Hey guys, it's been a while since the last Impact! Wrestling video game and with TNA having gained momentum since last year, it's the right time for a new one on the consoles. I'm sure we can all name a solid roster, good game modes and other things we want in the game that could market itself as a game, for example; the big roster featuring not only the TNA originals, but the new stars like Magnus, and also the likes of Sting. We could see new match types exclusive to TNA, like the Ultimate X match and a new type of gameplay, to make the X-Division feel authentic. We could also see the Bound for Glory series implemented into a story mode and much more.
So is there any news on a new game? Are TNA working on getting someone to make it, have they agreed a deal or is it just not happening? And also, what would your ideas be for the game?
So is there any news on a new game? Are TNA working on getting someone to make it, have they agreed a deal or is it just not happening? And also, what would your ideas be for the game?