Probably Punk's Pipe Bomb honestly. I've been out of wrestling for quite some time at that point, only knowing a few things here and there because my friend still watched or I was still on a forum or two primarily about wrestling. Like about R-Truth's push, heard so many good things about it that I went and checked out a promo or two and hated it. But not long after that, I had heard Punk was in the title picture, and he was an immediate favorite of mine so I thought "Okay cool, still not watching". Same thought when I heard Shawn was going to be on the Raw Roulette episode Pipe-Bomb. My sleep schedule was all kinds of messed up, so I went to bed in the afternoon of the Raw Roulette but for some strange reason I woke up like ten minutes before Raw started, so on a whim I decided to watch the whole show because two of my all-time favorites were going to be on it. All this help gave the Pipe Bomb even more impact to me, it reinvigorated my interest in wrestling, arguably my peak interest in it.
Other than that probably just watching matches with friends & family. There was a Smackdown Tag Team match between The Brothers of Destruction and Mr. Kennedy & MVP that I watched with my father & brother that I have really fond memories, and watching End of an Era Taker vs. HHH with my father & friend was awesome too (especially since my dad was rooting for Taker to lose & my friend the opposite, seeing there complete opposite reactions as the Superkick/Pedigree false finish worked on t