MNM#8 - Character Development

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Mat Awesome

Feb 7, 2010
Reaction score
Cincinnati, Ohio
Please give opinions and suggestions

"The Deity" Jared Thunder is seen sitting at a round table, in ★a dark New York ★bar, with his manager Doctor Von Jupiter. Thunder, wearing a sleeveless white t-shirt and blue jeans, is holding his bright red cell phone up to hjs ear, with an expression on his face that looks like he is worried, but at the same time, relieved. Meanwhile, Doctor Von Jupiter sits there, in his cane and his signature black suit, with a very intense look on your face. After a ten second silence, Jared finally starts talking to the person on the other end of the reciever.

Thunder: Hey man. I'm making my debut in IWF soon. Isn't that great?

A thirty second silence occurs while Thunder listens to his friend on the other end of the reciever.

Thunder: Look Ric! I worked my ass off trying to get this opportunity. Just because I made it in the big leagues and you and the others haven't, doesn't mean that I have forgotten about you guys! I've spent my whole life with you three, and I'll be damned if I ever let you guys down!

During the next couple seconds of listening to Ric, who is on the other end of the call, Jared's eyes open up widely as Dr. Von Jupiter shifts in his seat, uneasily.

Thunder: So that's it huh? You all are shunning me from The Gods? And I was going to help get you all in IWF?! You all cannot get into IWF! The only way you could get in is if I put in a good word for you, but you could forget about that.

Thunder flips his cell phone closed, ending the call, and the conversation.

Von Jupiter: You did the right thing Jared. If you let them follow you here, they would have ruined your chances.

Thunder: I have no one to fall back to if I start losing matches in IWF now! What's my motivation now?!

Von Jupiter: Once you make your mark in the IWF, your whole motovation will be the IWF fanbase, and the determination to win Championships.

Thunder still looks uneasy and disappionted as Von Jupiter pats him on the back and smiles.

Von Jupiter: Don't worry Jared, once the fans see your passion for the business, you will instantly be part of the big leagues.

Scene fades to black.​


Nov 3, 2007
Reaction score
[We see a black football jersey that has the words Brown Boyz over the number 69 written in lime green. The camera fades out and we see the all too familiar face of DJ Primetime.]

It’s been awhile. It’s been awhile but I see not much has changed. I see the same legends. I see young guys jumping all over the place trying to get known.

See I heard IWF was coming back but I knew I wasn’t ready to come back. I don’t believe in doing things half assed. But I knew I still had bills to pay and the family still had things to do. So I decided to send my baby brother Andres De La Hoya in my place to help out.

As you can see he’s been nothing but a disappointment to myself my family and has spit in the face of all the hype and expectations surrounding him. What I didn’t expect was him to take over the whole team and damn near single handedly ruin my dynasty. But that’s another problem concerning things you people don’t know about so I’ll digress.

De La Hoya somehow took everyone from me. But they’re just people. Just bodies for the puppet master to control. He wanted em; he can have em. But I will take my legacy back from him even it kills him.

Which brings me to why I’m back here, I guess it’s like the old phrase says if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. So IWF tell your friends, tell your families, tell your friend’s families. Ya pay check ain’t safe cuz daddy’s home BITCH … *zoom in* … and he’s not alone.

[Classic heel smirk as we fade to black.]


Nov 6, 2009
Reaction score
(Dominick Aviles is sitting on his couch wearing nothing but his underwear and eating a bowl of CoCo Puffs. His phone rings, and he picks it up, continuing to eat his cereal and talking with his mouth full.)

Aviles: Hello?

Valentino: Yo, bro. You up now? It's 3:30 in the afternoon!

Aviles: Yeah, I'm up dude. Whats up?

Valentino: Me and Vegas came by your house like an hour ago.. You need to change that sleep schedule of yours, dude! Anyway, check by your front door. We left a DVD for you... That's all I can say...

Aviles: ...Alright? Just tell me what it is, bro. I'm in my undies right now, I'm not going to the front door unless it's worth it.

Valentino: Here, hold on.. Vegas wants to talk to you.

Vegas: Just watch it, little bro. I promise it'll be worth it. Alright, bye!

Aviles: --wait!

(He checks his phone, and it says 'call ended'. He throws it on the couch, and heads to his front door. He peaks through the window to see if anyone is outside, before quickly opening it and trying to grasp the DVD case. He struggles to pick it up with the bowl of cereal in his other hand, but finally grabs ahold of it and stands up. Immediately, he hears a whistle coming from the hedges by the street. It is a paparazzo, snapping pictures of the near-naked Dominick Aviles.)

Paparazzo: Nice tighty-whiteys, Dom! Oh, this is great!

(Dominick slams the door shut and walks back to the living room. He pops the disc in and sits back down on the couch. He pours another bowl of CoCo Puffs and begins to eat and watch the latest RED SHIELD MAFIA promo.)


(Dominick watches the whole thing with a blank expression on his face, his jaw dropped as far as possible. The promo cuts off, and he just sits there for a few seconds before dropping his bowl of CoCo Puffs on the floor. Dominick, unaware of the huge mess he's created, begins laughing hysterically. He rewinds the promo, and watches certain parts again, cracking up at the pure foolishness of the Red Shield Mafia.)

Aviles: Seriously, bro?!?! Was that a joke? Did DAMIEN WALKER just threaten me?!?! After I laid that wrinkly old crackhead out with one punch, he's gonna threaten me? Diamante Valentine is rambling about Vegas or Valentino paying his bills... Young Mannie is talking about video games. What is going on??!?!?!

(Dominick Aviles starts laughing again.)

Aviles: Oh wow... I can't breathe. I gotta call Tony.

(He grabs his phone and dials Tony Valentino's number.)

Aviles: BRO! That was priceless! Well, not really.. I'm pretty sure TMZ just got some naked pictures of me, but it was still worth it!

(The camera fades to black as Dominick tries to explain his TMZ situation with Valentino.)


Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
(Note: This is a repost of a RP I did for APW. Considering that I'm playing the same character in both feds, and that this is a pretty big development for my character, I figured I'd also post it here.)

Sunday, February 14, 7:00 pm
Seattle, WA

Gary Biggerstaff (Biggs) and Ellie are seated at a very upscale, and crowded, restaurant in Seattle. Gary is dressed to the nines in a black suit with a white shirt and blue tie, while Ellie is simply stunning in an elegant purple dress. The fabric of her dress shimmers thanks to the candle light, and the two are waiting for their food to arrive. The restaurant is dimly lit, mostly by candle light, with elegant white table linens and fancy plates with golden trim. There's more forks than Ellie knows what to do with, while Gary explains to her playfully what each one is for. He has the smallest fork on the table in his hand, and a grin on his face as he talks to his girlfriend.

Gary: And this little one here is for when you baby corn. See how small it is? It's perfect for poking those little suckers so you don't have to pick them up and eat them with your hands.

Ellie lets out her infectious giggle.

Ellie: No it's not! You're just having fun at my expense! I've never been to a restaurant this nice before!

Gary: Yeah, I guess I am having fun at your expense. But you wouldn't have it any other way, would you?

Ellie: Nope! Because it means I get to have fun at yours!

The two chuckle a bit before Gary gets a little more serious.

Gary:Y'know, this is my first Valentine's Day where I've actually had a reason to celebrate. This being my first real romantic relationship, I can't help but feel that I'm somehow not doing enough for today.

Ellie: Believe me, you've done more than a enough so far! Between all the chocolates and flowers, the afternoon picnic, and now this, I definitely feel loved! Plus, you're doing a lot better than my last boyfriend did. His idea of a romantic Valentine's Day was going to see Monster Trucks. My left ear still hasn't regained it's hearing since then!

Gary chuckles a bit.

Gary: Well, I'm glad that the bar wasn't set too high for me!

Ellie: It sure wasn't. Still, despite his romantic ineptitude, Steve was very sweet. Not very bright, mind you, but sweet nonetheless. But we're not here to talk about my romantic past, we're here to enjoy the one we have now!

Gary: Actually, I don't mind hearing about your old flames at all. It'll actually help me to know what not to do in order to keep you happy!

A slightly perturbed expression crosses Ellie's face, as she obviously didn't like what Gary just said there.

Ellie: What's that supposed to mean?

Gary suddenly realizes his mistake and starts stammering.

Gary: W-w-well, I j-just thought that if I heard m-m-more about the guys you used-d-d t-t-to date, well, then I'd find out what you liked and didn't like, and that w-w-would help me to no mess this up!

Ellie: And that's your problem. You're too worried with messing up that you can't be yourself. That first night I met you, I knew instantly that you were different from everyone else I'd ever met. Once we started going steady...

Gary: Rather abruptly, if I may say so...

Ellie: You may. But back to what I was saying, since we've gone steady, every time there's a “big eventâ€￾ you get too worried about how you look to others, about how you compare to other people, that you just don't let yourself be happy with who you are. The fact is is that I love you for who you are, not by how you compare to my old boyfriends! You need to quit worrying about what other people think and just be happy that something is going well for you!

Gary: I know. It's just that I've never really, experienced any of this before, and it's as exciting as it is scary. You know better than almost anyone the confidence issues that I have, how the only way that I've been able to have success in wrestling is by going out there play out the part of me that I don't like. You know that it's a constant worry for me that I may not be in full control of my actions at all times, that when I'm in the zone as my Biggs persona, I'll do things that I later regret. I'm just worried that Biggs may surface in our relationship.

Ellie: He has, but only in the ring. When I go out in front of that crowd, they aren't seeing the real me. I act like the biggest spoiled brat in the world, but that's not who I am. I realize that you've been wrestling with the question of who you really are for some time now, and that it's not quite as clear cut with you as it is with me. After all, Gary the person has to live with Biggs the character's actions, because they actually effect other people. But the fact is, Gary, is that in your line of work, they understand the risks that are inherent when they sign up for it. You know how much you love wrestling, but you also realize the inherent danger. That being said, the thing I like most about Biggs is he's confident and doesn't care what other people think. I think that you should accept the fact that it's okay to mix in a bit of Biggs with your personality, that who you are in real life doesn't have to be mutually exclusive from who you are in the ring. Granted, if you were all Biggs, all the time, I'd probably leave you in a heart beat, but the fact is that you don't have to be afraid of who you are. We all have parts of us that we don't like, but we don't have to let them control us. If we're honest with ourselves, take responsibility for our mistakes, and move on, then there's no room for second guessing or regret!

Gary sits there for a moment, thinking about what Ellie just told him. After a few moments, he responds.

Gary: You know what, Ellie, you're right. Personally and professionally, I've been too preoccupied by keeping my two lives separate that neither life is the true me. In the ring, I'm brash, arrogant, and a despicable human being, but I'm confident. Outside the ring, I'm polite, reserved, and in all honest, a scaredy cat. Maybe the real me is somewhere in the middle.

Ellie: Exactly! These last few months have been great, and I can't wait to get to know the real you better along with you for the rest of my life...

Gary: Huh?

At this point, Ellie gets out of her chair, and adjusts her dress, getting down to one knee and pulling a box out of her purse. She opens up the box, and inside is a silver ring.

Ellie: I know that we've only known each other for a few months, but they have been the best few months of my life. I love you more than anyone I've ever known, and I want to ask you, Gary Joseph Biggerstaff, will you marry me?

Gary is taken aback by Ellie's actions, and is stunned. After a few moments, he begins to laugh, shaking his head in disbelief as Ellie looks on confused. At this point, Gary pulls a box out of his pocket, and reveals a ring as well. It has a golden band with a shiny, green emerald on it. Ellie breaks out into laughter as well as Gary gets down to one knee, joining her on the floor. He has a goofy, though obviously happy, grin on his face as he speaks.

Gary: I was going to ask you the same thing. My answer is yes...

Ellie: Mine too.

They slip the rings on each others fingers and embrace, kissing each other as they do so. Ellie gives Gary a peck on the cheek, and tears of joy run down both of their faces. The people in the tables around them clap and cheer as they get back up and get seated, both overjoyed at what has just occurred.

Crooked Moonsault

New Member
Feb 21, 2010
Reaction score
“Why can’t you just stay clean?â€

Here we find James Best, rock-star, a man who sells records, a man who swims in success, a man who…is on his hands and knees scrubbing the floor of his locker room? James Best’s eyes widen with obsession as he trawls the rag in his hand into the floor viciously, resting only once to regain his breaths and grab the bottled disinfectant to again spray the floor and once again recommence scrubbing. It had been uncertain just how long he’d been doing this, however the portion of the floor behind had been impressively polished and the door knocks only once and creaks open.


“It’s me, James..its me Alys..â€


“Okay! Okay!â€

From the door stands a redhead in cargo pants, from first impressions she’s one of those girls you just know was a slut at high school. Her fiery red hair is complimented by the dark eyeshadow and cherry-red lipstick, her name was Alyse and she’d been James Best little bang doll for the last two years or so.

Look at it all? Can you see it? Can you see how filthy this place is, Aly? it’s disgusting!

Viciously scrubbing using both hands, James grits his teeth as he conquers a section of accumulated grime in the carpet, grinning victoriously and impressed with himself. Leaning into the doorway and folding her tattooed arms over, Alyse sighs and looks away with a roll of her eyes.

“Yeah baby, it’s a pigstyâ€.

I can’t stand it.. it’s everywhere! Who the hell leaves their room this way? It looks like we’ve got to do this all over again, princess… looks like we have to clean this shithole from scratch just like all those other places before.
“You know what James, what are we even doing here? you’re a World Heavyweight Champion, I don’t understand why we moved.â€

Not even paying attention, James attacks yet another section of his floor and scrubs to hell.

“Just… stay… clean!!â€

Alyse adjusts her studded bracelets and pulls her Ipod from her back pocket, obviously uninterested.
“Every place I’ve ever known has been disgusting. I’ve cleaned shithole to shithole and done the jobs nobody else could. I’ve worked my ass off from my hands and knees and wiped the companies clean of their Heavyweight champions, of their politics and annoyances. I do this because no one else can, because by the time anyone can see what is happening around them, it’s already too late. I’ve already been there done that.â€

â€But James, listen to me. You’re a ghost here, no one knows you. You moved away from home after three long years of working your ass off, here you’re nothing. Nothing more than the shit you’re scrubbing from the floor right now. You want to do this all over again? You really think these people give a shit who you are?â€

Instead of answering her, James simply responds in the light scratches from the rag to the floor, once again talking aloud if not to her than nobody in particular.

“Once I’m done here, I’ll more than likely move on but while I’m still here, I’m going to clean this place up square inch by square inch. I’m going only one direction, forward and if you’re going to do something, you better do it properly. If you’re going to make an impact, you just don’t talk about it, you make progress.â€

“Damn it, James.â€

Slamming the door behind her, Alyse storms off leaving James carefully inspecting the floor meticulously and ensuring everything he touches is sparkling clean, everything he touches shines like gold.

(no idea where I was going with this lol)​
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