Kayfabe Leaving a Mark

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Apr 13, 2016
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*The video feed fades in with Chris Young standing in front of an interview set with a cocky smirk on his face and holding a microphone. Before he starts to speak he looks down at the microphone and then he looks back at the camera with a confident look on his face.*

Chris: Ignition, We are in a time of change and the game is evolving and you need to adapt or perish in this world. I Am walking into a war with 3 men tonight and tonight I leave my mark!
You see, whether I'm the first match, I'm the fourth match, or I'm the last match, I'm always the main event. I'm always Must See TV. I Can’t wait to climb back up to claim gold again.
On the first Ignition, we have this epic set of matches and we have the great women’s division and the main event could make the mega show look bad.

*Chris Looks off camera and turns the camera to show a TV showing the match graphic for the 4-way. Chris leans on the tv and spins his mic.*

Chris: First we have Jay Washington someone who I can’t see what side are you on man?

I Hear you speak and speak and I hear the same crap I used to say and now looking in the mirror It sickens me that I used to be like that but hey who cares right? The way you act so high and mighty but you’re more like the gun on my boot. Jay Washington, You can try to hurt me, You may try to beat me but trust me, Jay, you’ll be ousted from the ring like the boy you are.This will be a fight Jay and you do not look ready, so get ready boy.

*Chris smiles and the screen blacks out Washington. Chris walks away from the TV and the camera follows him as he walks out on stage showing the segment was being filmed live.
He walks down the ramp and enters the ring and stands in the center of the ring with his arms down at a 90-degree angle before raising his microphone to speak.*

Chris: Now this is better. You get to be amazed by me inside this ring every week. Now let’s talk about Todd McKay. Wait there is nothing to talk about him. He is not worth the water in his body.
McKay, listening to you speak is like having my blood drawn short and boring. I Can’t wait till this is over so someone like me will never have to wrestle guys like you. So during this match stay out of my damn way!

*Chris Nods his head and smiles as he looks around at the crowd. He walks to each corner of the ring before returning to the center of the ring.*

Chris: and lastly we have Joakim "Loki" Larson. I really have nothing to say about this guy as I know nothing of this guy. So I;ll just say this. You’re doomed to fall and you might as well call yourself Icarus as you're getting close to the sun and this sun's heat will amaze you and also crush your dreams. Trust me that is no mythology and that is a fact! Now Ignition, Prepare to be amazed.

*Chris Exits the ring and walks back up the ramp and he stops at the top of the stage and looks back and gives the camera a smile before walking backstage ending the segment.*
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