I thought this was for Hogan screwing the wrestling business of all time, but for TNA I'll leave it to the guys who watch it more than casually
In TNA alone, let's see
Raven (Where has he been?)
Thank you, something I've said before. People are overly attention whoreish on their hate for TNA here and everywhere else and it just gets laughable. I remember after Hogan/Eric came in, every week there was a new thread about how the changes have been bad and how they're ruining TNA. Shut the fuck up. The truth is, it hasn't been much different for the past 4 years. There's just different (bigger) names now, much more than before. And no, I'm not saying it's good that those bigger names haven't drawn an audience before some idiot attempts to point out the obvious. This is simply an observation.Raven? He hasn't mattered in years. That's crazy to say Raven has been "screwed" by Hulk Hogan.
In reality I don't understand why anyone wastes their time with stuff like this. I didn't see any TNA appreciation thread before Hogan so why does it matter now. Granted I was in a different forum then but I've looked here and it's the same. It's ok to hate TNA but why constantly remind people that you do?
Agreed, you have to remember who's still writing this show.Fuck, if the sky was falling it'd be blamed on Hogan.