AMA Monstruo del Circo v. Blake Justice

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Ricky Smarks

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Boiler Room Brawl
Monstruo del Circo v. Blake Justice

Remember that role-plays are to be received no later than 11:59 PM EST on Friday, January 21st, 2022.


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Monstrou In The Mirror | The Justice Volumes

The scene opens with Monstruo del Circo, sitting backwards on a steel chair and looking directly at the camera. The room is dimly lit, although it is hard to miss the fact that MDC’s hands are bandaged heavily and they seem to be soaked with blood. Who the blood belongs to, is at this moment in time and unknown. Monstruo looks at the camera and nods his head in acknowledgment as he begins to speak.

“Justice. The definition in English is just behaviour or treatment, simply put that the way someone acts is with a genuine respect for people. Now you must forgive me, because English isn’t my first language, you may truly have the most ironic name out of everyone who works for the AMA. The only person you seem to care for is yourself Blake, which means perhaps you should name your name to Selfish Blake or No Respect Blake or Barely Breathing Blake because when we arrive at Daytona Beach I am going to do everything in my power to choke the life out of you. If it has become obvious to you by now, I really am willing to cross the line for true justice to be served.”

Monstruo del Circo stands up and starts unwrapping the bandages from his hands, and as the camera zooms in it becomes clearly apparent that his hands are cut and bruised and they look like they have taken an absolute beating.

“Strength and conditioning, I so often hear these words be used by wrestlers in the locker-room, but I can’t help but laugh when they talk about what they are doing in some overpriced corporate gymnasium in order to get these results. People who are born above the poverty line, are never going to understand what hard work and determination truly is, especially not in an industry which involves beating the crap out of your opponent. If anyone in the United States of America has a sob story about the struggles of the working class, then I can’t even take them seriously. You live in the land of the free and home of the brave, you don’t truly understand what it means to struggle. But in order to keep in that mindsight, and stay motivated you need to push yourself in the exact same way you did when you had nothing. And that is exactly what I do - that is how I maintain my strength.”

Monstruo drops the bloodied bandages to the floor and walks across the room, where he isn’t standing too far from a mirror. A prop that has been used as a tool in so many of his promos up to this point in time.

“If you are training using a punching bag, then you are wasting your time. A punching bag is the equivalent of a cuddly little teddy you give to a Baby. It is easy on the hands and offers little to know resistance. It is simply a waste of time. Instead, you need to claim a carcass of a dead animal and attach it to a hook before you begin your workout regime. What you punch needs to be actual flesh, if you are going to be comfortable beating the crap out of another man in the ring then you need to get used to the feeling. Breaking through muscles, breaking through tissue and colliding with bone. You stand no chance in connecting with a shot to the ribs and breaking a man’s rib cage if you have learnt what it feels like to punch through bone. Having a personal trainer offer you empty compliments, rub your shoulders and hand you a premium priced protein bar doesn’t make you an accomplished athlete. No, no, no all is does my friends is show the rest of the world that you are in fact a little bitch. Una pequeña perra inútil. [Useless Little Bitch].”

Monstrou walks up to the mirror, and the camera angles change to a point of view with the viewers actually seeing Monstrou reflection in the mirror, rather than his actual physical self.

“But it is important that we are honest with ourselves. When I look in the mirror, I would be lying if I said I am happy with what I see. Because you know what I see? I see a grown man, with face paint that resembles some sort of demonic clown looking back at and with nothing to show for his battles. What are the history books going to have to say about me? Some filthy street orphan from Argentina, wrestled in America and wrestled some matches. I mean I don’t even care about this story, so why on earth would anyone else care? And this is my story and my life that I am talking about, and I have accepted that the person I am looking at is simply not up to par. Up to this point he has never done anything worthy of being remembered. This person is not worth a damn second of anyone’s time.”

Monstruo shouts out in rage as he moves forward and smashes a forearm straight into the mirror causing it to shatter into millions over places as what looks like jets of blood splatter the camera lens. It is clear though that this is some sort of special effecting, rather than actually happening. The room goes dark, the blood and glass shards disappear and we are just left with an empty mirror frame as Monstruo del Circo continues to speak.

“But if I don't falter and walk down the path that I need to, then it would be possible for me to change my own future. Manifesting your destiny? What a stupid concept. No one has a destiny, because everything is earned and nothing is deserved. Nothing is easy and everything is meant to be difficult. Blake Justice I hope you are willing to sacrifice not just your body, but also your mind when we meet. Because I am willing to all, but kill myself to get the job done. No judge or officers can come to your rescue of what I promise you will be the closest thing to attempted murder you have ever experienced. The unrelentless violence that we will partake in, will be so grotesque that we will in many ways create a union of blood between us - a crimson marriage if you want. Because you can guarantee there will be so much blood, you will forget what colour the sky is. No matter what happens though "El espectáculo debe continuar! - The show must go on! And I am willing for this to be my final performance if it gets the job done.”

The scene immediately fades to black, with a hashtag in red writing #therewillbeblood in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.


Marty McFourth

My Strange Addiction
Feb 9, 2020
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Blake Justice - Boiler Room Promo

We open with Blake Justice pacing around a boiler room, very much like the one that will be the scene of the boiler room brawl at Manifest Destiny. We just see his back, as he's pacing, scraping his trusty shovel on the ground as each scrape produces a very unnerving sound. He tilts his head back suddenly and looks at the camera that has been placed in the room. Like a scene out of a horror movie. As he turns around, he slowly slithers towards the camera with each footstep being followed by a loud and audible shovel scrape on the concrete flooring.

"This right here, this is going to be my playground come Manifest Destiny. I can hardly contain the excitement looking at all the tools at my disposal here I can use. I'm already picturing Circo's skull bouncing off these pipes. When the night is over, he'll be looking for his saviour, but it won't come. This little world here, in this very room, it plays by my rules. "

He moves towards some of the piping on the walls, lifts his shovel up and begins to tap on the piping with it. Light bulb clearly flicking in his hand as he's mulling over his upcoming match with Monstruo del Circo.

"Just imagining the rattling of Circo's skull as it connects with these pipes. It gets me all giddy. In that moment, he's going to realise why he never should have set eyes on me. His life will flash before his eyes, and when I'm done with him, when I've had enough fun with him, this boiler room will become his tomb. That moment will keep replaying in his head over and over again during his final moments. All he will picture is me, this shovel and his skull connecting with the pipes. A fucked up nightmare he can't escape, only this time, Freddy Krueger is in the real world and he's out for even more bloodshed."

Blake edges closer to the camera and grabs a hold of it, he places it down on the ground and sits down cross legged with the shovel laying neatly in front of him. Almost like he's protecting it. The wounds of the parking lot brawl still visible on his face, he puts his hood back over his face.

"The parking lot brawl was just the start, you wanna know the reason why I didn't finish Circo off then? I was savouring it. The moment needed to be right, it needs to be just me and him. I don't want him to look at anyone else as he goes. I want to be the very last thing he sees, the only last thing he can remember. Because I know, that eats him up inside to the the very core. Until he's bloodied, battered and only looking up at me. I'm not satisfied. This time he doesn't have his tag partner backing him up. He's here alone, in the trenches, out of his depth."

Blake grabs a hold of the shovel as he continues sitting on the ground. He lifts it up straight in front of him, as his face appears split by the shovel blocking the camera view partially. He grins behind it, with a sick twisted smile.

"It's funny really, you tried burying me with this shovel, and now it's going to be the reason you don't make it out of here alive. That night you tried burying me, tried to get rid of your demons once and for all. They just came back stronger and even more powerful, using your tools against you. If you learned anything from this Circo, you can't cheat death. You can't escape your inevitable fate. It was always going to be me ending you, right from the very start."

The scene fades to black as Blake just looks on staring a deep hole in to the camera.