I pretty much called Senhor's prediction the second they announced Vince/Heyman for next week but I still think they could swerve us and make it Taker/Brock. The next week or so afterwards, Brock can confront Triple H and an open challenge could be made for Wrestlemania, and maybe Triple H has a week to think about it, or maybe not. If he does, then next week comes, and Triple H makes it sounds like he's gonna accept, but he says instead that he knows he can't beat Brock (or at least he isn't interested in trying again) but he also knows someone who can, and that's the guy he threw everything at the last two years and still couldn't put down... the Undertaker. The lights go out, gong hits, etc. You know the drill. Would be a nice way of connecting Taker and Triple H and even HBK's history over the last four Wrestlemania events, given the latter two's history with Brock as well, and the fact that they can both stand back and realize that if there's one guy who can take Brock, it's that guy, the guy they couldn't put down at Wrestlemania despite their best efforts. Would even be nice if before then, they even had a segment backstage where HBK questioned HHH's possible decision to fight Brock again, given how monstrous he himself knows Brock to be.
Something along those lines but the logical part of my brain knows it's false hope. I feel the feud had a definitive ending with Triple H tapping out cleanly at Summerslam and putting over Lesnar huge but I can't say I completely hate it anymore. Will be a more exciting buildup than the triple threat/Rock-Cena, most likely.