Orally factor? Oral??! Oh. So you're into oral sex?
You remind me one day I went to a shopping mall here, I went to the gents toilet.
On the wall, someone wrote "Oral sex, and then a mobile number"
I was thinking what should I do?
I called a friend (who is known to us as a professional in cyber sex world) lol, so he called the number.
Then, a girl answered the phone. She started cyber sex talk with him through phone, for 3 days.
After that I saw him weekend and told him what happend? While I was driving, he called her, and put the mobile onto speaker so that I can hear it too.
She started telling how she wants it and in which positions. She was really wet and hungry to suck cock!
But the thing, I noticed something but I didnt say anything to my friend. I kept silent :shifty:
At the end of the phone call, he told me what do you think? That he is a pimp and stuff.
I told him, did you check her "laugh"..
He said: no, why?
I told him, she is actually a HE! lol. probably a gay.
He was ashamed and im still accusing him for being "Mr Professional" in cyber sex :laugh: