NOW: Number One Wrestling

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Moonlight Drive

Yes, it is the same name. No, it is not the same company. For some reason I find it impossible/unbearable to pick up a BTB after an absence from it, I don't know.

Backstory: Backstorys are overrated. They all follow the same template and affect the show in a minuscule manner. So I'm not going to bother coming up with one.

Pat Michaels
Commissioner: Mick Foley
Commentators: Joey Styles & JBL


CM Punk (Face)
Chris Jericho (Heel)
Christian Cage (Face)
DH Smith (Face)
Edge (Heel)
Evan Bourne (Face)
Finlay (Heel)
John Morrison (Heel)
Rey Mysterio (Face)
Shawn Michaels (Face)
The Brian Kendrick (Heel)
The Rock (Face)
Triple H (Heel)
Umaga (Heel) - Managed by Armando Estrada
Undertaker (Face)
William Regal (Heel)

Tag Teams

Motor City Machine Guns - Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin (Face)
The Islanders - Manu & Sim Snuka (Heel)
Latin American Xchange - Homicide & Hernandez (Face)
Priceless - Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase (Heel)
The Empire - Finlay & William Regal (Heel)
Rey Mysterio & Evan Bourne (Face)


NOW Championship

Chris Jericho
Defeated Shawn Michaels & The Rock on Monday Night Revolution
Date Won: December 15, 2008
Succesful Title Defences: 0

NOW Intercontinental Championship

To be crowned at Redemption

NOW Tag Team Championship

To be crowned at Redemption

PPV Schedule

Down and Out
Red, White and Bruised (All stipulation matches)
Clash of the Titans

More to come when I can be bothered to think of names...

Moonlight Drive

January 18, 2009

NOW Championship
Chris Jericho (c) vs. The Rock

On the very first edition of Monday Night Revolution, their was a special competition held to see who would be the first man to become NOW Champion. Three triple threat matches were held, the winners of those matches would go onto that nights Main Event, a Triple Threat match for the NOW Championship. The Rock was the first to gain entry, defeating William Regal with a Rock Bottom in a match which also involved Rey Mysterio. The second match pitted Chris Jericho, CM Punk and Edge against each other. In a hard-hitting, fast-paced match, Chris Jericho eventually got the win after placing CM Punk hit Edge with the GTS and Y2J threw Punk out over the top rope, before nailing the fallen Edge with a Lionsault and securing the victory. The third and final Triple Threat contained Shawn Michaels, Christian Cage and John Morrison all vying for the final spot. After a long and painful battle, Shawn won the match after hitting the Sweet Chin Music on Cage. After the match however, Chris Jericho ran to the ring and delivered the Codebreaker to Michaels, in an attempt to weaken the Showstopper for the Main Event. Finally, it was time for it to all come to a head as The Rock, Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels entered the ring for the championship deciding match. The Rock and Y2J were seemingly very fresh, whilst HBK showed signs of pain and tiredness after his previous match (the longest of the three) and the post-match assault by Jericho. After some tough battles between all three men, The Rock was taken out of the ring by a Codebreaker off the apron, leaving Y2J and HBK. Shawn climbed to his feet slowly as Chris grabbed a steel chair, wrapping it around the skull and banging it off the back of his opponent. After he had finished his sadistic assault, he locked Michaels into the Walls of Jericho, making him submit and earning Chris Jericho the NOW Championship.

The following week at the top of the show, Commissioner Mick Foley announced the Number One Contender for Chris Jericho’s championship, and the man Y2J would face for the belt that night; the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels. But halfway through the show, the Showstopper was found in a pool of his own blood backstage. Jericho was immediately found and questioned, but denied any involvement, and stating if it truly was him, he would’ve taken credit for it. Y2J walked out to the ring later in the night to gloat, proclaiming Michaels’ attack as an omen, that nobody would ever come close to defeating Chris Jericho for his championship. The verbal tirade of Jericho was interrupted by none other than Mick Foley, who told Chris that he’d found a suitable replacement to fight for the championship tonight. The New Number One Contender, The Rock! The Great One made his way down to the ring immediately for his NOW Championship match, but Y2J fled through the crowd before the match could begin as the show went off the air.

The next show, Mick Foley announced that The Rock would be getting his championship match at NOW’s first Pay-Per-View, Redemption. That night’s Main Event featured the match that was meant to take place last week but in a non-title situation, as Shawn Michaels took on the NOW Champion. Backstage before the match The Rock told Michaels that he had his back, but HBK refused any help, asking The Rock where he was when Jericho had attacked him after his Triple Threat, during the championship match and last week. Shawn said he didn’t need Rocky’s help, not want it. In the Main Event, the man who earlier revealed himself as Shawn’s attacker, Triple H, ran to the ring and attacked Michaels, he and Jericho beginning a two-on-one beat down until The Rock stormed the ring. The Rock began to fought off Triple H and Jericho, saving Michaels from further injury. As The Rock stood facing the ramp as The Game and Y2J scurried up the ramp, Michaels stood behind him, ready to strike with Sweet Chin Music. Rocky turned around and Shawn was about to go for the move, the Great One dropping to the canvas and rolling under the bottom rope as the show ended.

The final Revolution featured a big six-man tag Main Event, pitting Triple H, NOW Champion, Chris Jericho and the Rated R Superstar, Edge against Shawn Michaels, The Rock and CM Punk. Earlier in the night we saw The Rock and Shawn Michaels forgive and forget what happened the past few weeks, but Shawn looked uneasy as The Rock walked away afterwards. The match was chaotic and ferocious, but in the end, The Rock delivered The People’s Elbow to the NOW Champion and got the final pinfall. After gruelling matches, sneak attacks, and the web that has been weaved between all the men involved, will The Rock be able to capture the NOW Championship from Chris Jericho?

Last Man Standing
Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H

On Monday Night Revolution three weeks back, Shawn Michaels was found in a pool of his own blood, rendering him unable to compete for the championship that night as scheduled. The following week HBK’s attacker was revealed, none other than The Game, Triple H. Triple H told the world Shawn Michaels was not deserving to be in the championship match, and that the gold belongs around his waist. He said that Shawn had always been a loser, and always will been. Michaels did his best to hold back Triple H back in the days of D-Generation X and even constantly tried to outshine him in the reunion. Shawn though came down to the ring and the two exchanged heated words, before Triple H told Shawn that many times he thought that he had ended the career of Shawn Michaels, but every time, like the scum he is, Shawn would creep back up. Triple H said he wouldn’t make the same mistake again and challenged Michaels to a match at Redemption. HBK readily accepted as the two stared down, backing out and leaving the ring before any physical altercation could occur. Later that night in the Main Event, Triple H came to the ring during the Main Event and began to brutalise Michaels with Jericho, before the save was made by The Rock. The next week Michaels and The Game were both involved in a chaotic 6 man tag match, Shawn even managing to nail his long-time adversary with Sweet Chin Music. What will happen at Redemption? Will Triple H end the career of the Showstopper or will Shawn steal the show and shut Triple H’s mouth once and for all?

Edge vs. CM Punk

During the first Triple Threat match on Monday Night Revolution, Punk and Edge battled it out vigorously, although neither won the match. The following week, after CM Punk had gotten the victory over The Brian Kendrick, the Rated R Superstar made his presence felt, coming to the ring and spearing an exhausted Punk. The next week Edge explained his actions, claiming the only reason he lost the Triple Threat match was because of Punk giving him the GTS. If he was one-on-one with Jericho, he would’ve been the NOW Champion right now. Punk came down to the ring after the verbal bashing and began to return fire, challenging Edge to a match at Redemption. Edge literally laughed in the Straight Edge Superstars face, telling him there was no way in the world he could ever beat the Rated R Superstar. This angered Punk, who quickly hoisted Edge onto his shoulders for the GTS. Edge scrambled off the shoulders and out of the ring, wanting no part of CM Punk on that night.

The following week, Punk came to the ring and issued the challenge once again to Edge. When the Rated R Superstar didn’t come to the ring, Punk laughed and told the crowd that Edge was scared of Punk, scared that he couldn’t beat him. This managed to goad Edge out to the ring, as he accepted Punk’s challenge and told him that he’s going to embarrass him at Redemption. Edge then swung and hit an unsuspecting Punk with a forearm, the two brawling around the ring viciously before security came and ripped them apart.

As part of the big 6 Man Tag match, Punk proved he could hang with Edge, but can he beat him one-on-one? Or is Edge right, is the Rated R Superstar to big a mountain for Punk to climb?

NOW Intercontinental Championship
John Morrison vs. Rey Mysterio

After they both displayed great ability and desire to win in their respective Triple Threat matches, Mick Foley decided Mysterio and Morrison deserved another chance at championship gold. The next week, they faced off, with the winner becoming the first Intercontinental Champion. In a gruelling contest, after Mysterio performed an incredible springboard moonsault that sent both he and Morrison crashing into the barricade clutching at their injured bodies, both men were counted out leaving the title vacant.

On the next show, they faced off in a re-match to determine the champion. Rey hit the 619 after 15 minutes of rough competition and followed it up with a West Coast Pop. Mysterio draped his body backwards over Morrison and got the three count. But on a replay, it was visible both Rey and Morrison’s shoulders were on the mat, the match ending in a draw once again.

The next week on the final Revolution before Redemption, Morrison proclaimed himself Intercontinental Champion. Mick Foley though told John that if he wanted that championship he’d have to earn it, and a third match was booked between Morrison and Mysterio for the Intercontinental Championship, immediately! Rey came to the ring and the two fought a gruelling battle, before it disintegrated into nothing but a brawl. Morrison and Mysterio, ignoring the referee, continued to barrage each other with ferocious fists straight to the face, the referee having no choice but to disqualify both men.

Mick Foley decided that this issue had to be settled once and for all at Redemption. So, he put the Intercontinental Championship up for grabs at the pay-per-view in a ladder match! Who will come out on top, the veteran Lucha star or the young up-and-coming Shaman of Sexy?

NOW Tag Team Championship
Four Corners Elimination
Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Islanders vs. Latin American Xchange vs. Priceless

NOW boasts one of the most impressive tag team divisions in the world, and at Redemption, one of these teams will become it’s first champions. On the first edition of Monday Night Revolution, the Motor City Machine Guns defeated The Islanders in the first NOW tag team match. Afterward, Priceless stormed the ring and took the team down, beginning to cut a promo about how they should have the gold around their waist. They were promptly interrupted but LAX though, who challenged Priceless to a match right then and there. Cody and Ted declined before Homicide and Hernandez ran down to the ring, Priceless scattering into the crowd.

On, it was announced that at Redemption, the NOW Tag Team Champions would be crowned in a Four Way Elimination tag match between the Motor City Machine Guns, Priceless, The Islanders and LAX. In the weeks leading up to the match, LAX & MCMG defeated Priceless & The Islanders in an 8 Man Tag match, Manu won a Fatal 4 Way also involving Cody Rhodes, Chris Sabin and Homicide, whilst Ted DiBiase defeated Alex Shelley, Hernandez and Sim Snuka in a Fatal Four Way only 6 days ago. With each team holding a victory, it’s anybodies guess who will walk out as tag team champions!

DH Smith vs. Finlay w/William Regal

On the second edition of NOW Monday Night Revolution, we saw backstage The Empire trying to convince DH Smith, a man they thought ‘of noble blood’ to join them in dominating the competition. Smith refused, and told The Empire he liked to win his matches without cheating and underhanded tactics. The Empire obviously didn’t take this kindly, brutally attacking Smith after his match the following week, proclaiming if he wasn’t with them, he was against them. The following Revolution, Smith came to the ring and issued a challenge to The Empire, saying he would take on either of them in one-on-one action at Redemption. Finlay stepped up to the plate and accepted DH’s challenge. After gaining a pinfall victory over William Regal 6 days ago on Revolution, can the Canadian Bulldog defeat the other half of The Empire, the fighting Irishman, Finlay, at Redemption?

Umaga vs. Christian Cage

Umaga looked like a big threat after his first NOW match, defeating a local superstar viciously. The following week after Umaga had defeated another local superstar, Armando Estrada began to brag about the dominance of his monster. This tirade was interrupted by none other than the Instant Classic, who challenged Umaga to a match right then to see if he could stand up against a real challenge. Armando accepted for the Samoan Bulldozer and the match got underway. Even against the big bruising Samoan, Christian put up a hell of a fight. The ending of the match came when Estrada distracted Cage, allowing Umaga to recover and nail the Samoan Spike. The match was over, but Estrada and his beast were far from done. They continued to brutalise Cage, leaving him beaten and bloodied on the outside floor.

The following week after defeating a team of local superstars, Estrada bragged about what they did to Christian Cage last week. Before he could finish, Armando was cut off by Mick Foley. Foley told Armando that Christian had been injured and could not compete for a few weeks. But he could compete at Redemption, where he would meet the Samoan Bulldozer, Umaga, in the ring for a second time. In the weeks leading into Redemption, Umaga gained victories over more local superstars, gaining momentum and extending the undefeated streak he had begun against Cage. But will that all come to an end when he meets an vengeful Christian at Redemption?

That's the card for my first show. Please leave some predictions or whatever.


Active Member
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Loving the roster man, good luck with this!

NOW Championship
Chris Jericho (c) vs. The Rock

Last Man Standing
Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H

Edge vs. CM Punk

NOW Intercontinental Championship
John Morrison vs. Rey Mysterio

NOW Tag Team Championship
Four Corners Elimination
Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Islanders vs. Latin American Xchange vs. Priceless

DH Smith vs. Finlay w/William Regal

Umaga vs. Christian Cage

Interesting matchs/Info. with the matches. Im liking this Jericho/Rock feud with the sneak attacks, and "Grueling" matches. The Empire looks sick, and Triple H turning and beating the hell out of HBK is something new. The first night looks pretty good, good luck!


Chris Jericho (c) vs. The Rock

:smh at old people in this BTB

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H

Because I said so

Edge vs. CM Punk

By DQ or countout

John Morrison vs. Rey Mysterio


Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Islanders vs. Latin American Xchange vs. Priceless

Meh, everybody creams over them

DH Smith vs. Finlay w/William Regal

Beat the fuck out of the youngster tbh

Umaga vs. Christian Cage

Cage pwns slightly more


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
This BTB look good. The Rock really doesn't fit into the rest of the roster.

NOW Championship
Chris Jericho (c) vs. The Rock

Last Man Standing
Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H

Edge vs. CM Punk

NOW Intercontinental Championship
John Morrison vs. Rey Mysterio

NOW Tag Team Championship
Four Corners Elimination
Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Islanders vs. Latin American Xchange vs. Priceless

DH Smith vs. Finlay w/William Regal
I'm expecting Regal to turn on Finlay and team up with Smith.

Umaga vs. Christian Cage

CT Styles

Looks decent, I'll see what you come up with. I didn't notice this as I thought some pain in the ass bumped your old thread. Good luck. These aren't really predictions, they're whoIwanttowin-ions.

NOW Championship
Chris Jericho (c) vs. The Rock
Jericho. It looks as if you whacked The Rock in because you like him. Don't know if you do but it seems that way. He doesn't fit.

Last Man Standing
Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H
Shawn Michaels is my favorite of all-time.

Edge vs. CM Punk
Give him a little win over Edge, set him up for a push somewhere.

NOW Intercontinental Championship
John Morrison vs. Rey Mysterio
I like John Morrison. A lot.

NOW Tag Team Championship
Four Corners Elimination
Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Islanders vs. Latin American Xchange vs. Priceless
I like these guys too, hate seeing them not pushed irl.

DH Smith vs. Finlay w/William Regal
Don't really care, fuck Finlay imo.

Umaga vs. Christian Cage
I like him better.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
NOW Championship
Chris Jericho (c) vs. The Rock
The Rock doesn't seem to wedge into the BTB nicely, nor smoothly. Whatever, its ficton anyways. The Rock loses after cheap win a la Chris Jericho.

Last Man Standing
Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H
Heel win, and pushes HHH to a triple threat title feud with Y2J, and probably The Coc- ugh I mean Rock.

Edge vs. CM Punk
Hopefully, this match is just as good as all the other Punk/Edge matches we've read. CMS's stands out in the lot, but hopefully this one goes up there. Punk to balance out with the heel wins I'm predicting.

NOW Intercontinental Championship
John Morrison vs. Rey Mysterio
Nah, you're signature, avatar has noting to do with it.

NOW Tag Team Championship
Four Corners Elimination
Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Islanders vs. Latin American Xchange vs. Priceless
They are the shit. I can see MCMG winning also, but I doubt LAX, and TI will win it.

DH Smith vs. Finlay w/William Regal
An anti-american organization type of thing forming here would be good. As for now I see DH winning, and being pursued by Finlay/Regal after being impressed.

Umaga vs. Christian Cage
Meh, doesn't seem like an appealing match to me really. Just to get Cage over imo.


May 9, 2007
Reaction score
This sounds like a promising fed. Here are my predictions:

NOW Championship
Chris Jericho(c) VS. The Rock
I believe this one will be a very close match. I think everyone is underestimatiing The Rock. Although my pick will be CHRIS JERICHO retaining the title, but barely.

Last Man Standing
Shawn Michaels VS. HHH
This one will be another very close match! I am going to go with Shawn Michaels he is a solid wrestler and I belive that he has more stamina and will be able to outlast Triple H in another close match.

Edge VS. CM Punk
Well, well, well. This match is the battle of up and comers. I am going to go with Edge because I know he will do something to pull this victory off.

NOW Intercontiental Championship
Ladder Match
John Morrison VS. Rey Mysterio
This should be a good match up. I'm going to go with speed over power and pick Rey to win this.

NOW Tag Team Championship Match
I am going to save the space and I am going to pick the Motor City Machine Guns in this one. It should be another good match though.

DH Smith VS. Finlay w/ William Regal
I am going to go with Finlay because he had Regal in his corner and I can see where this is going to go.

Umaga VS. Christian Cage
Not even close to the caliber of all the other matches. So just for kicks i'll pick Cage... more skill, more speed.

Check out HIWS: High Impact Wrestling Society my first show is up. This sounds promising so good luck with it.