Kayfabe Live Reveal of 'The Corruption'

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Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom
"I'm here."

*Right after the opening pyro's to UK Rampage, Anarchy Inc's theme begins to play and out come each member one by one, each stepping to one side of the ramp. Yuri, Gabriel, Reagan, Antonio and finally Will, after a few more seconds of waiting... out walks 'The Corruption' in black jeans, a black long sleeved shirt and a red and black mask covering his face. Each member of Anarchy Inc feels a bit uneasy around 'The Corruption', even to the point of Yuri nearly dropping his Tag Team Championship belt. 'The Corruption' looks at Neilson and Will nods, and they both begin the walk to the ring, both men enter with Will taking a seat on the top rope and 'The Corruption' standing it the middle of the ring. After a minute passes, 'The Corruption' reaches for the mask and has a grip of it, without thinking, he pulls the mask off....*

*The crowd is in complete shock, they know who he is, even behind the red and black face paint, he is recognisable. Most are too stunned to cheer, boo or chant, looking on in the ring.

Patrick Young - I.... I.... I'm speechless! The only word going through my mind is why?!

Anthony Pedersen - I agree Young, out of everyone in the Precision roster, I did not expect him to be Anarchy Inc's newest member!



"Haze is here."

@Solarxpixel You know what to do.


Apr 17, 2016
Reaction score
*Rhys Haze stops and takes a look around at all of the fans who used to love him, now booing him and can't believe why he has joined Anarchy Inc. Rhys laughs and holds the mic up again.*

Rhys - What is it with you people? It's me! Your favourite hero! Rhys Haze! I'm back, why are you booing me? All of you didn't deserve to see the hero that you once cheered, and now you have the new Rhys Haze! You want to know why I did this? You want to know why I have joined Anarchy Inc and why after all that he's done to me, rejoice with Will Neilson?

*The crowd boo louder and louder, to the point of Rhys having to put his hands over his ears.*

Rhys - After TLC... I had given up. What's the point giving your heart and soul to this business, if you aren't treated like a real superstar? Everyone in the back looked down on me, like the new kid in school! I've been here for a year and no-one can even remember my name! It pissed me off, and I tried to act like the good guy... I tried to earn the respect of my peers, but then I realised... the good guy act wasn't going to last long, maybe it was better to be a villain rather than a hero. So I went to Will and asked him to train me... and he did, 3 weeks of non stop training to make me who you see right in front of you! I'm more ruthless, vicious, powerful, technical... I've improved in every category and there is no one that can outclass me, Will taught me that all the good things that I've stood for in the past was all a joke and that I should embrace the evil and become someone that no one thought I would become!

Rhys - Tonight, I return to the ring and show Alex Clark why you shouldn't mess with Anarchy Inc, and that you shouldn't mess with Rhys Haze!

*Rhys drops the mic and walks backstage with Will by his side, once at the ramp all the Anarchy Inc members turn around and look at the crowd, before walking off to the mass amount of boos.*