Kayfabe Look, Gino is Doing New Shit That You Should Probably Look At

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Ginothony Bamtano

I rate this forum a decent to strong 4
Apr 16, 2016
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As the full capacity crowd generates buzz amongst themselves, the lights suddenly cut to black, causing a small uproar amongst them. After a short moment, a known, but unfamiliar theme begins to play throughout the arena. Fans who remember the bizarre and relatively disgusting result from Martin Drake and Jason St. Pierre's match at Viewer's Choice greet the music with ravenous booing. Predictable, JSP appears on the stage, but he is not alone. Standing behind him with a towel draped over his head is the massive frame of Martin Drake. Judging by the shape of the towel, Drake's head is angled downward, not allowing his face to be seen. Holding a microphone in his hand, JSP leads Martin Drake down to the ring. Upon reaching the base of the ring JSP, with Drake following him like a shadow, raises his microphone to his mouth, prepared to speak.

"Was it not beautiful? Last Sunday was a marvelous unveiling. A glamorous unboxing of my weapon of mass destruction. The most powerful force among all of you mortals has allied himself with the one person who can bring out his true power. HThe strength that rests within him. Inside Martin Drake's cold black heart in an undeniable power. Very few methods have the means to extract such impressive power...However, there is a way."

Having rolled into the ring while he was speaking, St. Pierre had made himself comfortable in one of the turnbuckles. Jumping up to his feet as quickly as he had gotten comfortable, JSP's speech becomes oddly frantic, which is very different from his normally calm and calculated demeanor. He begins talking directly to Martin Drake, who has remained, unflinching, at ringside.

"There is a way to bring that power out from within you, Martin. I can make you the strongest man in all of Precision. You and I together will have enough strength to bring this forsaken land down in a single action...But we must not be hasty...No, no, no. We must proceed through this with much caution, One false procedure will leave your power locked away inside of you forever...And our mission would be cast off for all eternity as a failure."

Freezing in his place, the thought of potential failure fills JSP's mind. Not letting that sway him from his intentions, JSP returns to his usual calm demeanor.

"The destruction of this wretched company has been long overdue. The selfish greed-fueled dictators of our fate have become much too reckless. I have been an onlooker from the shadows. I've lurked around in silence and have learned the true nature of those you worship. Your gods are nothing more than imposters of the righteousness that you every so desperately seek.They have given you a false sense of security within these ropes. No...There is no safety net for Precision. There is no safety net for anybody who stands in the way of our mission. There is no more surviving off of hope. You will succumb to the despair that accompanies the demise of Precision."

JSP once again takes a pause within the ring. The crowd is quiet, but various jeers can be heard being yelled at JSP., whose destructive intentions have created cause for concern. Slowly, JSP turns back to the unmoving Martin Drake.

"Soon our combined power will overtake all of those who pollute Precision. We will succeed, and all of you will fall to your knees in our presence...Now, Martin...Let us begin your first examination."

As if given a cue, Martin Drake slowly begins entering the ring. Hurling his large frame off of the top rope. Standing behind JSP, Drake removes the towel from his head, revealing a poorly treated scar on his right cheek. Leaning towards his new project, JSP says some inaudible words to Martin Drake. Drake seems to switch in another gear as a new look of intensity hits his face as his opponent, Sean Moore's, theme fills the arena. JSP crouches on the outside of the ring, watching intently.

-End Segment-