MNM#3 - Dark Match - Hayes Brothers vs. David Baptie & Josh Jones vs. Triple A

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Active Member
Mar 25, 2007
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Beginning Again

The scene opens with the Hayes brothers standing in a empty IWF arena, the two look around at the empty seats and sit in opposite sides of the ring. Shawn and Gabriel are dress in Affliction clothing head to toe, Shawn's eyes shine a silver blue while Gabriel's' are a fire red. The two look across at each other;

Shawn: How many times before have we stepped into a IWF ring Gabriel?

Gabriel: More times than I can count dear brother.

Shawn: How many of our matches we dark matches?

Gabriel: none

Shawn: That's right, every time we stepped into the ring we were the most important part of the night. I was one of the biggest superstars there was and now I competing in a match before the true show begins. I am the last Xtreme champion in IWF, we were the most dominating tag team in IWF but now we will step into the ring like IWF debuts? No matter after we dominate the two other tag teams in our match IWF management will be forced to show us the recognition we deserve, because night in and night out we have always put on the best show, the most exciting matches and everything we have into every match.

Gabriel: Next week will be no different, we will walk into this match and walk out winners. We have not been beaten in a single team match when in IWF and that won't change. We will not lose to a team that is slapped together like David Baptie & Josh Jones nor will we lose to a team that doesn’t even compare to us in Triple A. In a matter of weeks we will be back in our rightful places in this company and until then we will enjoy creating a body count never before seen in the IWF.

Gabriel stands up and makes his way to Shawn, Shawn then slides out of the ring and Gabriel then follows and steps out through the ropes and then jumping down to the floor. The two walk up the ramp and stop at the top and Shawn turns around and close his eyes remembering the intensity he once felt every week as they came out to a booing crowd, Shawn then opens his eyes and smiles,

Shawn: oh things are going to be very different this time, we matured at IWE and here we will leave our new ever lasting impression.

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard


The world I love
The tears I drop
To be part of
The wave can't stop
Ever wonder if it's all for you
The world I love
The trains I hop
To be part of
The wave can't stop
Come and tell me when it's time to

It was a homely kind of feeling, inside this strange and intricate Vietnamese restaurant. They didn't try to insult you're intelligence with dim "authentic" oriental lightning fixtures. They simply went for the less is more approach with simplistic white and gray kitchen tiles, lime green drapes with clear delicate glasses for green tea and water. Along with a humble touch of candles lit at every table. The windows were large and bright as to allow the natural sunlight to provide all the visual one needed. It all felt rather plain, and therefore less intimidating than most other oriental joints that made you feel like you should be in a suit and tie just to be in attendence.

The order was simple, three sinh to bo. Also known as Avocado Smoothies. Great for the antioxidants, also great for the skin, vitamins and all around careful dieting that was required of any serious athletes. Judging by the fact that the recipients were none other than The All American Athletes, you'd think it were only natural that they would be keeping up with that reputation. Katie King waiting anxiously at the counter as the smoothies were being processed. While Andrei Evans didn't seem too sure about this whole Avocado business.

Andrei Evans:
I aint so sure about this whole Avocado business James.

Told you so.

James Carpenter:
Chillax, Andrei. I never had anything like this either. But it's always good to try something new right? Just like this week. Our first triple threat tag team match. Sure it isn't going to be under the watchful eye of a televised audience, but it's important none the less. See what I'm sayin' bro?

Katie King slammed down their tray onto the limestone and oak wood table between the two stalwart tag partners. Both so inexperienced, Katie simply shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest with an irritated "humph" before offering her retort.

â€￾Razzle Dazzleâ€￾ Katie King:
You damn right it's important! You're in for the fight of your fuckin' lives! I'm so pissed right now.

Andrei Evans:
Why's that kat? Cuz we aint gonna be on television?

â€￾Razzle Dazzleâ€￾ Katie King:
Hell no! That's natural. You're untested against IWF tag teams. I'm pissed because you're going up against the Hayes Brothers! I don't know if you've been paying attention but they're pissed off. They're a big deal here in IWF and you two are practically being fed to them like salmon to sharks to appease their egos. Undefeated in tag team competition, are you kidding me? And then you throw in the unpredictable offense and chemistry coming from David Baptie and Josh Jones, and you guys will be lucky if you walk out of there with your insides still in the right places!

James Carpenter:
Aight, so we're practically destined to lose, and you're our

Katie didn't appreciate the snide comeback of James Carpenter. She knew she was being harsh, but she had to be. A good manager can never baby their clients. If you go out there and tell your men that their opponents are going to be a piece of cake like the Hayes Brothers are doing, you set yourself up for failure. But with a strong attitude and a stronger work ethic, you can be prepared for anything. So with that mentality in mind, Razzy D grabbed the light green semi soft serve concoctions and slammed them in front of each respective wrestler.

â€￾Razzle Dazzleâ€￾ Katie King:
That's where this shit comes in. Pure Grade A bad ass protein!

Andrei Evans:
I don't think there's any protein in Avocado.

â€￾Razzle Dazzleâ€￾ Katie King:
Shut up and drink it!

Dutifully, they All American Athletes take their sixteen ounce clear plastic cups and proceed to consume the sinh to bo. It was rich, smooth and awkward all at the same time. It was one of those things that tasted like it was soft serve green tea ice cream mixed with the powdery thickness of sweetened and condensed milk. James Carpenter definitely seemed to be enjoying himself, while Andrei Evans winced in disgust much like a child wood who's tasting something new and pretending like they don't like it simply because it's new.

Andrei Evans:
What the fuck is this shit?

â€￾Razzle Dazzleâ€￾ Katie King:
It's smoothie. Made with Avocados. Are you deaf and dumb? Drink up! You're going to need all the natural energy you can get if we're gonna even last two minutes out there with veterans like the Hayes Brothers.

Andrei Evans:
How is drinking vietnamese smoothies gonna help us beat two other tag teams in real competition? I think there's a cat somewhere in this shit.

James Carpenter:
I dunno, I kinda like this stuff.

Razzy D smiled in the direction of Carpenter and flipped her hair across her shoulder. The color she decided to dye today was a bright violet. She then frowned in the direction of the still befuddled looking Evans and proclaimed,

â€￾Razzle Dazzleâ€￾ Katie King:
Well I know somebody who's gonna be able to take an extra break during strength training tonight. While a certain other someone is going to have to handle my delicates this evening!

Andrei Evans:
Who, wait, what-me? Fuck that shit I'll drink it. See? Look! I'm drinkin' it!

Comically the triad finish their smoothies and wave to the friendly elderly vietnamese store owners good bye. As they step outside into the bitter cold afternoon air, they are thankful that they remembered to wear proper winter wear accordingly. The news warned that the ice storms that hit the west coast were picking up strength today as it headed towards the east, and the mid west was definitely no exception today. Andrei and Carpenter were both wearing contrasting club room sweaters over bodog t-shirts with black jeans. While Katie King wore a jet black turtle neck with sleek black pants as well. That only eccentuated her bright violet hair that flowed in the bitter winter winds as they began a preliminary jog towards the nearest gym where they had set up their equipment for the evening.

James Carpenter:
So....what's the plan for beating this bad dudes next week?

Andrei Evans:
Yeah, I don't know much about these guys. Hows about you fill us in on the details so we know what we're in for?

â€￾Razzle Dazzleâ€￾ Katie King:
Well I'll tell you what I know. Josh Jones is known as the Dagger. He's sharp as his nickname suggests and he's highly dangerous if you give him an opening to go high flying. But he's teaming up with David Baptie. He's real big in the UK. Unfortunately his match tactics tend to be on the dirty or arrogant side of things. So chances are he may not let Jones get alot of action in and if he does he won't like to be tagged in if the going is getting tough. They're styles individually are dangerous but as a unit they are untested and most likely going to be more like mixing motor oil with vinegar than be an actual unit.

Andrei Evans:
That's where we got em beat! We may lack experience. But you've seen us first hand girl. You know we've got good chemistry. So if we can keep them two isolated from each other, we might just frustrated em enough to get the win am I right?

James Carpenter:
In a normal tag situation yeah I'd have to agree. But we're not taking into account the Hayes Brothers. What's the scoop on them? Are they really gonna be dangerous or are you just trying to scare us so that we try harder?

â€￾Razzle Dazzleâ€￾ Katie King:
It's a little bit of both. The Hayes Brothers are no joke, don't even think for a second that it's going to be easy. These guys are the returning veterans of IWF. They hope to quickly re-establish themselves as the dominant tag team on the scene. They may be successful, MAY be. I wont lie, you're best bet is probably gonna be a pinfall over David Baptie or Josh Jones. Because not only do Shawn and Gabriel make a great pairing, but they also are very successful singles competitors. So isolating them and using tag team psychology aint gonna be easy. But the good news is, if you can beat them, that'll be a huge boost for you. I doubt you'll ever find yourselves in a dark match again. Because a win over an undefeated tag team means you'll be shot right into tag team greatness. And that's a fact!

And so, the Triple A tandem finally arrived at the like-new gym building around the corner and down the block. Kicking up fallen leaves as they go, the brown-gold cascade of falls past slowly settles back to the ground behind their feet. Much like how the time is running down, destiny awaiting the melodramatic meeting of three untested tag teams. One making their debut, another being a make shift draw of two wild cards, and one returning team looking to restore their former glory, and yet nobody is quite sure if they are up to the task as they used to be. Such large implications surround such a forgotten spot on the card. Will Triple A be able to overcome the odds? And if they do, will it even matter to the mainstream audience as the beginnings of a new age remains blackened by a match that nobody will ever see.
Jun 29, 2007
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Edinburgh, Scotland
The camera opens up on a gym with minimum light. The camera turns to the left and David is holding a punchbag for Josh. The two look at each other as David walks to the camera and Josh goes to get a drink and a towel.

David "For once, I ain't pissed at IWF. I'm actuly happy them. They have teamed me with Josh Jones. Wow IWF, I thought you were anti British but I'm actuly realy happy at this decision. Now as my partner is off to get a drink of water and dry down, I thoguht I'd give you a little heads up. Number one the tag team name is still in discussion and number two our tag team finisher is still to be decided, but we do have a rough idea."

David's phone rings as he walks to one side Josh walks forward.

Josh "Now as me David have been on the same page for the last three weeks it is no wonder that IWF "had" to put us together. Now me and Mr Monday, Mr Scotsman, will be ripping into the whole tag team divsion starting Monday night."

David walks back,

David "Now will start with team triple A, Anal Aristocrat Aliance. Instead of triple A, these two belong in AA (A cheeky smile appears on David's face as Josh laughs). Now you two should run to mummy and go mummy, Mr Baptie beat our asses, and handed them to us on a plate. Waa Waa Waa."

Josh"The Hayes Brothers, I aint even intemidated by you for one reason. You two aint related to Michael Hayes so what are you two going to bring you A game, well your A game is like our D game only a half effort. So when were finished with you two, we think were due a tag title shot. We think main event the next week against any team strong enough to take us on then on you come, but no one will step up to the plate so what the pint."

Josh goes away and picks up his bag.

David "See you on Monday."

David bursts out laughing as the camera turns to black.
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