From those we've spoken to, TNA morale following today's meeting was very good.
The 24/7 "Action Never Ends" move was presented to the talent as a way for them to really dig in deep and create characters for themselves and as a way for everyone to get an additional spotlight on their work.
According to sources close to Universal Studios, TNA has not yet locked in where they will be running their tapings. There are several (3 I believe) soundstages they can use, but which one has not been locked in. They will not be back at the same Soundstage 21 that housed the Impact Zone.
With so little live events being scheduled over the next few months, TNA talents have been reaching out to different independent promoters trying to book indy dates. One of the biggest issues there is that TNA will not let their talents work for any groups if the footage is filmed for iPPV or DVD. So, unless they are in "dark" segments, that will limit where the talents can work, and might lock them out of most of the higher-profile, better paying independent groups.
The belief among talents is that house shows will pick up again after the European tour.
The 12/27 Philadelphia taping will instead be a house show.
I just finished listening to the TNA Hall of Fame podcast and the speeches were very good. Jeremy Borash was very funny roasting different people in the company, including Dixie Carter.