Partial Source:
-- Nunzio worked WWE dark matches this past weekend as a referee.
-- Armando Estrada was at the Nassau Coliseum SmackDown! taping this past Tuesday for a meeting with WWE officials, regarding a possible return.
-- New WWE star Mason Ryan is said to be very green in the ring and on the mic still. Ryan is well liked by his peers though and understands he has a long way to go. According to a backstage source, when Ryan won the FCW title last summer, he didn't understand why they were pushing him so hard. He is said to be very respectful of the business and others who are far ahead of him. Things like that go a long way in WWE.
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-- Nunzio worked WWE dark matches this past weekend as a referee.
-- Armando Estrada was at the Nassau Coliseum SmackDown! taping this past Tuesday for a meeting with WWE officials, regarding a possible return.
-- New WWE star Mason Ryan is said to be very green in the ring and on the mic still. Ryan is well liked by his peers though and understands he has a long way to go. According to a backstage source, when Ryan won the FCW title last summer, he didn't understand why they were pushing him so hard. He is said to be very respectful of the business and others who are far ahead of him. Things like that go a long way in WWE.
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