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From Rochester, New York
Episode 7
“An Enhancement”
The remixed version of “Made an America” plays with the intro slightly updated as it normally is after a PPV and debuts, showcasing new signing Jun Yoshimoto and more match footage. With the video ending on the World Champion, Darius Wright, and the LDW co-owners, Slate and Eden, we go to the arena where we see a rowdy Rochester crowd, and the commentators on duty.
Perkins: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the fallout edition of LDW Primetime from Blackout, I’m Rodney Perkins, alongside my broadcast colleague, the always refreshing Doctor Smooth, Wally Shine, and we have an action-packed edition to follow the heavily talked about PPV in the Barclay’s Center.
Shine: We have ourselves a world title match tonight! After beating Reagan Cole, Darius Wright has a chance to tie up loose ends as he faces the person he beat for the title, Brian Toogood, and someone who has been on a roll despite the loss at Blackout, Patriot!
Perkins: Patriot has beaten Brian Toogood before, has had a generally positive singles record, and the only person who has really beaten him one on one has been Brian Toogood with underhanded tactics each time, and he will likely have Alexandra Marie, a newcomer, in his corner.
Shine: I am not sure how far he can trust “The Party Princess,” but she may be an equalizer compared to Stacey Keys. Then again, to beat Darius Wright has been nearly impossible, so they need all they can get to beat the champion.
Perkins: Also tonight, we have two matches showcasing up and coming talent as Jun Yoshimoto has a chance to prove his quick win over Debaucherino wasn’t a fluke against Al Blizzard who…
Shine: Is frankly losing his mind again.
Perkins: Yep… And his opponent from Blackout, Jay Washington, gets to face off against the debuting Mike Valander, Grizzled Country.
Shine: And considering the beef between them on social media already, they will be going guns blazing.
Perkins: But of course, one of the most talked-about events from Blackout was…
???: Alright!
Interrupting the commentators is the voice of the self-proclaimed “Canada’s Greatest Athlete,” Daemon Raze and he and his three allies, Taboo, Marley Jameson, and Corey Keenan, all enter the ringside area over the barricade. Each of them is wearing a black hoodie over their in-ring gear.
Raze: That was so cool, right?
Perkins: Oh great…
Shine: You know, you guys are employed here, you can enter the normal way.
The four of them enter the ring and as Daemon Raze has the mic, he talks.
Raze: So, you guys were going to leave us four, the HOTTEST young talents off of PPV? That won’t fly with us!
Corey Keenan takes the microphone.
Keenan: Dude, I told you, we don’t have a single win.
Raze pulls the microphone back before continuing.
Raze: You’re messing with my mojo… Anyways! We are four men united after we all have been shown disrespect by LDW management and you trash fans!
Once again, being the voice of reason in this madness of a group, Corey takes the mic.
Keenan: Not me! Not me! Let me stress this, I love the LDW fans, you guys are great supporters of me, and I will always perform FOR YOU,
And Corey gets a small cheer and some laughs from the crowd as Marley Jameson gets the mic.
Jameson: I mean, I’m fine either way, cheer me, boo me, you guys have your opinion and like, it’s fine.
The chill big man of the group shrugs and Daemon Raze takes the mic back.
Raze: Can you guys STOP interrupting my thing? You know what, Taboo.
He turns to the Masked freak.
Raze: Have anything to add before this goes too far?
He puts a microphone in front of Taboo’s face who simply mutters.
Taboo: Taboo has no idea what is going on…
The crowd laughs as Daemon Raze just tries to continue on.
Raze: So, we’re here to TAKEOVER this company. We four are better than ever together! We will not regress on this roster. Instead…
He grabs the zipper of his hoodie and glares at everyone else to do the same and they all do aside from Taboo. They pull their zippers down and show t-shirts that read “Enhanced” each with colours according to the person holding it, with Daemon having it Canadian flag colours, Corey having blue, and Marley Jameson having tye-dye. Taboo is late in opening his shirt, and he does open to show a neon green.
Raze: We are Enhanced! And we are better than ever!
???: Oh really, now?
A woman’s voice echoes through the arena and, on the screen, is LDW co-owner, Eden. The jaw of Daemon Raze drops and Eden addresses them.
Eden: I appreciate the courage you show in pulling this stunt. Four people united in misfortune looking to change their ways. So, allow me to test just how much this alliance has really ‘enhanced,’ you. First of all, tonight, two of you, and you two will decide between yourselves, will be in a tag team match where your opponents will be decided later.
Daemon holds up the microphone.
Raze: Sounds great! Corey, Marley, you guys got this.
He pats them on the back and looks to the screen again.
Eden: But, why wait for that match? Right this instant, one of you will be in a singles match.
Once again, being the mouthpiece for the group, Daemon responds.
Raze: As much as I’d love to step up… I haven’t stretched yet, but don’t worry, Taboo is beyond needing that, right buddy?
He slaps Taboo in the back and the masked figure looks around.
Eden: Good, because I have just the perfect opponent for you to face, and they are the true definition of “Enhanced.” Good luck.
And with that, the screen fades.
Singles Match
Taboo vs ???
His “Enhanced” allies are at ringside as Taboo stands in the ring, still rather confused, as Clarissa Garcia does an introduction after getting some notes from a ringside attendant.
Garcia: This following match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, already in the ring, representing Enhanced, from the Other Realm, weighing in at 201 pounds, Taboo!
There is a modest cheer from the fans as Taboo waits in the ring and a familiar theme plays, well, sort of.
The familiar song of “Now” by Paramore brings loud cheers from the LDW fans as the lights start as a lovely rainbow colour. But as the song becomes more distorted, and eventually cuts, the lights dim.
Perkins: What in the-
Then, the song cuts to “Imaginary,” by Evanescence and the eerie theme plays until a spotlight appears and in it is Nova… looking completely different. Her hair, gone are the rainbow locks and replacing it is an Emerald Green with violet tips. On her head is a tiara, much like a Princess, and the attire is a purple glittering singlet fashioned to look like a dress along with long silver satin gloves, black boots and knee pads and fishnet stockings. There is a bit more make-up on her face than normal, and there is a genuine, but an off-putting grin on Nova’s face.
Perkins: WHAT?!
Shine: W-What happened to her?!
She turns around slowly before Nova does a curtsy and the lights change to a violet glow as she walks down the ramp, waving to fans, and Garcia reads her notes for the introduction, a tad bit confused, like all of us.
Garcia: And his opponent… From the Land of Make-Believe, formerly known as Nova Taylor, she has been ReNovated as… Princess Nova!
Perkins: P-Princess Nova!?
Shine: I’m at a loss for words.
The newly rechristened “Princess Nova,” heads up the steps and walks across the apron, wiping off her boots before stepping in the ring under the middle rope. She walks across the ring and leans on the middle rope, hooking her leg across the top rope and smiling at the crowd. All the members of Enhanced, the commentators, and everyone in the arena are in shock. The new theme music for Princess Nova fades away and she removes her tiara, putting it under her corner.
Perkins: Just, what did Slate and Eden do to her? What happened?
Shine: She’s… practically just like Slate and Eden.
When everyone finally gets themselves settled after the startling transformation of the girl formerly known as Nova Taylor, the match begins and she approaches Taboo and gently shakes his hand, even curtsying as she does. Daemon Raze shouts at Taboo to “capitalize” from the odd display of sportsmanship, but the confused freak just leaves himself open to a roundhouse kick! Taboo goes in the corner and Princess Nova as we’ll call her now quickly changes to aggression as she stomps his chest then grabs his throat with her glove covered hand. The official does a count and Nova lets go at four, apologizing for her show of aggression.
The Princess backs up to the far corner and as Enhanced as shouting for Taboo to get up, Nova charges forward and hits a corner dropkick! She pulls her opponent’s head in a front facelock and hits a Twist of Fate into a Stunner, and Taboo lies on the mat. Princess Nova backs up, Hangspringing backwards, but rather than hitting a Moonsault, she drives both knees to the abdomen of Taboo! The commentators are handed notes as to say that is called “Off the Grid,” and Taboo, holding his ribs, heads to the ropes and Princess Nova once again changes a mental switch and goes aggressive, choking him in the middle rope until she needs to break the hold.
Walking down to ringside, Slate Bass and Eden decide to get a closer look at the Seamstress of Reality’s new protege, and Nova has a massive grin on her face. Eden is holding her daughter as they watch on. Taboo stumbles to his feet and Princess nova runs off the far ropes, hitting a Fish Hook Knee directly on the chin! End of the Rainbow!
As Nova is about to pin Taboo, Eden shakes her head and mouths “More, my Princess,” and Princess Nova quickly back up and to a corner. She pulls the end of her glove down to expose her elbow and is behind Taboo. As the masked Freak of Enhanced starts to get to his knees, Princess Nova blows him a kiss before nailing him in the back of the head full force with a Hidden Blade Elbow!
Slate nods in approval as Eden is delighted from what she sees and even Keres giggles with joy. Princess Nova slowly brings the dazed Taboo to his feet and hooks his arm, swinging herself over and hitting her Somersault Reverse DDT! The former Over the Rainbow, now Changement de fortune! Change of Fortune hits! Princess Nova pins Taboo.
Princess Nova lifts his shoulder up at the request of Eden and she is going to give Taboo one more thing of punishment. She pulls her glove back up, making it as secure as possible before she shoves her satin-covered hand in the mouth of Taboo! A Mandible Claw! The Queen’s Hand! Taboo struggles as the hand presses on the nerves under his tongue, but quickly he passes out, causing the win for Princess Nova.
Princess Nova
Princess Nova giggles as she lets go of the hold and has her hand raises, before she curtsies to the official, thanking him for his efforts. Slate and Eden smile before getting in the ring to join their new ally.
Perkins: Well, Princess Nova picks up a dominant win, and just from what we saw in the match, her transformation, err, ReNovation, wasn’t just one with theme music and look.
Shine: Her mind is just… weird. One second she is like the most pleasant person, as a true Princess so to speak. Then the other, one of the most vicious people imaginable.
Daemon Raze, looking worried on the outside shouts at Corey and Marley. “We can’t let this happen! On three! One, two, three!” and he runs into the ring… all alone. As soon as he is behind Princess Nova, she turns around and locks in a Mandible Claw on him!
Perkins: And once again, La main de la Reine, the Queen’s Hand! So gross…
Shine: And oddly, satisfying since it is locked on Daemon Raze…
The “leader” of Enhanced quickly passes out from the hold and Princess Nova lets go. The family photographer heads to the ring and Princess Nova lies down, resting both the heads of Taboo and Raze in front of her as her new “family” stands behind her and the photographer takes a picture and a ringside attendant hands a microphone to them and Eden lets Princess Nova speaks rather elegantly into it.
Nova: Now now, I know change is a scary thing. It is hard to adjust to or accept. I was apprehensive at first, myself. But once I embraced it I finally felt free!
She says with a big grin.
Nova: And my dear, dear fans, if it takes you time to adjust to your Princess, then so be it. I still love and adore each and every one of you, and I mean it from my heart. My friends of old, you can still be my friends new. Just…
Then, suddenly, her expression changes. Her face becomes blank and her voice, monotonous, but cold.
Nova: Don’t ever try to change me back…
And she giggles, going back to her normal elegant and cheerful self.
Nova: But I was crushed, drained from my harsh reality. It took me finally freeing my mind and accepting help from the kindest soul imaginable.
Princess Nova smiles at Eden.
Nova: I let the Seamstress of Reality take control of my reality and she has made it safe, let me be able to escape freely into my fantasy every day. I’m reaching my potential. To be complete, I had to be Torn…and I’m better for it.
Giggling once again, she hands the microphone off to Eden.
Eden: And isn’t that amazing…
She lightly hugs Nova.
Eden: And that is why she’s my little angel. We’ll protect each other. And she has taken up our Residence now. We are The Residence, a family, Torn Happily and in LDW, we-
The new theme music of Reagan Cole sparks a loud cheer from the fans who are still unsure what to make of the new “Princess Nova,” and Reagan Cole comes out, wearing his street clothes of jeans, his famous jacket and just a plain black t-shirt, no specific design or anything on it which is unusual for Reagan. He doesn’t take time to play to anyone as he walks to the ring, rather pissed off. Holding his neck a little bit, still not 100% after his major match with Darius at Blackout but Reagan’s mind is currently not on that as he quickly steps into the ring as his theme music fades away and Slate Bass immediately stands between him and Nova.
Perkins: And Reagan Cole is here! Nova’s friend is here, hopefully, to talk some sense into her.
Shine: If there is anything left of her.
As Reagan Cole takes off his jacket, ready to get physical, Princess Nova lightly gets Slate to step aside and says “Let him speak,” and she smiles at him. Reagan looks at Taboo and Raze with a look of almost sadness as he slowly trails his line of sight straight to Princess Nova. While not on a microphone, the camera picks up the audio.
Cole: This isn’t you ...NONE OF THIS IS YOU!
And Nova simply smiles and giggles.
Cole: Slate and Eden? They aren’t your friends! They aren’t your family! Vendetta and Victoria, they are your family! Patriot is your friend, Jay is your friend, hell, I’m your friend! Snap out of this! You aren’t one of them!
Reagan Cole’s pleas have fallen on deaf ears as Nova is still just smiling.
Cole: Are you not gonna say anything?! Are you kidding me? You were supposed to stand up to them, not join them!
And finally… Nova hugs Reagan Cole. She smiles and says “Maybe one day you’ll understand, dear friend.” before walking off and Slate and Eden follows. The crowd boos, although not exactly at Nova or Reagan Cole, and Nova simply follows Eden and Slate up the ramp. Her new allies go to the back as Princess Nova curtsies before leaving.
Perkins: Just… Heart-wrenching to see. Reagan Cole wanted to be there for Nova, but with his title match coming up and Nova… Well, having too much pride to take help, she left herself open to… We’ll say falling under the spell of Slate Bass and Eden.
Shine: And I’m not sure how much of the old Nova is in there, or how they got her to be like this. But it has to be tearing up many of her fans inside, and especially Reagan Cole and everyone in the back.
Reagan Cole closes his eyes and shakes his head, holding in his anger and disappointment. He leans on the ropes, looking heart-broken as we cut to commercial.
Singles Match
Jun Yoshimoto vs Al Blizzard
The classic song of “Battle Without Honor or Humility” plays and the Rochester fans give a respectable cheer for the young upstart from Japan, Jun Yoshimoto as he is seen backstage doing a silent prayer as his theme music builds. After a few moments, he walks through the curtains, hopping in place, ready and focused, before he walks forward down the ramp.
Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen, this following match is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring first, from Kyoto, Japan, weighing in at 180 pounds, he is The Unbreakable Spirit, Jun Yoshimoto!
Perkins: After that shock upset win at Blackout, we got ourselves another opportunity to see what Jun Yoshimoto can do in the ring.
Shine: I think a strong showing here can remove doubt about the match result against Debaucherino. There will be no calling it a fluke if he can replicate it.
Stopping in front of the steps, he gets another hop in before heading across the apron and stepping into the ring. He walks around the ring, psyching himself up before he gets in his corner and waits as his theme music fades away.
A new theme for Al Blizzard plays and the lights dim as the song plays for about half a minute before Al Blizzard… a changed man after his brutal fall in the Last Man Standing Match, walks out with his arms out while soaking the spotlight in with an odd smile on his face. He chuckles and keeps his arms out as Clarissa introduces him.
Garcia: And his opponent, from London, England, weighing in at 254 pounds… The PERFECTED, Al Blizzard.
Perkins: I feel like I'm repeating myself, but W-What happened to Al Blizzard?
Shine: Well, Al Blizzard is no stranger to “Alter egos” and the lights out Washington Bomb might have knocked something in his brain loose, and now we have a new Al Blizzard facing Jun tonight.
Perkins: So his power game is one thing Jun has to worry about, but now… This? Between him and Nova alone, I think the roster is due for a Psychiatric evaluation.
Keeping his arms out, Al Blizzard heads up the steps and into the ring where he stands in the middle of the ring, basking in his perfect spotlight. This is a new man and all it took was one bad fall. His new theme music fades away and he gets to his corner, ready for the match.
Just as expected, Jun Yoshimoto starts off the match attempting a display of sportsmanship. Although, his opponent doesn’t share the same pleasantries and quickly tries to squeeze his hand. Jun quickly breaks it up by kicking Al’s arm and attempts his Roaring elbow, but fearing repeating what happened to Debaucherino, Al Blizzard narrowly dodges the elbow and stumbles back. Blizzard quickly kicks Jun in the gut, but the Unbreakable Spirit hits a palm strike right to the chin with a loud clap…
And Al Blizzard wipes his chin, smiling, and knocks him down with a quick clothesline!
Grabbing Jun’s head, Al Blizzard slams it on the mat and laughs as he takes advantage of his smaller opponent. Yoshimoto quickly crawls towards the ropes, but Al Blizzard grabs his legs and nails him throat first across the ropes with a slingshot! He quickly knees Yoshimoto then wrenches him by the waist and drops him down. Al takes a few more opportunities to throw Jun around, including a hip toss, a backbreaker, and a stalling vertical suplex. Blizzard takes time to spread his arms out, letting the fans behold his “Perfected” self, before dropping an elbow and doing a pin that only gets a two.
The Perfected wrestler wraps his arms around the waist of Jun and a German is coming. He sends Jun backwards… and the young gun uses the momentum to land on his feet! He quickly pentalty kicks Al Blizzard in the chest with a loud thud and Blizzard gets up, wincing while his chest his beat red.
Facing against a bigger man, Jun takes some time to chop the bigger man down with his signature kicks. Some kicks to the leg, others to the chest, even a spinning heel kick to the jaw, and it finally gets Al to the corner. Yoshimoto hits a running knee in the corner then follows with a Bulldog, finally taking Al Blizzard down. He attempts a pin but Blizzard powers out at one, Jun having a long way to go.
Thinking Al has been worn down enough, Jun gets behind and attempts a Saito Suplex. But, the weight of Al Blizzard is too much and he has to let go. Al Blizzard capitalizes with a quick double underhook DDT, dropping Jun on his head!
Holding Jun by his hair, Al Blizzard laughs as the official warns him to let go. He puts Jun up in a cradle position, carrying him around the ring. He starts to turn for the Polar Vortex backbreaker, but Yoshimoto manages to escape, landing on his feet behind Al Blizzard! The big man is off guard and Jun manages, on the second attempt, to drop the big man with a Saito Suplex!
He gets Al Blizzard in a front facelock and sends him crashing into his knee with the reverse GTR, the K-T-Effect! He rolls Al Blizzard on his shoulders.
And Al manages to get a kick out at two, staying in the match after Jun fought back into contention in the match.
Wiping the sweat off his head, the suplex took a fair bit of energy from him, but Jun is ready to get the big man down and show Al to not be perfect after all. He grabs the wrists of Al Blizzard and is about to Kamigoye him back to sanity, but before he can get the big man to his knees, Al Blizzard springs up and plants him with a Spinebuster!
Backing up to the corner, Al Blizzard catches his breath and watches as Jun Yoshimoto tries to peel himself off the mat. The Perfected One opens his arms, laughing, before charging forward and cutting him in half with the Mauling! The Spear hits! Al Blizzard pins him.
And Jun Yoshimoto kicks out!
Ready to put the match to a Perfect end, an Al Cutter is in store for Jun Yoshimoto. He gets him in the Fireman’s Carry, but Jun Yoshimoto grabs the ropes. Al Blizzard tries to pull him back in the ring, but the force causes Jun to fly off his shoulders and land on the mat. Al Blizzard goes for a lariat, but Yoshimoto side steps and catches him on the back of the head with an enzuigiri!
Al Blizzard falls to his hands and knees and, in a display of pure willpower, Jun Yoshimoto grabs him by the waist and slowly… DEADLIFTS HIM INTO A GERMAN SUPLEX! The Mt Fuji suplex!
Unable to bridge into a pin, Jun Yoshimoto lies on the mat, breathing heavily, and the fans clap after that display of will and strength. Both competitors are down and the official counts. On the five count, Al Blizzard is oddly the first to move and he crawls over to Jun…
Al Blizzard is struggling to breathe as the submission is locked on him from nowhere! The official asks if Al Blizzard wishes to submit, but the big man stays in it. Eventually, he just gets the strength to lift Yoshimoto off the mat and runs forward, hitting a Buckle Bomb! Yoshimoto whips back and stumbles forward and Al hooks both arms, nailing the Double Underhook Facebuster! The Punishment! Al Blizzard rolls his shoulder over.
Al Blizzard
Perkins: And Al Blizzard… I guess Perfected Al Blizzard, wins!
Shine: It took a lot for Jun to stay in it, good effort, but Al was too much tonight… and that laugh creeps me out.
As his theme music plays, Al Blizzard spreads his arms out wide, big grin, and laughs. He gets up and gets to the turnbuckles, still joyful over his win. As he celebrates, Jun Yoshimoto rolls to the outside of the ring, grabbing his neck, looking frustrated after his loss.
Perkins: For a first loss, it isn’t sitting well with Jun.
Shine: It gives people fuel to call his first win a fluke, Rodney. That is never good.
And on that note, we go to commercial.
Tag Team Match
Enhanced (Marley Jameson & Corey Keenan) vs ???
As the song by Offspring plays, the fans do a respectable cheer as Corey Keenan and Marley Jameson make their way out, still sporting their “Enhanced” t-shirts, although they don’t have Daemon Raze and Taboo with them as they both are probably getting the taste of Satin out of their mouths. Corey raises his hand with one finger as Marley bops his head.
Garcia: This following match is a tag team match, scheduled for one fall! Making their way to the ring first, representing Enhanced, at a combined weight of 438 pounds, the team of Corey Keenan and Marley Jameson!
Perkins: Well, if one of them weighed two more pounds…
Shine: That’d be fitting of Marley Jameson.
Perkins: Anyways, with Enhanced seemingly two men short after Taboo was dominated by Nova Taylor- I mean Princess Nova…. Man, it is hard to get used to that.
Shine: Agreed…
Perkins: We have the other half of Enhanced to have a chance to prove themselves as Marley and Corey are facing against mystery opponents. Who could it be?
Shine: It can be anyone from Luke Saint and his “American Saints,” to Robby J and an odd ally, or new people. We don’t know, and I think this may be bad luck for Marley and Corey.
They both get into the ring and Corey gets to a turnbuckle to play to the crowd as Jameson slouches in the corner. Corey’s theme music fades away and the two stand in the ring, waiting for their opponents…
And the lights go out!
Perkins: Wait?
Shine: What is this, man?! How many lighting problems will this promotion have?!

Suddenly static appears on every screen & LED display insight before it's replaced by a strange triple crucifix surrounded only by shadow & shade. The crowd remains confused & silent as a man's voice is finally heard...his accent slightly Southern & his tone barely different from that of the growling of a wild animal.

A deep voice of a man speaks.
???: You know... I think WE have waited long enough...I think we have ALL have waited for far too long... don't you think, THINK?!

And with that the logo is replaced by static which in turn quickly fades back to nothing but black.
Perkins: Ladies and gentlemen, we have no idea what is going on.
Shine: Can somebody turn the lights back on, dawg?! This is unnerving as all hell!
And as if on request the lights return...only to reveal what looks like a scene from an art house horror film in the middle of the ring.
The crowd erupts into cheers of excitement & shock as four figures are now shown standing in an organized line in the ring, all of them facing the hard camera.
A short woman in a black business suit with a tablet in hand, a pair of black goggles covering her eyes…
A second woman of the same height with bright red dreadlocks, wearing a black & white striped dress…
A third extremely tall woman dressed completely in white, ivory hair slicked back, a fur coat wrapped around her body…
The fourth is a man...of equal height to the tallest woman, dressed in Catholic Priest robes with a crimson collar, a large skull crown with stag antlers on his head, his "bloody" hands clasped together in front of him… & on each of their faces are multiple red hand prints, clearly worn as a sign of their unity.
At their feet lay the motionless bodies of Corey Keenan & Marley Jameson...both bathed from head to toe in what looks like blood, the scarlet liquid shown to be spreading over & staining a sizeable portion of the ring mat.
Perkins: What in the world?! Who are these people!? Why did they just do that to Corey Keenan and Marley Jameson!?
Shine: Some of them seem familiar, but I can’t put my hand on it. If I do know who these people are, they are NOT what I remembered.
The four figures begin to glance around for a moment, each wearing their own type of smile as they take in the atmosphere & energy produced by the LDW audience before the Priest with antlers & the woman in white exchange a longing & loving glance...before the house lights once again go out.
And once they return only the unmoving Keenan & Marley & of crimson liquid that has covered them remain in the ring. Doctors rush to check on them along with some cleaning crew to remove the red fluid from the ring.
Perkins: We are going to take a brief break, and when we are back, hopefully, we’ll be ready to continue with this night.
Shine: And I hope Marley and Corey are fine after that assault.
"Liberty or Death Wrestling is taking over the world's most famous arena, Madison Square Garden..."
Footage plays, showing the anguish of various wrestlers in LDW, highlighting the pain and suffering they all go through.
"And The Garden..."
It shows LDW owner, Eden...
"Will be her Garden."
Then, a flash shows a Steel caged ring, with barbed wire over it, no ropes or turnbuckles to be seen, with weapons hanging on it. Roses even make up the barbed wire.
"The return of The Garden of Eden, a match that in its short time has ended careers. No disqualifications, no protection from the brutal steel. You only use what you are given..."
Distort the world...
"You must break your opponent to win..."
Then, footage of Jay and Al in their last man standing match.
"A Ten count."
And by people tapping out like Brian Toogood to Reagan Cole, Taboo to BTG, Luke Saint to Patriot, etc.
"Or forcing them to say "I quit..."
"People will be physically and mentally broken as we enter..."
Singles Match
Mike Valander vs Jay Washington
A new theme song for LDW fans plays as “Prodigal Son” plays and the guitar strums before a Harmonica is added and Mike Valander makes his way out, flannel Jacket and all. He stands on the stage in front of the Rochester crowd, looking out at the fans who gave him a respectable response for his debut, and for someone with Kid Rock as their theme. Valander starts to walk down to the ring as Clarissa introduces him.
Garcia: This following match is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring first, from Coon Rapids, Minnesota, weighing in at 235 pounds, Grizzled Country, Mike Valander!
Perkins: Making his in-ring debut for LDW, he’s a soft-spoken but tough countryman, and already had his fun ruining the “party,” for the Party Princess at Blackout after they interrupted his fishing trip.
Shine: Who would fish in the middle of Coney Island? Well, I know he has experience across the United States and even in the UK, but considering his time wrestling and the fact he is coming off a break after rediscovering himself in his home of Minnesota, it is a reset for him.
The man from the Mid-West gets to ringside and goes up the steps. Mike Valander jumps over the turnbuckle and runs towards the center of the ring, holding up the classic Metal Head hand gesture. He removes his vest and entrance gear as the song by Kid Rock fades away and he waits for his opponent.
The crowd cheers the arrival of the man who was the Last Man Standing at Blackout, Jay Washington, is coming. The lights turn out and stay that way for about half a minute as “Nothing Remains” plays. Finally, the lights go on to reveal Jay Washington standing there, although he is a little less cheerful than normal after what he put himself through in the Last Man Standing match. He steps forward, showing a small limp, and heads to the ring.
Garcia: And his opponent, from Phoenix, Arizona, weighing in at 231 pounds, he is The One, Jay Washington!
Perkins: With a new opponent and his body likely not at 100% following that match at Blackout, Jay Washington once again sees himself fighting from behind.
Shine: But I feel after the match he learned that aggression and “fighting dirty,” when used right and when justified, it can be a help. I don’t see him changing his ways any time soon, but I think he has had a chance to develop that “mean streak” in him.
Jay high fives a couple of fans on his way down the ramp and up the steps. He walks across the apron and looks across at Jay Washington before stepping in the ring. Heading to one of the turnbuckles across the ring, he raises both his index fingers up. After soaking in the reception of the crowd, he heads down as his theme music fades away.
Upon the ring of the bell, both combatants quickly do a collar and elbow tie-up, trying to match each other in level of intensity. Mike Valander quickly pushes Washington to the ropes. As the official gets them to separate, Valander does a hard right and shows a small taste of his brawling ability. There is a second lock up, and this time, a little frustrated after the cheap shot from Mike, Jay Washington pushes Valander to the ropes, responding with a knee lift to the gut, then Irish Whipping him across the ring. Jay hits him with a forearm on the return, and he gets in control.
Washington quickly follows up with a suplex which forces Mike to the corner, and he continues his momentum with a Monkey Flip. A dropkick connects next, then Jay quickly gets behind and hooks both arms for a Tiger Suplex and a pin.
And Mike quickly kicks out before two.
Looking for a bigger move, Jay Washington Irish whips Mike again towards the ropes. He lifts Valander up for Sky High, but Grizzled Country grabs Jay’s head in the air and spikes him on the mat with a DDT!
Top mounting Jay Washington, Mike Valander throws several punches before hoisting Washington up with a Brainbuster, dropping him on his head again! He pins him.
And a kickout from Jay Washington.
Mike Valander quickly drops a knee on the head of Washington before securing a chin lock, wearing down the neck of Jay. As Washington tries to fight back, Mike switches his grip and drops him with a Saito Suplex! There is another pin attempt, and another kick out from Washington.
Grabbing the wrist of Washington, Valander hits multiple short-arm lariats, knocking Jay silly before pulling him for a neckbreaker, which Jay spins out of and nails a Regal Plex out of nowhere with a bridge!
And Mike kicks out.
Grabbing his neck, Jay Washington has some rage building in him and he quickly hits a hard elbow strike on Mike Valander, before pulling him into an Eat Defeat which stuns him in the corner. Jay hits a high knee in the corner before pulling him in for a Falcon Arrow! Another pin attempt, which Mike gets out of at two.
Getting behind Mike, Jay Washington tries to nail him with a Lumbar Check, but Valander blocks it. He elbows Jay in the gut before picking him up on his shoulders! Mike is going for an Air Raid Crash he calls Real Country! Fearing disaster, Jay somehow worms his way out and sunset flips Mike on his shoulders. Valander rolls through just as Washington steps back and nails a Gobstopper Superkick!
Slowly getting Mike up, he hooks both arms and the move that broke Al Blizzard is coming, the Washington Bomb. Before he can lift Valander up, the Country boy back body drops him over his head and backs up to the corner. As Jay gets up, he is hit square in the chin with a Savage Sick Kick!
The Savage Kick forces Washington to roll on the apron and Mike is forced to try to get The One back in the ring. The official tries to get him to back off, but just as Mike mouths back, Jay pulls him by the head over the apron and to the outside! As Mike gets up, Jay decides to take a risk. He backs up on the apron and dives forward in a suicide dive like move and both of them crash into the barricade!
The referee starts the count and both competitors are slow to get up. They stay down until a five as Mike, oddly enough, is the first person to pull himself up. He is about to head back into the ring, but the Second Generation Wrestler pulls him by the leg and gets up to deliver an elbow. Mike responds with a Lariat with enough force that both of them go crashing over the corner barricade, nearly landing in the laps of the fans!
The count is almost done and just as Mike is about to step back over the barricade, Jay pulls him back and the two start to brawl!
No Countest
(Double Count Out)
Perkins: Double count-out! Tempers flared over and neither man could get back into the ring and I doubt the Rochester crowd will be happy with it.
Indeed, the crowd, after the non-finish, boo in disappointment.
Shine: They got caught up in the heat of the fight, and probably have some ill will over what happened on social media
The two, seeing that the match is over, continue to fight within the crowd and the fans, getting a little brawl to make up for the match result, begin to cheer as they head to the stage area. They take turns taking each other to the ground and pounding away before eventually, security is needed to break up the fight. The fans jeer as we cut to a brief break.
Before the main event, we see Sydney Turner backstage, as someone with a white shirt as a vile and two other doctors are talking with them. Sydney looks to the camera and speaks.
Turner: Ladies & Gentlemen, Sydney Turner here reporting to you all with some breaking news. First, a small update on both Corey Keenan and Marley Jameson after their attack. Their injuries are only minor, and they should make a quick recovery, although they both are a little shaken after the attack.
She nods before continuing.
Turner: However, according to the medical staff here at the venue a thief or possibly thieves have broken into a restricted backstage arena & have stolen a collection of, and I quote "Hazardous Medical Waste" When questioned the lead Doctor Dr Ashe revealed that this "Hazardous Medical Waste" is, in fact, the latest lot of blood samples collected from the LDW performers to test for any communicable diseases or illegal drug use...
And a small shout is heard off-screen.
Jameson: Except they can’t catch me for my kush! It’s legal where I have it! Hahaha, owww this hurts!
Sydney shakes her head and rolls her eyes before continuing.
Turner: A sample of every single active performer on the LDW roster is taken upon signing and a testing process that is carried out four times a year. I've been told these blood samples themselves have little to no monetary value & their theft may simply have been the actions of an obsessed fan or group of fans. The investigation is ongoing and I will update you when more information comes to light. This is Sydney Turner for the LDW signing off, and enjoy the main event.
Main Event
LDW World Championship
Triple Threat Match
Brian Toogood vs Patriot vs Darius Wright (c)
Drawing boos once again from the LDW fans is the trumpet blaring theme music of the self-proclaimed “11” of LDW, Stacey Keys. She walks out wearing a white, gold, and black dress with a microphone in her hand and walks across the stage before calling for her music to be cut.
Keys: So… They made it a triple threat, huh? We-
The crowd’s booing interrupts her. She is about to speak but they cut her off again.
Perkins: Well, she’s really popular.
Eventually, Stacey yells out.
Keys: Shut it! Either let me speak or this main event will never come, okay you nerds?
Groaning, the crowd keeps quiet long enough for her to actually get momentum in talking.
Keys: As I was saying, I find it weird that for SOME reason, they decided to make this match a Triple Threat… Featuring Patriot of all people?! Patriot!?
The crowd cheers at the mention of one of the opponents.
Keys: My Brian is trying to get his rightfully deserved title and they felt it was so needed to get Patriot in this match. I had a long phone call with Slate and Eden and they explained it was because Patriot beat my Brian… by fluke might I add… a few weeks ago. So what? Brian laid him out fair and square at Blackout!
Shine: After you helped cheat for “Your man,” Stacey.
Keys: But hey, Brian at least can beat Darius Wright in a Triple Threat, which he has done before, and then he can beat Patriot for the third time! Just I find it insulting how there’s a very loud, and dumb, portion of the fanbase who are whining on social media, saying he’s not worth another title match?
She smirks.
Keys: So who else is worthy? Reagan Cole after he lost against Darius? Jay Washington? He only had his first singles win at Blackout. Blizzard? He’s lost his mind. Nova? She’s stuck as Eden’s bitch and everyone’s crying over it! Luke Saint? He’s been busy doing God knows what. Nobody here creates as much BUZZ as my man, Brian Toogood and expect another moment to trend, baby. Because tonight, you’ll see your new World Heavyweight Champion… B...T...G… Brian Toogood.
Drawing an almost arena shaking amount of boos is the theme music of Brian Toogood. The arena’s lights dim slightly for about ten seconds as Brian Toogood walks out slowly, back turned showing an all-white and gold attire, like the night of his debut, and he slowly turns around, grabbing Stacey’s hand. The couple share a passionate kiss on the ramp before they start to head down the ramp, holding hands and mouthing off to the fans.
Perkins: The first title match on Primetime is here and what Stacey swung to get this match is beyond me, but here we go.
Shine: She’s cut from the business world and she may be just as self-absorbed as her “man,” but she has the brains to aid him. And if he’s world champion, I am not sure how well it’ll sit with people, even with how despised Darius Wright has become.
Perkins: And he’s shown that in a Triple Threat, he can take advantage of any situation imaginable. And with Stacey’s help, it may become easier.
Separating at the end of the ramp. Stacey heads up the stairs and into the ring as Brian Toogood walks around the ring, sliding on the apron. He mouths “B...T..G” as he leans on the ropes and his girl takes off his fedora, kissing his cheek. Brian gets into the ring and goes on the turnbuckles to pose as he slides off his vest to his girlfriend. He hops down and Stacey gives him one last “Good luck” kiss before she heads to the ringside area as his theme music fades away.
Drawing an electric response from the home of the Rochester Americans, the lights flash a patriotic red white, and blue, as Patriot runs out with a Captain America inspired attire, and the Party Princess, Alexandra Marie, makes her Primetime debut by heading out after Patriot, accompanying him to the ring. After running to both sides of the stage, Patriot meets Alexandra in the middle and gives her a small salute before he heads down the ramp, high fiving fans.
Perkins: While some question his place here, there is no denying that Patriot has grown since LDW has started.
Shine: And an interesting fact, he’s only been pinned by Brian Toogood, both times due to… shady tactics. He’s quietly had an impressive run. And with Alexandra Marie at ringside, he may have someone watching his back.
Perkins: But is the “Party Princess,” the most trustworthy person?
Shine: That remains to be seen. A party girl from So-Cal isn’t the first person I’d call to be my help.
Patriot heads up the steps and Alexandra Marie is behind him and he hypes up the fans. He gets into the ring and the official keeps him and Brian Toogood separated before Patriot goes up to the turnbuckles before jumping down.
The lights go out and then begin to flicker as the theme music is replaced with…
The theme music of the LDW World Champion plays and as the beats play, Mr Darius Wright walks out in his normal attire, and cape shoulder covering the LDW World Championship. In a response matching the negativity Brian Toogood received, he shakes his head before walking down the ramp.
Perkins: After defeating Reagan Cole, I doubt Darius Wright expected to be defending his title again so soon, but here we are tonight on Primetime.
Shine: And even with ⅓’s odds of retaining, and I won’t do the obvious math-related joke to this, but I have to put Darius as the favourite. Time and time again he has proven to be a massive mountain to overcome. Darius Wright is willing to do anything to win.
Perkins: And unlike Patriot and Toogood, he only has one focus tonight, retaining the title.
At the end of the ramp, finally, he uncovers the LDW World Championship as it is a title match, and holds it close to him. He heads up the steps and into the ring as his theme music fades away and Clarissa starts introductions.
Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your LDW Primetime Main event and it is a Triple Threat Match for the LDW World Championship!
Before she goes on, Stacey grabs a mic and interrupts.
Keys: And let me start it off, girl… Introducing first, the future LDW World Champion! From Buffalo, New York, weighing in at 243 pounds, he is handsome, strong, big money, the Embodiment of American Exceptionalism… The Golden Traveler, B...T...G…
Brian points with his girlfriend.
Keys: Brian Toogood!!!
There is a roar of boos as Clarissa continues.
Garcia: Anyways, introducing next, accompanied to the ring by the Party Princess, Alexandra Marie, from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing in at 199 pounds, the man known as Patriot!
The crowd cheers wildly for Patriot as he smiles in the corner.
Garcia: Lastly, introducing the champion, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 243 pounds, he is Mr Darius Wright.
Darius looks at his championship as the fans jeer before handing it to the official as he raises the title up high, before handing it to the timekeeper. With all three men ready, the main event begins.
All three men, with the title on the line, start the match rather carefully, and are getting near the center of the ring. Then Brian Toogood, looking at his old rival and current one, takes a verbal jab at his older one, saying something inaudible to Darius Wright which sets the champion off to mouth back. The two get face to face and Patriot tries to insert himself, for Brian Toogood to push him away. He attempts again, and this time Wright pushes him to the side. The smaller man in the match, a little frustrated, quickly interrupts with a Super Kick to the jaw of Bran Toogood!
Patriot hits one on Darius, but before he knows it, BTG, and then Darius Wright both bring him to the ground, stomping away as the crowd jeers. Their hostilities put on hold for a moment, Darius Wright and Brian Toogood both focus on Patriot. They take the smaller man to the corner and take turns stomping away on his chest, then Brian Irish whips him into a boot from Wright!
Darius holds up Patriot for Brian Toogood to take his turn, but Patriot elbows Darius Wright to break the Champion’s grip. As Brian runs, Patriot drops down with a low dropkick and Brian’s head lands under Wright’s arm. Patriot quickly runs and hits a neckbreaker on the champion, forcing a DDT as well on Brian Toogood!
With both men down, Patriot quickly tries to go to the top rope, perhaps hitting a Homecoming Elbow drop on one of his opponents. Before he can settle himself, Stacey Keys starts to head towards the turnbuckle and Patriot quickly jumps down, fearing a repeat of Blackout, but the distraction is still enough for Darius Wright to hit a hard dropkick, sending him to the corner, and temporarily to the outside. Brian quickly rolls Darius up from behind after their partnership ends.
And Darius kicks out of the sudden pin!
Now, in a rematch of Declaration, we have Mr Darius Wright and Brian Toogood in the ring, and the crowd, to get under the skin of both wrestlers, start a “You both suck,” chant, and Stacey quickly gets a microphone and shouts.
Keys: And Rochester blows! Now zip it!
Getting back to the match, both of the hated men lock up with Darius Wright transitioning to a side headlock. As he pulls Brian Toogood down, the Young gun steps on the back of his calf to break free and chops Darius’ chest! The Champion responds, and they exchange chops (which the fans “Woo” at), before changing to a flurry punches! Darius ends up getting the advantage with a hard elbow, and he runs off the ropes, with Brian catching him with a quick Belly to Belly, AND BRIAN TRIES TO GRAB THE ARM!
Trying to get his Buffalo Wild Wing Kimura in, he tries to hook the arm behind Darius’ back, but, remembering that the hold injured him before, Darius quickly powers his way out and back body drops Brian Toogood. Oddly enough, the match is picking up pace with the two bigger men. Darius Wright runs, trying for a running knee, but Brian side steps and quickly hits a snap German Suplex!
Brian Toogood attempts a pin and only gets to one and a half, but he quickly goes for a Boston Crab Submission, bending the spine of Darius Wright. The champion isn't worn out yet, and after a few moments, forces Brian off him. Before he can capitalize, Brian Toogood hits a hard clothesline which doesn’t quite knock the champion down, but then the challenger follows with a jawbreaker! Stacey cheers her man on and Brian Toogood knees Darius Wright in the gut and goes for a Powerbomb. As he gets Darius on his shoulders, the champion punches Brian in the head then hits a Frankenstiener! The big man hit a good lucha thing! (I had to). Following that up, Darius Wright backs up to the corner and nails his Wright Way Running knee! He pins Brian Toogood as Stacey yells at Brian to kick out.
And Brian Toogood gets his shoulder up!
Nodding his head slowly, despite the bad blood in the past, there is a small ounce of respect between the two despised individuals and Darius recognizes it. He starts to get Brian Toogood back to his feet, but he turns to see Patriot recovered and on the top rope! Before they have a chance to react, the Red, White, and Blue fury jumps through the air and nails both of them with a Crossbody!
After taking the knee and being down again, Brian Toogood takes the chance to roll to the outside to recover, leaving Patriot and the champion, Darius Wright, in the ring. The smaller man in the match wears down the larger Mr Darius Wright with several hard kicks to the legs and abdomen, mixing in an elbow and spinning back fist to force Wright in the corner. He does a running enziguri into the corner and them gets Wright in a front facelock. Running up the ropes, he nails an MST Tornado DDT! He does a pin.
And a kick out from the champion, saving his title for the time being. Alexandra Marie pounds the mat in an attempt to encourage her new ally in Patriot as Stacey Keys is checking on her man who is trying to get his wits about him on the outside. As Darius Wright sits up Patriot quickly charges off the ropes and hits a Penalty Kick with the force of a Field Goal attempt from the 50-yard line and quickly goes to the top rope. This time, he has a chance to hit it. Jumping through the air, he adds a little “Frog Splash” style to it and nails a perfect Homecoming Elbow Drop! He pins the champion after nailing his elbow through the black heart of the champion.
And Darius Wright kicks out again!
Quickly transitioning, Patriot grabs the leg and turns Wright over, turning it into his STF Camel Clutch, THE LIBERTY LOCK! The Signature submission of Patriot is locked in! He bends the spine and the leg while pulling the head of Darius Wright back and the champion is in excruciating pain!
The crowd is frothing at the mouth at the prospect of Darius Wright, after being unbeaten for so long, to finally break and tap out, but Darius Wright just manages to stay in it, but from the look on his face, he is obviously considering the option of tapping out. With his attention on making the champion tap out, he doesn’t see a recovered Brian Toogood rushing into the ring and nailing him in the back with a Double Axe Handle, breaking the hold!
Seeing a chance, Brian Toogood gets the champion to his feet and lifts him up, nailing his Flatliner, The Upside! Darius Wright rolls to the outside, needing to catch a breather, and Brian Toogood stomps on Patriot before stomping him in the corner. He grabs Patriot by the chin and shouts. “You’re not good enough! You’re not good enough, Patriot! I’m better than you, I’m Just Too Good for you!” and slaps him in the mouth, drawing boos from the crowd. The Buffalo native plays to the boos, sarcastically asking for more, like Patriot, with fire in his eyes, gets up and tackles Brian Toogood!
The two brawl for a good moment, letting out their hatred for each other from the past few months out, and eventually, Patriot gets an advantage as Brian Toogood stumbles to his feet and to the ropes. Patriot runs and hits a forearm to the jaw. The fan-favourite runs off the far ropes for another, but Brian Toogood recovers and hits a clothesline that flips him over with force!
Trying to slow down the pace a little, Brian Toogood quickly gets an Arm Bar locked in and grounds the faster Patriot. He elbows Patriot several times before pulling the arm back. The fans, oddly enough, with help from Alexandra Marie, start to rally behind Patriot and the underdog slowly gets to his feet, eventually, he pele kicks his arm loose and then nails Brian Toogood with a Roundhouse kick! He goes to Springboard off the ropes for the Springboard Stuna’ but Brian Toogood scouted the move, hitting the Best Kick Around in mid-air!
Quickly capitalizing, Brian Toogood picks Patriot up and drops him head first on his knee with the Good Night’s Sleep Brainbuster! He pins Patriot, tasting championship gold!
Darius Wright just manages to get back in the ring and pushes Brian Toogood off of Patriot, keeping his title within his grasp!
The ladies on the outside are both rabid trying to cheer on their men to the title and all three men, getting rather tired, try to catch their breath on the mat. The first two up are the villains in this match, Darius Wright and Brian Toogood. They both exchange heavy strikes and Brian Toogood, after seemingly getting Darius Wright worn out, QUICKLY RUNS TO THE CORNER AND CLOTHESLINES PATRIOT AS HE IS GETTING UP!
Brian Toogood laughs as he knocks Patriot down, but he leaves himself distracted as Darius Wright grabs him in a sleeper and Suplexes him backwards! A Bedtime Story Suplex! Following that up, Darius Wright goes full force and hits the Pitch Black Discus Lariat! It’s over! He falls down and pins Brian Toogood.
Before the hand of the official can hit the mat, Stacey Keys yanked him by the legs and gets him out of the ring! For a girl of her size, she has some strength! Realizing he hadn't retained his title yet, Darius Wright gets up and protests on by yelling at the official. While still loopy after the lariat, Brian Toogood has enough sense in himself to go low, hitting a low blow on Darius Wright! Just like the last Triple Threat they were in!
Both men are too tired to capitalize as Stacey Keys reaches under the ring and pulls out a chair. As it is technically No Disqualification, and while the girls have had some restraint so far, the official can’t stop her. As she is about to slide it into the ring to her man, Alexandra Marie comes running and knocks Stacey Keys down! It’s a fight!
Alexandra Marie pulls Stacey by the hair and hits a Roundhouse Kick on her, Hollywood Dreams and she gets the 11 down. Without Brian knowing what happened to his girlfriend, he gets up by ropes and looks at Darius Wright struggling to get up. Seeing her chance, Alexandra Marie gets the chair and as Brian Toogood hits the ropes, he nails him in the back!
Brian Toogood stumbles forward as Patriot, unaware what happened, sees Brian Toogood bent over. The American Gaijin as he was in Japan, runs off the ropes and nails Brian Toogood with a Springboard Stuna’ before throwing him out of the ring!
And the champion capitalizes!
He runs and hits a superkick on Patriot! The fans jeer as Darius looks to retain his title and the LDW World Champion hits Patriot with a spinning heel kick and wrenches him up for the Dominator. As he slams Patriot down for the Dark Cloud.
Patriot blocks it with his feet! He keeps a front facelock on Darius Wright and knees him in the face before tripping him up and locking in the Liberty Lock again!
The fans in Rochester come alive as Patriot, against all odds, has the champion in his submission again and with Stacey and Brian out on the outside, it is only him and the champion. He wrenches hard against the chin of Darius Wright and the LDW World Champion yells in pain as Patriot has his submission in. Slowly Darius Wright starts to inch his way closer to the ropes, but Patriot just locks in the submission with more force!
The Champion’s pride is high, since gaining the title his ego has become massive, and he doesn’t want to tap out after all this time. He doesn’t want to be beaten. But as he gets closer to the ropes, he loses his strength more and more. Alexandra Marie shouts at Patriot to finish him off and the fans are looking for a submission. Darius Wright reaches for the ropes, he is getting within finger tips and while it doesn’t force a break in a triple threat, it may be his only hope to get leverage to break the hold, but his face is practically turning purple from the hold.
He is within finger tips of the ropes. He reaches…
And his hand collapses!
The official raises it once, and it falls.
A second time, and it falls.
For a third time, he picks up the hand…
New Champion
Garcia: And here is your winner, and NEW LDW World Champion, Patriot!
The fans come alive as the bell rings and Patriot lets go of the hold immediately, falling to the mat, tired, but smiling. He did it. He’s LDW World Champion. Alexandra Marie is practically jumping with joy at ringside as Patriot’s theme plays and he wins.
Perkins: I can’t believe it! Patriot is the new champion!
Shine: He survived his old rival and forced the champion to pass out in the Liberty Lock! Darius was too prideful... and ego struck to tap out, and Patriot still got the job done! He is the first man to properly beat Darius Wright!
Perkins: And the Rochester crowd is on its feet for the new champion!
The official is given the LDW World Championship which will no longer be covered up by a cape, and Patriot pulls himself up by the ropes as his hand is raised he is given the belt which he smiles at while Alexandra runs in and gives him a hug.
Shine: Although I don’t know if he realized what Alexandra did to help him gain the title.
Perkins: Exactly, Patriot is someone with high morality, what do you think of it?
Shine: Personally, Stacey and Brian started it, and it is nice to see someone fight fire with fire and get some karma for them.
Speaking of, on the outside, Brian Toogood and Stacey come to their senses and get up, angry at the result, and quickly limp to the back, with Brian helping his girlfriend who isn’t used to getting moves hit on her.
Alexandra shouts some obscenities at Brian and Stacey which are so nasty I do not wish to repeat it as Patriot chuckles and slowly gets to the turnbuckle to pose with the belt.
After waking up from passing out, Darius rolls to the outside and… realizing he lost his title, he is shocked. His jaw is dropped, and, after a few moments, rage builds inside of him. He gets up and storms to the back, ignoring the fans.
Backstage, we see Benny Huggins with a microphone just beyond the curtains, trying to get the thoughts of the losers of the match. Brian and Stacey are there first, and Benny starts to talk to him.
Huggins: Brian, what are your thoughts after that match resu-
BTG: Shut it!
Brian points to his girlfriend.
BTG: I don’t know what that California bitch did to my girl, but I’m sure as hell Patriot had something to do with it.
Stacey shakes her head.
Keys: Uhhg, those bastards cost MY MAN, his title, oww…
BTG: And payback is a bitch! You know this isn’t done…
And the two storms off as Darius Wright makes his way out and Benny Huggins, having to do his job, ask him a question.
Huggins: Darius, regardless of tonight, you will forever be recognized as our first LDW World Champion. But for now, what are your reactions to that loss, and what’s next for Darius Wright.
Rather than speaking a word, Darius Wright breathes heavily, and angerly, at Benny Huggins. He stares a hole in him, but then again, after interviewing Jeffry Mason for all those years, he isn’t scared of any wrestler, but Darius Wright stands there for a few moments. Many thoughts are running through his head, but finally, he storms off, not saying a word.
Back in the ring, confetti begins to fall as Patriot gets on his hands and knees, raising the title up high with his theme music blaring. The reign of terror from Darius Wright is over and Patriot is the man to put it away.
Perkins: Thanks to tuning into Primetime! I’m Rodney Perkins, this is Wally Shine, see you next time, but for now, let’s celebrate our NEW World Champion!
Thanks to @Grievous 3D for his contributions to the show for his segment, @The Reagmaster for your part in the opening, and everyone here. The title change was a decision that came out due to a few reasons, which King explained to us after Blackout, and this was what we all came up with. Plus a shocking moment and a new champ in @Patriot Pants. Oh, and finally, the character change I've been planning for months has been realized :3
@InsaneAlphaBeta @Jonny Nostradamus @Jeffry Fucking Mason @King Of Armageddon @Seto-san @Dark Maniax @DemonHunter1257 @Dat Kid