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WrestlingSmarks News

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Jan 28, 2011
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- Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez in the ring. Del Rio isn’t happy with the Canadian fans booing him. Del Rio says everyone made fun of him last week when Cena hit him with an Attitude Adjustment. Del Rio says he is the undisputed WWE Champion and no one makes him of him. The crowd boo’s. Del Rio talks about taking out Rey Mysterio and takes credit for Edge having to retire. Del Rio says he beat CM Punk and will beat Cena at Night of Champions so the people better stop making fun of him. Del Rio declares himself champion again and the greatest of the great. Bret Hart’s music hits and out comes The Hitman to a big pop from the crowd.

The crowd roars as Bret enters the ring. Bret says he didn’t come to disrespect Del Rio, he came to give him some good advice, a little education. Bret says when he looks at Del Rio, he sees a man who doesn’t know what it means to be a world champion. Del Rio goes to threaten Bret but Bret cuts him off. Bret says Del Rio is all style and no substance. He says Bret needs to become a real champion, a man with pride who faces all challenges and wrestles in day in, day out. Del Rio says Bret looks like a bum, a homeless person with his 1994 jacket and his greasy hair, his pathetic shirts. Del Rio says Bret looks like one of those illegal Canadians he hires to clean his house. Del Rio says he is the best there is, not Bret. He is the WWE Champion and tonight, he will make an example out of Bret.

John Cena’s music hits and out he comes to a nice reaction from the crowd. Cena puts Del Rio down and says he runs like a coward. Cena tells Del Rio to hop back in his Ferrari and be gone because he is the WWE Champion… for just 6 more days. They both want to fight tonight it seems. But Del Rio puts Ricardo Rodriguez up and says it’s the match everyone wants to see. Cena hit Del Rio a few weeks ago and tonight, Ricardo wants to make him pay. Ricardo isn’t acting like he does though. Cena runs Del Rio down some more and proposes that Del Rio put the WWE Title on the line against Bret Hart tonight. The crowd chants for Bret. John Laurinaitis appears on the stage and Cena mocks him. Laurinaitis introduces himself and gets boo’d. On behalf of Triple H, he says, they’re going to give everyone what they want to see – a tag team match. Del Rio and Rodriguez vs. Cena and Hart tonight. Cena says that’s the first good decision Laurinaitis has made in his life as Del Rio and Rodriguez leave the ring and head to the back.

- Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler plug tonight’s show and the Final Face-Off between CM Punk and Triple H tonight. Also, World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton will take on Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes. We go to commercial.

Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison and Alex Riley

Back from the break and Jack Swagger is in the ring with WWE United States Champion Dolph Ziggler and Alex Riley as John Morrison makes his way out. Ziggler and Morrison start things off. Ziggler takes control early but Morrison turns it around and catapults Ziggler into the corner face first. Mprrison hits a springboard kick for a 2 count. Morrison charges in the corner but Ziggler moves and he hits the ringpost. Ziggler stomps away on Morrison and hits a neckbreaker. 2 count for Ziggler.

Ziggler drops a big elbow for another 2 count. Swagger wants to tag but Ziggler won’t. Morrison kicks Ziggler to the mat and Swagger tags himself in. Riley also is tagged in and unloads on Swagger, hitting a spinebuster. Riley dumps Dolph out to the floor and slams Swagger down for a close 2 count. Riley goes for a move but Swagger counters and applies the ankle lock. Riley rolls out of it and pushes Swagger into Dolph, knocking him off the apron. Riley hits his finisher on Swagger for the pin as Dolph watches him lose just a few feet away.

Winners: Alex Riley and John Morrison

- After the match, Dolph and Vickie Guerrero argue at ringside. Dolph says they don’t need Swagger and calls him a loser. Dolph yells at Swagger from the stage while Swagger recovers in the ring, all while Vickie is in his face yelling.

- Josh Matthews is backstage with R-Truth and The Miz. Matthews points out Triple H is giving them a title shot at Night Champions, despite their claims of a conspiracy. He asks if their feelings on Triple H have changed. Miz snatches the mic and walks with R-Truth, talking. He says all anyone is talking about tonight is the Face-Off. Miz says if CM Punk really wanted to tell the truth, he would change his name to BS. R-Truth says he feels like Triple H has made a good decision. Miz asks, really? Truth says ninja please, he’s just messing around. Truth wants Triple H to lose on Sunday so he’s out as COO. Truth walks with Miz to the ring and says they’re going to show people the real truth. Truth and Miz come walking out to the stage.

Truth rambles on about Triple H as they head to the ring. He says they should be in the main event of every WWE pay-per-view. They’re going to prove that at Night of Champions and right now. Miz says the truth is that Air Bourne is going to get got at Night of Champions and Truth says that’s awesome. Miz vs. Kofi Kingston is up next as we go to commercial.

The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston

Back from the break and out come the WWE Tag Team Champions Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne – Air Boom. Miz and Kofi go to lock up but Miz kicks him and beats him into the corner and down to the mat as the referee tells him to back off. Miz hits a suplex and covers for a 1 count. They run the ropes several times and it ends with both men out on the floor. Truth helps Miz up while Bourne helps Kofi as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Miz has Kofi in a headlock. Miz drops Kofi with a DDT for a 2 count. Miz works Kofi over in the corner. Kofi turns it around coming out of the corner and hits a stomp on Miz. Kofi fights back with kicks and right hands, followed by chops and a dropkick. They trade counters and Kofi kicks Miz in the face. Kofi hits a big springboard crossbody from the top for a 2 count. Miz drops Kofi with a big boot to the face. Kofi blocks the running kick and rolls Miz up for 2. Miz hits a backbreaker and goes for a neckbreaker but Kofi backslides him for a 2 count. Kofi dropkicks Miz into the corner and leaps to the top. Miz moves and hits a neckbreaker on Kofi from the top.

Miz waits on Kofi to get up and then hits the Skull Crushing Finale for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Miz

- We see Vickie Guerrero and Teddy Long backstage. She’s upset about something as usual. Teddy says Dolph Ziggler will defend the United States Title against Jack Swagger, John Morrison and Alex Riley at Night of Champions. Vickie says that’s unfair. She sees Kelly Kelly and asks what she’s looking at. Kelly says Teddy might listen to her if she wasn’t so… nothing. Vickie calls her a Barbie doll and a pathetic Divas Champion. Vickie can’t wait until Beth Phoenix beats Kelly on Sunday. Vickie says even she could beat Kelly. Teddy says that’s perfect because he was looking for some competition for tonight. It will be Vickie vs. Kelly.

- Bret Hart and John Cena are backstage talking in preparation for their match. Still to come tonight – David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty vs. Jerry Lawler and a mystery partner.

Michael McGillicutty and David Otunga vs. Jerry Lawler and Sheamus

Back from the break and in the ring are Michael McGillicutty and David Otunga. McGillicutty addresses Jerry Lawler, who is at ringside, and says he was born with a personality. McGillicutty asks Lawler if he knows who his father is. Otunga points out that he is a Harvard educated lawyer. Lawler says he did know who McGillicutty’s father was, and he’s not the same person. Lawler rips Otunga and introduces his partner… Sheamus.

Lawler starts things out against McGillicutty, who takes control. Otunga is tagged in for some double teaming and a tag right back to McGillicutty. Lawler catches him with a big right hand and tags in Sheamus. Sheamus comes in strong but gets hit by a big boot. He comes right back and slams McGillicutty down hard. Sheamus wails away with big forearm shots to the chest now and knocks Otunga off the apron. Sheamus with a big knee to the face on McGillicutty. Sheamus climbs up top and comes down with a shoulder block. Otunga comes in and dodges a Brogue kick. Lawler decks Otunga with a right hand and Sheamus drops him with a Brogue kick. Sheamus then Brogue kicks McGillicutty and drops him with the Celtic Cross for the win.

Winners: Sheamus and Jerry Lawler

- Cole plugs the Triple H and CM Punk Face-Off tonight.

- Ricardo Rodriguez is backstage in the locker room when Alberto Del Rio walks in. Ricardo is drinking an aphrodisiac, he says. Del Rio leaves and Ricardo drops to the floor with a weak attempt at push-ups. Back to commercial we go.

John Cena and Bret Hart vs. Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez

Back from the commercial and out comes John Cena and his partner Bret Hart. Ricardo Rodriguez comes out next in tights and a t-shirt. He introduces the WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio but looks scared. Del Rio looks angry and frustrated with Ricardo. The match starts with Cena and Ricardo. Cena takes off his red t-shirt and plays around with Ricardo like he’s a bull. Cena charges Del Rio ont he apron but he jumps down to the floor. Ricardo hits Cena from behind but it doesn’t phase him. Ricardo turns around to Bret and back around to Cena where he gets back dropped. Ricardo tags in Del Rio.

Del Rio comes in and takes control of Cena, working him over int he corner. Cena comes back with a clothesline and a splash int he corner. Cena dropkicks Del Rio and goes for the AA. Ricardo tags himself in and saves Del Rio from the AA. Cena yanks Ricardo over the top rope and hits him with the shoulder blocks and the big slam. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle on Ricardo as Del Rio looks on from ringside. Cena then hits the AA on Ricardo while Del Rio is backing up the ramp and heading to the back. Cena motions to Bret and tags him in. Bret locks the Sharpshooter in on Ricardo and makes him tap out immediately for the win.

Winners: Bret Hart and John Cena

- After the match, Cena takes the mic and tells Del Rio his destiny will change Sunday at Night of Champions. Cena says after Night of Champions, the champ will be right here. Cena and Bret hit the turnbuckles to pose for the fans.

- WWE airs a look back at 9/11 that is narrated by John Cena. We see Vince McMahon’s speech from the SmackDown episode just days after the 9/11 tragedy. We will not live our lives in fear, said Vince. Cena says 9/11 is now a day of remembrance as we see clips from the 9/11 memorial on Sunday. They also show a clip of George W. Bush’s speech from Ground Zero just days after the attacks. Great video by WWE.

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