Kayfabe Monsters

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Dec 14, 2016
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*Scorpio begins to make his way to the ring with a mixed reaction as always. You can hear cheers, but you can also hear boos. He enters the ring and grabs a mic*

Scorpio: Backlash. I plan on going to war with Karl Senn, and I'm going to have a lot of fun! I can't wait to get in there to finally finish him. This NWO uprising is going to fall before it starts, and I will make sure to that. I'm making the promise that I will claw my way to victory. Karl will act hard, but he knows what I will do. He knows I'm in his darkest nightmares, and he knows I'm going to finish him. No one else will get to end him because that's my job! I don't care how eager the Precision superstars are to have a match with Karl. Karl won't be around after Backlash because I'm going to end him again, and this time he will retire for good! He will run away once again, and I will make sure to end NWO before it starts. I know first hand what they can do, and it does cause a little feeling in my heart. That's a wonderful thing because I don't feel much in there....I wasn't even sure if I had a heart at one point, but it turns out I do. I guess I need to thank Karl for showing me who I really was. I felt sorry for the people they bullied, and I now know I don't like bullies. This is why me and The Golden Dragon get on so well as allies. He doesn't like bullies, and he fights for the little man. I don't like bullies. Bullies make me stay up at night thinking terrible things in my head, and my head is a bad place to be in. Trust me, no one wants to know my thoughts. That's a real horror show.

*Scorpio begins to rub his chin as he continues to talk*

Scorpio: You all won't know of the history of the NWO, but I can tell you they're not to be taken lightly. They will take what they want if they get the chance. They're not alone, and that's always worked in their favor. They always have the numbers, but they no longer have that advantage. Yeah, me and Golden may not be best buds, but we know these guys need to go. I'm going to my dark place at Backlash, and that's a place I don't like to go to. I only went there once before, and I beat Karl Senn on that night....He ended up leaving for months. I still was holding back though! I can't hold back at all anymore, and that's what haunts me. I can't control the inner darkness in me, and I get scared of it. What if I can't break out of it? I don't want to be there forever, but I think the risk is needed. All I know is the fact I will stop him when I go there, but I just wish I don't go there to end a monster, and end up creating another bigger monster. I don't want to be that monster. Howev....

*The music of Karl Senn interrupts Scorpio*
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The Artiste
Dec 15, 2016
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*Karl Senn makes his way to the ring with his signature NWO titled T-Shirt while smiling all the way down. He enters the ring and walks right past Scorpio not even paying a little bit of attention to him. He grabs one of the mics and walks over to one of the corners of the ring. He begins to speak*

Karl Senn: Can we get the audience some pillows? Maybe a blanket and a bed to go with that? You're making us all tired with your boring serious voice. I mean, can you act a bit more happy for once? You don't need to a miserable shit to get these people to hear you. And also, why are these people giving a damn anyway? I'm hearing cheers for this piece of dog trash. You're all giving him the right to continue his pathetic little rant about going to the dark places. Mate, I've been to dark places. I probably been to more dark places than you have in your whole life. Acting like you won't be able to come back from your dark place and shit like that is just funny to me. What dark place have you been to other than sleeping at night? It's really weird to me, but let's face it, you have always been weird to me.

*Karl Senn begins to walk to the middle of the ring*

Karl Senn: Are you still going on about beating me that one time? Trust me, it wasn't because you were better than me. I lost that night because I lost my drive to compete in a wrestling ring. I was leaving anyway, but you just pinned someone who was already down for the count. There's nothing special in that, and deep down you know that as well. I mean, what have you done that's so great? I kind of remember the NWO beating the living shit out of you many times before. I mean, you won the Survival title! Oh wait, you beat Awesome Mike for that? That guy is a bigger nutcase than you. He's going on about just wanting fun and all that crap. You can't have fun in this wrestling ring. This ring is just for battles and wars. Having blood running down from your face because you've been beaten so much isn't fun. How about you ask for matches with the likes of CRASH and Awesome Mike since they are the only guys you will beat. You have no chance with top tier talent since you're lower tier at best.

*Karl Seen arrogantly walks directly to Scorpio. Both men are staring at each other face to face*

Karl Senn: Man, it's really sad to see you like this. You're looking for that one moment in your life when you achieved something great, but you now know it was fluke just like you're a fluke. You're no monster or anything like that. You're just some guy from LA who likes to wear paint. To be honest You're just my....

*Karl Senn takes a few seconds as Scorpio looks on with anger.*

Karl Senn: BITCH!

*Karl Senn walks back to the other corner as Scorpio begins to the kick the turnbuckle. Karl Senn begins to speak sarcastically*

Karl Senn: Wow, don't get too mad. You might go to your dark place and be locked there forever.