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WrestlingSmarks News

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Jan 28, 2011
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- Tonight’s WWE RAW Supershow kicks off with a video package showing what happened last week with the 55 Superstars, referees and crew members walking out on Triple H.

- We go to the arena and there are no announcers sitting at the table. No music plays and fans are waiting around cheering. A camera cuts backstage and the halls look pretty empty besides a few staff members. We see Triple H walk out of his dressing room and look around. He smiles and walks towards the ring as the crowd cheers. Finally his entrance music hits and out Triple H comes to a pop from the crowd.

Triple H says he showed up and the fans showed up. He talks about everyone walking out last week and the crowd boos. Triple H says he never thought he would see it but everyone walked out on Monday Night RAW and walked out on the fans. He talks about them in the parking lot holding a solidarity rally and mocks them for whining about working conditions. Triple H says they all have their wrestling gear but none of them will step into the building to perform for the fans, unless he steps down.

Triple H asks the fans what should he do. Should he walk away? Should he quit? The fans say no. Triple H says maybe he should go but he’s never been a quitter – it’s just not in him. Triple H gets hyped and says he won’t give in. He says everyone in the parking lot can pucker up real nice and kiss his ass. He doesn’t care if he has to take off his suit and wrestle a broomstick fo 2 hours, he will. He’s wrestled most of the guys in the parking lot and the broomstick would give him a better match than some. Triple H says he is giving the fans a show tonight and the crowd pops. John Cena’s music hits and out he comes.

Cena tells the camera it’s about to get serious and hits the ring to some boo’s from the crowd. Cena says there’s a reason he wasn’t involved in the walkout last week. Same reason he hasn’t addressed the press or fans online. Cena says a lot of people think the 55 Superstars would be stronger if he was added to the list. Cena says all 55 of them has contacted him personally and asked him to join them. Cena says Triple H hasn’t even reached out to him. Cena goes on and talks about working for Vince McMahon and Eric Bischoff, calling them two of the most humble guys ever. He talks about working for Vickie Guerrero, RAW guest hosts, an anonymous General Manager and Mike Adamle. Cena isn’t here to tell Triple H he’s his best friend, he’s here to tell him he’s his boss and he is staying. Cena loves WWE and loves the unsafe work place. He is staying because the word loyalty on his sleeve is a principle, not a word. Cena says his loyalty lies in our living rooms and with each one of the fans here – whether they love him or hate him. Come hell or high water, John Cena stays on RAW, he says. The music of Sheamus hits and out he comes to a pop.

Sheamus comes out and talks about his past with Triple H. He was trying to make a name for himself by taking Triple H out, he says. He says Triple H didn’t file a lawsuit or anything – he came back and gave him an ass whooping. Sheamus says they both know it would be different today, but he has a lot of respect for Triple H. Sheamus says lately he has tried to stick to the same principles Triple H has. He won’t take part in some parking lot shenanigans and sit out there with the losers. He left his family and came thousands of miles to be a part of RAW. CM Punk’s music hits and out he comes to another big pop.

Punk says he feels like he’s responsible for this. He’s been at the center of everything controversial and made walking out cool. He says those in the parking lot understand what he was trying to do. But his contract expired, he didn’t walk out. He was trying to prove something to an entire company, not one man. Punk talks about his recent troubles with Triple H and Kevin Nash, picking on how slow Nash moves. Punk says this industry is based on men solving their differences in the ring. Punk says he thrives on unsafe working conditions. This is professional wrestling, not ballet. Punk goes on and says here he is but asks what do they do now? Triple H says we do what we do on RAW – we shut up and fight. Triple H announces Sheamus vs. John Cena with himself as the special referee. Triple H tells Punk he can do commentary and say anything he’d like. Punk asks if he can wear Triple H’s blazer and he says yes. Punk says he’s in and puts on Triple H’s jacket before going to commentary. Triple H asks him to ring the bell and says it will be double pay. Punk rings the bell and kicks off commentary.

Sheamus vs. John Cena

Crew members remove the speakers from the RAW as Sheamus and Cena lock up. They go back and forth before we take a commercial break.

Back from the break and Sheamus blocks the Attitude Adjustment for a 2 count. Punk is sitting indian style in an announcer’s chair and Triple H is refereeing in his slacks and button-up. Vince McMahon’s music hits and out Vince comes to a pop from the surprised crowd.

Vince apologizes for interrupting the match and says he got here as soon as he could. He asks Sheamus and Cena to leave the ring so he can have a word with his son-in-law. He thanks them for standing up for what they believed in and asks Punk to leave commentary. He thanks them again for showing up and standing up for what they believe in. Vince says the people protesting on Wall Street are standing up for what they believe in and so is Triple H. Vince says he believes in Triple H and his management style. Vince says watching RAW from home has been a hoot. He has enjoyed how RAW has been lately. Unfortunately, there are people in the parking lot who haven’t. Vince says the Board of Directors are sympathizing with the 55 talents. He met with them late this afternoon and they are worried that the walkout may spiral out of control and don’t know where it’s going. Vince says it could lead to a cancellation of live events, no pay-per-views, no WrestleMania and maybe no RAW. The Board is worried about a financial catastrophe and they’re not willing to take that chance. Vince says he felt it was his duty to come tell Triple H tonight that on behalf of the Board of Directors, his services of running RAW are no longer needed. The crowd boo’s.

Vince says no member of the McMahon family will be running RAW. The Board wants someone independent, someone with morals. Until they find that person, they have found an interim manager to run RAW and that person is John Laurinaitis. The crowd boo’s and Vince acts as if he doesn’t like the news either. Laurinaitis comes walking out to heat from the crowd. He stops on the stage and stares at Triple H in the ring as we go to commercial.

Back from commercial and we see John Laurinaitis backstage shaking hands with the 55 talents as they re-enter the building. Morrison stops and says he should have been careful what he wished for because Laurinaitis sucks. Laurinaitis tells him not to change and go straight to the ring for a match. Christian comes in next and says this is the best decision the Board of Directors has made. We should get rid of the interim title and make Laurinaitis the permanent GM. Laurinaitis tells Christian to go face Morrison now in the ring and Christian is going to bring some of his friends with him.

- Back to the arena where Jim Ross makes his way out to a nice reaction from the crowd. Jerry Lawler is out next followed by Michael Cole. Cole comes out running his mouth taking credit for everything.

John Morrison vs. Christian

John Morrison comes out in his street clothes and out next comes Christian in the same. WWE Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes, United States Champion Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger come out with him.

The bell rings and they go at it. Morrison has control eaely on but Christian fights back. Christian goes up top and Morrison meets him with right hands. Morrison back drops Christian to the mat and goes for Starship Pain but lands on his feet. Dolph and Swagger distract him, allowing Christian to hit the spear for the win.

Winner: Christian

- After the match, the other Superstars enter the ring. Ziggler hits the Zig Zag, Rhodes hits Cross Rhodes and Swagger lands a big Dr. Bomb on Morrison. They stand over him and pose as Christian’s music hits.

- Laurinaitis has just signed Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton for tonight. The World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out to the ring as we take a commercial break.

- Back from the break and Laurinaitis is backstage on the phone with his wife, asking her how he looked. Triple H walks up and he’s pissed. Laurinaitis says he didn’t want the job – the Board appointed him. Laurinaitis says he is as loyal as they come and is willing to make sacrifices for WWE. He says it’s in his blood and he loves WWE. Triple H asks him if he’s ever tried to pick up his teeth with a bunch of broken fingers and walks off.

- We go back to the ring where Mark Henry has a mic. Henry says he doesn’t back down from anyone as long as they’re the #1 contender. He says Big Show wasn’t the #1 contender and shows footage of Show returning on SmackDown, asking for a World Title shot, then the brawl at the end of the show where Show destroyed Henry. Henry says he took all that and he’s still here. Henry says at Vengeance – vengeance will be his. Randy Orton’s voice comes over the speakers and says Henry is wrong, vengeance is his. Out comes Orton to a big pop.

Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton

Back from a commercial and the match is in progress. Orton connects with a nice dropkick and stomps away on Henry. Orton goes for a big knee drop and Henry moves. Henry hits some headbutts and drops Orton on the turnbuckles. Henry hits Orton with right hands and knocks him out to the floor. Henry brings it back in the ring and continues the assault. Henry with a big powerslam for 2.

Henry misses a sit-down splash and Orton goes to work. Orton with a big clothesline. Orton goes for the second rope draping DDT and nails it. Orton waits for the RKO but Cody Rhodes rushes the ring. Orton sends him back out. Henry goes for the World’s Strongest Slam but Orton counters with the RKO. Orton covers for the win but Cody comes back in for the DQ.

Winner by DQ: Randy Orton

- After the bell, Cody continues the attack on Orton. Orton turns it around with a clothesline and a powerslam. Orton goes for an RKO but Cody pushes him into Henry, who connects with a World’s Strongest Slam. Henry realizes he lost and gets pissed, hitting another WSS on Orton as Cody looks on from ringside. Henry grabs his title and leaves as the crowd boos him and Orton lays in the ring. Cody slides back in the ring and hits Cross Rhodes. He calls out his brown bagger to bring him a paper bag. Cody places the bag over Orton’s head and takes the mic. Cody taunts Orton and asks him if he would like a receipt for his paper bag. Cody laughs like a crazy man before walking off with his assistant.

- Still to come tonight, CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio. Back to commercial.

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