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E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score

Live from Marrakech Stadium in Marrakech, Morocco.
Thursday 16th November, 2023.



Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "The following contest is a trios match, scheduled for one-fall and with a twenty minute time limit. Introducing first: the team of Juan Tothrefor, and - Trash Mammal and Halloween Knight - Trick or Trash!!"

Rod Sterling: "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to another exciting edition of Meltdown!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "How do you know it’s going to be exciting, Rod? We haven’t started yet."

Rod Sterling: "Because it’s ALWAYS exciting, Anzu! And Meltdown XXXV promises to be no different! We’ve got a veritable smorgasbord of wrestling delights spread out before you, beginning with – oh Jesus it’s these guys…"

Juan and Halloween Knight are most of the way down the ramp, high-fiving people as they go. Trash Mammal lags behind as he tries to convince people that it’s okay for them to touch him and slap hands but is having very little luck. Eventually he gives up and paces down the ramp to catch up with his partners. The trio slide into the ring and hype up the fans until their music fades out, replaced by…

… well, replaced by nothing. The first competitor of the opposition team walks out onto the stage to no music, loosening up his joints as he walks down the ramp.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "And their opponents… first, from Parts Unknown because he isn’t giving his address to nobody… weighing in at two hundred and fifty pounds on a good day… Trevor Walker!!"

Walker stops at the bottom of the ramp and considers sliding into the ring but, with a three-on-one advantage in the other side’s favour, he decides to wait for his partners. Then…

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "And his partners: first, from the Realm of Despair… weighing in at two hundred and fifty pounds… Vengador!!"

Vengador cuts an imposing presence as he strides out onto the stage and then down the ramp, coming to a halt next to Trevor. Walker doesn’t even look at the man who is to be his partner, showing no signs of comradery or affection as Vengador’s music fades. Next…

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "And finally… accompanied to the ring by the Menage… from Sitka, Alaska… weighing in at one hundred and eighty pounds… XYZ!"

XYZ bounds down the ramp, handing out roses to the fans on the front row as he goes. He comes to a stop at the bottom of the ramp, the XYZites hanging back a little and cheering him on from a distance. He shares a fist bump with Vengador and then offers one to Trevor, who looks dead ahead and places his hand on his hips. Finally, with the trio all assembled, they slide into the ring and prepare for the match.

FIRST MATCH || 1/20.
, Vengador, and Trevor Walker vs. Juan Tothrefor, Halloween Knight, and Trash Mammal.
Trios Match.
Match writer: SS.

<< 00:00. >>

The bell rings with Trash Mammal already in the ring and - after a few moments of discussion - XYZ convinces his teammates that it will be him starting things off for the opposition. The two circle the ring for a few seconds, looking like they might kick things off with a somewhat surprising technical exchange. But, just as X shapes up for a collar and elbow, the Mammal instead charges in at him, looking to take his head off with a lariat. X ducks beneath it, though, carrying onto the ropes and then hitting Mammal upon reapproach with a spinning heel kick! Trash Mammal fights right up to his feet, but X is there waiting for him with an atomic drop, then a stamp on the foot, and then a snap suplex! The crowd cheer X as he gets to his feet, with Mammal backing up into his corner and tagging in Halloween Knight. The Knight bundles into the ring but is met with a standing dropkick!

With Halloween Knight down, X makes the perhaps unwise decision of turning his back on his opponent (as well as his opponent's teammates) to turn around and bow for the audience… allowing Juan to enter the ring and club into him from behind with a double axe handle, sending X to the mat. The Mammal is back into the ring, too, joining Juan in laying in the boots to the grounded X.

Rod Sterling: "Here comes the cavalry! Vengador is straight into the ring to help out his partner…"

Anzu Kurosawa: "And Trevor Walker follows suit, albeit somewhat reluctantly."

Indeed, Vengador is enthusiastic about the save, clotheslining Mammal out of his boots and indeed out of the ring, whilst Walker lets out a deep sigh before entering the ring as well, trading hands with Juan as the two tussle onto the outside. Walker looks to throw Juan into the nearby steel ring steps, but Tothrefor reverses and sends Trevor over them instead!

Rod Sterling: "This one is breaking down already! Get some control, referee!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "Or don't, if that's your prerogative. Let them have a little fun!"

X looks ready to throw himself over the top and onto the pack with a slingshot plancha, but before he can Halloween Knight comes up from behind with a schoolboy…


Kickout from X! The official looks to gain some control as the opening stages roll on…


<< 05:02. >>

We rejoin the action with Trash on the ascendancy against Vengador, backing him into the corner with a series of chops. A tag is made to Knight, with Trick or Trash proceeding to throw Vengador into the ropes with an Irish whip and then taking him down with a double clothesline. Not done there, they hoist Vengador up to his feet and put him back down with a double suplex! Knight follows up by hooking the leg.


Broken up by X, who hits a stomp to halt the count. The official bustles him back into his corner as Knight hoists Vengador up to his feet and backs him into the ropes with some forearms. He whips him across and attempts a clothesline, but Vengador ducks beneath it and carries on running… before sending Knight FLYING across the ring with a huge shoulder block! Halloween Knight lands on his backside in his corner, with Juan promptly reaching over the top rope to tag himself in. Juan charges at Vengador, but gets taken over with a big back body drop! Vengador spares a moment to glance over at Trash, who considers climbing in to join the fray but, after a gulp, thinks better of it.

Rod Sterling: "Huge shift in momentum here as Vengador shows his power and poise! Trash Mammal wants nothing to do with him."

Vengador refocus on the legal man, hoisting Juan up before planting him on the mat with a vicious fireman's carry facebuster! He hooks the far leg…


Kick out from Juan, but Vengador is able to settle into a rhythm, slapping on a side headlock to further grind him down…


<< 10:53. >>

Trash Mammal and XYZ, the legal men, are both down in the middle of the ring following a double clothesline that took both of them out, with each crawling to their respective corners to make a tag. They eventually manage it, with Halloween Knight and a reluctant Trevor Walker entering the ring and exchanging a series of right hands. Trevor seems to get the better of the exchange, backing Knight into the ropes and then whipping him into the opposite set. Knight leapfrogs the attempted back body drop and then goes for a lariat of his own upon reapproach, but Walker ducks beneath it and then nails the turning Knight with a boot to the midsection… followed by a DDT! Trevor goes for a cover.


It's broken up again by Juan Tothrefor, but before he can do anything more he spots Vengador charging in at him. Juan backpedals to the ropes, pulling the top one down to send Juan sprawling onto the outside. He spots XYZ too late, though, and X clatters into him with a lariat that takes him over the top rope…

Anzu Kurosawa: "Slingshot plancha by XYZ! He takes to the skies to take out Juan Tothrefor!"

Rod Sterling: "But that leaves Trevor all alone in the ring, and I don't think he realises that Trash Mammal is standing right behind him."

He does realise, though, when Trash swings him around and hoists him up into a fireman's carry. Knight, meanwhile, has been standing in the corner and quickly hoists himself up onto the second rope.

Rod Sterling: "Gutbuster from Trash Mammal! Followed up by a diving leg drop from Knight!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "I believe they call that Pumpkin Patch II! Knight hooks the leg, that might be enough!"


XYZ tries to slide in the ring…


But Juan has a hold of his legs!


Winners: Juan Tothrefor and Trick or Trash via pinfall at 12:35.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: "Here are your winners… Juan Tothrefor and Trick or Trash!!!"

Trick or Trash and Juan celebrate in the ring whilst XYZ slides into it to check on Trevor Walker. The victors climb out of the ring, still revelling in their victory as they make their way up the ramp. Trevor finally comes around and immediately bats XYZ away, rolling out of the ring and kicking the ring steps in a huff, clearly frustrated at taking the pin for the loss.

Rod Sterling: "Trevor Walker seems in a foul mood."

Anzu Kurosawa: "No change there, then…"

Vengador enters the ring and looks just as disappointed as Trevor (though he stops short of booting any ring steps). He has his hands on his hips, nonplussed as Rivers is a Vampire blares out once again. XYZ offers him a smile, which does nothing to change his partner’s stony disposition. Upping the ante, X reaches into his tights and produces a pair of roses, holding them out towards Vengador, who simply shakes his head, sighs, and then climbs out of the ring.

Rod Sterling: "Vengador turns his back on XYZ, clearly not happy with taking another L here in our opening contest. He leaves the flamboyant one alone in the ring."

Anzu Kurosawa: "Aw, I feel sorry for him. Should I join him? I’m not usually one for flowers, but I dislike sadness even more!"

Rod Sterling: "He fetched those roses from his tights, Anzu. I’d steer well clear."

The Menage join XYZ in the ring to console him as we fade to black.


Footage backstage shows Madison Gray speaking with an Interpol Officer, with some local Police Officers also present on the scene.

Madison Gray:“Have you found Laramie yet? We know she was abducted and has been transported without her consent.”

Interpol Officer:“Unfortunately, Miss Gray, we are still trying to piece the situation together. With very little evidence to work with, it is increasingly difficult to solve missing-person cases.”

Madison Gray:”We are in Morocco, are we not? This is a country of culture and resources. If you know it was most likely a member of the roster who took her, and there is a high chance that Laramie is being transported against her will, surely you would just have to search everyone's accommodation?"

Interpol Officer:”We would need a warrant from the local magistrate, but due to the nature of your company, every time we get all our paperwork in line, you then leave and move into another sovereign nation. So, this is becoming an unmanageable job.”

Madison Gray:”So, what are you telling me?”

Interpol Officer:”My superiors have told me to drop the case, as we are wasting money and resources, and it is unlikely we are going to be able to help you in recovering her. I really do apologize about all this.”

Madison looked on in complete disbelief as the officers proceeded to walk away before walking a few steps away herself. She balls her fist up and ends up screaming at the top of her voice.

Madison Gray:“SON OF A BITCH!”


We cut to the ring, where we see Gabby climbing up the steps and into the ring, instantly calling for a mic and wasting no time whatsoever. She doesn't even take a moment to let the crowd settle and instead gets straight to the point.

Gabrielle: "Y'know-"

???: "Maybe I've been too vague recently."

Gabrielle is cut off as the titantron above the entrance ramp lights up, and we see Elizabeth Rose at what appears to be a rave, but the area is a bit too blurry to fully make out.

Lizzie Rose: "Now, I don't know if you're willfully ignorant or just plain stupid, but last week, I told you to stay out of that ring...and out of my life...FOR GOOD. No one here wants you. No one needs you here."

Boos ensue as Elizabeth snarls into the camera.

Lizzie Rose: "Are we all clear now? Does everyone know my position? That I want you gone?"

She looks around for some sort of acceptance.

Lizzie Rose: "Good. Because up until now, I wasn't really sure that everyone understood me. Hell, See that's why Gabby is here to tonight."

Small pop for the mention of Gabby, but Rose blows right over it.

Elizabeth Rose: "Don't get me wrong. I would've loved to be the person that sent you into retirement ...and trust me that's EXACTLY what would happen, but it seems like you're not going away...I guess my methods have to change..."

Elizabeth has a smirk … but not for long.

Elizabeth Rose: "Screw with me - I'll screw with you....So now, Gabby… you don't get to walk away. You don't get to ride off into the sunset anymore. I'm here to take your mantle - I'm here to take your spot… and yeah …I could simply assume the position… but now… I won't rest until I physically take it from you..."

Elizabeth steps forward, closer to the camera.

Elizabeth Rose: "I won't rest until you're BROKEN. Humbled. Defeated in every possible way a person can be…"

Elizabeth pauses and the camera gets extremely close to her face.

Elizabeth Rose: "But, unfortunately, I'm not there tonight to do it..."

Dramatic pause.

Elizabeth Rose: "Have you met my sisters?"

A snap echoes through the arena and all of the lights, as well as the titantron, turn off. The crowd buzz with contempt as they are very aware of what that snap means.

The lights come back on and standing on the stage is the Daughter of Demise, the leader of Eternal and the TORN Universe, Keres. We see the view from over Gabrielle's shoulder as she stares down Keres and mocks her dark, almost goth, appearance. Meanwhile, Keres just smirks at the Hall of Famer. An awkwardly long amount of time passes as the two just stare at one another, with the crowd growing silent, but not of boredom... as they are concerned with the sight inside the ring.

Gabrielle: "Are you going to get in this ring, or are you going to just stand there like the anti-social freak you are?"

Keres' smile disappears as she slowly raises her arm to point at Gabrielle... or so it seems from the over the shoulder view. From out of frame comes a gloved hand down on the shoulder of Gabrielle. She turns around, extremely startled, and is met with a completely marble white-eyed and reactionless Princess Nova, now more like a puppet than a living being. In a very quick manner, Nova's hand darts to the mouth of Gabrielle and she locks her jaw with the Queen's Web! Nova's gloved hand forcefully brings a struggling Gabrielle down to the mat as Keres slowly walks down the ramp and into the ring. Gabrielle screams as Nova stares straight at Keres like a loyal dog awaiting its instructions. Now with Keres finally in the ring, Gabrielle seems to struggle less as she begins to succumb to the surprise attack.

Keres retrieves a microphone and kneels down next to the fading star Gabrielle.

Keres: "You try and sneak your way back into Elizabeth's life and, in turn, meddle with my Universe. Now look at you, Gabrielle... Flat on your back like so many times before."

Keres snaps her fingers and Princess Nova releases the submission hold. Gabrielle violently coughs and tries to sit up, but can only manage to lean on one of her elbows as Keres stands straight back up.

Keres: "That is not an insult on your past actions in another world... it is an acknowledgement that you crawled back to the FWA to end up on your back here after you failed while being on your back elsewhere. Elizabeth Rose is Eternal. You want to try and awaken her demons? Well now you have ensured that we will play with yours."

Keres drops the microphone at the feet of Gabrielle. She turns to the ropes and Princess Nova, with perfect timing, goes over to hold the ropes open for the Daughter of Demise. They keep their backs to Gabrielle as they walk up the ramp and she furiously stares at them, angry that Eternal has hurt her in more ways than just physically.


Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “Introducing first, hailing from Las Vegas, Nevada, “The Prodigal Son,” Blake Taylor!”

Blake Taylor appears at the top of the ramp, his head down, as a bright light shines down on him. As “Till I Collapse” begins to play, he throws his arms out to each side, seemingly basking in the spotlight before the crowd boos him relentlessly on his way to the ring.

Anzu Kurosawa: “Blake Taylor has had a bit of a struggle to find his footing with his transition from the world of MMA to professional wrestling, but this would be a great opportunity for him in a match against Death Walker.”

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “And his opponent, from The Depths of Hell, he is ‘The Soul Collector,’ Death Walker!”

The arena goes dark as a red spotlight hits the center of the stage where Death Walker appears, hooded and cloaked. As the lights begin to flash between red and white, Death Walker begins to slowly walk to the ring, flanked by some of his Terrors of Darkness. As he steps into the ring, also receiving a chorus of boos from the crowd, he steps forward, dropping his cloak, and holding his arms in an X.

Rod Sterling: “Well, neither one of these guys is gonna win a popularity contest with the crowd.”

Death Walker
vs. Blake Taylor.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Tommy.


The bell sounds as Death Walker and Blake Taylor begin to slowly size one another up. Both men have taken a traditional MMA stance, their hands up in front of their faces, bouncing lightly on the balls of their feet, seeming to wait to see what the other one wants to do.

Rod Sterling: “This has the potential to be an interesting matchup. Both of these guys have a similar approach as far as their in-ring style.”

Both Death Walker and Blake Taylor finally make a move toward one another, each of them going for a double-leg takedown. When that doesn’t work, they both go for a forearm strike to the side of the other man’s face, each of which connects. Neither man flinches, as they both launch another forearm strike, both competitors seeming to absorb the blows.

As Death Walker goes for another forearm strike, it’s Blake Taylor who gains the early advantage by landing a knee strike to Death Walker’s ribs. The body blow slows “The Soul Collector” down, as Taylor sees his opportunity. He quickly fires off multiple kicks to Death Walker’s ribs and chest.


Blake Taylor and Death Walker have continued to exchange blows, but Taylor still seems to have the advantage, having done some damage to Walker’s right ribcage which he is obviously favoring a bit.

Anzu Kurosawa: “That series of kicks that Taylor delivered to Death Walker’s ribs did some damage, Rod.”

Almost on cue, Blake Taylor delivers a belly-to-belly suplex, driving Death Walker into the mat before transitioning straight into an armbar.

Rod Sterling: “If Taylor gets his ankles locked together around Death Walker’s arm here, he may snap his elbow. Taylor is so dangerous once he gets a man on the ground.”

Death Walker is just out of reach of the ropes, meaning he can’t break the hold. Somehow, Death Walker begins to force himself up, getting onto his knees while Taylor still has the armbar locked in. Death Walker tries to pull his opponent’s legs apart to alleviate some of the pressure, but it doesn’t work. He pushes himself up a bit further, pushing Taylor’s shoulders on the mat. The ref slides in for a count.



Blake Taylor rolls his shoulder off the mat, still torquing Death Walker’s right arm as he breaks up the pin attempt. Death Walker lets out an audible growl as he somehow summons the strength and lifts “The Prodigal Son” off the mat and into the air, throwing him into the turnbuckle, Taylor’s head and neck snapping back on impact.

Death Walker goes to the opposite corner before charging toward Taylor, whose arms are draped over the top ropes, and delivers a crushing lariat in the corner with his left arm. Walker, seizing the opportunity backs up, and does it again, driving the wind out of Taylor.

Anzu Kurosawa: “That’s how quickly Death Walker can take over a match.”


It’s been all Death Walker since the assault in the corner that culminated in a running enzuigiri. With a fallen Taylor on the mat, Death Walker straddles him, placing a kneecap on each shoulder and delivering a series of forearms and fists to each side of Taylor’s head.

Rod Sterling: “Look at how methodical Deah Walker is, Anzu. Taylor can’t get his hands up to protect himself. Everything Death Walker does is so calculated.”

Death Walker stands up over his battered opponent and pulls him up by his head. He raises Taylor over his head and there it is! He hits him with the Dark Cloud!

Death Walker hooks the leg.


Winner: Death Walker via Pinfall at 10:13.



The camera cuts to an exterior shot of a New York City street where we are quickly graced by an appearance of everyone’s “Best Friend” - Jeremy Best. Best smiles and waves at the camera.

Jeremy Best: ”Hiya friends! So sorry I couldn’t be there tonight. And I know what you’re thinking - why not, Jeremy? We miss you! And I’d say… aw, I miss you all too! BUT, I’ve been super busy hanging out with my new friend and Buddy Bowl partner, Peacock! We’ve been having a grand old time! He sure likes his adult beverages! Not usually my cup of tea, but I figured I wouldn’t be a good friend if I didn’t try to be supportive of their hobbies, now would I?”

From off screen, a hand reaches into the shot, holding a glass beer bottle which Jeremy hesitantly takes and sips on. He grimaces.

Jeremy Best: ”That… is… ugh… delightful.”

Jeremy struggles to swallow another sip before handing the beer back to the hand which disappears.

Jeremy Best: ”Thanks buddy, that’s enough for me for now!”

Best waves off screen as some laughter is heard in the distance.

Jeremy Best: ”What a guy! And I look forward to teaming with him this Saturday night on Fallout at the first ever Buddy Bowl! I can’t wait to see all the new friendships that form from this amazing event! However… I was a little worried… especially with my partner and new friend being Peacock… I was worried… that Alyster Black might show up. I was worried that selfish little Aly Black would try to ruin everyone’s fun. Aly, if you wanted to join in the fun - you could’ve signed up! You could’ve made yourself a new friend. It sure seems like you need one! But no! But I decided to take a little measure to make sure that you weren’t a party pooper.”

Jeremy digs down into the pocket of his khaki pants, retrieving a folded up piece of paper which he begins to open up.

Jeremy Best: ”This right here… this is what’s going to make sure you don’t ruin my night! This is what will uphold the integrity of the Buddy Bowl! This is a restraining order, Aly! It says that you cannot lay a finger on me… and if you do, you’ll not only be arrested but you’ll be stripped of that FWA World Championship!”

Best is all smiles as he shows off the restraining order to the camera.

Jeremy Best: ”So do yourself a favor, champ - don’t bother showing up to the party on Saturday. Because… you’re not invited. Only friends are invited. And to all my friends… I will see you all… at the Buddy Bowl! Until then… don’t just have a great day… have… The Best Day!”

Jeremy grins and waves to the camera as it fades out.


Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “The following contest is a quads match set for one fall with a twenty-minute-time-limit!”


The Undisputed Alliance burst onto stage to roaring approval from the sold out crowd. Nate Savage walks out first and behind him is Jackson Fenix riding on the back of Bubbles the Clown. Fenix waves out to the fans while Savage looks serious before they walk down to the ring.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “Introducing first, being accompanied by Bubbles the Clown and weighing in at a combined weight of 476 lb…Nasty Nate Savage and The Sin City Bad Boy Jackson Fenix…The Undisputed Alliance!”

The mood turns sour and the crowd changes their tune to boos as Jack The Clipper makes his way out. Jack doesn’t lollygag and marches down to the ring with a scowl etched across his face.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “Their partner, from White Chapel, London and weighing in at 273 lb…Jack The Clipper!”

Jack is in the ring now and snarls at his teammates, Fenix is reserved while Savage looks like he wants to rip Clipper’s head off but Fenix calms him down.

The crowd comes back alive for Brooklyn Steiner, who rushes out on stage and looks ready and raring to go. He’s amped up as he rushes down to the ring while interacting with some fans along the way.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “Their tag team partner, from New York and weighing in 205 lb…he is The Redeemer…Brooklyn Steiner!”

On the outside of the ring Bubbles the Clown honks his little horn at Jack The Clipper. Jack scowls at the clown, eliciting more honking by Bubbles until Jackson tells him to stop…

The lights have dimmed in the arena and smoke billows out from the stage as The Coven appear on stage. Kleio, Blair, and Celestia walk together while Grandma Ethel follows them.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “Their opponents, Kleio De Santos, Blair & Celestia Ravenwood, and Grandma Ethel…The Coooooveeeeen!”

Rod Sterling: “Well, this is an interesting matchup to say the least with a number of factors involved.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Right you are, Rod. Kleio will defend her TV Championship against both Steiner and Clipper at Winter Wasteland. On the other side Blair and Celestia, along with Trixie, will defend their trios championship against Savage and Fenix, along with Xperienx Xtacee.”

Rod Sterling: “Then there’s Grandma Ethel.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Ethel certainly adds an interesting element to this match.”

Rod Sterling: “Can she even wrestle?”

Anzu Kurosawa: “I suppose we may find out soon.”

THIRD MATCH || 1/20.
The Coven
(Kleio De Santos, Celestia Ravenwood, Blair Ravenwood and Grandma Ethel) vs. The Undisputed Alliance (Jackson Fenix and Nate Savage), Brooklyn Steiner, and Jack the Clipper.
Quads Match.
Match writer: Jimmy King.


<< 00:00 >>

Jackson Fenix will start off the match with Blair Ravenwood, and Fenix goes in for a tie up but Blair sidesteps him and catches him with a hammerlock hold. Blair smacks him on the back of the head, and this fires up Fenix who swings wildly but Blair ducks that and catches him with a boxing uppercut! Blair unloads with rapid fire uppercuts that have Fenix reeling on the ropes. Blair goes to send him off into the opposite end, but Fenix counters with his own irish whip. Blair manages to duck another clothesline attempt and holds onto to the ropes, but Fenix is one step ahead of her and levels her with a clothesline that sends her toppling to the outside! Blair gathers herself but before she can react she’s taken out by Fenix with a tope suicida!

Anzu Kurosawa: “Fenix going out of his comfort zone there with that tope suicida, but he manages to get all of it on Blair!”

Fenix tosses Blair back inside the ring and hops up on the apron where he readies himself, and then launches himself through the middle rope and takes down Blair with a slingshot spear!”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Fenix with a slingshot variant of the Britney Spear!”

Instead of going for the pin, Fenix opts to tag in Savage, who comes in off the tag with a running senton! Savage quickly hooks the leg…


Savage goes to tag Fenix back in but Jack the Clipper tags himself in, much to the dismay of the fans and The Undisputed Alliance. Jack stalks Blair, who has started crawling toward her corner and Jack reaches out for her foot but she makes the tag to Kleio. Kleio enters the match and she stands toe-to-toe with one of the men that will be vying for her title at Winter Wasteland. Kleio goes for a kick but Jack catches her by the boot and shoves her back into the corner. Jack charges toward her but she moves out of the way in time. Jack doesn’t hit the corner though but Kleio has him trapped as she lays into him with a variation of strikes in the corner that seem to be having some sort of effect on the large man.

Anzu Kurosawa: “Kleio putting her striking skills to good use to wear down Jack the Clipper.”


<< 05:33 >>

Kleio goes for a front snap kick but Jack catches her and shoves her back. Kleio gathers herself and has enough time to duck an incoming Jack and tags in Celestia Ravenwood. Celestia climbs up top and leaps off right into the waiting arms of Jack, who counters with a fallaway slam!

Rod Sterling: “That probably wasn’t wise on the young Ravenwood’s part to enter the match that way! Clipper sent her flying halfway across the ring!”

Celestia writhes in pain on the mat but she starts to get back to her feet and avoids Jack charging in at her. Celestia jumps on his back and tries to take him down with a sleeper hold but Jack is having none of it and falls back on top of Celestia, crushing her beneath his weight! Jack hooks the far leg…


Brooklyn Steiner urges Clipper to tag him in and Clipper is about to, but Jack fakes him out. Clipper brings Celestia up to a vertical base but she counters with a surprise standing dropkick that sends Clipper stumbling back into the ropes, and Steiner tags himself in!

Steiner immediately launches himself into the match with a springboard clothesline that Celestia avoids, but Steiner catches himself on the roll through. Celestia runs at him but Steiner catches her with an arm drag, and he follows up with several more until the final one he takes her down and transitions into an arm bar!

Anzu Kurosawa: “Steiner slowing down the pace with the arm bar on Celestia, who is in dire need of a tag.”

Celestia is doing all she can to fight out of the hold as she starts to scratch and claw with her free arm at Steiner’s head until he’s forced to release the hold.

Rod Sterling: “That’s one way to break free!”

Steiner shakes it off and runs at Celestia but she catches him with a standing dropkick that knocks him back in a daze and that allows her to plant him with a jumping DDT! Celestia falls down on top of him for the pin…



<< 09:40 >>

Celestia gets to her corner and tags in Grandma Ethel!

Anzu Kurosawa: “Well, here it is Rod. We’ll get the answer to the question you posed before the match.”

Ethel enters the match and the crowd is buzzing with anticipation. Steiner gathers himself and isn’t quite sure what to think. Steiner attempts a lock up with Ethel but she grabs him by the arm and takes him down with an arm drag! Steiner is briefly caught off guard but he shakes it off. He kips up and goes for a clothesline, but Ethel ducks it and sends Steiner to his corner with an irish whip where Nate Savage tags himself in.

Rod Sterling: “Nate Savage wouldn’t hit an old lady, would he?!”

Anzu Kurosawa: “She’s a legal competitor in the match, she's fair game!”

Savage charges at Ethel but she moves and he hits the corner sternum first, and Ethel catches him from behind with a roll-up!


Rod Sterling: “It appears Granny is a little spry!”

A small Ethel chant starts to break out amongst some fans. Nate Savage kicked out but he can’t believe he got caught like that and tags in Fenix.
Anzu Kurosawa: “As we all know, Jackson Fenix has a grandma of his own that he loves dearly, so I understand his hesitation to enter the match against Ethel.”

Jackson is reluctant to enter the match so Clipper tags himself in because he has no qualms about fighting an old lady.

Rod Sterling: “Clipper taking it upon himself to enter the match now and he just leveled Granny with a clothesline!”

The crowd boos Clipper relentlessly but he doesn’t care. Ethel has rolled to the apron and she’s on the outside of the ring now where she encounters Bubbles the Clown. Bubbles stares at her before honking his horn at her and she quickly gets back in the ring where Clipper pulls her in for The Fade! Clipper drops down for the pin…

One…two…THR--NO! It’s broken up by the rest of The Coven!


<< 13:33 >>

The match has since broken down with the referee losing control of both teams. Savage and Fenix are brawling with their Celestia and Blair while Kleio is brawling with Clipper, while somewhere in the midst of all that, Steiner tags himself in and it’s just him and Ethel. Ethel hasn’t moved since Clipper took her out with The Fade. Steiner shrugs, picks her up, and hits her with a Redemption Slam! He hooks the leg…


Winner: Brooklyn Steiner, Jack the Clipper, & The Undisputed Alliance via pinfall at 14:44.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “The winners of the match, the team of Brooklyn Steiner, Jack the Clipper, and The Undisputed Alliance!”

Kleio and The Ravenwoods assist Ethel out of the ring while Steiner relishes in the victory for his team. Clipper glares at Steiner before turning his attention to Kleio, who glares back at him and at Steiner while The Ravenwoods tend to Ethel. Meanwhile, Fenix and Savage regroup with Bubbles on the outside of the ring as the show rolls on…


We cut backstage where the FWA World Champion, Alyster Black, is standing by. The belt sits atop Alyster’s shoulder while the masked man sways back and forth, with his arms wrapped tightly around the faceplate.

Alyster Black: “I am very pissed off so I’m going to keep this short and sweet…Jeremy, you’re not safe, it doesn’t matter what you do, or where you go. I’m gonna get you. I’m gonna get you and your sucker punching bastard friend. Watch your back.”

He sighs deeply as the camera zooms in to study his mask closely, a small crease in the forehead shows that he is furrowing his brow, likely out of a combination of stress brought on by him not being able to rip Jeremy's head off right this moment.

Alyster Black: "I get what you're doing, you're ducking me and you're rubbing it in my face. Because you're a sick fuck who loves to screw with people. But there's one thing you need to learn and that is the simple fact that Alyster Black ain't nuthin' ta fuck with. You think your Buddy Bowl is safe because you have a piece of paper and an empty threat? Nah. Fallout is where friendship goes to die."


There is not massive fanfare from the crowd due to the relatively unfamiliar music that is being played, but they are quick to show their disapproval when Jay Kenny walks out from the back with Thomas Princeton by his side. Kenny keeps his head down and listens to the words that his mentor is placing in his ear. He slowly nods in understanding as he walks towards the ring on this momentous occasion for him.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “The following contest is your Meltdown main event and it is a tag team match scheduled for one fall with a sixty-minute time limit and it is for the FWA World Tag Team Championships!

“Introducing first… the challengers. First, accompanied by FWA Hall of Famer Thomas Princeton and hailing from The Warehouse by way of Small Heath, Birmingham and weighing in at two-hundred and seven pounds… JAYYYYYYY KENNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYY!!!”

Rod Sterling: “Thomas Princeton has brought Jay Kenny from a difficult start to his young life in Small Heath, Birmingham in England to the bright lights of the FWA. Here he is in Morocco challenging for championship gold.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “It is something of a journey that this young man has been on, but his past experiences have definitely left a chip on that shoulder of his. If all goes to plan tonight, he could be adding a belt to it.”

Kenny enters the ring and definitely keeps himself to himself whilst Princeton continues to talk to him, and he then waits for his partner. He looks up when he hears the music play…

The classic by DMX gets some cheers but these subside when Xavien Marshall slowly walks out from the back with a blank and stoic expression on his face. He pays no attention to the crowd, Jay Kenny or anything. He walks down the ramp looking straight forward, ensuring that he does not give anything away.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “His tag team partner… from East Cleveland, Ohio and weighing in at two-hundred and eighteen pounds… XAVIEN MARRRRSSHAAAAALLLLLLL!!!”

Anzu Kurosawa: “I’ve heard some rumours that Xavien Marshall does not actually care much for this match or his partner tonight, Jay Kenny. We saw them butt heads on Fallout 034. Of course this match is just an incidental perk of winning the Gunfight Battle Royal but Marshall has his eyes on that Gunfight One Ring and the FWA X Championship. This really could just be a distraction.”

Rod Sterling: “Whether he wants to be here or not is irrelevant to me, Anzu. He got a win over Konchu Hao on Fallout 034 and that wouldn’t have sat well with the Dark Roads Alliance. He could be in for some payback courtesy of Truth, Hao and Epsilon here.”

Marshall gets into the ring and takes a momentary glance at Jay Kenny as Kenny stands up straight in front of him. The outcome of this is an amused but mainly unimpressed smirk on the face of Marshall. Kenny tries to talk smack to his partner, but is advised against it by Princeton.

The epic music plays and the fans inside the Marrakech Stadium rise to their feet in applause and cheers. After a few seconds, the trio which make up the Dark Roads Alliance make their way out from the back to an even louder ovation. Flames rise from the sides of the stage as Epsilon scurries around as Cyrus Truth and Konchu Hao stand tall. The both have a FWA World Tag Team Championship belt around their waist as they make their way down the ramp; Konchu’s cackles audible over the music to those nearby.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “Introducing their opponents… accompanied by Epsilon, they are the FWA World Tag Team Champions… ‘The Mad Wizard’ Konchu Hao and ‘The Exile’ Cyrus Truth… they are the DARK ROADS ALLLLLLIIIIIIIIAAAAAANNNCEEE!!!”

Anzu Kurosawa: “It was at Lights Out that the Dark Roads Alliance ended the reign of FTN to claim the FWA World Tag Team Championships. There, they knew what they were facing and were very familiar with their opponents. Tonight, they’re up against an unknown quantity. Who knows how well Marshall and Kenny are going to work together?”

Rod Sterling: “There is one thing that I know for sure, and that is that Cyrus and Konchu will not underestimate these opponents. They would have done as much homework as possible and they’re going to be as ready as they can be.”

The Dark Roads Alliance
(Konchu Hao and Cyrus Truth) (c) vs. Xavien Marshall and Jay Kenny.
Tag Team Match for the FWA World Tag Team Championships.
Match writer: Man.

The bell rings and the loud “CY-RUS TRUTH!” chant from the fans inside the Marrakech Stadium makes it clear who the Moroccan locals in attendance are rooting for as ‘The Exile’ prepares to start the match for his team. On the other side of the ring, Xavien Marshall puts a hand across the chest of Jay Kenny and instructs his younger partner to get onto the apron. Kenny argues that he should start the match but Marshall is unmoving and turns around to face the former four-time FWA World Champion.

Truth has his arms up, ready to engage in some sort of lock up with Marshall, but the man who defeated his partner on Fallout 034 is not in any hurry to get things started. Beckoning for Marshall to bring it on, Cyrus shouts and demands that he meet him in the middle of the ring. It appears as if Marshall is going to acquiesce, but he quickly backs away and turns around. He slaps Jay Kenny on the shoulder and then leaves the ring through the ropes and drops down to the floor.

Rod Sterling: “Looks like Xavien Marshall doesn’t want any part of this match, Anzu! This is for the FWA World Tag Team Championships and is an opportunity that he earned at Lights Out… he can’t be this willing to throw it away, can he?”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Well, I can see reasons why Xavien Marshall might be doing this, Rod. He’s got that match with Jay Kenny for the Gunfight One Ring coming up and hey, if he doesn’t care about the tag titles then he might as well just let the Dark Roads Alliance do his business for him and soften Jay Kenny up for that match. It is not in the nature of Cyrus Truth or Konchu Hao to take it easier on the kid just because his partner has hung him out to dry - welcome to the FWA.”

Upon the referee’s instruction, an irate Jay Kenny enters the ring through the ropes himself but his attention is not on Cyrus Truth, but his partner instead. With his arms outstretched, Kenny angrily shouts down at Marshall - “What the fuck are you doin’ blud?” and he kisses his teeth whilst shaking his head. On the outside, Thomas Princeton confronts Marshall and asks him what his game is, reminding him that there are championships at stake, but Xavien roundly ignores Kenny’s promoter. In the ring, Kenny eventually steps up to Cyrus Truth, but ‘The Exile’ cracks him in the jaw with an elbow strike.

Kenny drops to a knee, holding his mouth and then checking it for blood and he looks up at the veteran with his brow furrowed. He lunges forward, managing to successfully pull off a double leg takedown on Truth and he then tries to follow up with heavy strikes whilst he is on top of Truth, but Cyrus gets his guard up and then his boots up and uses his feet to push Kenny away and off of him. Cyrus rises to his feet as Kenny rolls back and sees that his partner is not available to him which causes him to turn around with a face of furry and chart towards Truth, but Cyrus gets a foot up and catches Jay around the back of the head with a Roundhouse Kick! Kenny drops down to the mat and Truth is quick to cover him, the first of the match;


Anzu Kurosawa: “Despite being under the wing of FWA Hall of Famer Thomas Princeton, this is where the inexperience of Jay Kenny compared to Cyrus Truth is going to come into play. Already, we’ve seen Kenny preoccupied with Xavien Marshall and his inaction. You cannot afford to take your eyes off of Cyrus Truth. Despite what people have argued, he is as dangerous as he’s ever been and the win at Lights Out proved it.”

Rod Sterling: “I think as far as Kenny is concerned, he needs to just look at this like a Handicap Match now. He’s not getting any help from his partner so he’s just got to try his best. This young man wants to be a champion and he’s stubborn enough to do it on his own if he has to!”

Despite Kenny’s quick kick out from the pin, a shot of Xavien Marshall shows that he was not planning on providing any sort of assistance to his partner even if he was in greater trouble. Cyrus cares not for the lack of cohesion between his opponents and he lifts Kenny up by the wrist and wrings his arm and backs towards Konchu Hao, and ‘The Mad Wizard’ tags himself into the match to some good cheers, with Epsilon joining in exuberantly from the outside of the ring. With Cyrus holding Kenny in position, Konchu is easily able to take over and he drives his knee into Kenny’s midsection to double him over.

With Kenny hunched down, Konchu pulls him in closer and drives his knee up into Kenny’s face this time, and again, and again and again! John Dee’s Knees cause Kenny’s body to fall limp momentarily, but Kenny quickly adjusts his feet, grabbing Konchu and popping his hips to take him over with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex! With Konchu on his back, Kenny quickly hooks a leg and looks up to the sky, hoping…


Kenny rolls away from Hao and checks his mouth, wiping away a small amount of blood from the cut formed on his lip after one of Konchu’s knees hit the mark. He spits out of the ring and then wheels around the perimeter of the ring where Xavien Marshall is waiting, Kenny demands to know whether Xavien is planning on getting involved, but Marshall sarcastically tells him that he’s doing a fine job on his own, which Princeton then reassures him of in a much more genuine manner.

Rod Sterling: “Jay Kenny has a monumental task in front of him, Anzu. It really does look like Xavien Marshall is not going to participate in this match whatsoever. Why is he even out here?”

This time exchanging the opposite of pleasantries with Marshall costs Kenny, as when he turns back around, Konchu Hao is waiting for him and he connects with a Savate Kick to Kenny’s midsection. Hao then attempts to force Kenny into position for an Inverted DDT, but Jay is able to navigate himself out of it and whilst still gripping Konchu’s wrist, attempts a Short Arm Clothesline, but Konchu ducks it. Hao is then once again back behind Kenny and this time he can drop him down on the back of his head with an Inverted DDT! The fans cheer as Konchu got the better of the small exchange.

‘The Mad Wizard’ picks up Kenny by his ear and drags him by it towards the DRA corner, with Jay groaning as his entire body weight is pulled across the ring using only his ear. A strong forearm strike to the face from Konchu rocks Kenny and then Hao climbs up onto the second rope and holds Kenny’s head in position… and he begins to drive his fist down onto the top of Kenny’s head in the corner, with the crowd counting along!


There is a pause when Kenny catches Konchu’s fist ahead of the last punch and he shows some impressive grit and determination to step forward a couple of paces from the corner whilst still holding Konchu up. As Kenny does so, Cyrus reaches forward and slaps Hao’s leg to tag himself back in… but this does not stop Kenny from then slamming Konchu down onto the mat! There is no chance for Kenny to recover though, as Cyrus is already in the ring and he hooks Kenny’s arms behind his head… DRAGON SUPLEX!!! There is no bridge, but Kenny lands hard on the back of his head and then slumps down against the DRA turnbuckle.

Rod Sterling: “Oh no, this is not where you want to be when facing Cyrus Truth - this kid is about to be taught a lesson or two…”

More cheers come from the fans as this is an unfortunate position to be in when facing Cyrus Truth, and there is no hesitation from ‘The Exile’ to start of Kenny’s journey on the Long and Winding Road with THE FIRST FIVE STEPS!! Each stomp lands square on Kenny’s jaw and mouth and with Kenny temporarily dealt with, Truth glances over at Cyrus on the mat. Before Konchu can return Truth’s nod, Xavien Marshall suddenly springs to life and pulls ‘The Mad Wizard’ out of the ring by his boot and Marshall then sends Konchu straight into the steel steps!

Anzu Kurosawa: “There you have it. Marshall is seemingly going to do this on his terms, although I’m unsure whether that ambush was just a continuation of what we saw two weeks ago or not.”

Epsilon rushes onto the scene to check on his master as the crowd deride Marshall for his actions but he simply smirks and makes it clear that he does not care. Marshall has the same response when Truth marches over and warns him through the ropes, and then dares him to get into the ring to face him. However, Marshall is not inclined in the least to take Cyrus up on his offer. When Truth turns around, he instinctively knows that Kenny is waiting for him and ducks the attempt to knock him down from behind. Kenny hits the ropes and Cyrus catches him with a Snapmare that sends him down into a seated position. Truth his the ropes and then runs through Kenny with a knee strike to the face and then he sets him down on the mat and leaps up into the air… dropping a knee down across his face too!

Anzu Kurosawa: “Cyrus Truth has been around the block enough times to know that Kenny was going to come after him like that and well, the price the kid from Birmingham pays is facing the Wanderer’s Wrath! Cyrus into the cover now…”


Kenny shows impressive resilience to kick out once again and Truth once again turns his attention to Marshall on the outside as Konchu picks himself up on the outside with Epsilon’s assistance. ‘The Mad Wizard’ catches Marshall with his eyes on Truth and the crowd taunts Marshall for his continued refusal to get involved in the match in an official capacity. This situation changes though when Konchu returns the favour and he shoves Marshall forward and straight into the ring post! This brings a pop from the fans and Hao then grabs Marshall and rolls him into the ring! Marshall rises to his knees where he sees Cyrus Truth standing over him and he rises to his feet, realising that he has no choice but to now face off with ‘The Exile’.

Looking to strike first, Xavien goes for a punch which Cyrus blocks and now Truth starts to pepper Marshall with strikes to the head and face! Marshall gets his arms up to block, but it is not enough to stop Cyrus. Cyrus forces Marshall into a corner and then shoots him off across the ring and follows in, but Marshall looks to float over Truth… but Cyrus catches him on his shoulders! There’s a big cheer and Marshall desperately attempts to fight out of it… he can’t… JOURNEY’S END TO XAVIEN MARSHALL!!!

Rod Sterling: “Xavien Marshall wanted no part of this match and there’s your reason why! That is what you call ‘playing with fire and getting burned’, Anzu.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “That’s all good and well, Rod, but whilst I’m sure that felt good for Cyrus Truth after Marshall’s antics tonight and on Fallout 034, but Marshall’s not the legal man. Truth can’t lose sight of that… and I think that it could be about to come back and bite him!”

That move brings the crowd in the stadium to their feet and Marshall slowly rolls away from the middle of the ring, still not even the legal man. Truth takes a moment to enjoy getting his hand on Marshall but this comes back to bite him as Jay Kenny clubs him from behind and knocks him down to the mat! With Truth down, an angry and frustrated Kenny - still the legal man for his team - stomps down on Truth’s body and the back of his head. He then drops down and delivers some clubbing blows to the back of his head as he lays down on the mat. Thomas Princeton applauds the tenacity of his client as he tries to wear Truth down. Kenny drops a knee down across the back of Truth’s head.

With Konchu back up on the apron, Kenny realises that he needs to keep Cyrus isolated and he lifts him up and applies a Front Facelock, dragging Truth towards the opposite corner. Marshall is not there due to being taken out with the Journey’s End. Kenny takes Truth and sends him through the top and middle turnbuckle, and Cyrus collides with the ring post! There is an urgency about Kenny now as he pulls Truth back away and hoists him up in the air, dropping him onto the mat with a Back Suplex! Kenny floats over and presses Truth’s shoulders down into the mat;


The kick out by Cyrus only seems to draw Kenny’s ire further and he delivers a couple of stomps to Cyrus’s chest. Kenny stands over Truth for a moment and sees that ‘The Exile’ is reaching for his partner so he stomps on Truth’s hand and keeps the pressure on. The referee, who has not really been in control of this chaotic tag team championship match, demands that Kenny relents and he stomps and turns his heel on Cyrus’s hand one more time. When Kenny does stop, Cyrus grabs his hand and holds it close to his chest so Kenny stands over him and then starts delivering clubbing blows to the side of Cyrus’s head and face from above.

Rod Sterling: “We know that Cyrus Truth is never going to back down to anyone, but this Jay Kenny is really holding his own against the arguable greatest of all time. We’re potentially seeing a career-making performance from this young man if he’s able to bring this one home, especially as he has had to do it all on his own.”

The strikes wear down Truth and he soon falls slightly limp as Kenny continues to strike him and Kenny then grabs him from behind and pulls him up and then down onto the mat… and LOCKS TRUTH IN THE ZULU! The Rear Naked Choke has Truth spluttering and coughing as he does everything in his power to fight Kenny off, but the hold is synched in tightly and eventually, Truth’s eyes close. He refuses to tap out to the hold, so is slowly starting to succumb to it as the oxygen is cut off from his brain.

The referee gets down close to them and attempts to communicate with Cyrus verbally, but Truth does not respond. Konchu’s body language shows his worry as he reaches out in vain for his partner. The official grabs Truth’s wrist and lifts his hand up and lets go - and it hits the mat limply. “ONE!” is the count from the referee. He picks Truth’s arm up once more as Kenny locks the hold in even tighter. Again, the arm falls down to the mat and Cyrus appears to be completely unresponsive - “TWO!”.

Rod Sterling: “Jay Kenny could be about to do this… this could be huge, Anzu.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “It is not something that anyone saw coming. Is Cyrus Truth out of it here..?”

Kenny grits his teeth as Princeton demands that he not let up and does make good on his task to win the titles on his own. The referee lifts Truth’s arm up for a third (and potentially final) time…

BUT TRUTH’S ARM STOPS JUST BEFORE IT HITS THE MAT! With his fist clenched, Cyrus starts to shake his arm and then his entire body and a look of worry becomes etched on Jay Kenny’s face. The fans will Truth on by stomping their feet and clapping in time with Konchu’s stomping and Epsilon slamming his hands on the apron. Life begins to appear in the face of Cyrus Truth and his eyes open to reveal a look of pure determination. Truth manages to twist his body over so he is now facing Kenny and he gets onto his knees with Kenny over him.

An elbow to the midsection causes Kenny to back off and Truth then follows up with a desperation Roundhouse Kick to the side of Kenny’s head. Keny stumbles back a couple of paces as Cyrus drops down to the mat, trying to reach Konchu Hao for the tag he desperately requires. Kenny has no such luxury and he reaches forward and grabs Truth by the boot to hold him back. This stops Cyrus from getting the tag and he hops on his other foot and then leaps into the air, catching Kenny with an Enziguiri to the back of the head!

Rod Sterling: “There it is! This is the opportunity that the Dark Roads Alliance have been looking for. Cyrus just has a bit further to go…”

This causes Kenny to drop to a knee and from there, he cannot prevent the tag to Konchu Hao! The other member of the Dark Roads Alliance gets into the ring and immediately rushes Kenny with a series of heavy strikes which light up his chest and face. Konchu runs the ropes and then takes Kenny down with a Leaping Lariat. He gets to his feet and cackles loudly out to the crowd as he measures Kenny. Hao motions for him to get up as he waits behind him… and SENDS HIM HARD INTO THE MAT WITH A BACKDROP DRIVER!! Kenny folds up upon impact and Konchu stacks him up for the pin;


There is a sigh from the fans as they thought that Konchu had things sealed up with that one and ‘The Mad Wizard’ pleads his case with the referee, but the official is steadfast and reaffirms that it was in fact only two. Konchu gets past this and looks down on Kenny, who breathes heavily after really going through the wringer in this one. Hao picks Kenny up by the wrist and spins him around. With Kenny in front of him, Konchu attempts the Ripcord into the RASPUTIN’S REVENGE - BUT KENNY DUCKS IT!!

Kenny springs back to life and gets behind Konchu and attempts to lock him in The Zulu as well, but Konchu evades it by Snapmaring Kenny into his team’s corner… and Xavien Marshall reaches up from the apron and tags himself in! This goes unbeknownst to Kenny as Konchu rushes him from behind and gets close to him in the corner, pushing him up against the turnbuckle. With Kenny no longer being the legal man, the referee gets in between him and the corner, but Konchu pushes Kenny further in, pinning the referee down. With the referee facing Marshall now and telling him to enter the ring… JAY KENNY COCKS HIS LEG UP, CATCHING KONCHU WITH A LOW BLOW!!!

Rod Sterling: “OH COME ON!”

Anzu Kurosawa: “I think Jay Kenny could tell that the writing was on the wall and that perhaps he could not avoid another Rasputin’s Revenge attempt from Konchu… but after fighting so valiantly all match it is a shame. I don’t think he realises yet that he’s not the legal man!”

It goes completely unseen by the official and Epsilon shrieks in complaint as Konchu drops to his knees. Kenny, unaware that he is no longer the legal man, gets out of the official’s way and measures up Konchu as Hao gets back to his feet… AND HE CONNECTS WITH A HUGE LEFT UPPERCUT TO KONCHU - KNOCKING HIM DOWN FLAT ON HIS BACK!!! Kenny drops down to make the cover, but the referee refuses!

The official attempts to explain that Kenny is no longer the legal man… BUT XAVIEN MARSHALL RUSHES IN AND THROWS KENNY OUT OF THE RING THROUGH THE ROPES!!! Kenny lands on the floor with a splat and Marshall then charges across the ring and knocks Cyrus Truth down from the apron! With just an immobilised Konchu Hao in the ring flat on his back, Marshall smirks as he takes his time to drop down and make a cover…





Rod Sterling: “Marshall’s plan backfired! Konchu Hao is still in this ans it is because of how long it took Xavien Marshall to try for the pin…”

Anzu Kurosawa: “I don’t know, Rod. I think even with that the writing could be on the wall for the Dark Roads Alliance. Xavien Marshall… he’s the freshest man in the match so it could be just a matter of time…”

Marshall took too long! Finally involved in the match when he believed it to be all said and done, Marshall has a look of shock on his face as Konchu kicks out due to his own nonchalance. However, the kick out causes a shift in Marshall’s demeanour and he screws his face up in disgust at Konchu and quickly flips him over onto his back. The crowd are not pleased as Hao is unable to fight back. Marshall shakes his head and then DRIVES KONCHU FACE FIRST INTO THE MAT WITH THE DEBT COLLECTOR!!! Marshall puts Konchu back onto his back and hooks both legs tightly;






Winner: Xavien Marshall and Jay Kenny via pin fall at 21:26.

The crowd are stunned and for a moment the only sound that can be heard in the arena is the loud, gloating laugh coming from the mouth of Xavien Marshall as he rises to his feet with both arms raised into the air. Cyrus Truth buries his head in the canvas as his outstretched hand is mere centimetres away from Konchu Hao on the mat to evidence how agonisingly close he was to breaking up the pin.

Rod Sterling: “I’m not quite sure that I can believe what I’ve just witnessed - Xavien Marshall recused himself for almost the entirety of that match, but at the last moment he swooped in and won the match… Marshall and Kenny are the new FWA World Tag Team Champions!”

Anzu Kurosawa: “I don’t think Jay Kenny is concerned about that right now - he’s not happy with how that transpired.”

Jay Kenny ignores the music playing to signal his team’s victory and immediately goes head-to-head with Marshall upon getting back into the ring, with the two shouting and swearing obscenities at each other which are picked up by the microphones at ringside.

”What the fuck was that about, fam? I’ll snap your fuckin’ neck if you do that shit to me again!”

“Try it, kid. You’re gonna be findin’ out soon, anyway.”

Even with Thomas Princeton entering the ring with both of the championships, Jay continues to focus solely on Marshall and he shoves him backwards. It looks like the two are about to come to blows, but KLG’s voice fills the Marrakech Stadium.

Katie-Lynn Goldsmith: “Here are your winners AND NEWWWWWWWWW FWA World Tag Team Champions… JAY KENNY and XAVIEN MARSHAAAALLLL!!!”

The announcement causes Kenny to back off for a moment and he receives his championship from Princeton and looks down at it for a moment. Princeton tentatively offers the other to Marshall who snatches it away and places it over his shoulder, looking much more comfortable when holding the gold. The two stare at each other some more and Kenny reaches forward, trying to take the other championship from Marshall, shouting about how he did most of the work in the match.

Anzu Kurosawa: “They may well be champions, but this does not mean that they’re going to get along - they’re due to be facing each other for that Gunfight One Ring!”

Rod Sterling: “Spare a thought for the Dark Roads Alliance as well; Cyrus and Konchu are going to feel very hard done by given how that match ended with Kenny hitting Konchu Hao with that low blow.”

Cyrus and Konchu are both sitting on the ring apron, their heads bowed low and looking dejected. Epsilon hops up between them and pats them both on the knee, trying to console them after their loss. They listen to the argument happening in the ring but another, familiar voices causes Cyrus to look up towards the stage. If this crowd was not frustrated enough by how the main event finished, they were positively riotous when someone emerged onto the stage.

Rod Sterling: “That’s a wheelchair… who is that in it?”

Anzu Kurosawa: “That’s not who I think it is, is it?”

The crowd in the Marrakech Stadium unleash ferocious jeers as a smug and smarmy man sits in a wheelchair on the stage, having got himself through the curtain with some difficulty. He is wearing a disgusting pastel-blue suit, white shirt and a blue neck brace. His face is bruised and his hair ruffled and untidy, but despite the unkempt appearance, Allen Price seems as smug as ever. He raises a microphone up to his mouth and panics slightly when Cyrus Truth jumps down from the apron.

Allen Price: “You hold it right there, Truth! Otherwise this night is going to get a whole lot worse for you and those other two freaks! You hear me?!”

With a snap of Price’s fingers, a group of security guards file out from the back and form a line on the ramp, blocking Truth’s progress. For further insurance, both of the Diamond Dogs appear and take positions either side of Price on the stage. Slowly from behind, the FWA World Champion Alyster Black appears too.

Allen Price: “Did you really think that Lights Out would be the end of it, Cyrus? You took FTN’s championships - great reign, by the way - and almost paralysed me! You’re not the only one with an appetite for vengeance, and I am pleased that my former business associate Thomas Princeton was able to help me exact some of that revenge on you for what you did to me and what you’ve done to FTN.

“Chris Peacock might blame Randy Ramon for recent events - and he will get his one day, that is for sure - but I blame YOU, Cyrus Truth. You could not accept that you simply cannot compete with the likes of Alyster Black and Chris Peacock anymore so what do you do? You wait until they’re so preoccupied with each other and swoop in with your freakshow little friends and steal the FWA World Tag Team Championships from them, injuring their best friend in the process?

“Cyrus, you might consider yourself a vengeful man. But Alyster Black is a vengeful man, Chris Peacock is a vengeful man and I too am now a vengeful man. Gone is the fun loving Allen Price of old who enjoyed nothing more than entertaining his adoring fans-”

As Price addresses the people he painstakingly holds an arm out to them and they begin to boo him even louder. Cyrus Truth shakes his head and contemplates rushing the guards, but Konchu Hao holds him back. Even the three men in the ring - Marshall, Kenny and Princeton - have stopped squabbling among themselves to pay attention to the circus happening around them. Price screws up his face and leans forward in his wheelchair, straining as he ferociously snarls in the direction of the fans.

Allen Price: “Oh yeah? OH YEAH? Well, in the words of my best friend Chris Peacock… FUCK YOU ALL! YOU’RE ALL NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF SICK FUCKS WHO JUST WANT THE WORST FOR HONEST, HARDWORKING-”

To the relief of many, Alyster Black takes the microphone out of Price’s hand whilst Vance and Dongarelli help Price settle back down in his wheelchair. He continues to shout and curse in the background as Black steps forward.

Alyster Black: “See, what I think Allen was going to say was that FTN - me and Chris Peacock - we’re not prepared to let those titles go just yet. It was us that restored honour and dignity to those belts that you DRA chucklefucks have immediately undone with this absolute joke of a ‘reign’.

“Now, I won’t lie, I’ve not spoken to Chris Peacock since Lights Out. I don’t know where he is or where his head is at and I miss the shit out of him. But there has been a time where the roles have been reversed. Not too long before Back in Business, I was done with this company and there was nothing that was going to bring me back to it. That was until Chris called me up and told me that he’d gotten us a match for the FWA World Tag Team Championships against The Connection. I always told myself that I would have to repay that favour one day and well, I’m hoping that today is the day.”

Black pauses when he sees that Thomas Princeton is now having a private discussion with Jay Kenny, getting into his ear.

Alyster Black: “Hey, Princeton. You look at me when I’m fuckin’ talking, you got that? What I’ve got to say concerns you and your little friends there. Release the fucking warehouse tapes whilst you’re at it.”

The mere suggestion that he and Xavien Marshall are friends is enough to set Jay Kenny off again and he looks to exit the ring to go after the FWA World Champion, but Princeton calms him down enough to keep him in the ring and remind him that there’s a time and a place.

Alyster Black: “That’s right. Listen to daddy, junior. Anyway, thanks to Allen Price here, we’ve been in conversation with Jon Russnow. I agreed that I was happy to once again compete twice in one night if it meant that I could get my best friend back. So, Winter Wasteland… FTN are coming back for our titles.”

The announcement does surprisingly get a loud cheer from the fans as those in the ring and out of it are unhappy with the revelation. Kenny is irate whilst Marshall seethes somewhat. On the ramp, Cyrus Truth looks ready to tear someone’s head off.

Alyster Black: “Marshall and Kenny or whatever you want to be called, against me and my buddy Chris Peacock, who I assure you will be back. I don’t know what the fuck Jeremy Best is playing at but I promise you that Chris is not taking part in the Buddy Bowl this weekend. He will be by my side at Winter Wasteland, though.

“Oh, Cyrus and Konchu… don’t think we’ve forgotten about the two of you. Just because you already lost our titles doesn’t mean we’ve no interest in fighting you still. Especially after what the two of you did to us and Allen at Lights Out.

“In fact, I insisted to Russnow that when the two of you inevitably got shown up tonight, you were added to the match as well. So looks like we’ve got ourselves a little three way, huh? But rest assured that once Chris is back and FTN is back to full strength, we will win those championships and we will not let them go so easily next time.

“Let this be a warning to the four of you, whoever wins the Buddy Bowl and anyone else who thinks that they have what it takes to rule our division. FTN didn’t fuckin’ go anywhere. Tell your friends.”

‘Sonne’ begins to play and Alyster Black stares down the men that he will be seeing at Winter Wasteland with the FWA World Tag Team Championships on the line. Princeton does his best to contain his annoyance as his efforts are focused on keeping Jay Kenny calm. The Dark Roads Alliance are not at all placated by the news that they will be receiving a rematch for the titles, as the words of Price and Black have angered them even more. Black leads the FTN family away and back to the back.

Rod Sterling: “Well, for those wondering whether FTN was dead and buried after what happened at Lights Out, you’ve got your answer. Black and Peacock are coming back with a vengeance for the FWA World Tag Team Championships.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Rod, Alyster Black certainly is… but what about Chris Peacock? No one has seen or heard from him since Lights Out! This is Black’s roll of the dice to bring his partner back… I don’t know if it’s going to work.”
