The scene opens with Bobby, sitting on a bar stool, not behind the set of his webshow for a change, downing a beer. He looks furious and he smashes the bottle on the counter before speaking.
BS- Well then, I try to go out and they pull be back in. I try to take a breather and they won't give me a break. What kind of Society do we -live- in where a man can't go on leave without being booked? I am in my home state of Texas right now. I had personal business to take care off. I asked IWF management to give me a couple of weeks off, and what do they do? Spit in my face and make me work.
Bobby grabs another beer from behind the counter and begins aggressively drinking again.
So Hayden Arrington, that means bad news for you. Your getting all the anger of a pissed off Texan man heading for you head on. You will be flatlined whether you speak or not, so my advice is to just sit down and enjoy the beating. It will only hurt for...a long time. See I've studied you Hayden. I've found your weaknesses, and I've found your...well, only your weaknesses. Let's just mention this one to spare you from straight up quitting this federation. You my friend, haven't been important enough to be on TV, since the rumble. Hell if I even remember that, you didn't even win. Looks like your just going to continue on that shit path, because your not beating Bobby. Not one I can remember anyway, and when your going up against the unpinned Bobby Storm, you better realize, you have no hope. Your going down. You can bank on that. All I have to say is Sorry...About Your Damn Luck.
Bobby's theme is ominously heard as he runs up and breaks the beer bottle over the cameraman's head, causing the camera to go to static.