He was pretty spot on with the Ryback heel turn, which everyone else dismissed.
The Bryan one makes no sense but I can see it fitting under WWELogic somehow. His path does seem like someone who will eventually snap but pretty odd considering he just lead the way into giving The Shield their first team loss. Orton makes more sense considering he could end up pissed that Bryan got the big shining moment in defeating The Shield over him, and perhaps Bryan accidentally hits him (instead of the other way around this time) which causes them to lose the tag title match.
Jericho's heel turn I could see as a swerve of some kind. He's pissed at the reaction Punk gets (it's his home town after all) and the lukewarm reaction they give Y2J, and he snaps and attacks Punk after losing the match. I'd rather see Jericho as a face nowadays, though.
Hopefully if a heel turn happens, it's anyone but Bryan. A Bryan/Jericho feud or a Bryan/Orton feud or both would be dope.