Well the only window computers I use are ones at school and well you know how those are, little pos's that haven't had a significant update in like 4 or more years and run all slow as hell and have a screen that a man in his 80's would have no problem seeing. Thats my biggest thing when it came to graphics, trying to make a graphic with a large as screen is a pain in the ass, also the computers have different colors, the colors your computer has arnt the same colors I have and like my grandmas computer, if I look at a dark signature and it has some like grey background the shit looks pitch black on hers, cause the colors messed as fuck. Mac crashing though? Damn you got me there, your area or something, shit here its like a windows crash everytime. We both gunna have our strong oppions on our own system though lol, is like the Mac and PC commercials, your a PC I'm the Mac and we never get along because of it. lol