When the hell do we get it. I been waiting since they first announced it. It looks awesome and I sure as hell can't wait.
Yea plus the thing where you can download some of you games straight to you system to make it go faster. That's awesome.
^ Nice, I'm looking forward to it. People are bashing it for being a PS3/Wii rip off, but who really cares? It should be an awesome update anyway, can't wait for it!
Not everybody has one of those overpriced 360 hard drives. I'll be damned if I install, delete, install, delete just to get a smoother running game.Yea plus the thing where you can download some of you games straight to you system to make it go faster. That's awesome.
Most installs are optional. The ones that force you to install are games like MGS4, and LittleBigPlanet because of the huge amount of space used in the BRD. For instance SCIV and Bioshock PS3 have optional installs. Do the install and it'll play better and smoother with faster loading. Don't install and it'll run like its 360 counterpart.eh I could wait for that and fix ur english, now i suck as writing but still its your not you, it bugs me. but on topic i dont want it to be like ps3, cuz that annoys the hell out of me, put in ur game wait 15 to 45 mins just to start playing, TNA took 30 mins to install and I swear if i have to go through that every time i wanna play a game im just going to play Wii.
All games are slated to have trophies and cs after November and Greatest Hits titles are getting patched for trophies and cs. HOME has been confirmed for a December release date of 2008. Home is basically everything Microsoft Avatar system is.Its nothing like the PS3 online. The PS3 online only just got updated to be as good as Original X-Box where games only had custom sound tracks if the game supported it. 360 all the games have custom soundtracks. It is kinda a rip off of the Wii with the avatar Mii's, and what PS3 wants to do with Home, but at this rate Home is never going to happen and 360 took the idea of home and made it better. PS3's will never work that good. I can promise you that.
All companies ripoff one anotherBesides if we want to talk about real Rip-Off's lets talk about a little think called Trophy's sounds like a good idea. Wonder where they got it. Oh wait Achievements. Lmao.
Well see I was looking to buy a game system not a wanna be computer. So I think I made the right choice. =P
Can anybody give me a full list of what will be updated?