Well, CM Punk lost to the Rock. Rock faced Cena at 'Mania. Cena won. Ryback turned on Cena and faced him for the title. Cena wins lol. Mark Henry makes a retirement speech but winds up turning heel and losing to John Cena at MITB. Orton wins the briefcase along with Sandow winning the WHC case. The Shield have the tag titles and US Title at this point. Cena hand picks Daniel Bryan as his opponent at SummerSlam. Bryan wins. Orton comes out. Triple H, who was the guest ref, turns on Bryan and helps Orton win the title. Orton and Bryan face many times and Bryan even won but was stripped of the title. Big Show was used by Stephanie McMahon until he had enough. He left the title vacant at Battleground. At Hell in a Cell, Cena returned to win the WHC from Alberto Del Rio. Bryan and Orton face for the vacant WWE Title. HBK is the guest ref. HBK superkicks Bryan and helps Orton win. This wasn't a heel turn, just the orders of Triple H. Survivor Series just took place and Orton defeated Big Show to retain the WWE Title. John Cena and Randy Orton are now set to face at TLC in a TLC match for the WWE title and WHC. Current champions are:
WWE Champ: Randy Orton
World Champion: John Cena
IC Champion: Big E Langston
US Champ: Dean Ambrose
Tag Team Champs: Cody Rhodes and Goldust
Alot of storylines took place. Like, the Rhodes family vs The Authority, CM Punk vs Ryback, Punk vs Taker was at Wrestlemania, and Michael McGillicuty debuted as Curtis Axel and held the IC Title from Payback to the week before Survivor Series.