My Craiglist Ad: Because I Just Don't Give A Fuck

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Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
This is a wrestling forum, and your responses will make me rofl pretty hard. So I'm gonna do something nobodies ever done before and actually post my craiglist personals ad on here. Bwaha!

I'm going to be honest and up front. Even though it virtually guarantees me getting zero responses, I don't care. It's better that I tell you my expectations rather than string you along pretending like I am interested just for the sake of lonliness. Call me shallow, call me a horrible person, whatever. This is me, take it or leave it.

I'm not interested in a "BBW". I apologize ahead of time but if you're going to get all defensive and do some generic "RE: Going To Be Honest" post over in your adds section then you can forget about it. I'm not getting into it with you. I just am NOT interested in an heavy set woman. It's as simple as that. Average? Maybe. Depending on whether your actually average sized or whether your 210lbs and consider yourself "average" because Margaret down the street is 350.

So in a nut shell, I'm only about 164 myself. I expect whoever I'm with to be around the same, preferably less. If you're a taller girl which makes up for the weight proportion then cool by me.

I'm not one to do the whole blind date thing either. I know, its like "wtf are you doing at craiglist then?" Well to be honest, I've already lost the majority of Craiglists viewers by what I've said above so whatever I say at this point onward will just be ignored anyway in favor of calling me a shallow heartless beast. But I digress, I prefer it if we exchange phone numbers first, or talk online. Maybe hang out a few times but not seriously considering ourselves an item until we actually get to know one another as friends first. This is important for me, because last relationship I rushed into she ended up cheating on me with a black japanese indian dude.

And no BBW's before you try and create a clever quip in your seething reply to this message she did not cheat on me because I have certain standards. She cheated on me because she thought she could control my way of thinking and make me her lapdog and I resisted.

So that's another standard. Anyone of you who is of the mind that "You have to train your man" can get the hell out now. I am a free spirited person, intellectual, funny, optimistic and friendly. Just because I have relationship standards doesn't mean I can't be friends with all walks of life. You won't be able to tame me, and I won't be your puppy dog. So you respect my freedoms, and I will respect yours.

That is pretty much it. I personally don't feel this is so much to ask. In our Cosmopolitan society where girls cream themselves over Johnny Six Pack yet expect guys to not have standards themselves without being monsters, I feel my standards are quite fair.

1) Thin to average weight. 2) Build upon friendship first. 3) Don't try to control me.

That's it. Really. I'm not asking for someone to bend over backwards for me. I'm not asking for you to wait on me hand and foot. I'm not asking for you to constantly spend time with me or ditch your guy friends who you hang out with. I'm simply asking for freindship, respect and a slight demographic of thin to average women only. I don't think I should be held to a standard that just because this is craiglist means that I have to settle for overweight women.


It's too bad that Y2Jasmine ended up being someone compeltely different than who "she" said, or else you two would've made a great couple.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
Reaction score
In my beard
I posted this here for the lols not because I was actively seeking someone from a wrestling forum who might be interested. <.<


Fuck those black japanese indians and their cunning ways.

Wrestling Station

HEY!!!! :mad: no love for me? I will warm your bed without the need of blankets. Hell, without even the need of the bed!!! lol.

Not going to give you a free drink, so work for it to earn it!!!
Apr 22, 2009
Reaction score
Oh seriously dude I would be careful on Craigslist. I heard they got some real crazy people on there. I even saw some stories on the news about murders that happened from people meeting on there. Really be fact internet dating was always a dangerous prospect I thought. You never know what's true from somebody you can't see. My ex one time started talking to this girl online, and they got chummy so he called her one day. Guess what?...It turned out to be a guy. Now THAT was pretty funny, but it just as easily coulda been someone like that gal from Misery.


What I don't get is if you're this desperate, why are you still setting requirements like thin to average women. Stop being such a superficial fuck if you aren't getting any action.


Wait, craigslist is one of these dating sites?

Just go to a cheap bar if you was some los desperados.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Why use Craig's List?

At least Plenty of Fish doesn't scream desperate.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
Reaction score
In my beard
What I don't get is if you're this desperate, why are you still setting requirements like thin to average women. Stop being such a superficial fuck if you aren't getting any action.

Was there anything in my ad, or my initial post that said anything regarding desperation? I'll say it for the third time, since you're seeming to have a difficult time grasping this concept. It's for the lols, in a moment of boredom, on a website notorious for harboring creeps and spambots. So anyone even going on craiglist expecting to really get any is truly pathetic. If I was actually desperate enough I'd just go out and buy a Sprague Walker for a night.

Aaaand people called me pathetic.

Maybe it's because you've gone so far off the emo scale that even you're pizza cuts itself. :)