Drake Younger. Both of these youngsters looking to make a name for themselves here, and frankly I could see both of them becoming major players in their own right.

Lem Rogers: Younger's an utter psycopath. I like that guy.

Jack Gabriel vs Drake Younger

Both men are introduced by ring announcer Sherry Martinez, Younger's entrance greeted by boos from the crowd as the psycho walks down the ramp. Gabriel's receives a more positive response: the clean-cut brawler from England even slapping the hands of a couple of the fans as he makes his way to the ring.

[The bell rings and the men immediately begin exchanging blows in the centre of the ring, trying to gain the upper hand over their rival... ...Younger goes down first but pulls the legs out from under Gabriel as he approaches... ...Younger goes to work on the legs of the Englishman, driving his knees into the shin before putting the boots into him... ...Gabriel rolls out of the way of an elbow drop, then another, but Younger kicks him as he tries to stand and locks in a headlock... ...Gabriel, powering his way out of the lock with elbows to the gut of Younger... ...Gabriel breaks the hold and bounces into the ropes. Youger goes for the clothesline but he ducks and carries on running, bouncing off the other side: brutal back elbow by Younger that leaves Gabriel down on the canvas... ...pin attempt: Gabirel kicks out at 2... ...Younger drags his opponent to the ring post, drops out of the ring and with a grunt of effort wraps Gabriel's leg around it. Gabriel yells in pain before Younger does it again... ...Younger goes for a third but receives a boot in the face that sends him into the barricade... ...Gabriel limps out of the ring and drills Younger with a couple of stiff punches before whipping him into the stairs shoulder-first... ...Gabriel rolls Younger back into the ring and goes for the pin: 1-count... ...Big DDT by Gabriel... ...Younger stands and thumbs the eyes before driving Gabriel's head into the ringpost and then hitting a back suplex... ...pin attempt: two count... ...Gabriel's back on his feet but looks groggy. He swings a wild haymaker that misses, Younger goes for the Drakes Landing but Gabriel powers out and pushes Younger into the ropes... ...clothesline by Gabriel who's looking tired... ...pin attempt: Younger kicks out at two... ...Gabriel boots Younger in the gut and goes for the Sidewinder, but Younger hits a back drop... ...Younger pushes Gabriel into the ropes, when he comes back he hits the Drakes Landing!... ...pin attempt: one...two...THREE!... ...Your winner: Drake Younger!]

Tom Griffon: And those two men, one would feel, have a long way to go in this company!

Lem Rogers: Jesus Tom...

Tom Griffon: We'll be back right after this folks, don't touch that dial!

* * * Commercial Break * * *

Tom Griffon: And we're back, jacked and ready to rock and roll as New Wave Wrestling's DangerZone continues here on Fox!

Lem Rogers: Be honest Tom: How much of the ad break to you spend thinking of that?

Tom Griffon: ANYWAY. Next up we'll hear from The Naturals, who I believe are back stage with your very own Jerry Francis!

[The scene cuts to The Naturals standing with Jerry Francis in front of an NWW: DangerZone backdrop somewhere backstage, to which the crowd pops loudly. The pair look focused on the task at hand.]

Jerry Francis: Thanks Tom. I'm here with The Naturals who, after their last in a long line of confrontations with Trans-Atlantic Terror last week, were left bloody and battered. [The Naturals collectively frown at that] If we can, let's have a look at that:

~ ~ ~ ~

Tom Griffon: The Naturals win! The Naturals win! Chris Sabin is left down in the ring after the Natural Disaster, and London... Well I don't even know where London is after Andy Douglas pushed him into the crowd from the top turnbuckle.

The Naturals stand in the ring, Tag Titles aloft as their music plays and their fans cheer, but then out of nowhere Trans-Alantic Terror - George Bromhead & Alex Shelley - emerge from the crowd with chairs and hit the ring.

Lem Rogers: It's Shelley and Bromhead!

The Naturals never stand a chance as they are laid out, then made to look like fools as Shelley and Bromhead take it in turns to hit their signatures, before concluding with the Red Eye onto a chair for both men. Douglas and Stevens are left bleeding and out for the count on the mat as Trans-Atlantic Terror raise the tag titles and then point to their own waists.

Lem Rogers: Business as usual for the NWW's high-rollers baby!

~ ~ ~ ~

Jerry Francis: Andy, Chase, how do you intend to respond to that attack from a team who have proven to be a thorn in your side recently?

[Andy Douglas snatches the mic]

Andy Douglas: First off, "thorn" nothin'. These guys aren't anything more than a pain in the ass pair of trained monkeys who don't have what it takes to lace The Naturals' boots. Let's get facts straight: they aint even managed to beat us yet, unless it's from behind and with chairs.

Jerry Francis (complete with new mic): So you don't intend to do anything in response to that attack?

Chase Stevens: Gerry, when did you get this stupid? We're not letting it go, but we're sure as hell not telling you what we're gonna do.

Andy Douglas: Shelley, Bromhead: listen up. Before last Friday this was just about business. But you've gone and made it personal. You wont know when it's gonna happen, bust rest assured boys: we're comin'.

Jerry Francis: Thanks guys. Back to you Tom!

[The scene cuts back to Griffon and Rogers at the announce table.]

Tom Griffon: A feud, ladies and gentlemen, that continues to rage on.

Lem Rogers: Whatever Griffon, those pink-wearing pretty boys The Naturals just annoy me...

[John Morrison's music hits...]

Lem Rogers: This guy, on the other hand, I like him.

Tom Griffon: How refreshing... Anyway, next up we've got a triple threat for a shot at CM Punk's National Title, It's John Morrison vs Ted DiBiase Jr vs Christopher Daniels!

Morrison and DiBiase Jr emerge in quick succession, but when it comes for Christopher Daniels to appear his music plays but there is no sign of him. His music plays again, but still no sign, that is until the camera flashes backstage to see Daniels lying unconscious on the concrete floor, obviously the victim of an attack. Morrison and DiBiase Jr exchange confused glances as the Triple Threat apparently turns into a one-on-one, but then William Regal's music hits - to a chorus of boos from the crowd - and all becomes clear. He walks down the ramp with a smug grin on his face and announces that he will be taking Daniels' place in tonights match. As he gets to the ring John Morrison seems to have had enough and turns an attempted sneak attack by DiBiase into a toss over the top rope that takes out Regal as well... ...DiBiase and Regal brawl outside, top-rope cross-body on both men by Morrison... ...All three back in the ring, Regal with stiff chops to Morrison... ...DiBiase goes for a cheap Million Dollar Slam on Morrison that is countered into a side-effect... ...Drop-kick by Morrison on DiBiase, but a low-blow by Regal floors him: the crowd boos... ...Regal goes for the pin on DiBiase: Kick out early on two... ...classic submission wrestling from Regal as he wears down DiBiase with a headlock... ...wait...Morrison on the top rope! Moonsault on both men! Everyone is down!... ...Morrison goes for the pin on Regal: close two-count... ...Morrison puts the boots to DiBiase... ...Another low blow from Regal... ...DiBiase's up and brawling with Regal, he sends Regal to the mat outside with a vicious clothesline... ...Morrison's up, Superkick from Morrison on DiBiase! ... ...Can he make the pin!? One...Two...Kick out!... ...Regal's back up on the outside, Morrison goes for the plancha..but misses!... ...The ref goes to check on Morrison who looks to be out, DiBiase and Regal in the ring, Regal has something in his hand: it's a pair of brass knucks! Regal nails DiBiase with the knucks and goes for the pin: One...two...THREE!... ...Your winner: William Regal!

(More to come)​