Marvel Studios - Earth 2319

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This project will see a total hard reset of the Marvel Universe - with a total re-imagining of the Marvel Universe. It will be designated as Earth - 2319. The project will be predominantly built using media from both television and film.

Fantastic Four: 1969 [Movie]
Heroes For Hire - Season One [Television]
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Fantastic Four: 1969


Fantastic Four: 1969 reveals the ‘true events’ of Apollo 11 and introduces the viewers to the Fantastic Four for the very first time with the film serving as the first film within the new universe. The trailers of the film reveal that the Apollo 11 mission isn’t the first landing on the moon - but rather a mission to destroy a secret base hidden on the dark side of the moon with the closing shots revealing the flags of both the Nazi Swastika belonging to the 3rd Reich and the Octopus of HYDRA.

Cast Reveal
Margot Robbie as Invisible Woman/Susan Storm
Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards
Holt McCallany as Thing/Benjamin Grimm
Zac Efron as Human Torch/Jonathan Storm
Channing Tatum as Neil Armstrong
Glen Powell as Buzz Aldrin
Christopher Walken as Silvermane/Silvio Manfredi
Michiel Huisman as Red Skull
Vinnie Jones as Baron Strucker


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- At Cape Kennedy, one day prior to the launch of Apollo 11. CIA agents Richard Stoner [Joaquin Phoenix] and James Howlett [Tom Hardy] are briefing the Central Intelligence Agency’s Classified Superhero team F4 (Fantastic Four) ahead of their visit to the moon. The team leader of F4, Reed Richards [Joseph Gordon-Levitt] has a heated moment with Stoner - making the point that they have been planning this mission for over a year and know exactly what is needed of them and that mission failure could result in a major attack on the United States. Stoner reiterates that the safety of Armstrong and Aldrin is paramount and that planting the stars and stripes on the war will be the beginning of the end of this blockade war with the Russians. Susan Storm interjects and lowers the tension in the room and reminds everyone that they are all on the same side. The scene ends with Agent Howlett stating that he envies the Fantastic Four and that he would enjoy nothing more than shredding the last surviving members of the S.S. limb from limb.

- The next scene shows actual footage of the Apollo 11 launch - before cutting inside the shuttle. The first thing that the audience’s attention is drawn to, is Michael Collins removes some sort of prosthetic mask and it is actually Jonathan Storm [Zac Efron] wearing Collins’s uniform. Jonathan jokes that he hates wearing the mask, but that there are some real perks with being part of the crew of the first three men who will land on the moon. Storm is reminded by his older sister Susan - that his alter ego Collins will never actually step off the craft and unfortunately will become the third and forgotten man. Neil Armstrong [Channing Tatum] and Buzz Aldrin [Glen Powell] promise Jonathan that when they get back to earth, they will talk him up and he will never be forgotten.

- We jump to the famous moon landing with Armstrong's famous quote "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Before we cut to the Fantastic Four climbing out of a secondary exit hatch on the back of the craft with all four dressed in space gear. Benjamin Grimm [Holt McCallany] makes the point that he can’t wait to get out of their suits and that a man of his size and rocky disposition was clearly not considered when this mission was being planned. Susan would make the point that none of them had been considered when this mission was put together - and that very few members of the CIA had any idea of why this mission had even been put together.

- As the Fantastic Four travel towards the dark side of the moon, the audience is shown the moon base with flags of both the Nazi Swastika belonging to the 3rd Reich and the Octopus of HYDRA before changing perspective and cutting to a shot inside the confines of the moon base itself. Soldiers dressed in all black uniforms of the same style as the S.S. during WWII are shown - with some modified equipment more suited to life in space and with all the soldiers' identities hidden behind large gas masks. We move down a corridor and enter into a science lab, which is filled with large chambers which are labeled as ‘Cryogenic Tube’ and inside are various men of different shapes and sizes labeled ‘Test Subject #1, Test Subject #2’ etc. Into the shot enters Red Skull [Michiel Huisman] who is wearing a uniform similar to that of a Reichsmarschall of the Luftwaffe, although it is noticeable that the insignia of HYDRA is much more prominent on the unform. He is joined by Baron Strucker [Vinnie Jones] and the two men begin speaking in German with subtitles before breaking to English after a clever shot change to make it more accessible to an English speaking audience.

- Baron Strucker would inform Red Skull that the experiments were proving to be a success that ‘The Hulk Project’ was ahead of schedule and that they felt an invasion force as early as Earth Date 1971 could see the beginning of a new age and the start of the 4th Reich. The camera then would shift and show the subject in the cryogenic tube, of an incredibly large black leviathan of freakish nature.


- The beast would remain in a sleeplike state, as Red Skull would reflect on how much he was looking forward to returning to the earth and turning cities like New York and Los Angeles into nothing but rubble and field corpses.

- The next portion of the film sees the Fantastic Four break into the moon base and the audience is introduced for the very first time to the unique powers of all four members. With Mr. Fantastic using his impressive stretch and twisting abilities in an amusing manner to combat members of the S.S. Invisible Woman is able to use here invisibility to her advantage, Human Torch flying around the room setting various soldiers on fire, whilst The Thing would use his superior strength and durability to deflect bullets whilst tearing open various doors and hatches to allow the Fantastic Four to fight their way through the moon base.
- F4 eventually reach the lab filled with weapon ordnance and the cryogenic tubes, where they are confronted by the Baron who puts up very little of a fight only to make a cliché villain speech and spout Nazi propaganda before the tube containing the black Hulk hisses and then begins to open with Strucker looking terrified as a massive black hand reaches out and proceeds to snap his neck in half as the Fantastic Four instinctively get out of the way. Out of one of the window Mr. Fantastic spots a small single seated ship leaving the surface, with the identity of the pilot unknown to the audience.

- The black hulk identifies himself as Kluh [Michael Rooker] and that he is a soldier of HYDRA. What is noted is that none of the Fantastic Four have any idea what HYDRA even is and before they can say anything a massive fight would break out. Mr. Fantastic would seem to be able to hold Kluh using his stretch ability, whilst The Thing would begin to pummel Kluh. However, the Human Torch would attempt to burn their foe - but the fire would act like an accelerant and cause the red veins all over his body to pulse. In a matter of seconds Mr. Fantastic and Thing would be thrown around with devastating force and look as if they had be knocked out cold - before Kluh would proceed to grab hold of the Human Torch and seem to inhale all of the fire off the Torch’s body before smashing him over his knee and snapping his back and seeming to have killed him.

- Invisible Woman would have to use her intelligence to bait Kluh and trick him into approaching an airlock before ejecting the black hulk into space. Susan Storm would do her best to rouse Mr. Fantastic and The Thing and once they were on their feet, she would complete setting up some sort of bomb to blow up the base. The three would then pick up the limp body of Jonathan Storm and exit the base returning to Apollo 11. The explosion of the base wouldn’t be seen - but the rumblings would be felt in tremors as the three returned to the rocket.

- The film would end with Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong climbing back into the shuttle and spotting a dead Jonathan Storm in a pool of blood next to the rest of the Fantastic Four with Neil Armstrong ending the film with one of his famous quotes “I believe every human has a finite number of heartbeats.” Before a shot of Susan Storm with tears rolling down her face would result in the credit rolling.

- A post credits scene would see Silvio Manfredi [Christopher Walken] shaking hands and introducing himself to Agent Howlett and saying he wanted to change sides and that he wanted to defect from HYDRA. Howlett looked confused and stated that he nor any member of the CIA had any idea what HYDRA even was and that information regarding unknown secret organization was useless and he was going to need something else. Silvio would chuckle and state he knew the locations of Benito Mussolini and the last living son of Adolf Hitler.
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- The first season of Heroes For Hire - would be spread over a total of ten episodes set in the 1970s, although no specific date was actually given. The season would serve as an introduction for Luke Cage, Black Knight, Thena and Colleen Wing - with the primary focus of each two episodes dealing with the following villainous character:

- Controller [Episode One & Episode Two]
- Chondu [Episode Three & Episode Four]
- Kogar [Episode Five & Episode Six]
Warhawk [Episode Seven & Episode Eight]

- The season would explore and touch on various issues fitting to the periods of the 70s including Anti-war protests, Crime and urban decay, Feminism and Civil rights. What would become more apparent was that Luke Cage and Colleen Wing were the main focus of the season, with both characters having their backstories explored through various flashbacks.

- Cage’s story would focus on him being an inmate at Seagate Prison and being experimented on by a professor calling him Dr. Noah Burstein [John Lithgow] which would see his practice of experimental cell regeneration based on the Super-Soldier process. This would be heavily tied into the episode with Warhawk, who would also be revealed to be another man who was experimented on by Burstein.

- Colleen’s backstory would focus more on the fact that Iron Fist (Danny Rand) [Alex Pettyfer] had fallen out with Colleen and Luke in regards to a job that had gone wrong and seen the trio aid a vigilante escape from the FBI during a previous job - that had result in Iron Fist turning his back on the group and his romantic relationship with Wing coming to an end. It would also show Thena and Black Knight being brought into the fold, but Cage multiple times making a point that he and Colleen knew very little about the two.

- The final two episodes would see the Heroes For Hire aiding the NYD in preventing a Bank Heist. With the main villains being The Vulture [Kenny Johnson] and Iron Fist - although it would actually be revealed that be an android programmed to believe it was Danny Rand rather than the genuine article, when Wing and the fake Iron Fist would feature in an epic martial arts fight. The Heroes For Hire would eventually manage to bring down The Vulture and all of his goons and prevent any hostages from being killed.

- The season would end with the Heroes For Hire being given official bounty hunter status by the Mayor of New York - as well as Colleen Wing officially becoming a special investigator for the NYD.

- A bonus scene following the credits of the final scene, would show the inside of a police station in New York that was virtually empty due to the heist taking place at the same time and various men were HYDRA insignia stealing multiple police uniforms and two squad cars before driving off only to focus on the driver of the second vehicle - CIA Agent James Howlett [Tom Hardy] although there being no indication whether he was undercover or not as the show would come to an end.
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Little is known about Marvel Studios next film - although Alexander Ludwig has been confirmed as the lead for the picture. It is rumoured that the film will take place in 1977 - eight years after the previous film featuring The Fantastic Four.
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