Michael Bisping Talks Jason "Mayhem" Miller and Coaching TUF 14

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Jan 28, 2011
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Michael Bisping thinks he can keep his cool around Jason "Mayhem" Miller. Seriously. At least, that's what he told Gareth Davies of The Daily Telegraph today in a wide-ranging interview. Besides talking about the coaching gig, he discussed how much he loves fighting in the UK, how much he hates downtime, and UFC 130. Bisping comes off a lot better here than he does in a lot of interviews, choosing to not demean or insult anyone and actually make light of the heat he seems to get from North American fans.

On the TUF 14 coaching job:

"I feel very privileged to get a second term as a TUF coach. It shows the UFC holds me in high regard. It’s great to be seen as a fighter and a personality within the sport. The only downside is that it puts me out of action until December, but it’s not like I’m going hungry," said the British fighter, who leaves the UK for Las Vegas this weekend to start filming on Monday.

"All in all, it’s a fantastic situation I’m in."

Bisping somehow think's it's possible he might only be one fight away from a title shot...but he's cool with two fights before a shot at Anderson Silva. Uh, okay:

"Yes, it could be two fights, but if I don’t get a look in straightaway, I would understand why," added Bisping.

He really believes there's a chance he might not lose his temper, and he could even be the good guy on the show! Look at Mikey, being all delusional! At least he has a sense of humor about the whole thing:

"I think they have looked at characters, but I want to represent myself well. I’ve been around Miller many times and he’s a pain in the butt. I’m sure if he pesters me enough, he’ll get a reaction at some point. I’m sure there will be a bit of back and forth, and we’ll have some fun with it. But at the same time, hopefully I can keep my cool and win a few fans around the world – even in America."


"Could I go on a good guy PR campaign with this series? Perhaps I can show my sensitive side (hahaha). In all seriousness, I’d like to be able to do a good job for the young fighters who are going to be in my group, and just be myself – the nice, charming individual I can be."

After discussing a few different topics, the interview ends with his view of Brian Stann's knockout win at UFC 130 (he was impressed) and what he thinks of a possible matchup between the two:

"Stann is a fight for me in the future. He’s the all-American hero, and I’m the British bad boy. I definitely see him as a future opponent, and if they do not give me the title shot, then perhaps it will be Stann. I look forward to meeting him down the line."

I still find it a bit amusing that Bisping thinks he's so close to a title shot, but a matchup against Stann would be the toughest fight he's had since he lost to Wanderlei Silva, so it's enticing. There is that Mayhem guy in the way though, and you know Miller's going to have something to say about that.