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#AMALastManStanding #ThisTuesdayinTexas
We kick off this exciting AMA on the road show with Oliver Thawne gracing us with his presence. He's here to address the AMA Kingdom.

Oliver Thawne: Tonight with great honor I get to share tremendous news. Because in this business is such a tremendous honor to be able to hold championship gold at any stage and platform. Being able to call yourself a champion is a great accomplishment. AMA needs that for its Superstars and Divas. It needs that guy or gal that will risk it all to be that person to lead the locker and chases that elusive dream that is championship gold. It should be all of your dreams to be the best, to be a champion. We are about to crown the first-ever AMA Champion. This tournament will be held in the upcoming next few weeks to get us down to eight. The Elite Eight. The Gold Rush Tournament as I call it. In that Gold Rush Tournament there is going to be 16 men vying for those eight positions to become the first-ever AMA Champion at the Manifest Destiny Pay-Per-View. Wow. And I'm going to tell you something a little more exciting than that. That Gold Rush Tournament that I so wonderfully named. Begins at the Road to the Gold. Those sixteen men will be determined in many ways, but perhaps the most exciting is the chance to show me what you have an open invitational battle royal later this evening. Any man or woman may enter this. Winning it will guarantee you a spot in the Gold Rush, as you'll be considered the number 1 seed. You may be thinking to yourself I don't particularly care what seed I am, everyone has the same chance at winning. And for that I say, you're right. If you enter this tournament and win, I also grant you what I'd like to call Plan B. Should you be eliminated from the Gold Rush matches for any reason at any point in the tournament, you are guaranteed a title shot for the championship within the next year. Exciting stuff.
Thawne leans on the ropes to soak in the instant crowd reaction and chants of A-M-A with a smile on his face.
Oliver Thawne: The Plan B Battle for the Gold Rush Eliminator as I like to call it will close the show. Good luck to you all.
Thawne lays the microphone on the mat and heads up the ramp. Before Thawne is fully behind Gorilla, Pariah's music plays.
The Hamad Agency make their way to the ring in full force (Shabazz, Pariah, Christopher McMichaels and Wilhelm). Hamad grabs a microphone.
Shabazz Hamad: I've been trying to tell you folks that you can't best the raw strength of my Agency. This man right here.
Hamad slaps the meaty pecs of Pariah.
Shabazz Hamad: He cannot be stopped. He cannot be reasoned with. You cannot take this man off his feet if he doesn't want to go down.
The crowd boos this representation of Pariah.
Jasper Phoenix: I'm telling you, Pierce, Pariah is the closest thing we'll get to a Terminator in our lifetime.
Pierce Donovan: Will you stop? You may as well just ask him to bend his large ass over and give his chocolate starfish a kiss.
Jasper Phoenix: You act like I won't. It's 2021 I'll have you know.
Hamad kept his ears plugged from the boos of this clearly unimportant crowd of people. He hakes his head and continues.
Shabazz Hamad: But, god bless you, you tried anyway, didn't you, Sanders? And bless Thawne for naming this show Last Man Standing after Sanders failed so desperately to be that last man standing. I told him to name this show Last Man Standing since his Battle for the Gold Rush Eliminator match would essentially see who the last man standing would be for that Plan B. The thing is my boy Pariah doesn't need a Plan B. He is the only Plan needed.
Hamad begins to massages Pariahs massive shoulders like he's preparing for a featured boxing fight.
Shabazz Hamad: I dare Sanders to try to be the last man standing that matters. Not in some battle royal, but in a contest of men with Pariah. Now don't get it twisted, Thawne also knew I'd be laying down this challenge. He knows how to get the most out of his branding. So don't disappoint the boss now.
Buffalo's play begins to play as the man, the myth, the cleaner, the consummate professional steps out onto the stage with a microphone.
Buffalo Jones: Hamad, stop worrying about Sanders. Between us both you know Pariah can handle that job no problem. What you need not be worrying about is getting that pampered ass you call your newest client and make sure he's ready to accept receiving some help tonight as I've talked to Thawne and he's agreed to let me finish this nasty business with Christopher in a tag team match.
Shabazz Hamad: Tag team match? You've got no friends to watch your back.
Buffalo appears awfully smug that Hamad reacted exactly as he knew he would.
Buffalo Jones: Oh don't worry about me. I've found someone who wants to humble that spoiled brat just as much as I do.
Out walks Tora Fushimi who stands tall with Buffalo as McMichaels is livid and demands Shabazz fix this.
Shabazz Hamad: My reckoning ball Pariah has no fear of rising sun, so this will just be a cake walk for him this week.
Buffalo wags his finger at Hamad like he's a bad dog.
Buffalo Jones: I think you misunderstood me. Pariah will not be Christopher's partner this week. For you see Tora wanted something in return for helping me educate young McMichaels over there. A quid pro scratching of his back so to speak. He wants me to break the Ace and clean this place up.
Tora is rubbing his fingers together indicating he wants to get PAID in PAYBACK.
Buffalo Jones: And, Pariah, before you get any ideas, I asked for and Thawne agreed, this contest needed to be inside a steel cage.
Buffalo stretches his arm out to motion how tall a 20-foot steel cage is.
Buffalo Jones: I'd like to see Pariah try to climb 20 feet of pure steel and get back down to the mat safely, let alone try to interfere in my business.
Hamad lets Buffalo know he will crush him sooner or later. We fade out to the next scene.

What goes around comes around

We open to a dimly lit dark room with virtually no space. We see Jake Wakefield with a steel baseball.
We pan over to see Sean Cutter, Jr. is tied helpless to a stretcher. He doesn't look well. Well groomed or medically.
Jake Wakefield: How does it feel being on the other side of this? To be the one without the power? To feel helpless and alone?
Sean is quite clearly not in a place he's used to being in.
Jake Wakefield: To not have agency in your decisions?
Sean's constant squirming and thrashing about paints the picture Jake is looking for.
Jake Wakefield: What's a matter? You got something you want to say to the Antichrist?
Jasper Phoenix: I don't know about you, Pierce, but if I was face to face in a dark room with the Antichrist, I'd piss myself.
Pierce Donovan: I seriously hope you're wearing your depends tonight, Jasper. For both of our sakes.
Jake Wakefield: That your father so eloquently branded my ass all them years ago so effectively.
Jake presses the cap of the bat against Sean's throat.
Jake Wakefield: Were you looking to build your brand on the corpse of ole Wakefield.
Jasper Phoenix: Someone take that bat away from him! He's going to crush his larynx.
Pierce Donovan: Maybe then we'll get a reprieve from his incessant whiny each week.
Jake Wakefield: I mean your father already laid his foundation on my blood, sweat and tears.
He takes the bat off his throat and puts his foot on his knees.
Jake Wakefield: My own friends and sister were afraid of what I had become. Not that you'd understand that dilemma.
Jake grabs Sean by the face and squeezes his cheeks like he's almost expecting him to be able to answer him.
Jake Wakefield: I mean, where are your friends?
Jasper Phoenix: If I knew where he was I'd help him. Someone needs to do something.
Pierce Donovan: Of course you would, but you know he's not the one who actually pays your checks.
Jake Wakefield: Do you even have friends, or are they all bought and paid for? Once the ink goes dry and there are no checks to cash, poof.
Jake mimics a bounced check.
Jake Wakefield: You're gonna learn today, son. Oh yes.
The camera fades to black and we go back to ringside for the first match.

The Try-Before-You-Buy Preview Show
Does the Marquee Bow Before the Tribal Chief?
Singles Match
"The Dharawal Warrior" Norman Namatjira vs. "The Classic" Maxwell Marquee

“Spotlight, please”
The lights go out, except for a lone spotlight being shown on the man standing on stage. He’s wearing a fancy-looking scarf around his neck, and he’s holding a skull in his hand as he looks deeply into it as the faint sound of his theme music plays.
“If I could have your attention, please, quiet down now because The Marquee Attraction is here.”
This elicits a resounding round of boos and jeers from the fans.
“I come to you from Broadway, New York, and I weigh in at 230 lb. I am the reason that all of you are here tonight. I am “The Classic,” “The Drama King,” I am...Maxwell...Marquee! Please, hold your applause until after the performance; thank you.”
The theme music picks up, and Marquee finally makes his way down. The crowd lets him know how they feel with more jeers, and he looks out at them with a smug, disgusted look as he walks towards the ring.
Pierce Donovan: Well, Maxwell Marquee is certainly full of himself that’s for sure.
Jasper Phoenix: The man exudes confidence, when you’re a man of many talents such as Marquee, you deserve to be confident.
Pierce Donovan: He’s going to need all of that confidence and then some if he wants to make it through tonight in one piece and pick up his first win in AMA.
The sound of the Traditional Tribal Music begins to play and Norman Namatjira walks out on stage.
Reina de la Cruz: From the Land Down Under, introducing the Dharawal Warrior, Norman Namatjira
He stands atop the ramp, gets on both knees, and kisses the ground. Stands up with a warrior pose
Pierce Donovan: Look at the intent in those eyes. Bringing in thousands of years of culture and his ancestors. Spine-tingling.
He walks down the ramp at a steady pace, not giving much notice to the fans or the cameras. At the bottom of the ramp, he jumps up onto the apron.
Jasper Phoenix: Athleticism, power, intensity - The Dharawal Warrior is a sure-fire force to be reckoned with
He poses on the turnbuckle as a red and yellow pyro descends from the titantron.
Jasper Phoenix: Marquee looks none too impressed by the physical specimen that stands before him.
Pierce Donovan: Norman is no nonsense and all business, and surely he’ll do everything in his power to leave a lasting impression on Marquee.
The bell sounds and the two men square off, circling each other and sizing one another up before going in for a lock-up. Marquee attempts a side headlock on the much larger Norman, but Norman manages to overpower Marquee with ease and hoists him up and drops him down hard with a back suplex! Marquee winces in agony upon impact and tries to crawl away, while begging and pleading with Norman to have mercy.
Pierce Donovan: Maxwell Marquee already having second thoughts it seems but Norman doesn’t care to listen.
Jasper Phoenix: Marquee possibly realized that he may be in over his head, but it’s still entirely too early to count him out just yet, Pierce.
Norman clutches Marquee by the head with his massive hand, brings him in close, and hammers away with several repeated headbutts! Marquee is on spaghetti legs now and Norman releases him, bringing Marquee down to one knee. Norman seems to be toying with the Broadway star as he smiles down at him, and he goes for a back pummeling on Marquee, but Marquee finds the courage to fight back with several forearm shots to the gut! It’s enough to get Norman to stop and double over, and this allows Marquee to hit Norman with a DDT! Marquee quickly makes the first pin of the match!
Norman kicks-out with relative ease though, but Marquee doesn’t hesitate on attacking Norman when he’s still down and mounts him, he gets in a couple of punches, but Norman blocks one and throttles Marquee by the throat! He rises up with his massive bear-like paw wrapped around Marquee’s throat, and he attempts a samoan spike thumb to the throat, but Marquee is able to block it and ducks behind Norman, runs the ropes and comes back with a clipping of the back knee! Norman drops down to one knee and Marquee quickly follows up with a running boot to the side of the head that takes the big man down!
Pierce Donovan: Marquee found himself in danger but he had the wherewithal to break free and in turn finding himself a second wind!
Jasper Phoenix: Speaking of which, Marquee is desperately gasping for air after nearly being choked to death!
After catching his breath, Marquee lays into Norman with several stomps, keeping the much larger man down and out for the moment. Marquee pauses from his assault to take a bow for his “adoring” audience, who return the gesture with a barrage of jeers and insults. Marquee waves them off and turns back to Norman, then he runs at him and goes for a leg drop, but Norman rolls out of the way just in time!
Pierce Donovan: Marquee spent too much gloating that it may have cost him!
Marquee holds his backside and winces in pain before Norman grabs him, brings him in close, and lays out Marquee with a belly-to-belly suplex! Norman follows that up with a splash on top of Marquee and makes the pin!
2 ½
Marquee gets a shoulder and turns to his side, clutching his midsection and trying to gasp for air once more. Norman brings him up and irish whips him to the corner, and then levels Marquee with a corner splash! He drags a near lifeless Marquee out of the corner and takes him down with a snap suplex! He lies in wait as Marquee is slowly getting back up and he gets Marquee in a rear waistlock, and he attempts a german suplex but Marquee blocks and throws back some elbows! Norman is stunned and Marquee runs off the ropes and comes back with a clothesline, but Norman counters that with a spinning side slam!
Pierce Donovan: Norman is through playing around now! He’s going to put away Marquee for good here it seems!
Norman has Marquee in position for his jackknife powerbomb and brings him up, but Marquee is able to escape and flip out of it behind Norman and catches the big man with a surprise roll-up!
Norman kicks out! Marquee thought he had it! He goes outside and grabs a steel chair!
Pierce Donovan: He’s definitely got bad intentions in mind with that!
The referee puts a stop to that right away though and Marquee lets him take it without as much as a fuss. The referee’s back is turned and Marquee grabs that skull he keeps with him in the bottom ring corner, and just as Norman comes to his senses, Marquee cracks the skull right over his head!
Pierce Donovan: Not like this!
Jasper Phoenix: Hamlet’s Curse!
Marquee quickly disposes of the evidence and makes the cover!
Reina de la Cruz: The winner of the match, Maxwell Marquee!

With a pair of strange bedfellows

We shoot backstage where AMA interviewer extraordinaire Bryce Montgomery is posted with the unlikely tag team of Buffalo Jones and Tora Fushimi, who look to be ready for their caged match-up against Max Maverick and Christopher McMichaels coming up soon. But first, Montgomery is looking to pick their brains a little on the upcoming contest.
Bryce Montgomery: Hellllllo folks, Bryce Montgomery here, looking to get a word with the dynamic duo of Buffalo Jones and Tora Fushimi, who are gearing up for a tag team cage match tonight against the conceited combo of Christopher McMichaels and Max Maverick! Fellas, I’d like to get a little insight into how you two, having no experience teaming together, have prepared for this match tonight?
Buffalo lunges forward slightly, as if he is about to answer the question.
Buffalo Jones: Well, Bryce, thank you for--
Cutting him off mid-sentence, Tora slides in front of him, making sure that he is the center of attention in this interview. Buffalo being the humble professional he is just lets Tora go.
Tora Fushimi: Thank you, Bryce, and I appreciate you announcing us as “Buffalo Jones and Tora Fushimi” because as any good entertainer knows - you save the best for last. No offense, Buff... Now, when it comes to our preparation for this match, I’d like to think we kept it pretty simple. We watched several hours of footage on our opponents, got in the ring and ran through some scenarios and came up with a few tricks that we feel will lead us to an easy victory! It was mostly boring as hell, but I do think I can safely say we’re ready to run roughshod on Maverick and McMichaels tonight!
Bryce Montgomery: Very well then! Any of those tricks you care to give me the scoop on?
Tora Fushimi: Bryce, there simply isn’t enough time in this segment for me to go over all the ways in which Buffalo and I plan on embarrassing those two wannabes tonight, alright? We’re going to humble those dudes, using my incredible talents and Buffalo’s experience. But mostly my incredible talents, right?
Tora pats Buffalo on the chest, with a smile. Buffalo looks pretty indifferent.
Buffalo Jones: Yeah, sure.
Just then, Buffalo and Tora’s opponents for the night come walking into frame. Max Maverick with his bodyguard Solomon Black, and Christopher McMichaels with his butler Wilhelm. Both the wrestlers have a smug expression on their face as they approach.
Max Maverick: What do we have here? An interview? With these bozos!? What the hell are you doing interviewing these two ass clowns when me and Christopher are in the building, Brock?
Bryce Montgomery: Um, it’s Bryce..
Max Maverick: Put a sock in it, would you Brad?
Christopher McMichaels: Yeah Bart, put a sock in it!
Max Maverick: Thank you, Chris!
Christopher McMichaels: No problem, Max!
Max and Christopher come nearly face to face with Tora and Buffalo now, with Bryce right in the middle of the tension.
Max Maverick: Ol’ Taco Sushi… this is pathetic. You clearly wanted so badly to be taken under my wing. To pick from my tree of knowledge. But the plain and simple fact is you were never worthy of a second of my time! So now you’ve gone out and you’ve found this guy, Bullfrog Johnson or whatever his name is. You mean to tell me you’ve been wrestling for 20 years and no one’s told you to change your stupid name yet?
Max and Chris share a laugh among themselves, while Buffalo stares on stoically. After an unnecessarily long laugh, Max and Chris finally calm down and return to a more serious demeanor.
Max Maverick: Clearly those jerkoffs in the front office are trying to recapture lightning in a bottle by putting us against each other once more, Taco Sushi. But I must say, pairing you up with this guy is just downright cruel! However, I am a professional and the best in the business for that matter! So, I’m going to go out there tonight and do something that only I, The Ace, could possibly do! I’m going to give all these idiotic rednecks the show of a lifetime and if you two boys are lucky...I might just make you famous!
Max then lunges in and comes forehead to forehead with Tora as the two men engage in a ferocious staredown. But after a moment, Max suddenly cracks a devious smile, backs away from Tora, and just laughs.
Max Maverick: Let’s roll out boys! Nice tie by the way, Brad!
Maverick flips Bryce’s tie up into his face as one last sign of disrespect before his posse leaves the scene. Tora is left seething at Maverick’s arrogance and begins to follow the crew, only for Buffalo to stick his arm out in front of him to hold him back. Tora and Buffalo look at each other, and Buffalo simply says…
Buffalo Jones: Save that. We’ll handle their asses in the ring.
Tora lets out a deep sigh and relaxes a bit. The scene fades away with both guys staring intently into the distance where their opponents are walking off, each man looking ready for a war...

Just a little indecent proposal

We catch back up with Max Maverick and Christopher McMichaels after leaving the interview area when Shabazz Hamad approaches.
Shabazz Hamad: I know your time is valuable as is mine so I'll try to keep it brief. The braintrust of the AMA has decided to buck my client into a tag team match tonight and since he grabbed the services of Tora Fushimi they put you and my Christopher McMichaels together.
Max's body language nonchalantly brushes off what Hamad was just saying.
Max Maverick: We're quite aware, junior. We just busted those doofuses chops in their dressing room.
Shabazz Hamad: Ah, yes, but, the reason for my interruption, I figured who better for my client than to team with Tora's kryptonite. Am I right?
Max starts fiddling with his BlackBerry.
Max Maverick: You're still not telling me anything I don't already know, Hamas.
Christopher lightly, but sternly slaps Christopher in the shoulder.
Christopher McMichaels: That's Hamad, show some respect or bite your tongue.
This catches Max's attention away from his device.
Shabazz Hamad: It's all right, Christopher.
Hamad puts up his hand and shakes his head as if to say that's a disrespect he's willing to file away today for political expediency.
Shabazz Hamad: I know you are a fine gentleman and a man of the people. Someone who's been in the business long enough to see a good thing when it comes along so let me give you my card so not only can you help us with this match, but maybe just maybe you'll consider joining my Agency.
Hamad pulls his Agency's business card out of his left breast pocket and tells Max to think it over.
Christopher McMichaels: We could all use an inner circle. Think it over.
Christopher walks off with Hamad as Max stays behind and mugs for the camera.
Max Maverick: Remember what I was telling you, Chester, never give them an immediate answer. Make them sweat it out.
Chester steps out from behind the corner.
Max Maverick: You have all the power.
Max says as he flicks the card back and forth in his hands. He's showing signs that he's considering it as we cut away.
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Steel Cage
Tag-Team Match
(Can Solid Steel Keep Malice at Bay?)
"The Immaculate" Tora Fushimi and Buffalo Jones vs. "The Ace" Max Maverick and "The Blueblood" Christopher McMichaels

Jasper Phoenix: We are in store for what I feel could potentially be the match of the evening Donovan.
Pierce Donovan: That is a bold statement to make at this point Jasper, you never know how a match is going to turn out.
Jasper Phoenix: Trust me Pierce, I feel that once the dust has settled and you've stopped scribbling away in those books of yours you are okay to have at least six pages of notes when the bell is rung.
Pierce Donovan: I don’t make notes during a match though?
Jasper Phoenix: No one is buying that bookworm!
Pierce Donovan: Last week Jones and McMichaels went toe to toe in a truly epic Pure Rules match, with Jones coming out on top. I am sure that Christopher McMichaels will be desperate to get some revenge tonight.
McMichaels walks towards the ring, making sure to make fun of a number of fans as he rolls underneath the bottom rope and begins showboating in front of the fans with show him absolutely no love whatsoever as they start to boo him.
Jasper Phoenix: This Texan crowd need to show McMichaels some damn respect, he is the future of the business and by god they must recognise his greatness.
Whilst, McMichaels carried on getting under the crowd’s skin, the entrance of his partner would begin.
The lights in the arena would turn off for about thirty seconds, only for Max Maverick struts out on stage wearing his spike studded leather jacket over his black pants while being flanked by his bodyguard, Solomon Black. The camera could cut to Christopher McMichaels who could be seen applauding Maverick, as he would begin his way down to the ring.
Pierce Donovan: Both these men came out separately, but it seems that the pair are very much on the same team going into this contest.
Jasper Phoenix: Of course they are on the same page Donovan, Max Maverik is a veteran of this sport and there is no way he would come into a contest, without formulating a plan with his tag team partner.
Maverick would leave Solomon with his leather jacket, before clambering up the ring steps and joining McMichaels in the ring.
Reina de la Cruz: Introducing tonight’s first team currently in the ring, standing at a combined weight of 467lbs, hailing from Venice Beach, California and Highland Park, Texas respectively...Max Maverick & Christopher McMichales.
The two heels both smile at each other, as they are met with even more jeers and boos from the audience present inside the Dickies Arena, as they look towards the back expectantly.
Pierce Donovan: Now their opponents are an unexpected pairing, but I have no doubt they are going to be on the same page going into this contest.
Jasper Phoenix: Why on earth would anyone want to be on the same page as the knuckle dragging ape Buffalo Jones?
Buffalo Jones trots out from the back and stares down at both McMichaels and Maverick, but holds his position as he looks towards the back clearly waiting for his partner.
Tora walks out from the bag with a swagger to his step, as he pats Buffalo on the shoulder as the pair walk down towards the ring together showing that they very much are coming into this situation despite their very different backgrounds and style.
Jasper Phoenix: Why on earth are these two walking to the ring together, they aren’t walking down to the ring to read their nuptials to each other. Next you are going to tell me they are planning to bleach their hair blonde and go by the names of Billy and Chuck.
Pierce Donovan: Who on earth are Billy and Chuck?
Jasper Phoenix: Oh it was just this strange dream I had, you certainly weren’t part of it that was for sure.
Tora and Buffalo enter the ring, and stand in an opposite corner to McMichaels and Maverick as they are introduced by Reina.
Reina de la Cruz: And introducing our second team, weighing in at 424lbs and hailing from two continents spanning the distance from Cripple Creek, Colorado all the week to Tokyo Japan...Buffalo Jones & Tora Fushimi!
Buffalo and Tora would bump fists, as McMichaels and Maverick were just staring at both men with nothing short of complete resentment as Reina would continue to speak.
Reina de la Cruz: The following contest is a Steel Cage match and it will be contested under Tornado Tag Rules…
The crowd quite unexpectedly would shout out in unison ‘TORNADO TAG RULES’, which would cause Reina to pause for a second.
Reina de la Cruz:...with both teams locked within the confines of the Steel Cage. Teams can win by pinfall, submission or by escaping the cage - although both members of a team must escape the cage to win by escape. Both teams must remain in their respective corners, until the steel cage is lowered and the referee calls for the bell.
Reina would then exit the ring, as the steel cage would slowly start to descend.
Pierce Donavon: It is incredibly difficult for anyone to escape the cage, considering the four men that are taking part in this contest, but anything is possible in professional wrestling.[/COLOR]
The cage would slowly start descending before covering the ring and preventing anyone from climbing in and out, as the referee would call for the bell to officially begin the contest.
All four men would charge at each other as soon as the bell was rung, with the pairings off not being at all surprising as Maverick would target Fushimi and McMichaels would go straight for Jones. Michaels would be cut off at the pass by Buffalo would counter with a strong forearm strike, whilst Maverick would connect with a clothesline surprising everyone including Tora by knocking him clean off his feet. With Fushimi on his back, if only for a comment, Maverick would come at Jones from behind and wrap his arms around his shoulder and toss him back into the turnbuckle with a Snap Dragon Suplex! The high collision move would cause Jones to land, to the point where it looked as though he would have hurt his right shoulder on impact with the ropes.
Jasper Phoenix: High impact by Maverick, showing everyone that difference between an established veteran and an old journeyman.
Pierce Donovan: And which of the two is Maverick?
Pierce Donovan: Show some damn respect Donovan, otherwise Max Maverick will make an example out of you for you speaking badly of him.
With Buffalo down, Maverick and McMichaels would come together to act as double team by first landing on top of Fushimi with synchronized elbow drops before dragging Tora up to his feet and slamming him back first into the steel with a double suplex. Both men would notice that Jones was starting to stir, and they would run over to the corner and both started to stomp down on top of Jones before Maverick would offer his knee as a step, that would allow Christopher McMichaels to run forward and leap up using Maverick’s knee as a launching pad and crashing into Buffalo with an elevated knee strike landing directly onto the already injured shoulder causing Jones to writhe around in considerable pain.
Pierce Donovan: Jones and Maverick have taken an early advantage in this contest, and Buffalo Jones looks like he is in a state of complete pain.
Jasper Phoenix: Early advantage? What are you talking about Donovan? This match is only going one way now, and that is with Max and Christopher having their arms raised by the referee at the end of the contest.
Once again Jones was being ignored, as Maverick and McMichaels were laser focused on Fushimi who had finally got back to his feet. He would totally catch both men out though as he would go back and forth between both men connecting with heavy handed knife end chops with one particular chop seeming to really knock McMichaels back for six which would give Tora enough space to spin and connect with a Roundhouse Kick to the side of Christopher’s head causing him to drop to one knee. Before Tora could gain anymore momentum he would be slung down onto the mat with a Russian Legsweep, that Maverick would transition into a Chinlock as he would start wrenching down on Tora’s head. Fushimi would show his resiliency and an understanding of technical wrestling by hitting Maverick with his elbows, in order to loosen his grip and allow him to escape the hold.
McMichaels though would keep the pressure on Fushimi by landing directly on top of him with a knee drop, before striking him multiple times in the abdomen driving the wind out of his lungs with each strike. Fushimi would do his best to fight to break from the mount, but would really be unable to break free and to make matters worse Maverick would lead up onto the middle ropes and springboard and crash down on top of Fushimi with a leg drop whilst he was held in place by McMichaels.
Jasper Phoenix: This match is turning into an absolute joy to watch. I could watch Jones and Fushimi getting the crap beaten week in and week out. Can this match last forever?
Pierce Donovan: You really are a sadistic fuck aren’t you?
Jasper Phoenix: No need to get so angry bookworm!
McMichaels would attempt a quick pin on Fushimi - One, Two-Kickout! Fushimi would show that he had had no intention of quitting anytime soon, despite clearly being on the backfoot with Buffalo still down in the corner and showing no signs of getting up as he was still holding his right shoulder and writhing around in pain. Michaels would look irritated as he would indicate with three fingers, that it should have been a three count, but the referee would make it clear that it was a clean two count and he had nothing more to say on the matter. Before, anything else could take another step - the lights in the arena would go out as music belonging to none other than Malice would start to play around the Dickies Arena for the second time that evening.
As the lights would flash around the Dickies Arena, Maverick and Michaels would look down towards the stage as Axel and Grayson would emerge from the back with the pair each holding baseball bats and pointing them down at the cage making it quite clear, just exactly what their intentions were.
Pierce Donovan: Neither of these men should be out here right now, Malice really needs to stop sticking their noses where they don’t belong. This is a perfectly good match, and they really shouldn’t be getting involved.
Jasper Phoenix: Finally, something that we can agree on.
As the lights would finally settle, and both Axel and Grayson were slowly making their way down the ramps, one of the cameramen would spot the third member of Malice: Hangman. Hangman James had scaled the cage and had dropped down into the ring with a baseball bat in hand . Before Maverick or McMichaels had time to react, James would smash the bat square into the stomach of Maverick forcing him to keel over in pain. As McMichaels would react, he would only turn to receive a shot square in the jaw from Hangman that would cause Christopher to slump onto the floor almost as if he had been on the receiving end of a knockout punch. The referee would drop down to check on McMichaels, and the camera focused in to notice that blood was actually coming out of McMichael's mouth. Hangman would then spring off the ropes and make contact with the still winded Maverick and send him down heavily onto the canvas with One In The Chamber!
Jasper Phoenix: This is a travesty! This match needs to be ruled as a win via disqualification for McMichaels and Maverick! Someone needs to correct this.
Pierce Donovan: As much as I am against this myself, there are no disqualifications in this contest and as much as Hangman James’ actions haven’t been above board, they have been totally legal.
Jasper Phoenix: Keep your mouth shut Pierce, playing Devil’s advocate does not help the situation.
Hangman would walk over to the door of the steel cage, and demand that the ring official on the other side opened it up. With all four of the official competitors down on their back, and James really not meant to be in the match the official would open the cage door allowing for Hangman to exit. However, as soon as it was opened James would knock the referee over and allow Axel and Grayson access to the cage.
Jasper Phoenix: This is abhorrent, someone needs to stop this immediately!
With Malice having free reign of the ring, Hangman would force Maverick up onto his feet and lift Max up and throw him into the path of Grayson who would nail Maverick with the Backstabber as the two men would successfully connect with their double team maneuver - Poetry In Motion. Axel would then demand Grayson assist him, as Grayson would launch Axel into the air as he would splash down on top of McMichaels with an Assisted 450 Splash. All three men would stand shoulder to shoulder and smile, as both Maverick and McMichaels were laid out by their feet. The lights would dim and their music would begin to play once more, before finally blacking out.
Pierce Donovan: Someone needs to talk to the technical truck about these lights always being turned on and off.
The lights would be turned one again, with all three members of Malice nowhere to be seen with the only trace of the group having been in the ring being a singular baseball bat that had been left in the ring by Hangman James. One of the referees was locking the steel cage door once again, as the first man to stir would be Tora Fushimi who would looking nothing short of confused at seeing both Max and Christopher downed, and it evidently clear that he had absolutely no comprehension of Malice’s involvement in the contest.
Tora makes his way over to his partner and checks on the condition of Jones, before with a little bit of difficulty helping Buffalo back up to his feet. The Colorado native is holding at his right shoulder and it is clear that he is still in some discomfort, but he says something to Tora and the pair in unison walk over to McMichaels and drag ‘The Blueblood’ up onto his feet. Tora would slap McMichaels around both his ears with the bell clap that would disorientate him, before Jones would come rebounding off the ring ropes and clatter into Christopher with a Pump Kick to the face. Tora would grab hold of McMichaels end and twist around slamming her down onto the canvas with the Hang 10 with the neckbreaker causing Michaels to drop down hard onto the mat. Tora would grab hold of Christopher and fold him over for a cover, One, No!
Jasper Phoenix: ‘The Blueblood’ isn’t ready to give up just yet! Did you see that Donovan, he kicked out after just one.
Pierce Donovan: I must say that I am impressed by everyone’s resilience so far, although I would have preferred to have seen how this would have played out if Malice hadn’t got involved.
As this had been going on, Max Maverick had recovered somewhat and was pulling himself back up to feet. He would look in the direction of Jones, as the two would make eye contact and both men would snarl at each other as they would make over towards each other and begin going blow for blow with each other, doing their best to punch the living daylights out of each other with neither man showing any signs of stopping. On the other side of the ring, McMichaels on his knee trying to push up onto his feet, and would grab hold of Fushimi in order to do it as Tora would club McMichaels on his back trying to stop him from standing up, but wouldn’t be able to stop him as McMichaels would get back to his feet and connects with a solid uppercut to the the chin and that would knock Fushimi off balance. McMichaels would use all his strength to lift Tora up onto his shoulders, before bringing him down hard to the canvas with his version of the Fireman’s Carry Cutter.
Jasper Phoenix: Lights Out! Lights Out!
Before McMichaels has any time to think though, Buffalo Jones has separated himself from Maverick after managing to win the punch and charges forward with a Lariat connecting directly into Christopher’s neck causing him to grimace before Buffalo would transition his body into a more fruitful position before connecting with the Downward Spiral causing McMichaels to crash down onto the mat with a heavy impact. Max Maverick, ever being the opportunist, would take advantage of Jones being distracted and attempt to cover Tora. One, Two, Thr-SHOULDERS UP!
Pierce Donovan: Shoulders Up! Tora Fushimi survives and keeps this match alive. He is very much living up to his nickname as the Talk of the Town in this contest.
Jasper Phoenix: Oh shut up already Donovan, stop fanboying for this overrated Japanese nohoper.
Maverick looks annoyed, but unlike his less experienced partner doesn’t engage in a dialogue with the referee and instead slams his elbow a number of times into Fushimi’s rib before dragging him up onto his feet. At the same time, Jones had hoisted McMichaels back up to his feet, not even bothering to go for a cover. Maverick and Jones would look at each other from opposite sides of the ring and just stare at each other before exacting moves of their own. Maverick would send Tora down to the floor with Goodnight Irene, whilst Buffalo would pummel McMichaels with a second Final Cut! Rather than carry on dishing out punishment Maverick and Jones would make way towards each other, with Jones shouting at Maverick and touching his hurt shoulder as he did so.
Both men would reach for each other and locks hands in a test of strength, only for Maverick to shift his weight putting more pressure on Jones’ injured shoulder gaining an advantage and then driving a knee in Buffalo’s chest, before grabbing hold of his shoulder and wrenching at doing everything in his power to wrench it from its socket. And Buffalo was helpless as he would clearly struggle to fight the pain, with it being evidently clear that he was very close to tapping.
Pierce Donovan: This match could be over, Buffalo is already suffering from the contact with the turnbuckle that took place at the start of the match. He is in real danger.
Jasper Phoenix: TAP! TAP! TAP!
Max would then adjust his position and completely nail Buffalo with MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE, with Buffalo laid out for the count. One, Two, Thre-KICKOUT! Buffalo at the last possible moment would instinctively kick out, leaving Maverick just looking perplexed. McMichaels and Fushimi were both back on their feet, and McMichaels had decided to make a break for it and was scrambling up the cage with Fushimi in hot pursuit. McMichaels was looking like was about to start climbing out the otherside, when Tora would grab hold of his leg and both men would be holding onto each other with both legs straddling on either side of the cage and proceeding to punch the crap out of each other, but Tora would breakthrough the deadlock and McMichaels was just defending himself, as Fushimi would adjust his position so that he had McMichaels back and then with absolute no care for his own body, nail McMichaels with the Fushimi Silver!
Jasper Phoenix: Dead? I think both men are dead! They aren’t moving.
Fushimi looked like he had not only taken McMichaels out, but also himself in the same stroke as both men lay motionless on the canvas. Maverick would immediately jump ship and drape himself over Fushimi, One, Two, Three!
Pierce Donovan: What an ending!

Not where you want to go

We cut back Sean Cutter and Jake Wakefield. Sean's been fried from the board.
Jake Wakefield: Did you think it was smart to play games with Jake Wakefield?
Jake slams the baseball bat hard on the counter next to him.
Jake Wakefield: You're gonna pay, believe you me, you will. You're gonna learn not to mess with a Deplorable like me.
Jake grabs the muzzled and bound Sean Cutter and throws him over his shoulders.
Jake Wakefield: We're going a little educational road trip.
Jake shuts the doors behind him.
Jake Wakefield: No buddies here to help you.
The camera cuts out.

Everyone wants a piece of Steve Sanders

We open up in the back near the AMA interview set where Mona Rose Darling is trying to get hold of Steve Sanders.
Mona Darling: Mr. Sanders, can I get a word with you?
He tries to brush her off, but she manages to grab ahold of him.
Steve Sanders: I'm just trying to prepare for my opportunity of a lifetime inside the Battle for the Gold Rush Eliminator.
He gives her the most annoyed look of his life.
Steve Sanders: That's where all my energies lie.
Sanders already bored of this interview begins to shadowbox.
Mona Darling: Do you have any kind of response to Hamad's challenge to fight Pariah in a Last Man Standing match since that's the show tonight?
Sanders shrugs his head and cracks his knuckles.
Steve Sanders: Like I said, I have no time for that kind of nonsense. I owed that man a receipt for sticking his nose in my business at Under Pressure.
He pushes the microphone back into Mona's chest.
Steve Sanders: Now I need to focus what's really important. Being the Last Man Standing at the end of the Battle Royal.
Steve Sanders walks from Mona and the interview.
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Ranked Exhibition
Return Singles Match
"The Effigy of Death" Brian Zewbowski vs. "The Agent of Love" Tetsuo Ishii

Humanity enters from the back, wearing his blood-red tights with black "Effigy of Death" written on the back, he's wearing a Humanity "Effigy of Death" T-Shirt.
Reina de la Cruz: From The Gates of Hades, weighing 260 pounds, he is "The Effigy of Death", Humanity!
Humanity has a focused glint in his eyes, a wicked smirk, one of malevolent intent, as he walks down the ramp and refuses to acknowledge anything but his mission. He enters the ring and does his signature pose (the Raven pose).
Pierce Donovan: It looks like we’ll be joined by Humanity tonight instead of Brian Zewbowski, which could prove unfortunate to his opponent, Tetsuo Ishii
“Joker” by X-Japan blares out and Ishii makes his way out to the delight of the fans! He walks out extremely pumped and smiling. Raising his hands in succession to pump up the crowd as he walks down the ramp. High five's fans. In the ring, makes heart-0 signs to the fans, then does his patented shrug and smile as the camera pans out quickly
Reina de la Cruz: and his opponent, from Jobsama, Japan and weighing in at 220 lbs, “The Agent of Love”, Tetsuo Ishii!
Pierce Donovan: It’s always a good time when Ishii is in the house!
Jasper Phoenix: That may be true but the same can’t be said for the man, or thing, that stands across from him.
Pierce Donovan: You’re right, Jasper. At MayDay it was Ishii teaming with Max Maverick against Tora Fushimi and Brian Zewbowski, which saw the latter eat the pin for his team after Max Maverick laid him out allowing Ishii to get the win. Humanity is out here tonight to most likely right that wrong and to inflict as much harm as possible to Ishii.
The bell rings and Ishii seems a bit hesitant at first to approach Humanity, but he eventually goes in for a lock-up but Humanity side steps and throws him into the corner and lays into him with boxing punches. Each punch landing with precision and intent to cause as much pain as possible with each landing. Humanity drags Ishii away from the corner and then in the center of the ring he brings Ishii in close with a bear hug, then repeatedly delivers several headbutts! With Ishii stunned, Humanity takes him down with a hip-toss! He follows that up with a saito suplex!
Pierce Donovan: Humanity is absolutely dominating Ishii right out of the gate!
Jasper Phoenix: Humanity’s one goal in the ring is to maim and destroy anything or anyone that stands in his way!
Pierce Donovan: Wouldn’t that be two goals, Jasper?
Jasper Phoenix: You knew what I meant!
Ishii uses the ropes as leverage to help himself back to his feet, and just as Humanity locks him in a rear waist-lock and goes for a german suplex, Ishii flips out and gingerly lands on his feet in the process! He gives his signature shrug to the fans but not for long as Humanity charges in at him with a clothesline, but Ishii ducks under it and takes Humanity off his feet with an arm drag! Humanity is quickly up however but Ishii manages to catch him with another arm drag! Humanity is back up but doesn’t go after Ishii initially, who just sheepishly looks at him and gives him another shrug. Instead of showing anger, Humanity smiles a wicked looking smile and starts cackling, which confuses Ishii and there’s a hint of concern in his expression. Ishii attempts a standing dropkick, but it’s swatted away by Humanity, and just as Ishii is back up he’s absolutely leveled from a discus lariat by Humanity! Humanity hooks the leg!
2 ½!
Ishii barely gets a shoulder up before three!
Pierce Donovan: Ishii manages to stay in this and surprisingly has held his own thus far with no intent of backing down!
Jasper Phoenix: Ishii is a fun loving, silly guy Pierce, but make no mistake he’s a fierce competitor when he needs to be
Pierce Donovan: Speaking of fierce, Humanity is on a tear in this match so far!
Humanity has a fujiwara armbar submission applied, cranking back on the arm of Ishii. To his credit, Ishii is desperately trying to fight through the pain he’s experiencing while struggling to reach out for the bottom rope and he just barely manages to snag onto it, breaking the hold! Humanity is less than pleased about this turn of events but he reluctantly releases the hold. Ishii lays on the mat, clutching his shoulder, while trying to regain his balance. Humanity sneaks up behind Ishii and goes for a back suplex, but Ishii blocks it and fends off Humanity with 3 axe handle chops into a vertical suplex! Ishii gingerly drapes his arm over Humanity for the pin!
Ishii nurses his shoulder after Humanity gets his shoulder up to break the pin. Ishii manages to fight through the pain however and hits a running leg drop on Humanity! Ishii is signaling for something and he climbs up top, which can only mean he’s going for a high impact elbow drop, but before he can even think about it, Humanity puts a stop to it! He knocks Ishii down a peg, locks him in position, and sends him crashing to the mat with a superplex!
Pierce Donovan: That not only took a lot out of Ishii, surely it took the wind out of Humanity too!
Jasper Phoenix: No kidding! I think I felt the floor shake after that!
Both men begin to stir eventually and Humanity has Ishii locked in, and takes him down with a german suplex into the bridge!
Ishii stays alive! Humanity is beginning to grow impatient by the minute. He begins to wind up his arm, looking to shine up Ishii before putting an end to him, and just as Ishii is up and about Humanity charges at him with a Welcome to Hell clothesline, but Ishii instinctively ducked underneath it and catches Humanity with a sloppy looking spear!
Pierce Donovan: If he would have gotten all of that spear, this match may have been over!
Ishii has Humanity up for a vertical suplex and just as he’s transitioning into a neckbreaker, Humanity gets out of it and catches Ishii with a bridging german suplex!
3? NO!
Ishii kicks out just before the count of three! Humanity hoists Ishii up on his shoulders, with intent on ending Ishii with The Devil’s Whisper, but Ishii has an answer for that as he slips out back and clubs Humanity in the back of the head before he’s able to hit Humanity with Beni-plex!
Reina de la Cruz: The winner of the match, Tetsuo Ishii!

Coming soon to AMA

A voice comes from the darkness with a strong German accent, but subtly littered with a high English candour in places. The voice isn’t shouting, but it is certainly quiet and it is quite commanding and authoritative in its tone.
Voice: it won’t be long until order and control are finally put in place in this promotion you called AMA. A selection process has been completed and two loyalists have been chosen to serve with me on the front line. As we engage in an offensive, that is vital to in suppressing and defeating everything that is wrong with the world of wrestling. Because as everyone knows, wrestling is a dirty word. A word that would be placed into a cardboard box, and taped up before being sent away to one of the outer reaches on the continent never to be seen again. Order shall be restored and everyone will understand there is only one true art form. The art form known simply as sports entertainment.
The lights are turned on to reveal what looks like a man who has an aluminum trash can for a head, dressed all in silver and grey with an extra longer cloak to complete the look.
Garrbadgge Von Truck: My name is Garrbadgge Von Truck and I am the supreme leader and of all officialdom I hold the rank of Kommander. Seien Sie wachsam, denn der Kommandant ist angekommen! You will be vigilant, because the commander has arrived - and with my arrival, I will bring a wave of destruction upon this land. There will be no excuses, no second chances and no prisoners. The High Command has begun to bang on the war drums and march in the horizon. They are charging into battle and there will only be one outcome. Victory! Der Sieg kommt. Sie werden sich dem Oberkommando beugen oder die Konsequenzen tragen! The victory is coming. You will bow to high command or face the consequences! You deplorables, miscreants, deviants and bastards will learn to offer your loyalty and fealty to the Kommanrder. Ave you will shout. AVE! AVE! AVE! And once you have proven your servitude and dedicated to The High Command, you will be rewarded for your eternal faith! AVE! AVE! AVE!
The vignette ends with a promotion poster, revealing at least the physical representation of the two chosen unnamed loyalists.

Inside the minds of Malice

We open up on Misandry in the back looking into every door opening she can find in one of the back hallways of Dickies Arena.
She stops when she finds a dimly lit room with candles and dozens of pictures of what appears to be Brian Zewbowski. It's a Shrine.
Inside the Shrine is the three men known as Malice. They spot Misandry and welcome her inside for a chat.
Damien Axel: What a peculiar name. Why is it they call you Misandry? I assume like We are Malice, that is not your given name.
Misandry: That's just this business's way of not taking me seriously. I was the Mistress of Anarky, Miss Anarky for short, but people would intentionally mispronounce it as Misandry because I had no love loss for the mankind of it all. I've learned to run with it. Embrace the hate.
Misandry's expression changes ahs she catches the creepy collection. Her eyes go wide like a bug's.
Misandry: Speaking of embracing, can I ask what's with the creepy Zewbowski mural?
Damien Axel: For you see Brian Zewbowski is but a man, but Humanity is not.
Hangman James: Somewhere along the way mankind forgot what it meant to respect the old ones.
Misandry makes the Jim face.

Damien Axel: Brian has forsaken the ways of chaos in his name and for that he has been humbled. We are here to bring that chaos back into the world and remind him of who he is. Graves thought he could he could simply touch the old one and not be burned, and he paid for his foibles.
Misandry is just beyond lost for words at this point.
Misandry: Am I Mona Rose now. Have I become the interviewer?
Hangman pulls Misandry in for uncomfortably long sideways hug.
Hangman James: Unfortunately, Brian didn't understand his place in all this and allowed that man to get back up after Humanity decried that he be buried in his casket so we had to finish it. We dragged his soul to the nether-regions where Humanity deemed it so. Quoth the Raven.
Donavon Grayson: Nevermore.
A bit of clarity washes over Misandry's facial expression.
Misandry: Apparently, this is how it happens.
Damien Axel: Now that we're here we realized that Malice's job isn't finished with Graves. Humanity needs to be salvaged for the old one and Brian needs a course correction. We are more than humbled to be chosen to be the ones to bring Chaos and Malice into this company and spread his word.
Misandry awkwardly gets out of Hangman's clutches and shakes herself off.
Damien Axel: Mankind may be weak, but Humanity is not. It's time for mankind to learn this lesson once again.
Damien grabs Misandry by the shoulders and just grimaces at her.
Misandry: Maybe I should be nicer to her next time I see her. Poor thing.
Misandry shudders at the thought.
Hangman James: So you're not the only ones who don't love mankind but we don't see that as a gender, but as man as a species.
Donavon Grayson: The only thing that truly reigns supreme is Malice.
Hangman James: And the Elder Thing.
Damien Axel: So let it be written, so let it be done.
Misandry mumbles "ok" under her breath.
Misandry: I'm not sure I needed to be here for this whole evil bad guy monologue, but since I was here I can say our endgames aren't entirely dissimilar. You want to restore the great old one, and I need to give my former best friend her edge back.
Damien seems unfazed by her words and continues to chant.
Damien Axel: Weakness breeds contempt and men are weak. We will not be blinded by mankind's contempt for chaos. We are the law. We are the order.
Misandry waves her hands over their auras.
Misandry: I think I can safely say I feel that vibe you're putting off and I'm sure I can help you. Thawne has agreed to give you contracts as long as he can get you in the ring and make him some money so what do you say?
Damien shrugs.
Damien Axel: I am happy to be in the service of his Malice. Doesn't mean we can't make bread in the process. What's in this for you?
The three men are now quite intrigued by what the lady has to say.
Misandry: If you want to know, there are these three weak men who I can assure you breed contempt. They all played a role in scaring away a promising warrior named Blake Justice. He was going to be my Killer Instinct.
Damien is not happy to hear he may have lost a future agent of Chaos.
Damien Axel: We'll be happy to take some more lambs to the slaughter in his name.
They shake on their new draconian partnership. We go back to ringside for the next contest.
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Singles Match
"The Diamond Breaker" Killer Kandi vs. "Le Fantastique" Jean-Louis Gagnon with Bobby Tremblay

Pierce Donovan: Next on deck, an intergender match between two unlikely competitors. Killer Kandy looks to right the wrongs in AMA by giving The Northern Touch’s Jean-Louis Gagnon and ass kicking he won’t soon forget. Speaking of which he should be coming out first.
Jasper Phoenix: Wait a moment, now, Pierce. I’m getting word we will be joined by a very special guest first!
Out comes Bobby Tremblay to Minuetto as the crowd erupts in anger and drowns the arena with boos. He salutes them sarcastically, touches his heart, and blows them kisses and fake thank yous. He makes his way down the ramp, adjusts his watch, at takes a seat beside Jasper at the announce booth.
Bobby Tremblay: Gentlemen I thought you could use a hand in calling what might be one of the most one-sided match in the history of modern pro wrestling, hope I’m not intruding too much!
Jasper Phoenix: An absolute honor Mr. Tremblay, the quality of this broadcast has instantly improved tenfold.
Pierce Donovan: I can already smell your lip from here, Jasper. Good heavens.
Jasper Phoenix: Do you see what they stick us professionals with Bobby?
Reina de la Cruz: Our next contest is a intergender singles match! Introducing first, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He calls himself Le Fantastique! Representing The Northern Touch! Jean! LOUIS! GAAAAAGNOOOOOOON
Bobby Tremblay: Now watch, witness what a professional wrestler’s entrance should look like here, take notes in the back!
Johnny Go hits the airwaves as Jean-Louis peacocks out with exaggerate high knees and poses in the entry ramp. He makes an o face while rubbing overs his abs, and starts his strut down the ramp as the fans give him the business. A lone fan reaches for a high five, and Johnny approaches him, but puts his hand away at the last minute. Fans boos more, as he laughs and makes crying faces with his hands rubbing over his eyes. He makes his way closer to the ring and points at Bobby Tremblay. He hops over the top rope and spins around doing an Okada like, arms out spinning pose.
Bobby Tremblay: The future of professional wrestling right here gentlemen. Feast your eyes on this specimen!
Pierce Donovan: Well, he may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I certainly cannot disagree that this young man’s talent is as limitless as is comes. He can do things no other athlete can normally do, and he can do it with ease, no less.
Bobby Tremblay: That’s the smartest thing you’ve ever said kid, maybe you have a future here after all.
Jasper Phoenix: Words of wisdom, and what praise! Count yourself lucky Pierce!
The crowd begins to roar in excitement for Kandy to make her entrance.
Reina de la Cruz: And his challenger! Fighting out of Memphis, Tennessee! She is AMA’s Diamond Breaker! KILLLLERRRRRRR! KAAAAANDYYYYYYY!
Pierce Donovan: Listen to this crowd come alive!
Bobby Tremblay: Us seasoned men in the business call these types of fans marks, Pierce. Keep listening now, you may learn something for once. I believe the kids call them simps, too. Trademark that.
The crowd explodes as Kandy stomps her way with authority from the back to the top of the ramp as Porcelain Black loudly takes over. She immediately begins to curse up a storm as she makes her way quickly down the ramp as Johnny mocks her walk and taunts her to bring it on. She slides into the ring and goes right for Johnny. Gagnon backs away quickly and gets halfway out of the ropes putting up his hands and pleading to the official, who is forced to get in between them and escort Kandy to her corner.
Bobby Tremblay: That's right Lou Lou! On your time!
Pierce Donovan: Lou Lou?
Bobby Tremblay: We're you not listening to my disclaimer earlier this week? Just further proof of the rampant and systematic racism against anything Canadian over here at AMA. Had you shown me the respect of taking basic notes on the people competing tonight, you would be aware that is what I've always called my good friend Jean-Louis. I've been mentoring since before you even got in the business yourself, you amateur!
Jasper Phoenix: Honestly, Pierce, can you stop embarrassing me?
The crowd goes from a roaring cheer to deafening boos as Johnny smugly smiles, hops around and dusts himself off. He spends an exaggerated amount of time stretching and pulling the ropes and finally signifies to the referee he’s ready.
Pierce Donovan: If he’s done with the shenanigans, maybe we can finally get this match underway.
The bell rings and the match begins. Johnny stays in his corner as stretches his extended leg on the rope and Kandy walks her way towards hm. Johnny hops away from her to the next corner and continues to stretch his leg on it. Kandy stops and puts her hands on her hips in frustration. She goes to catch Johnny in the corner but he once again steps halfway out of the ropes and guards up, screaming at her to back up, and that he isn’t warmed up.
Pierce Donovan: Is he actually scared of Kandy?
Jasper Phoenix: It's quite obviously mind games.
Bobby Tremblay: It's becoming painfully obvious to me that only one of you gentlemen is qualified to be in this booth. Basic stuff here. I'm glad you never became a manager, you'd have ruined a lot of promising young folks careers!
Pierce Donovan: Oh good grief, enough already. Can we get back to the match please.
Bobby Tremblay: What a gas lighter!
Kandy lifts her arms up in frustration and begins to back away. Johnny sidesteps the referee and slaps Kandy behind the head playful as she’s walking away. She turns around and shoots darts at him through her eyes. He smiles and laughs, cockily asking her what she’s going to do. She goes to slap him, but he’s too quick and backs off for a dodge. He continues to taunt her and puts his left hand behind his back and puts his right arm high in the air, challenging Kandy to a test to strength. She barely reaches in and locks hand to hand.
Jasper Phoenix: More mind games here.
Johnny laughs, over powering her. But he quickly stops as Kandy snaps her hips and sends him flying to the ground with a snap arm drag. The crowd erupts. Kandy gets to her feet first as Johnny grabs his lower back. Johnny charges her and takes a wild right swing, which Kandy ducks under. She hangs on to his waist, locks behind him, and lifts the young Canadian off his feet with a German Suplex. She follows up with a pin.
Bobby Tremblay: Now wait a minute!
Pierce Donovan: Instant quickout by Jean-Louis there, but a crafty maneuver by Kandy to setup the first pinfall of the match here. Hold on!
NO! Johnny immediately kicks out. She brings Johnny to his feet and hits a chops, followed by a European uppercut. Johnny is stunned. Belly to belly suplex. Deep cover.
Bobby Tremblay: What a beautiful reversal come on!
Another quick kickout. But Johnny is having issues keeping up the pace with the explosive Kandy. Johnny dramatically reaches out in the air. Kandy shakes her head. She tries to bring him to his feet but he deadweights, making her struggle to hold him up.
Bobby Tremblay: Who's paying that ref back there? Another racist, I bet. Did you see how fast that count was?
Jasper Phoenix: I saw it!
Pierce Donovan: You two are insane.
She uses more power to bring him to his feet but he rakes the eyes and backs away to his corner as the crowd boos and Kandy grabs her eyes. The official yells at Johnny to back up and checks on Kandy.
Pierce Donovan: More dirty tactics. Sorry, quote unquote mind games by Jean-Louis. I'm sensing an early patern here with the way The Northern Touch operates.
Bobby Tremblay: A simpleton like you could not even begin to comprehend a third of what I teach my guys, Pierce. Please don't pretend you know anything about the foundation for greatness. These guys are five star athletes. You're a five star buffet frequenter. Calm down ok bud?
Jasper Phoenix: *laughs hysterically*
Johnny walks over, shoves the referee and gut kicks Kandy who hunches over. He grabs her and places her against the ropes and moves her right arm over it. Kandy tries to struggle but he smokes her with a forearm to the jaw to rocks her still. Johnny blows on his hand, cranks back and brings his arm with full force across Kandy’s chest to a resounding SMACK. The crowd gasps and boos as Johnny relishes in his work.
Bobby Tremblay: That's the POWER advantage there. See I'm even doing the play by play for you.
Pierce Donovan: Should I just leave, then? Would that please you, oh might Bobby?
Bobby Tremblay: That's esquire to you. And it wouldn't hurt.
He brings his arm up and chops her with full force again as the air leaves Kandy’s lungs and she crumples to one knee. Gagnon forcefully drags her away and climbs her back, putting her in a standing octopus lock. Kandy yells in agony as Johnny stretches her abdomen and arms.
Bobby Tremblay: Poetry in motion right there isn't it? What a beautiful submission. Just master class execution!
The crowd boos as Johnny makes a yawning motion as he holds the lock effortlessly. Kandy continuously struggles and eventually is able to shove off the obnoxious Canuck by rolling to her side. She tries to shake it off, but Johnny immediately stomps her back to the ground.
Pierce Donovan: What guts by Killer Kandy here, but Johnny is stalking her at every step tonight. She can't catch a single moment to rest right now.
Bobby Tremblay: That's the plan!
Johnny brings her to her feet and chops her across the chest once again, mimicking her pain. He grabs her right arm, hops onto the top rope with a single jump, and begins to walk the sides of the ring with a dazed Kandy to his side hand in hand. He jumps onto her shoulders and nails a huricanrana, followed by a deep schoolboy pin.
Kandy kicks out! Scary moment as the tough as nails Killer is almost caught right there and then. Johnny argues with the ref and point to three but the referee shrugs and tells him to jog on.
Bobby Tremblay: Again with the slow count, this is uncalled for! Discrimination! Are you filming this!
Pierce Donovan: The count was a normal count by by standards.
Jasper Phoenix: How much are they paying you Pierce?
Pierce Donovan: Clearly not enough to put up with you two bozos.
Johnny flips him off and and gets in his face, giving Kandy a rare moment to breathe. Johnny turns around and goes to stomp her, again. Kandy plays possum but grabs his leg and rolls him up for a victory roll.
Johnny kicks out and grabs his face and exaggerates a surprised look, mouth wide open. Kandy goes to get up but Johnny leaps on her back and sits down, locking in a bulldog type sleeper. Johnny sits on the ground and stretches out Kandy’s neck, who clutches at his arms in a desperate attempt to break free. She can occasionally loosen the hold for a breath, but Gagnon continues to lock it back in deep.The crowd begins to attempt to bring her back to life and chant Let’s Go Kandy *clap clap clap*. Johnny shakes his head sideways and pretends to ignore the fans influence.
Pierce Donovan: Crowd is doing it's best to get Kandy on her feet. Come on now! Let's get these people off their feet!
Bobby Tremblay: Clearly bias. So unprofessional once again.
Kandy begins to shake as she uses the crowd to power up. She can’t break his grip, so she summons enough force and raw emotion to get to her feet, lifting Johnny in the process. She finally gets to a full standing position and tosses Johnny behind her who lands right on his back. Johnny charges her, but Kandy counters with an arm drag! He gets up and charge again but once again, Kandy is faster and crisper. She ducks under a lariat but locks her arms in a lifts the leg. EXPLODER SUPLEX.
Bobby Tremblay: No no no no! Get up you idiot!
Johnny bounces off the apron and right back to his feet. He swings wildly at absolutely nothing. Grapple by Kandy. Setup. Thunderous Falcon Arrow follow immediately by the leghook pin.
NO! The crowd gasps as both they and Kandy were convinced the match was won. But Kandy won’t be outdone.
Pierce Donovan: She's coming alive right before our eyes! Great kickout, but she's got that look in her eye guys! She's not going to be denied!
Bobby Tremblay: This officiating is hogwash, I'm getting a closer look while you continue to denigrate my client!
Bobby takes off his headset.
She stands back up and fist pumps to the crowd as the once again chant her name in unison. She makes her way to the corner and huddles, waiving her arms commanding Johnny to get up. She’s setting up for the Diamond Shattering Spear. The crowd is jazzed. Johnnie rolls out of the ring instead of standing up, and begins to walks towards the back, saying fuck this shit.
Jasper Phoenix: Veteran move there sliding out of the ring to stop the momentum!
Pierce Donovan: Watch out now!
Kandy grabs the top rope and launches herself to the outside with a cross body splash right into the escaping Johnny, who goes falling into side railing. Kandy fists pumps once again and slaps one of the fans hands. She goes to setup a running spear again, but out of nowhere appears Bobby Tremblay, who gets right in front of her. He stops her from walking around her. She slaps him as hard as she can, sending him to the floor crying.
Pierce Donovan: That's why that weasel left the table. All this talk of being the better athlete and they stoop to these kind of antics?
Jasper Phoenix: Do you want Kandy or something? You know she's way out of your league!
Kandy huddles over, and takes off running towards a still hunched over Johnny. Right at the point of impact, the crafty Canadian moves to the side and grabs Kandy and helps her go head first into the rails. The crowd is unconsolably angry, as Johnny grabs his ribs and scuttles back under the ring. He grabs he referee by the collar and demand he begin counting her out.
Jasper Phoenix: Brilliant. It's done. It's over. Get your cigars out. She's not getting up after that crash and burn.
Pierce Donovan: Killer Kandy is a lot of trouble ladies and gentlemen. She missed the spear and Gagnon took full advantage. She motionless, and I'm afraid this might be it indeed.
Kandy is still grabbing her head, laying on her back on the outside. Johnny is peaking over the rope, using it as leverage to stand up.
Still barely any movement from Kandy. Johnny laughs and makes a forget it motion with his hand. He starts flexing obnoxiously in the ring as the boos continue, along with some cheers for Kandy to get up.
Pierce Donovan: The absolute lack of respect is simply gross here. Come on! She might be seriously hurt out there!
Jasper Phoenix: It's a fight not ballet!
Kandy begins to to come to life and rolls onto her stomach, slowly pushing herself to her knees, grabbing the top of the railing.
Jasper Phoenix: She won't make it. Impossible.
Pierce Donovan: Killer Kandy is....
She’s on her own two feet, barely and dizzy. She takes a leaping step and...
Pierce Donovan: SAFE!
...Rolls under the bottom rope right as the referee motions ten. He waves off the count. Kandy has cheated defeat once again as the crowd erupts in cheers! Johnny can’t believe it and looks like a child having a temper tantrum as he argues with the official. He then focuses his attention on a roughed up Kandy and goes to cut off her entry.
Johnny goes for a superkick, but Kandy sidesteps. She goes for a neckbreaker, but Johnny spins out and pushes her off. Jumping knee out of nowhere from Gagnon, nails Kandy in the jaw. Half out on her feet she rests her head on his chest. Johnny lifts her chest back up, goes go a knife edge chop. Kandy ducks, pulls her head behind his should, back body drop. Johnny backflips out and lands out his feet, put Kandy meets him with a big forearm of her own to jaw. He clutches his jaw as both competitors stand toe to toe. Open palm strike by Jean out of nowhere. Kandy falls down, pin.
Pierce Donovan: What a sequence! pin fall!
Kandy kicks out but Johnny transitions into a last chancery. It’s in deep, but Kandy is fight it off. She slowly crawls away towards the ring inch by inch. Johnny tries to flip her over hi to re apply the lock in the middle of the ring. Kandy counters and rolls him up!
Pierce Donovan: Kandy with a pin now!
Johnny kicks out. Kandy uses the ropes to slowly get herself to her feet. Johnny climbs the closest turns buckle in an attempt to hit her by surprise. Kandy gets to her feet but Johnny leaps up at her, and tries to hit a tornado ddt. Kandy, miraculously, catches him, and counter into an arching fisherman suplex and pinning combination.
Pierce Donovan: Fisherman suplex into a piiiiiin....
Pierce Donovan: No!
Jasper Phoenix: Thank the gods!
But Johnny still kicks out. The crowd is chanting THIS IS AWESOME and AMA as these two competitors continue their surprisingly grueling match. Kandy manages to painfully get to her feet first, but is stopped in her tracks by Jean who is holding on to her right leg for dear life.
Pierce Donovan: What an absolute war these two have gone through already! Kandy is up first! Kandy is up first!
Jasper Phoenix: Not so fast, now, the Canuck ain't done either!
She can’t seem to shrug him off, so she bends over to force his arm off of her. Jean stands up suddenly and twists her leg in a dragon screw. This not only wrecks her knee but sends her face first into the bottom ropes, and places it between it and the middle one. Johnny drags her violently to the mat on her back and pins her.
But Kandy is also not done yet, she kicks out. Johnny begins to yell at her and stomps her as she withers on the ground. He walks through the ropes to the apron and continues to berate Kandy and telling her she’s done. He grabs the ropes and jumps over into a 450.
Pierce Donovan: Jean-Louis Gagnon is about to once again show his high flying maneuvers. This might be the end for our Killer.
But Kandy gets to her feet, and meet him with a gut kick. She hits the stunner immediately after out of nowhere!
Pierce Donovan: DIAMOND BREAKER! DIAMOND BREAKER! Pin him! Pin him!
Jasper Phoenix: No not like this Johnny! NO!
Johnny falls to the mat, and Kandi falls a bit further off. She slowly crawls over to him, and get over him. Hooks the leg and rolls.
NO! At the last moment, a recovered Bobby Tremblay has moved Johnny’s leg under the bottom rope, as the crowd protests. He laughs and gets on the apron to yell at Johnny to get up. The referee meets him and begins to loudly yell at Bobby, and they begin to point and argue.
Pierce Donovan: This should be a damn disqualification. He pulled his legged in front of everyone. No scruples. This guy just sucks! Excuse my language!
Jasper Phoenix: Haters going to hate, as they say!
Kandy makes her way to them to see what is going on. Johnny crawls behind her and uppercuts her from behind right in the nether region.
Pierce Donovan: Um Johnny...Might want to rethink that one kid!
However, this was ill advised and miscalculated by Johnny, likely due to his inexperience in intergender contests. He clutches his forearm in agony as Kandy slowly turns around, a massive smile on her face. The referee still occupied; Kandy takes her own chance to apply to payback. She kicks Johnny right in the balls who lets out a girlish yelp. She hits the opposite ropes, springboard, KANDI KRUSHER! She falls on top of Jean right after the move, exhausted.
Jasper Phoenix: Nooooooo!
Pierce Donovan: Kandyyyyyyy
The referee hears the mat slam, much to Bobby’s chagrin. He turns around and sees Kandy laying on top of Jean-Louis. He jumps to the floor and begins the count.
Pierce Donovan: KRUSHER! That's it! It's over! Killer Kandy did it! She gets a win in the books for the honor of AMA!
Johnny is laying on the mat grabbing his neck and hiding his face. He flops and hits his feet on the ground in a tantrum, realizing what just happened. Bobby Tremblay grabs a chair from under the ring and reclimbs up to the ring apron and confronts Kandy.
Pierce Donovan: And here comes the sore loser trying to get some cheap shots in. Typical!
Kandy dodges a chair swing and grabs Bobby, who begins to plead. She lifts him over the top rope and sends him flying inside the ring along with the chair. Bobby tumbles and sells comically and ends up cowering into a ball. The crowd roars. Kandy walks over to him and attempts to get Bobby to his feet.
Jasper Phoenix: She can't do that! He's not a wrestler, he could be seriously injured! Someone call security and fine this woman!
Pierce Donovan: He wanted to play with fire, but Diamonds don't break under pressure!
A recovered Jean-Louis cracks her in the back of the head with a superkick. Kandy falls face first onto the mat. Gagnon taunts her and help Bobby to his feet. He places the chair onto of her in the corner and stomps down to a rain of boos. The drag Kandy to the middle of the ring. Bobby holds her legs down, with the chair on top of her. Jean-Louis climbs the top rope, aims, and hits the Cork-Screw You Swanton Bomb onto the chair. Kandy grabs her chest in pain.
Pierce Donovan: Now come on! Why? Is Kandy ok? Bunch of savage hyenas, sore losers. What a great example they set, those northern bastards!
Bobby drags Jean-Louis, who is bewildered by his handy work. The scuttle to the back as Kandy recovers as medical personnel try to surround her. She pushes them away, grabs the chair, and starts slowly making her way to the back, weapon in hand.

Like a lamb to the slaughter

We open on Malice's shrine. Buffalo enters the room expecting to find this despicable group of men only to find an empty shrine to Humanity.

Buffalo Jones: What in the world?
Buffalo begins to riffling through framed pictures of Brian Zewbowski and a collage of candles. There was a monitor on the wall to watch the program.
Buffalo Jones: What freaks.
Buffalo realizes they were keeping a close on eye on everything happening and would strike when it made the most sense.
A figure appears in the doorframe looming over Buffalo.
Buffalo Jones: YOU.
We see the familiar look of the white suit Wilhelm wears step into frame. Buffalo immediately starts throwing haymakers at him.
Before Buffalo can see where McMichaels is, he ambushes Buffalo from behind and grabs his head to ram it into a monitor on the wall.
Before the pack of dogs could pouch any further damage, Tora runs in to stave the fight for another day. We cut out.
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Lucha Rules
Trios Tryout Match
Monstruo del Circo, Pierre Petti Poyser and Conall O'Dargan with Killer Kandi
vs. Malice with Misandry (Damien Axel, Hangman James & Donavon Grayson)

And we’re back, all set for the next exciting contest!
Jasper Phoenix: Nothing like an exhilarating night of AMA action to get the old heart pounding…
Pierce Donovan: You’re absolutely right, but I also watched you scarf down two pounds of brisket last night with some baked beans and cornbread so hopefully it isn’t a much deeper issue!
Jasper Phoenix: Well, Pierce, it’s like they say… when in Texas, do as the Texans do!
Pierce Donovan: Fair enough! Looks like up next we have the debut of Malice, who will be accompanied by Misandry, and they are going to square off with three veritable heavy hitters in Conall O’Dargan, Pierre Poyser and Monstru del Circo. And of course, Killer Kandi will be accompanying this hodgepodge group in this match-up.
Jasper Phoenix: I tell you what, Pierce, when I look at this match, I see lots of ways that this thing could go sideways.
Pierce Donovan: I agree, Jasper. In fact, I think the ONLY way this thing could go… is sideways.
Jasper Phoenix: We’re talking Lucha Rules in this match, meaning that no tags are necessary. If a competitor simply rolls out of the ring, one of their partners can enter the match in their place. So, that’s guaranteed chaos right there. Add in that Malice are nothing if not agents of chaos, and they’re facing off against a team with no experience working together, and we’ve also got the simmering tension of Misandry and Killer Kandi on the outside, and this thing has all the ingredients to be a real predicament out here.
Pierce Donovan: And then you’ve also got Dalilah Rose in the corner of Malice, as well as Conall’s manager Rian Doyle to account for. Things are definitely about to get crazy!
“Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gaye begins to play in the arena as the lights drop to a pink shade, and Pierre Petti Poyser saunters out from the back in his ring gear with a sweater tied around his neck, and a beret on his head. He is greeted by some respectable fanfare.
Pierce Donovan: Coming off a submission win at Mayday, Pierre Petti Poyser is without a doubt someone to keep an eye on in AMA if he can keep his eyes on the prize.
Next, “You Don’t Want a Street War” by Triste Loco slams on the PA, and this brings the enigmatic Monstruo del Circo out to the stage, joining Poyser. MDC plays to the fans some, throwing up his set with a series of gang signs, as Poyser stands in the background giving him a little golf clap.
Pierce Donovan: And then we have this man, Monstruo del Circo. He was also victorious at Mayday, defeating Norman Namatjira in an absolutely brutal affair. It was in that match where the contempt between Kandi and Misandry became very apparent, and a large reason why we’re having this match tonight.
Jasper Phoenix: Bingo, Pierce, and if you ask me, Misandry is 100% in the right here. Let’s face it, if you’re going to make it to the top of AMA, you simply can’t afford to have a conscience. This place is cutthroat and if you can’t swim with the sharks, stay out of the water!
Pierce Donovan: Well it’s a good thing no one asked you then. Because what you and Misandry both fail to recognize is that there’s a difference between handling your business and just being an absolute savage.
Jasper Phoenix: And that difference is often times money, fame and respect!
“I’m Shipping Up To Boston” begins to play next as the arena lights change to green and white spotlights. Out comes “The Irish Wolf” Conall O’Dargan pounding his chest with pride, as his long time mentor and manager Rian Doyle follows. All three competitors converge on the stage and give each other nods of acknowledgement, preparing for the match ahead.
Pierce Donovan: And last but not least, Conall O’Dargan. A ferocious competitor that I see a lot of potential in here in AMA.
Jasper Phoenix: Also coming off of a win, and also walking into a loss here tonight.
Finally “Swallow My Bullet” by Porcelain Black begins to play, and a red and black strobe effect begins to take over the arena lighting. “The Diamond Breaker” Killer Kandi then enters with a swagger to the affection of the crowd. She comes out and pumps up all three competitors, and they begin to collectively march toward the ring.
Reina de la Cruz: Making their ways to the ring at a combined weight of 694 pounds… accompanied by Rian Doyle and Killer Kandi… Pierre Petti Poyser, Monstruo del Cirrrrrrrco and Conall O’Dargan!!
They reach the ring, where Poyser and O’Dargan march up the steps and enter through the ropes, while MDC slings himself into the ring over the top rope. Just then, “Shitlist” by L7 hits the arena’s speakers, and a chorus of boos begins to rise. “The Mistress of Anarky” Misandry strides out to the stage with a smug look on her face and microphone in hand. Her face is, however, bruised from last week’s altercation with MDC, and he has a bandage under her left eye. She signals to the back to cut the music. Once the music ends, she raises the microphone.
Misandry: If I could please have all of your attention, I have a few things to say.
The boos continue on.
Misandry: Sad… I nearly forgot how toxic you people here in Texas are. Just remember, that you people made me who I am today.
This just causes the booing to intensify. Misandry waves them off.
Misandry: Now then, let me simply say that what is about to happen in that ring will be a demonstration of sheer brutality. A lesson to Killer Kandi to re-evaluate her principles. And a lesson to O’Dargan, Poyser and ESPECIALLY that clown twit, that there’s a price to be paid when you trifle with me. Now, it’s time to feel the consequence of malicious intent!
Misandry drops the microphone, and at that exact moment, the members of Malice spring a sneak attack on their opponents, simultaneously clobbering Poyser, O’Dargan and MDC from behind! A full on brawl ensues with the faces fighting back to their best of their ability while the accompanying managers, Kandi and Misandry shout in support of their competitors from the outside.
Jasper Phoenix: That took about as long to break down as I expected.
Malice end up getting the better of the full on melee, and end up knocking Poyser and O’Dargan out of the ring, isolating MDC in the ring, where they team up to pulverize him with vicious strikes leading into a double suplex by Grayson and James while Axel directs traffic. At last, the referee is able to get Malice to relent, and Grayson and James leave to the apron at the behest of Axel. MDC is still stirring but clearly in bad shape after the jumping. No matter, Axel barks at the referee to call for the bell, which he begrudgingly does as MDC staggers to his feet…
Axel immediately charges across the ring looking to capitalize on the wounded animal but out of nowhere, MDC springs forward with a brutal uppercut that completely lifts Axel up off his feet and knocks him flat on his ass! MDC rushes into a pin, looking to end the match with a flash pinfall!
Kick out!
Axel is far from down and out of course, but after kicking out, he quickly rolls out of the ring to nurse his jaw following the uppercut. Gerald Grayson takes no time subbing in and jumping right on MDC who still isn’t quite recovered. Grayson plants stomp after stomp on MDC, before pulling him to his feet and backing him into the corner. Grayson aggressively grabs MDC by his jaw and growls something in his face that the mics don’t quite pick up on. He then whips MDC over with a snapmare and cracks him with a kick to the back. Grayson drops down and continues to administer the punishment, grabbing MDC by the corners of his mouth and stretching it out mercilessly!
Pierce Donovan: Monstruo del Circo finding himself in no man’s land early on in this one as Gerald Grayson is employing a purely vicious variety of offense here!
Jasper Phoenix: This is Malice’s in-ring debut and right now Grayson is wrestling the exact style I expected from these savages.
MDC however has no frills fighting a bit dirty and just decides to chomp down on Grayson’s digits to force Grayson to release the hold. This infuriates the Aussie who throws an overhand punch at MDC who remains on his knees, but the clown blocks the punch and drills Grayson with a swift punch to the gut. MDC is quick to his feet, grabs Grayson’s hand, and performs a lucha libre style rope-walking before leaping off and sending Grayson flying with a huge arm drag.
Pierce Donovan: And there you see the luchador stylings of Monstruo del Circo, who has to feel most at home in this match, quite possibly being the only man in this thing who has competed in a lucha rules six man before.
Jasper Phoenix: Safe to assume, but I think the unity of Malice is still going to snuff out any advantage ol’ “El Diablo” might have here.
The savage of the circus is quick to make a tag out to Conall O’Dargan once he gets the opening. Grayson for his part trades places with Hangman James, so the hard hitting Irishman and Malice’s desperado each step into the ring and immediately meet in the middle, coming face to face for an intense staredown. The two of them begin exchanging blistering chops to the chest, with neither man giving an inch. Finally, Hangman takes the smart route of the chop-off, and rakes the eyes of O’Dargan. He pushes O’Dargan back into the corner and lays into him with several big hip strikes. O’Dargan fires back through, grabbing Hangman and trading places with him. With Hangman now trapped in the corner, O’Dargan unloads with body shots and tops them off with a big back elbow. He grabs Hangman around the waist and lifts him in the air before charging clear across the ring and driving him back first into the opposite turnbuckle. At Axel’s instruction, Grayson runs into the ring to attack O’Dargan, but the Irishman gets the jumps on him and levels him with a big double axe handle strike to the sternum! O’Dargan plays to the crowd a little, yelling out in dominance, but the momentary pause gives Hangman the opportunity to chop him down with a chop block. Hangman then grabs O’Dargan and pulls him over to his corner, holding his arms back and allowing Axel to go to town on him with forearm smashes from the apron. After about five or six blows, O’Dargan crumples, and Hangman James exits the ring to let Damien Axel take his place.
Pierce Donovan: The leader of Malice - Damien Axel - sure knows how to pick his spots.
Jasper Phoenix: A crucial attribute for any good leader, I’d have to say.
Pierce Donovan: Can’t argue with it.
Axel comes in and immediately measures O’Dargan up and delivers a headbutt. But the thick skull of O’Dargan nearly renders the move useless, and actually causes Axel to momentarily sell a bit of the pain. But he shakes it off, and begins to pepper O’Dargan with some more forearm smashes before launching him into the ropes. O’Dargan wraps his arms around the ropes and stops his own momentum however. Axel rushes in, only for O’Dargan to lift his boot and jack Axel’s jaw. O’Dargan quickly scoops Axel up in position for a powerslam, but from the apron, Grayson grabs Axel’s foot and pulls him off O’Dargan’s shoulder and to a safe haven on the apron. O’Dargan whips around, but Grayson quickly strikes him with a rope assisted front kick, which stuns The Irish Wolf. Axel heads to the top rope to take advantage, and comes off the top with a nice high altitude cross body, which he follows by immediately hooking the leg.
Kick out!
Axel doesn’t give O’Dargan a moment to rest, grabbing his leg and pulling him to the unfavorable corner. All of Malice enter the ring and take turns delivering attacks to O’Dargan’s leg, until finally Monstruo del Circo decides he must intervene. MDC bolts across the ring and absolutely smears Grayson with a shotgun dropkick, knocking him clean between the ropes and down to the floor. Doesn’t take long for Axel and Hangman to turn their attention to MDC though and begin a two-on-one assault on him. Despite the referee’s best efforts, Malice are showing no regard for any rules, and eventually pull MDC to the middle of the ring where they execute a running High & Low on the clown. Axel takes MDC and tosses him over the top rope, and follows him out, leaving Hangman in the ring to deal with O’Dargan.
Jasper Phoenix: Just as I foresaw, Pierce, Malice are the unit here that are working like a well oiled machine while the quote, unquote “good guys” are struggling to get on the same page really.
Pierce Donovan: When you’re right, you’re right. Certainly not helping matters that Pierre Poyser appears to be… brushing his hair?
True to Pierce’s call, we can see Poyser on the apron looking unbothered by the developments in the ring, as he holds a mirror up and brushes his hair with a very ornate looking hairbrush. Inside the ropes, Hangman pulls O’Dargan up and lifts him into a fireman’s carry. O’Dargan manages to elbow his way free however and drops Hangman with a back suplex. There’s a double down and O’Dargan begins to crawl towards the corner. Poyser spots him out of the corner of his eye, gives a bit of a sigh, and puts away his mirror and brush, preparing for the tag. O’Dargan makes it after a while, and Poyser immediately heads to the top rope. He does a hip gyrating taunt at the top, and comes off for what appears to be an axe handle, only for Hangman to catch him mid-flight with an enormous dropkick. Poyser rolls up in pain, gripping his abdomen. He quickly scurries to dive out of the ring, as O'Dargan looks on in disappointment. All this while, Axel and MDC have been brawling on the floor, and it appears MDC has gotten the better of the exchange leaving Axel sprawled out on the floor. MDC joins O'Dargan on the apron, each man a little worse for wear due to the fight, and the two of them look at each other knowing they're probably not going to get much help out of Poyser in this one.
Pierce Donovan: And based on what we've just seen it's looking like we might be dealing with a bit more of a three on two situation here.
MDC opts to be the one to enter the ring and fight Hangman. He charges right in and ducks underneath a lariat attempt, springboards off the middle rope and crashes down on top of Hangman with a moonsault. MDC hooks the leg, looking to make off with a win…
Broken up!
Grayson dives in and hammers MDC. O'Dargan refuses to stand by, running in and clotheslining Grayson right over the ropes.
Pierce Donovan: Despite the disadvantageous situation, O'Dargan and MDC are definitely fighting with all they've got.
Jasper Phoenix: And that's commendable. Maybe they can get a little participation ribbon after the show.
O'Dargan clears Grayson from the ring, but he has no time to admire his work. Axel has recovered and entered the ring. He spins O'Dargan around and knocks the taste out of his mouth with a big uppercut. He pulls O'Dargan up into position and delivers his patented backpack stunner.. Endless Suffering! This puts O'Dargan well and truly out of commission, and Axel turns to focus on the still disoriented MDC. He pulls El Diablo to his feet and cackles, feeling as though his team now has complete control of the matchup. He grabs MDC by the throat and shouts in his face "welcome to the suffering, clown!"... but just at that moment, MDC gives Axel a middle finger, kicks him right in the midsection and nails him with the Gringo Cutter stunner!
Jasper Phoenix: Holy!
Pierce Donovan: Monstruo del Circo digging deep to land the Gringo Cutter!
The maneuver has Axel wobbling and looking like the lights are on but nobody's home. MDC gets back to his feet, kicks Axel and swiftly delivers his Canadian destroyer maneuver known as The Clown Killer!
Pierce Donovan: CLOWN KILLER!! Will this be the moment!?
MDC crawls tiredly into the cover and the referee slides into position.
At the last second, the referee notices Axel's foot on the bottom rope, thanks to Misandry placing it there at the very last moment! The arena erupts in boos. MDC looks up absolutely looking dejected. On the floor, Kandi comes around the corner and gets right in Misandry's face, chewing her out for interfering.
Pierce Donovan: This is highway robbery. Monstruo had Axel beat clear as day.
Jasper Phoenix: Pure speculation on your part, Pierce! You can't prove that Axel wouldn't have kicked out had Misandry not intervened.
Pierce Donovan: Everyone in this arena including Misandry knows that was it, but I guess you're just going to pretend!
MDC gets up - enraged - and drops out of the ring to confront Misandry as well. The referee tries to cool the situation off and separate the conflicting parties. Sensing an opportunity, Pierre Poyser slinks into the ring, stalking Axel. But with the referee's back turned, the opportunity also arises for Malice's valet Dalilah Rose to sneak into the ring, wielding Poyser's hand mirror. Rose blindsides Poyser with the hand mirror, smashing the weapon into the back of his skull and shattering the glass all over the ring. She quickly ducks out of the ring to avoid being caught. Kandi catches her in the act though and rushes around the ring. As Dalilah is doing her best to act innocent, Kandi bumrushes her and tackles her right over the barricade and into the crowd!
Pierce Donovan: Aaaand this match has officially broken down into utter chaos.
Jasper Phoenix: Shall we pretend to be shocked?
As Kandi trails Dalilah through the crowd, Gerald Grayson pulls Axel out of the ring and takes his place. He pulls the lifeless carcass of Poyser up and delivers his patented Deathly Hallows!! Grayson hooks the leg. The referee drops for the count.
MDC realizes the situation and ditches his argument with Misandry to attempt to make the save, only for Misandry to swiftly strike with a low blow on MDC behind the referee's back, rending him helpless to save the match...
Malice makes off like a thief in the night with the win. The carnage is evident with the bodies strewn about the ringside area and the brawl between Kandi and Dalilah having been taken all the way to the back.
Reina de la Cruz: Here are your winners via pinfall… Malice!!
Pierce Donovan: Malice just steal this one by the skin of their teeth! But a win's a win and now Damien Axel and Misandry both have a lot of talking points for the coming week.
Jasper Phoenix: Yep. You said it. No need for all the extra conjecture. Bottom line tonight is that Malice won and Monstruo del Circo, Conall O'Dargan and Pierre Petti Poyser LOST!
Pierce Donovan: Well that is where we'll part, Jasper, because context is king to me. MDC had Axel dead to rights there at one point but the trickery of Misandry changed the entire outcome of this match!
Jasper Phoenix: And that's where you see how it pays to align yourself with the right people. And those extracurriculars can often be the difference makers in a match as we've seen here tonight!
Misandry assists the other members of Malice to get in the ring, where they pose over the body of Poyser, with Hangman James mockingly placing his hangman's noose around the unconscious Poyser's neck to add insult to injury. Boos cascade down as Malice celebrate their ill-gotten victory. Before we fade to black, we gets shots of MDC lying on the floor gripping his family jewels in pain… as well as Conall O'Dargan and Rian Doyle at the edge of the ramp staring on at the scene in the ring in utter contempt.
Pierce Donovan: The scenes here say it all. There's still much to be settled in this feud I believe and there's certainly much still to be settled here tonight. Stick around folks, there's plenty more AMA action on the way right up next!
Fade to next segment…

Caught on camera

We open inside a video production truck. Jake Wakefield barges in through the door with the bound and gagged Sean Cutter, Jr.
Jake Wakefield: Looky, looky I've got the key, I've got the secret....or rather you do. Would you like to see? Just between us girls, of course.
Sean squirms quite uncomfortably as Jake gets unreasonably close to his face.
Jake Wakefield: Of course you would. Roll the footage, monkeys.
The producers put in an old school cassette into the booth to pull it up on the monitors.
We see a man in bright colored face paint covering his face and an elaborate wardrobe. Almost regal.
This man is shown wrestling intense strong style matches in presumably Japan.
Jake Wakefield: Just look at this man go. Baron von Destro. This guy knows how to get a crowd reaction.
Jake pulls Sean's tie so hard he begins to turn a new shade of magenta.
Jake Wakefield: I'd probably pay to see a promotion this guy helped book.
Jake lets go of his tie just in time to let him catch his breathe. As hard as that may be with duct tape covering his mouth.
Jake Wakefield: Oh wait. This guy actually looks eerily familiar. Almost like I already did, or rather got paid to follow him to a new promotion.
Sean is more or less panting and hyperventilating as he's not able to get any deep breathes in nor does he know where this is going.
Jake Wakefield: Why the racket? Why the façade? What kind of sham is this? Why go through the effort of pretending to have never wrestled before?
Jake is beyond visibly confused and upset.
Jake Wakefield: We all know there wouldn't have been a Revival show without your fame and connections and there'd be no AMA without that.
Jake picks up a pair of sheers.
Jake Wakefield: Is it because when you were Japan and Mexico and the UK you pretended not to be a Cutter?
.He stares at Sean so menacingly with this pair of sheers.
Jake Wakefield: Did you wanted that safety net of anonymity should you go back to being this Baron?
Jake takes out a bunch of Sean Cutter's legal papers including his passport.
Jake Wakefield: I'm sorry I blew up your spot, but since you're being so reckless with AMA and most of us don't have safety nets, I'm cutting you off.
Jake begins to shred everything Jake has to be identify himself and work in other parts of the world.
Jake Wakefield: I'm sure that's your worst case scenario to hear come out of Papa Sean and Mama Krystal, huh? Being cut off must suck for you Elites.
Jake next confiscates all of his credit cards out of his wallet.
Jake Wakefield: That's enough of memory lane. Just one last stop for you.
They leave the truck as we cut back to ringside for our next match.
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Tables Grudge Match
(Is Saus X in Any Shape to Compete?)
"The Rogue" Saus X vs. Don Marshall with Bobby Tremblay

Pierce Donovan: Coming up right now, The Rogue, Saus X, is looking for revenge against The Northern Touch for their vicious backstage attack at Mayday. There’s zero chance he’s 100% here, but this kid has no quit in his body. He’s taking on the much beefier Big, Bad, Don Marshall.
Jasper Phoenix: In a table match no less! This X guy is as reckless as they come! And not too bright, either. Not sure why anyone would want to take on Don in any sort of no holds barred contest!
Pierce Donovan: Well Saus has integrity, and more importantly, an immeasurable amount of guts. It’s no wonder you can’t relate, Jasper.
Jasper Phoenix: How rude!
Reina de la Cruz: The following contest is a TABLES MATCH! The first wrestler to put his opponent through the sanctioned tables provided around and under the ring will be declared the winner! Introducing first! From Savannah, Georgia, they call him The Rogue! Making his way to ring for his official AMA in-ring debut! SHAWWWWWWWWWW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!
The lights dim and out comes a fiery Saus X as The Resistance blasts through the Texas arena. The crowd is on their feet for the battered young gun, who makes his way to the ring to their thundering cheers. We can observe some obvious damage from Mayday, as his neck is taped up.
Pierce Donovan: Listen to this crowd roar! How great is it to be back live with an audience! They are on their feet for this courageous young man.
Jasper Phoenix: Well, he better be careful not to get too distracted, he’s obviously still beaten up from The Touch’s beating! I wouldn’t have made it so obvious my neck was in pain!
X continues his way to the ring and high fives a few folks in the front row along the way. He goes up to a preset table outside one corner of the ring, and slaps it a few times to the crowd’s delight. He slides onto the side of the ring, hops over the top rope and rolls into a pose as the lights undim. A few chants of Rogue Rogue Rogue can be heard.
Reina de la Cruz: And his opponent...
Reina cannot finish her sentence as the crowd already erupts in loud boos. Bobby Tremblay is out of the back curtain.
Bobby Tremblay: Thank you so much, Reina. While I think your talent is only outshined by your beauty, I’d like to introduce my client, if that’s ok with you?
The crowd continues to boo loudly as X shakes his head inside the ring in disgust.
Pierce Donovan: Fantastic...Human cockroach Bobby Tremblay is blessing us with his presence, once again.
Jasper Phoenix: Esquire! You put some respect on that title Pierce, shame on you!
Bobby Tremblay: Now now. If you uncivilized, prehistoric loudmouth will show some respect, and use your indoor voice...
The crowd continues to boo
Bobby Tremblay: Let me introduce to you, The Rogue’s worst nightmare, the baddest, the meanest son of a bitch from the Prairies. He IS the LAW! DOOOOOOOON MARSHAAAAAAAAALLL!
Pierce Donovan: What an absolute ass..
Bobby claps enthusiastically as the crowd disagrees. Old Number Seven hits the speakers and Don Marshall walks out slowly, jacked up and bug eyed. Smoke surrounds him and Bobby as he brings his hands to his mouth and does his taunt. Bobby slaps him on the back and smiles. They ignore X and slowly walk to the ring chatting shit to each other nonchalant, as the crowd mercilessly gives them hell.
Jasper Phoenix: Bobby watch out!
As they get closer to the ring, however, The Rogue has seen enough. He hits the back ropes and leaps through the ropes out of absolutely nowhere for a suicide dive, nails both Don and Bobby head on. Bobby goes flying backwards as his rose sunglasses come flying off and he comically rolls backwards. Don Marshall stumbles and falls right on his ass. The crowd explodes for X.
Pierce Donovan: What a dive by The Rogue! Beautiful! Outstanding!
Jasper Phoenix: The match hasn’t even started Pierce! He’s cheating!
Pierce Donovan: I don’t think he gives a damn about anything else then getting his hands on these bullies Jasper! And he’s not done yet I imagine!
The crowd roars as X charges Don and tackles him into the entrance ramp’s side railing as sitting fans back away. X throws down some clubbing blows, but Don slowly shakes him off and they lock up, tumbling towards the ring. Bobby Tremblay is still balled up on the floor cowering.
Jasper Phoenix: Bobby was just assaulted! I would sue!
Pierce Donovan: Keep your eyes in the ring!
The two men struggle back and forth all the way to the side of the ring, exchanging blow for blow. X hits a right hand and attempts to hammerthrow Don, but he reverses it and Rogue goes flying back first into the side railing. Don slowly picks up speed towards X, looking to crush him between himself and the railing, but X ducks a rolls off to the side and the last minute. Don hits the railing in the chest and has his breath cut short as he hangs over stunned.
Pierce Donovan: X is simply too quick right now and way fresher than he appears with all those knicks and bruises. Don can’t even catch his breath right now!
X slides Don into the ring and follows him. The referee rings the bell as the match is finally underway. X immediately jumps onto Don’s back and starts pummeling away as he is still struggling to get to his feet. He spin kicks Don in the back of the right knee, causing him to once again go down on a single knee. X hits the ropes and charges looking for a running splash.
Pierce Donovan: The Rogue is beating the living hell out of Don! We've never seen any one do this to him! Incredible speed by X!
But suddenly Don stands up and catches him, and reverses it into a massive deep six slam, silencing the hot crowd. X is laid out on his back and Don is on his hands and knees recovering.
Jasper Phoenix: Well that certainly shut this crowd down. You know how you counter speed? Raw power. That's what Don Marshall is, all power, and that's all one needs in this business I say! Brilliant counter by the big man, swatting X out of the air like a fly! Took the air right out of him, giving him time to slow down and recover himself. Bobby has certainly coached his boys proper.
Don slowly gets up and grabs X by the back of the neck, bring him up. He immediately hits him over the back of the neck with a clubbing hammer blow, sending X back flat on the mat. He follows by casually walking over the neck of X with all his weight. Don hangs over the ropes and grins as the crowd boos him. Bobby is finally up now, over selling his injuries constantly, but has made his way to ring side.
Pierce Donovan: Well, well, look what decided to crawl back from the sewers. Don absolutely mauling X right now, however.
Don brings X to a vertical base. Lifts him with both hands by the throat and begins to choke him in the air, to the referee’s chagrin. He ends the maneuver with a sit-down slam as Bobby laughs on the outside. He begins to yell at Don and pointing under the ring.
Jasper Phoenix: Bobby instructing his man that this is indeed a tables match, and that he should finish it right here and now. I support this brilliance.
Don slides to the outside, and begins to search under the apron. He pulls out a table to a mix of cheers and boos, as part of the blood thirsty crowd can’t help be show their excitement for potential violence. Bobby claps and cheers on his man. Don shows off his power by man-handling the table and sliding it with easy into the ring, and follows suit.
Pierce Donovan: X is in trouble here ladies and gentlemen. If Don sets this table up, and puts him through it in any way, the match is over. Come on mate!
Jasper Phoenix: Give up Pierce, it's not happening tonight. The law is about to be enforced!
The crowd begins to clap in unison in hopes of bringing The Rogue back into play as Don slowly sets the table in the middle of the ring. X is on his hands and knees finally making his way to his feet, but the big man stomps him back down. Don kicks him a few more times for good measure. He then bends over and grabs the smaller X, and bring him to his feet. He begins to setup for a powerbomb.
Jasper Phoenix: Here we go! This might be all she wrote right here, Don is going to burry this poor soul through that table!
Or is he? X comes back to life and starts throwing down fists in Don’s face, causing him stumble. Don recovers, and looks to try and power through the punches! He’s about to slam X down but X sticks his thumb in Don’s eye in desperation. Don screams and falls backwards grabbing his face, which unfortunately also sends X face first into the top rope. Both men are hurt.
Pierce Donovan: Tenacity and desperation by The Rogue. He’s not going down yet! Reminder this is indeed a no disqualification match!
Jasper Phoenix: You wouldn’t be singing the same praises if the shoe was on the other foot, you traitorous dog!
Both men are slow to recover and get on their feet, but the young gun is the first to start off a new offense. He nails Don with a nasty uppercut. And another, and another. Big man is out on his feet. X is on fire, he hops over and onto the ropes, and hits a beautiful springboard dropkick square in the middle of Don’s chest. Marshall flies back and lays on top of the set-up table in the middle of the ring.
Pierce Donovan: He's down! He's got the big guy down on the table! Here we go! He's about to fly!
Jasper Phoenix: Hogwash! Get up Donny!
X points to the table, then to the top ropes, as the crowd comes roaring back to his side. He goes to the right turnbuckles and begins his climb as Don swats invisible flies laying on top of the lumber. X is on the top now, he slows stands up with his arms to his side, fingers pointing up. The crowd is getting louder and louder, he’s about to take off.
Pierce Donovan: Up he goes!
But he feels something tugging at his leg. It’s Bobby Tremblay, holding on to his right boot. X starts to kick back and eventually kicks off the manager who again falls back to his ass. The crowd is not impressed. X sets back up. He finally leaps off, into a Phoenix Splash about to crash onto Don. However, with the extra time allowed, Don rolls off the table, bringing himself, and the tables sidesways to the mat. This causes X to hit the mat awkwardly and painfully. The match continues.
Pierce Donovan: I absolutely agree with the sentiment of this crowd. Bobby Tremblay is an absolute nuisance and he should be escorted out of the building. He just cost Rogue the match without even batting an eye. Is there no tactic he won't be below?
Jasper Phoenix: You sir, are an idiot. Bobby Tremblay esquire is earning his keep and protecting his client. This is exactly why he's the best manager in the business. Results. He gets them. Any means necessary. I respect him.
The referee checks on both men as they wither in pain on the floor. Bobby laughs on the ground as he relishes in his actions. Don gets to his feet first, and kicks the down table out of his way in frustration. He gets into a huddle position as he observes X get up. As X turns around, he nails him with a pump kick big boot, much to Bobby’s delight. Don begins to point and yell at X as he twitches a little bit on the ground.
Pierce Donovan: This is just getting nasty and dangerous now. Come on kid, get out of there. And now what is that slimeball up to?
Bobby walks to the announcers table and grabs a steel chair and slides into the ring. He motions to it after getting Don’s attention. Big Don walks over and grabs the chair, much to the crowd's ire. He slowly lifts it over X, who’s slowly getting up on his hands and knees, and drills him square it the back. Rogue screams in pain and falls over grabbing his neck and back. Bobby signals to hit him again, and Don wastes no times and slams the chair into him back again. Don lifts the chair with one hand over his head admiring his handy work, as Bobby prances on the outside clapping.
Pierce Donovan: Honestly, I have no words. These men simply disgust me, plain and simple. Pure cowardice.
Jasper Phoenix: More like pure intelligence Pierce, this is a no disqualification match, Work smart, not hard!
X, however, has no quit in his body. As Don taunts the crowd, he manages to painfully get to his feet. Bobby yells at Don to turn around. Don turns and swings the chair looking to decapitate X, but he ducks and runs under it. X hits the opposing ropes, and runs back at Don at blistering speed. He takes flight and lifts both his leg for a picture-perfect leg lariat, smashing the chair onto Don’s face. Don is down but still holding onto the chair. X hits the ropes again and obliterates Don with a bomaye to the chair and face. The crowd goes nuts.
Jasper Phoenix: What? Impossible! Impossible!
Pierce Donovan: That's the spirit of X in action! The word quit is simply not in his vocabulary. This crowd is behind him, too, and he's using that to do things no normal man can do. This is why I love this damn sport!
Bobby gets up on the apron again, looking to cause more mayhem. X has had enough, and simply throws the chair at him. Bobby gets hit in the face and falls down to the absolute delight of the crowd. LETS GO ROGUE! LETS GO ROGUE! LETS GO ROGUE!
Pierce Donovan: Finally, get your ass out of here you damn coward!
Jasper Phoenix: Oh no! Bobby! No!
He gets on Don’s back and manages to lock in Purgator Chains as Don wriggles in pain! He taps but this obviously is not that kind of match, so X continues to hold it. Don finally manages to overpower the young man and toss him off his back. X and Don both fall through the ropes to the outside.
Pierce Donovan: Purgatory Chains! But they go tumbling to the outside. Don is hurt here though ladies and gentlemen. X had that locked in deep, and for a long time. The damage to his arm and windpipes should slow him down significantly.
Both men slowly rise and throw back slow punches one after the other, neither of which are very effective at this point in the match. Don goes for a running lariat but X jumps over it, onto the apron. Don turns around and is met with a kick to the jaw. X leaps off and lands on Don’s shoulders, spins and flips him over for a hurricanrana to the floor. He throws up a punch in the air pumping up the crowd.
Pierce Donovan: More high flying assaults from the phenomenal Rogue! Is there anythingthis kid can't do! Wait a minute! Watch out Jasper!
Jasper Phoenix: *inaudible screaming*
He grabs and throws Don towards the announcers’ tables, who immediately clear off. Don hits it back first and tries to recover, but X runs up towards him and spears him on to the annouce table. X lays on top of Don, who is laying on the announce table for a moment. X gets up and punches his own chest in excitement, then points to the ring ropes
Jasper Phoenix: This maniac almost killed us!
Pierce Donovan: We are back on audio. Watch out now! Here comes Saus! OH MY GOD!
X with ungodly balance, jumps from the table to the side of the ring, and rapidly climbs the turnbuckle. He uses his hands to aim, and this time, there’s no one there to stop him, with Bobby Tremblay still withering on the ground. X gets some huge air with his jump and spins into a 630 splash! He crashes through Don, who goes through the announce table! The crowd goes wild in celebration as X has just won the match!
Pierce Donovan: That's it! That's it! What an incredible move to end the match! Saus X has defied all the odds, overcame the numbers game! He's gotten his revenge on The Northern Touch!
X slowly gets up clutching his ribs and neck, as the referee checks in and is about to lift his arm. However, no bell has been heard yet and an annoying familiar voice gets on the mic.
Bobby Tremblay: Nice try! But Mr. Referee, you should have also read the fine print in the match contract! This match isn’t over at all!
The crowd boos loudly in confusion as Don clearly went through the announce table. What the hell is going on here.
Bobby Tremblay: The announcers’ table is NOT a sanctioned table in this match, only the tables provided outside and under the ring are legitimate! So don’t you dare ring that bell!
Pierce Donovan: Are you kidding me?
Jasper Phoenix: I’ve gotten word from the officials in the back, and Bobby is indeed correct that our now destroyed announcers table is NOT part of the match, and also, that Mr. X will be charged for property damage.
Pierce Donovan: What kind of sway does this shady Bobby character have back there. This is garbage...
Jasper Phoenix: It’s the RULES Pierce. Show some integrity!
The referee listens to a feed in his ear, shakes his head and backs away, motioning the match is still going on. X is beside himself, and walks towards Bobby. Don is still recovering on the ground, so the sneaky manager has no one to protect him or anywhere to run. X grabs him by the chest and smiles and raises his fist as Bobby shields his face pathetically.
Pierce Donovan: That's right Bobby you better be scared! Get him out of here!
However, before his fist comes down, more chaos ensures. A man has jumped over the railing, unknown to X. He runs up and superkicks Rogue in the face. It’s Jean-Louis Gagnon! He superkicks X in the face again for good measure as Rogue releases a once again grinning Tremblay. He yells at Jean-Louis to destroy him.
Jasper Phoenix: There's that big brain move I was waiting for Pierce! I told you not to count these guys out!
Pierce Donovan: This is just pathetic now....I can't watch this crap.
Jean-Louis grabs the earlier discard chair and goes to town on X’s back, bashing him over and over, while yelling insults at him in french. After a few moments, a beaten up Don joins them. X is laying unconscious on the floor now. Don and Gagnon grab a new table from on of the corners and sets it up on the side of the ring.
Pierce Donovan: Somebody put a damn stop to this!
Jasper Phoenix: This is why you should always be careful what you wish for!
Pierce Donovan: Now come on! No! Don't do this!
Bobby motions his thumb to the sky. Don grabs a lifeless X and puts his head between his legs. Jean-Louis gets on the top turnbuckle inside the ring. Don lifts X’s corpse up in a powerbomb position and starts to slams him down towards the table. Simultaneously, Gagnon leaps from the turnbuckle and adds even more devastation to the move by stomping down on X’s chest. The table explodes and the referee rings the bell, equally disgusted as the crowd. Game over.
Jasper Phoenix: Goodnight, sweet prince!
Pierce Donovan: I can't even...
The crowd boos as Reina gets on the mic and announces Don Marshall as the winner. All three men hug over the body of the screwed over Rogue. Don and Gagnon then begin to stomp down on X, like a pack of vultures.
Before they can finish their work, however, Killer Kandy comes flying out from the back with a chair, and swings it wildly at Jen-Louis, who barely dodges on time. Don, Bob and Jean-Louis take off like cowardly dogs, over the railing, legs between their legs into the crowd as they cheer Kandy making the save. She decides to check on X rather than give chase at this time, as the heels escape.
Pierce Donovan: Killer Kandy is here, and she's looking for revenge of her own! The Touch run away like scared dogs into the night! Thank the lord someone finally has some sense here!

The clock's running out

Sean Classic: We're gonna need to know what you plan on doing about this?
Thawne just has no time for Sean today.
Sean Classic: If Sean Cutter Jr. isn't released into my recognizance by the end of the night, we're going to need you to terminate his employ here or we're going to be forced to shut down this company.
The lovely lady hands Thawne a legal brief explaining her power of attorney to shut down any further proceedings until the safe return of one of its executives.

Just a little quid pro quo

Sean Cutter, his hair slicked back and his chest popped is strutting down backstage towards his office, with a large stack of important looking papers under his right arm. As he makes his way to his office, The Texas Succubus crosses his path: none other than Liberty Oliviera Lawson, freshly signed to AMA.
Sean Classic: Well, well, look what the cat dragged in. Aren’t you a site for sore eyes, sweetheart? Please, tell me that everything is to your liking so far?
Liberty Oliviera Lawson: Mmm.
She looks Cutter up and down and so far likes what she sees.
Liberty Oliviera Lawson: I like everything I see, daddy.
Liberty puts on a devilish smirk much to Sean Cutter’s delight. He’s obviously enjoying this type of attention.
Sean Classic: Likewise. So, when do I get the pleasure of admiring your work? I’d love to get a front row seat, would not want to miss the view.
Liberty Oliviera Lawson: Afraid you’ll have to wait longer to see little ol me, daddy. These limp dicks backstage haven’t booked me for shit yet. Like seriously, they haven’t booked any of this!
Liberty points at her bomb body and does a saucy dance that she thinks the fans love of so much. Sean certainly does, as he readjusts his tie.
Sean Classic: Miss Liberty, was it? Let me assure you that I will do everything in my power to change that right away.
Sean says as he pushes his sunglasses back up his face.
Sean Classic: Sean Cutter knows GOLD when he sees it.
Liberty Oliviera Lawson: Oh you won’t regret that, Daddy. That’s a promise.
Liberty drags her finger across Sean’s jaw and winks at him. She walks away in style, as Sean’s eyes follow her like a pendulum. He smirks and walks into his office. A voice makes him jump off his feet.
Bobby Tremblay: I do love to watch the master at work, Cut.
Sean Classic: Bobby you prick, sneaky bastard as always too.
Bobby Tremblay: The more time goes on , the more things stay the same, as they say.
Sean sits down and they both light a cigar. Bobby is wearing his usual stylish attire and his patent pink sunglasses.
Both men have a long hug and slap each others backs.
Sean Classic: So..I’ve been thinking...
Bobby Tremblay: You've been thinking about the old times, and the old promotion, aren’t you? Let me guess, you miss ol Bobby doing the producing behind the scenes, helping you pull the strings, helping you bury the right folk...
Bobby is smirking, knowing he can read his old friend like a book. Sean shrugs and lets out a small playful laugh.
Sean Classic: Keep your voice down a bit Bob...But yes. This AMA business, it’s already being run by amateurs. There’s no doubt that it needs proper management. Seasoned management. Men like us, who know who to get things done, and who know how to make this place lucrative.
Bobby suddenly looks insulted and angry. He looks like he's about to leave, but first looks up at Sean with a very serious look.
Bobby Tremblay: After all these years...Like you’d even have to ask!
They both burst out laughing, loudly enough for the entire floor to hear.
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Open Invitational
Battle Royal Gauntlet for the Gold Rush Eliminator
The Last Man Standing Wins

Pierce Donovan: Ladies and Gentlemen, we’ve now come to a marquee match this evening. This match will have huge implications for the upcoming championship tournament Jasper.
Jasper Phoenix: That’s right Pierce, a number one seed in play in this battle royal matchup. Highest stakes we’ve seen up to date in this young company!
Reina de la Cruz: The following contest is an over-the-top rope battle royal, with the winner being awarded the top seed in the Rush for Goooooold! Entering at number 1! THE FRANCHISE! STEVE SANDERS!
Sanders comes out from the top of the arena to a hero’s welcome. He makes his way down the arena steps towards the ring as fans pat him on the back along the way. HE struts inside the ring and poses on the turnbuckle to the jubilation of Texas.
Reina de la Cruz: And his starting opponent, from your HOME STATE OF TEXAS! They call her the Texas Terror, my personal crush, LIBERTY! OLIVIERA! LAWWWWSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!
The crowd erupts as Down in Texas rocks the PA system. The whole stadium shakes as the hometown queen comes out, fist pumping at the crowd and getting them even more wild. She makes her way down at an intense pace, staring daggers into Sander. She rolls under the bottom rope, pop, back up, and raises her hand in the air as she comes face to face, nose to nose, with the self-proclaimed franchise. The official separates the two and sends them to their corners.
Pierce Donovan: Now this is a fierce woman with attitude Jasper. Maybe not the most loved way of talking, but in her homestate, Liberty will not be denied her glory!
Jasper Phoenix: She's my kind of woman Pierce, Southern and Dirty! Here's Reina with the rules.
Reina de la Cruz: Following the bell, a new contestant will enter the ring every 45 seconds, until all 10 participants have entered the ring! You are eliminated if you go over the top rope and land on the floor. That’s all folks! Let’s get ready for some MAYHEEEEEEEEM
Ding ding ding
The counter begins on the Thawne-Tron and the match officially begins. The crowd is behind both competitors, but favoring the Texan, as to be expected. She does a sexy pose in front of the crowd and Sanders. He shrugs and slaps her. She gasps and grabs her face in horror. Sanders approaches and she throat chops him. She laughs.
Pierce Donovan: Liberty immediately going to her bag of tricks to overcome the size advantage. Again, maybe a bit dirty.
Jasper Phoenix: And again, I love me a dirty woman! Like that Floyd tune!
She locks Sanders with a headlock, and sends him to the ropes with an Irish whip. She attempts to lariat but Sanders absorbs the blow and stands tall. Both wrestlers exchange punches and forearms as the crowd continues to roar.
Jasper Phoenix: The Thunder from Down Under!
Pierce Donovan: Norman looks to be in a foul mood tonight as well. That size is going to be a problem for the rest of the field.
Exotic aboriginal music starts and out comes Norman, lightly jogging to the ring with ease despite his large 300-pound frame. He walks over the top rope and hits a double lariat, sending both Sanders and Liberty to the mat, as the crowd boos. He begins to stomp down on both. He picks up Liberty, put her on his shoulders, and hits a Samoa Drop. He sticks his tongue out and slashes his throat as the crowd becomes more unruly.
Pierce Donovan: Well that didn't take long!
Jasper Phoenix: Such raw power from Norman, good god he's inhuman!
Sanders gets to his feet and tries to land a right hand but its blocked, and Norman decks him back. Norman picks up Sanders in a vertical suplex and stalls him. He begins to walk towards the ropes but Liberty, now up, kicks him in the back of the knee. Norman drops sanders forward who hits the top rope gut first and lands feet first on the outside apron.
Pierce Donovan: Sanders is in trouble here on the apron, he needs to be very careful how he plans this next. You do not want to be here in a match of this nature.
Jasper Phoenix: Reckless as usual he is. Great opportunistic strike by Liberty. Girl's got game!
Norman hits Liberty with an overhand clubbing blow to the back of the neck, and spins around. He goes to push Sanders out but Franchise ducks and drives his shoulder through the middle rope into Norman’s stomach. Sanders jumps back in and tries to nail Norman with a clothesline. Norman counter with a huge choke toss on Liberty. Both fall to the ground.
Pierce Donovan: wow what a dangerous sequence! All back into the ring now. But hold on now, the timer is expiring. Listen to this crowd:
Baby Metal blasts out of the speakers, it’s Yuki Blossom! She smiles and waves at an erupted crowd, thrilled to see the young Japanese starlet make her USA debut. She hops along the ramps giving high fives. With both Sanders and Liberty licking their wounds on the mat, Norman puts his hands on his hips and scoffs as Yuki approaches the ring.
Pierce Donovan: YES! YUKIIIIIII! She's here, she's in AMA finally! Yuki Blossom has come across from Japan! Listen to this crowd, isn't she wonderful and cute Jasper:
Jasper Phoenix: Much like Norman, I remain thoroughly unimpressed by this obnoxious creature.
Yuki walks up to the large Norman, but he holds his hand up and pushes her away dismissively. She answers with a taunt and a chop, which Norman easily absorbs and laughs off. Yuki huffs and puts her hands on her hips. Sanders crawls behinds Norman. Yuki rips behind her and hits the ropes and flies back with a drop kick on Norman. Norman tumbles behind and trips over the body Sanders. He falls backwards towards the opposing ropes and rests on them to stop his momentum. Yuki hits the ropes again, this time stepping on top of a kneeled Liberty, and jumps at Norman with a flying him attack, sending him over the top rope and stumbling on the apron for balance.
Pierce Donovan: Yuki is on fire here! She's hitting everything in sight like a missile!
Jasper Phoenix: OH CANADAAAA!
Brandon Roberts is here! He makes his elaborate entrance down the ramp and hops in the ring. During his entrance, Liberty Sanders and Yuki are attempting to push Norman onto the floor, to no avail. Norman beats modes them off him and puts one foot over the rope. Out of nowhere, Brendon Roberts runs over and drop kicks him right in the face. Norman falls back and to the outside of the ring. Norman has been eliminated. Brandon closes his eyes and soaks in some boos and cheers from the mixed crowd.
Jasper Phoenix: Genius! Brilliant! What a big brain play by the Canadian icon! Takes the big guy right out as everyone is playing patty cake! Just beautiful!
Pierce Donovan: Hard to disagree with you that in this match, these types of tactics are favored indeed. Making Brandon most possibly the most dangerous competitor in this match. But here comes Sanders!
Jasper Phoenix: And the chaos is only beginning!
Sanders forearms him from the side. Yuki and Liberty square up. Liberty does her sexy pose, Yuki slaps her ass and says then bring it, bitch! They go off and go punch of punch and fight into the corner. In the opposing corner, Sanders and Roberts, also teeing off one after the other. Fists are flying in Texas! Sanders and Yuki gets the upper hand and both put their opponents in the corner. Both climb the second rope and rain punches down on their opponent. Crowd is going mad with cheers and boos!
Pierce Donovan: Punches in Stereo!
It’s none other than Misandry! She’s sheepishly making her way out of the entrance. Suddenly, the lights go out. A spot light hits the middle of the ramp, to a kneeling shadowy figure with a hood. They pull up the hood. It’s MONSTRUO! Misandry shrieks loudly across the arena as the action comes to a full stop In the ring. Misandry takes off back to the dressing room, and Circo gives chase! That was weird...
Pierce Donovan: ...Well. For those confused at home. Misandry appears to have really pissed of Circo tonight, and it seems he's given her chase, now. Misandry, clearly, will not be competition tonight it seems?
Jasper Phoenix: This is why I was against the hiring of that clown. Nonsense. This is professional wrestling for goodness sake!
Back in the ring, the heels take advantage and turn the tables and hit some respective cheap shots. They struggle to get their opponent over the tope rope, but they are currently stalling.
Cowboy music begins and out comes Don Marshall, cracking his knuckles and trying to hide some bandages around his lower ribs from his earlier match in the evening. He gets to the bottom of the ring, smiles, and stops. The Northern Touch theme hits and out comes Johnny Lou, quickly jogging down to join his partner outside the ring. Regardless of timing and protest from the outside official, both men get in the ring simultaneously after deucing up.
Pierce Donovan: What the hell are these officials doing? There is a timer for a reason! Northern touch again just disregarding any rules they don't like. This is just bullshit once again. Sick of these creeps!
Jasper Phoenix: You hate 'em because you ain't 'em Pierce. There's no DQ tonight! What the hell are you going to do about it! Keep crying! Brilliant shit!
Pierce Donovan: And let me guess, they are going to sandbag Sanders now....
With all three Canadians now in the ring, they pounce. Liberty and Yuki continue to brawl in one corner. Brandon, Johnny and Don triple team Sanders. They take turns punching and kicking him down in the corner. Don picks him off the corner, lifts him with both hands and choke him above his head, then drops him on his back. Don and Johnny deuce it up, and offer it up Brandon. Who takes part too! Roberts and Johnny pick Sanders up in the air. Don makes a mocking grunting noise “ou ah!”. They place him on his shoulders. Team buckle bomb. They admire their handy work, forgetting the clock.
Pierce Donovan: Mockery and insult to injury. I cannot say how much myself and this crowd hate these chumps! Absolute joke! Cowards.
Jasper: I personally am a big fan of our Northern Brethren and am appalled that you would speak ill of them. Shame on you Pierce.
Pierce Donovan: Well how's this for a damn equalizer!
Buffalo Jones is back! He’s running the ring! The crowd finally cheers again. He slides under the bottom rope into the ring. Dodges a Roberts lariat, neckbreaker. Back on his feet, Lou rushes him at full speed, but Buffalo answers with a huge back body drop! Here comes the big man though. Don comes in with a big boot. Blocked by Jones, claps back with a big right hand, and another, and another. Crowd going nuts! Locks Don up, and lifts him up in a suplex! Lou cuts him off with a lower back kick. Buffalo releases Don back on his feet. Don hits the big boot.
Jasper Phoenix: That will shut this crowd up! As quick as he came, shut down, hahaha!
Pierce Donovan: The numbers game really taking it's toll at the moment, with the three canucks leading the charge.
Opposing corner, Liberty and Yuki still beating the crap out of each other. Big right hand Liberty. Liberty charges Yuki in the corner, goes for a bronco buster. Yuki falls to her rear and slides under, Liberty crashes and burns. Yuki follows up with a jumping neckbreaker In the corner. Both women are on the mat now. Yuki tries to lift her but Terror grabs on to an arm and flips her into a cross arm breaker!
Jasper Phoenix: Oh no...what the...
Pierce Donovan: Oh hell yeah! Here we go dammit!
Its’s Killer Kandy! And she brought a friend! Kandi is stomping her way to the ring, swearing up a storm, a steel chair in her right hand. She’s got Lou in her crosshairs! She makes it into the ring. She swings at Johnny but Brandon grabs the chair for behind her! He eats a kick in the nuts for his trouble from Kandy! She continues to hunt down Johnny with the chair. Don Marshall attempts to stand in her way now, she swings the chair but he simply shrugs it off. Buffalo Jones comes to life, however, and lands a huge lariat from the side! Sanders is coming alive too, and both he and Jones commence in beating down the larger Marshall.
Jasper Phoenix: Run Lou! Run!
Pierce Donovan: Kandy's got him locked in here, he's cornered!
Johnny has nowhere to go! He dodges the first swing from Kandy, barely. She swings low the second time, so he hops onto the tope rope and walks along it. She swings again but he simply jumps over it and lands on the ropes again! The crowd gasps and boos. Kandy looks frustrated as she can’t seem land a hit in. Gagnon is now looking cocky, and taunts her grabbing his crotch. A lightbulb goes off in Kandy’s head. She swings the chair, but at the top ropes on purpose! Johnny slips and falls balls first on the top rope!
Pierce Donovan: Some poetic justice! How nice!
Jasper Phoenix: Damn you Kandy, that's cheating! That's low!
He grabs his jewels in pain to the crowd’s delight. Kandy swings the chair again and cracks him in the face! Johnny falls over and onto the floor! Johnny Lou Gagnon has been eliminated!
Pierce Donovan: One bastard down!
Kandy starts celebrating as Johnny rages to the outside. Suddenly, he grabs her feet. She tries to swing the chair to free herself but Johnny is too low. Brandon Roberts sneaks from behind and flips her over the top rope! Oh no! Killer Kandy has been eliminated as well. Well, since were here! Kandi and Johnny start to brawl once again, and leak into the crowd as Johnny slowly tries to escape her wrath.
Jasper Phoenix: Another brilliant elimination by Brandon! What a genius!
Pierce Donovan: Kandy isn't done however, there they go into the crowd. This can't end well...
The match is suddenly interrupted as an unknown track hits the speakers. Peruvian Cocaine by Immortal Technique is playing as the crowd mumbles in confusion. Out comes a well dressed Mexican man with bulging muscles and an immaculate white suit. At his side, a beautiful Latina woman hangs on his arm, a microphone is her other. She’s wearing an extremely revealing golden cut dress, draped in expensive diamonds.

Baroness: I am the Baroness, and this, is Sicario. We have been very generously paid by a mutual friend of AMA’s big, bad Steve Sanders. *she scoffs* And my man Sicario, the most dangerous and powerful wrestling gangster in Mexico...Well he’s come to make sure that you, Steven, are not the last man standing. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Pierce Donovan: What the hell?
Jasper Phoenix: I'm getting word that Sean Cutter Sr. has personally brought this talent in AMA on his own dime. Flew him on a private jet to enter this match. Seems to me Sanders has bit off more than he can chew and has made enemies he might regret now Pierce!
Sicario bolts to the ring and immediately attacks Steve Sanders with vicious punches and kicks. Don Marshall and Buffalo Jones are having a hoss fight in another corner. In the third, Yuki has broken out of the cross-arm breaker, and has his a hurricanrana on Liberty. She’s climbing the tope rope looking for an elbow drop! In the meantime, ever the opportunist, Brandon Roberts attacks Sanders from behind. Sicario and Roberts double team Steve, who once again has no time to breath or recover due to the numbers game.
Pierce Donovan: For Pete's sake, Sanders once again getting bumrushed by multiple people. All night long he's been pushing up and swimming against the tide.
Jasper Phoenix: Don't bite the hand that feeds, Pierce. Simple but good life lesson.
Back in the hoss corner, Don lands an uppercut on Buffalo. Buffalo answers with a left hook. Big Boot by Don, no sold, flying lariat. Both men come crashing together to the mat as the ring shakes. In the women’s corner, Yuki takes flight! Rose Thorn hits Liberty right in the heart! Yuki struggle to pick her up and begins to try and get Terror over the top rope!
Pierce Donovan: Yuki and Liberty looking to send each other over the tope now! Yuki on the outside but The Texas Terror isn't quite quitting yet!
Sicario and Roberts work together and hit a team-up suplex on Sanders. Sicario climbs the top rope, and taunts. Roberts goes to hold down the legs of Sanders, but the crafty veteran sits up quickly , and eye pokes him! Sanders grabs Robert and pulls him towards him on his way back to laying down. Sicario goes flying off the top rope, but MALFUNCTION AT THE JUNCTION! He hits Roberts instead. Roberts is hurt and tumbles backwards towards the ropes. Sicario goes to apologize, but Sanders has a burst of speed! He rushes Roberts and lands a lariat, sending Roberts over the top rope and to the outside. Brendon Roberts has been eliminated.
Pierce Donovan: Great ring awareness by Sanders! That's all she wrote for Brandon Roberts!
The two hosses are back on their feet as Sicario laments Robert’s elimination. Sanders is gassed and hanging on to the top rope, smiling. Don and Buffalo lock up and Don over powers, and sends Buffalo flying with a full powered Irish whip. Buffalo goes flying into the ropes, which sends Sanders towards Sicario and the tumble off into the corner. Out of nowhere, as Buffalo attempts to recover, Don comes at him furiously with pump kick to the jaw. Jones flies over the top rope and onto the floor. Buffalo Jones has been eliminated.
Pierce Donovan: What a pump kick by Don Marshall. Great effort by Jones, but no one is getting up from that. Shame.
Don’s foot, however, is momentarily stuck in the top rope. Yuki is being blocked still by Liberty, but sees it at the corner of her eye. She lets go of Liberty, and runs under Don. She grabs his left foot and lifts it with all her might, surprising the big man. Before he can catch his balance, Don is over the rope and onto the floor himself! Don Marshall has been eliminated!
Pierce Donovan: Can you believe it! Can you believe it! Yuki Blossom! Yuki Blossom takes out Don Marshall with some brilliant speed and execution! Oh my god what an upset!
Jasper Phoenix: B U L L S H I T!
Yuki celebrates as the crowd cheers in amazement. Sanders claps and laughs. Sicario appears angry and dejected at the numbers game evaporating. The Baroness climbs to the apron and yells at Yuki and calls her a Puta!
Pierce Donovan: Now wait, what's this Baroness doing? She's not part of this match!
Yuki grabs Baroness by the hair and goes to strike her, but here’s Liberty! She punches Yuki in the back of the head, and throws her violently over the top rope! The crowd can’t even muster to cheer for the hometown girl after those villainous actions! Yuki Blossom has been eliminated. Baroness drops back down to the floor and stands over Yuki and yells at her in Spanish over and over.
Pierce Donovan: give me a damn break! Yuki puts all that heart and effort, all that drive. She takes Don out, and this hussy just snatches away her chances for no reason!
Jasper Phoenix: Mess with the bull, get the horns!
And then there were three. Sicario, Liberty and Sanders remain. Liberty and Sicario look at each other, and smirk. Looks like Sanders is about to once again be outnumbered. Liberty charges first with a running punch, but Sanders manages to dodge. Sicario comes in with a pump kick, Sanders side steps, gut kick, DDT! Crowds gets to their feet. Liberty once again attempts to attack but Sanders is finally finding his rhythm and counters her with an exploding suplex, sending her into the corner head first. Sanders is going wild and walks around the ring shoulders loose as the crow chants SANDERS!
Pierce Donovan: Sanders going to that place! Get the hell out of his way!
This guy is a lunatic and should be institutionalized!
Liberty grabs her neck in the corner and slides under the bottom rope to recover on the floor legally. Sanders signals Sicario to get his ass up. Baroness makes her way on the apron again. Sicario slowly rises to his feet, misses a punch, and gets downed again by a huge leaping lariat by Sanders. Sicario is stunned and grabbing his face on the floor. Baroness begins to berate Sanders from the apron. But within a moment, Yuki is on her feet and yanks her back to the floor! Yuki smokes Baroness with a forearm, and suplexes her on the outside. She applies the Yuki Lock as the crowd goes absolutely batshit! She lets it go, taunts her in Japanese, and leaves the Baroness withering in agony.
Pierce Donovan: atta girl Yuki! That will teach her not to get involved in your business!
Jasper Phoenix: That's assault!
Back in the ring, Sicario dazed...DIRTY DEEDS! Pops back on his feet, CHOSEN ONE SUPER KICK. Sicario flies backwards to the ropes. CHOSEN ONE super kick again, Sicario flies over the top rope the floor! The plan has failed, Sicario has been eliminated!
Jasper Phoenix: Someone is getting fired after the show. I wouldn't want to be any of these guys working for Cutter later....
Pierce Donovan: Oh boo hoo! Final 2!
Sanders looks over the tope rope and smiles but Liberty attacks from behind, having slid back into the ring during the chaos. They brawl, Sanders pushes her off. Sanders goes for a flying lariat, Liberty counters into a blue thunder bomb! Goes to for the leg lock but Sander kicks her off. Liberty goes for the cross-face transition, Sanders overpowers, back body drop. Both are stunned and take time getting back to their feet.
Pierce Donovan: Both are tired, beaten and battered. Great back and forth. Hard to say who's on top here.
Liberty up first, head lock. She jumps up and tries to land the X-Factor, but Sanders blocks and hold her up in the air. Liberty rains down punches as Sanders struggles to hold her her. They fall over close to the rings. Liberty on the apron, Sanders on the inside. They relock up. Knees through the ropes from Liberty, Jawbreaker from Sanders rocks Liberty. Sanders goes for a right hand, Liberty ducks and lands a shoulder block to the lungs. The struggle to suplex each other, both blocking with punches and knees.
Pierce Donovan: Oh no dangerous area right now for Liberty! But she's got the arm trapped looking to get Sanders over. Hard to watch, very precarious spot for both
Sanders goes for another right hand but Liberty grabs it, and jumps up and wraps her long legs around it in a modified, thought the ropes arm-breaker. Sanders struggles to stay in the ring and begins to slowly go over the top rope. Liberty pulls down hard but can’t get a good grip. Sanders punches down but Liberty won’t let go. Sanders slips, to Liberty’s surprise, and goes over the top rope. The momentum carries Liberty, however! Both Liberty and Sanders falls to the ground at the same time, and no winner is obvious. The crowd erupts in cheers, boos and confusion! Both Sanders and Liberty celebrate in pain on the ground.
Pierce Donovan: Sanders did it!
Jasper Phoenix: No it's clear he landed first, Liberty has won!
Reina de la Cruz: Upon further review, I have been informed that Steve Sanders....AND LIBERTY...both landed exactly at the same time! Therefor, both will be awarded with a number one seed at Gold Rush!
Pierce Donovan: Awesome!
Jasper Phoenix: BULLSHIT!
The cheering crowd is interrupted by the sound of a mic.
Shabazz Hamad: Excuse me, Mr. Sanders. Excuse me! Congratulations on your....victory, let's call it that. But if you're done playing your little children's games...My client would like a word. We still have unfinished business, you see. And later tonight, I'd like to see you try and be the last man standing when faced with true FEAR.
He taps Pariah on the back as Hamad walks down the ramps. Liberty attempts to cut them off, but the behemoth grabs her by the face and tosses her into the guardrail. Liberty clutches her sides in agony.
Shabazz Hamad: So what do you say, Mr. Sanders? Do you have the guts to face my client tonight one on one? Or with you let the fear embody you and swallow you whole?
Steve Sanders: Shut the hell up. You want a damn match Pariah? All you had to do was ask like a man. You got it!
The crowd erupts at the prospect.
Steve Sanders: Shit why waste any time. I'm here, you're here....Let's boogie right now!
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Last Man Standing
the first man to incapacity his opponent long enough for a referee 10 count wins
"The Franchise" Steve Sanders vs. "The Fear Incarnate" Pariah (w/ Shabazz Hamad)

Pierce Donovan: This is the match that I know everyone has been waiting for, the showcase event and the match that arguably our entire show has been leading to. The Last Man Standing match between Pariah and Steve Sanders.
Jasper Phoenix: And to make this contest even better, we are joined at the commentary table by the Blueblood and the Big Brain Christopher McMichaels. Welcome to the table Christopher, and can I just say congratulations in claiming an impressive victory earlier tonight.
Christopher McMichaels: It is a great pleasure to be joining you at the table Jasper, although I’m not sure why Oliver Thawne didn’t just let Pierce take the rest of the night off.
Jasper Phoenix: If only, right?
Pierce Donovan: You both realise I can hear everything you are saying?
Christopher McMichaels: If you weren’t here, why would I be making these jokes about you Pierce. I thought you were meant to be the academic at the desk, whilst Jasper was the personality. There is really no need to be so sensitive, when you are sitting alongside true wrestling greatness. As much as I would love to talk about myself, perhaps you should start acting professionally and focus on tonight’s match?
Jasper Phoenix: Come on Donovan, try to act professional already! You shouldn’t be talking when someone’s entrance music is playing.
“Baby I’m Bleeding” by JPEGMAFIA begins to play around the Dickies Arena as the lights dim all throughout the place. Shabazz Hamad struts onto the stage wearing an expensive looking maroon suit, and stands still right in the center of the stage. Once the beat drops and JPEGMAFIA begins delivering his brash and incendiary lyrics, the hulking figure of Pariah steps out from the back. Shabazz Hamad claps his hands together as he steps to the side and holds his arms up, directing everyone’s attention towards his client Pariah.
Reina de la Cruz: Introducing first from the Flatbush neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York... weighing in at 472 pounds... he is “The Living Embodiment of Fear”... PARIAH!
Christopher McMichaels: Pariah is an extremely large man, and would you believe he is heavier than the weight of an average tag-team.
Jasper Phoenix: That is a fun fact Christopher, where did you pick that up from?
Christopher McMichaels: I made sure my butler actually did some work this week, because he sure as hell is getting paid far too much as it is already.
The ultra heavyweight takes his time trudging his way to the ring as Shabazz Hamad trails him, shouting at fans along the aisleway. Pariah steps up to the apron, and then enters the ring by stepping over the top rope. He marches across the ring and bounces off the ropes one time before continuing to scowl at all the fans in attendance, awaiting the start of the match as Shabazz walks past the commentary table and nods his head in McMichaels direction, before banging his fists on the canvas in a clear attempt to hype up his client.
The lights dim down as the guitar riff starts to strum throughout the arena. As the words creep throughout the arena. The words seemingly fading in from different parts of the arena.
The drums kick in as the lights blast on as Sanders is standing there with his back to everyone, his arms slowly rising up away from his body stopping at their full peak. He flips his fingers inward to signal to the crowd, but is met with a mixed reaction from the crowd with it being clear that there are pockets of the audience that are very obviously not fans of Steve Sanders. He spins around on his pivot, his arms now falling to the side. The face of Sanders carries a smug expression. He rests on the stage for a moment looking straight ahead and then around the arena, maintaining his smirk
Reina de la Cruz: From Cincinnati, Ohio weighing in at 230 pounds... he is the Savior of AMA, it's none other than "The Franchise" Steve Sanders!
He starts to walk down the ramp and he is sporting a black leather jacket, with no shirt underneath. The pants are black jeans with some wrestling boots on. The man doesn't stop rolling into the ring as he approaches ringside. He pops up, walking to the middle of the ring as he extends his arms again as if he is a gift from the gods to wrestling. As the music keeps playing, he lowers his arms to his side looking around the ring.
Christopher McMichaels: This guy is a jackass and I am honestly so happy that I am at ringside to watch him get the crap beaten out of him.
Pierce Donovan: I wouldn’t discount Saunders just yet, he has been a very dangerous man through his whole career and he thrives in matches in this environment.
Jasper Phoenix: Pick a side, instead of sitting on the fence and acting like a neutral. Boring!
Sanders stands there removing his jacket and throwing out to ringside, as his ice-cold blue eyes look straight at Pariah as he points with intent and nods towards match official Pearl Peters making it clear that he is ready for the contest to begin.
Sanders walks towards the middle of the ring and invites Pariah with hand movements to join him in the middle, but Pariah just stares straight through Sanders as he holds his position in the corner and shows no sign of meeting Sanders in the middle. Shabazz would shout something at his client, with it clear that he wanted him to move forward, but the monster of the man would just hold his position and remain as still as a statue.
Jasper Phoenix: What on earth is Pariah doing right now, has his software frozen?
Pierce Donovan: I am sure there is a purpose to this approach, although I’m not sure he will take kindly to being compared to a machine.
Jasper Phoenix: You shouldn’t make assumptions like that Pierce, we don’t kink shame here on AMA.
Christopher McMichaels: I never took you for a bigot Pierce, I always thought you were too much of a coward.
Pariah remains still and Sanders looks frustrated as he starts to circle the ring, not quite sure what to do as he starts to slowly edge towards Pariah shouting out and making it clear that he wants Pariah to step forward and fight him like a man, but Pariah stills refuses to move. Finally, Sanders snaps as he charges at Pariah only to run straight into a stiff punch from Pariah who connects with a right hook square in Sander’s jaw. The punch totally catches Steve off guard, as Pariah charges forward grabbing hold of Sanders and charging him into the opposite corner slamming Sanders back first into the turnbuckle, before grabbing hold of Sanders around his waist and sending him downwards with a Sidewalk Slam. Sander, though, pushes himself back up to his feet almost as quickly as he dropped as he slaps Pariah on the back making it clear that it is going to take a lot more than that to keep him down.
Pierce Donovan: Sanders making it clear that he isn’t going to go down without a fight and that it is going to take a lot more than that to keep him down for the ten count.
Jasper Phoenix: Don’t you remember what Pariah did to Shinzo last week? This doesn’t end well for Sanders, and the sooner he realises that the better.
Christopher McMichaels: I totally agree, it is in Sanders best interest to just lie on his back now and get counted out now. Trying to actually win this contest is futile.
Sanders looky tiny in comparison to Pariah, that doesn’t stop him from throwing some generic punches into the side of Pariah’s body in what is clear attempt at felling what looks like an old oak, but ‘The Fear Incarnate’ is absolutely solid as he bats Steve away like a fly pushing him away from and just looking irritated. Like this whole situation is a waste of his time and that he is waiting for the action to begin already. Pariah actually fiddles with his braces, almost as if to indicate that he might be ready to finish the match.
This show of disrespect gets under Sanders skin, as he delivers a few more shots in Pariah’s large mass, before showing his athletic prowess by launching himself off the ground and connecting with a backflip kick square in Pariah’s jaw. The behemoth of the man holds his position and isn’t thrown off balance although there is no denying that the kick surely must have hurt Pariah, even if the big man wasn’t showing it. Sanders would edge forward and chop Pariah in the mid-section, before demanding that Pariah give him his best shot. Pariah would smile and go to smash Sanders with the hardest shot he could muster, only for Sanders to jump into the air and catch his opponent with a high knee smash before using the momentum he had gained from jumping into the air and with the downwards force created would send Pariah down to the mat with a Swinging DDT!
Pierce Donovan: Innovative offensive by Sanders, as he uses Pariah’s sheer body weight against him.
Jasper Phoenix: A bit of an over exaggeration there Donovan, there really is no need to get so excited about a simple DDT.
Pierce Donovan: It was a very clever technical move from Sanders and deserves to be applauded.
Christopher McMichaels: You really are a massive dork aren’t you Christopher, can you at least try to pretend you are paid to do this job?
With Pariah grounded, Sanders would go on the offensive and kick his opposite number in the back of neck with a strong kick before rebounding off the ropes and baseball sliding towards Parian connecting with a low lariat square into Pariah’s neck area before nailing him down onto the canvas with a Cradle DDT-NO! Pariah is able to use his lumbering strength, and rather than be sending face first into the mat he uses all his power to raise Sanders up into the air and hold Sanders up into a military press and then slowly edge towards the ring ropes before tossing Sanders over the ropes and ‘The Franchise’ would up crashing down onto the steel steps to break his fall as he found himself being ejected from the ring in a brutal fashion.
Jasper Phoenix: That is a match changing move from the most dangerous man on this roster, that is a bump that Sanders isn’t going to be able to forget anytime soon.
Pierce Donovan: It looks like Sanders’ head bounced straight off those steps, he could have a serious concussion from that impact.
Christopher McMichaels: Let's hope so.
As Pariah slowly steps over the top rope and starts to make his way out of the ring and is followed by match official Pearl Peters, Sanders is touching his brown and it is visible that a cut has emerged above his brow and that the blood is starting to flow seeming to be going straight in Sanders’ right eye. The blood seems to give Steve a rush of adrenaline though, as he charges forward at Pariah connecting with a solid forearm smash to the face before showing an incredible level of strength by picking Pariah up and slamming him down onto the concrete floor with a Spinebuster, that looks as if it really shook the big man up with the sheer force of his large body making contact with the unprotected ground. Pariah stays on his back though, which results in Pearl beginning her count.
Jasper Phoenix: Stand up Pariah, this isn’t time to take a nap.
Shabazz runs around the ring and is barking at Pariah, with the monster of a man getting up to his knee before Pearl can reach four and brings a sudden end to the count. As he is still getting back up to his feet, Sanders was waiting on the security barrier would leap off and crash down on Pariah with a somersault plancha, but rather than crashing down on his target he would be caught in just one hand by Pariah who would take Sanders up and sling him over his shoulder in a fireman’s lift before throwing Sanders backwards with a variation of a gutwrench suplex which would cause Sanders to bounce off the ring apron and drop with a thud on the floor. This would result in Shabazz pumping his fists in the air and showing his sheer excitement about the reversal of the aerial attack that his client had just pulled off.
Christopher McMichaels: Never judge a book by its cover. Pariah is incredibly smart when it comes to his ring work, and the power that he brings to the ring means that he is able to pull off moves that other smaller men can only dream of doing.
Pierce Donovan: Steve Sanders really needs to shake off the cobwebs, otherwise he is going to find himself being counted out before this match has even really begun.
Jasper Phoenix: What are you doing Pariah? Leaving him alone and let the referee do her job!
Pariah seemed to be a man with sinister intentions, and would force Sanders back up to his feet, clearly not willing for the match to come to a conclusion anytime soon. This decision would clearly thrill Shabazz who would wave his hands at Pariah and make it clear that this is exactly what he should be doing. Pariah just growled at Shabazz, which caused his manager to take a couple steps backwards as he clapped his hands together loving the moment.. Pariah would then hold Sanders in place against the ring apron, with blood continuing to flow down Sanders face as Pariah would connect with one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine heavy handed overhand chops to Sanders before taking a couple of steps forward and charge with a Big Boot only to be caught off guard as Sanders would instinctively protect himself and by doing so just by the fortune of protecting himself would nail Pariah in the groin area causing the man just under 500lbs in weight to drop down on his knee holding his privates in some clear discomfort.
Christopher McMichaels: What a disgusting move! This bastard has no honour!
Pierce Donovan: I don’t think it was intentional at all, I just think he was trying to defend himself?
Jasper Phoenix: Donovan you have lost it this time! Who accidentally punches someone in the dick! Next you are going to tell me that the hundred year war lasted so long because it was an accident.
Pierce Donovan: What are you talking about now? That doesn’t even make any sense.
Jasper Phoenix: Shut up bookworm!
Sanders actually seems to be smiling to himself as blood continues to flow down his face as the whole right side of his face is covered with his own face to the point that he looks like the DC Comics villain Two-face based on the sheer contrast of skin complexion to scarlett liquid on either side of his face. Sanders moves forwards though and grabs hold of Pariah and as he sends him down to the floor hard with a Bulldog, before holding tight on Pariah’s neck and beginning to punch him repeatedly in the side of the head. Pariah, like an animal possessed though, would fight to resist and grab at Sanders throat, and squeeze as he would push Sanders away from him as he would start to get up only for Sanders to grab hold of his man and send him back down to the concrete with a Swinging Neckbreaker! Pearl Peters would immediately start to count.
Christopher McMichaels: This is not how the fans want this match to end, so Pariah you need to get back onto your feet and teach this insolent son of a bitch a lesson in respect.
Pierce Donovan: There is no argument that a punch to the groin can really throw you off your game, but I don’t think Pariah is the type of man that will give up if he is still conscious.
Jasper Phoenix: He is stirring! He is stirring!
Shabazz is ushering his client to stand up on his two feet, and Pariah grabs hold of Shabazz pushing himself up on his shoulders as he gets back onto his feet once more, to bring an end to the count. Pariah doesn’t get much time to think though as Steve has a chair in his hands and arc it around in the air with an attempt to swipe the big man in the head only for Pariah to show his true strength as he would just punch the chair right out Sanders’ hand and it didn’t even look like punching the chair had even hurt him.
Christopher McMichaels: Pariah just left a massive dent in that chair! This man is an absolute monster of a man, and I feel that Sanders' time is slowly running out.
Sanders just had a look of complete shock at having his weapon knocked from his hands so easily, and would attempt to throw shots at Pariah but they rain off the big man like water off a duck's back having little to no effect to stopping the lumbering giant would grab hold of Sanders and sending him plummeting down onto the concrete with a truly brutal Proteck Ya Neck!
Pierce Donovan: I think Pariah is thinking about ending this contest now. He just nailed Sanders with his version of a uranage and is now lowering his braces.
Jasper Phoenix: Shabazz is directing traffic, I think he just grabbed a table out from under the ring and slid it in Pariah’s direction.
Pariah smiled for the first time in the contest, as he would grab hold of the table and slowly start unfolded it before setting it up just below the ring apron as Sanders remained on his back, but Pariah would break the count by kicking Sanders in the rib before dragging him up onto feet and pounding him with closed punches right on the point of the laceration causing more and more blood to swell out of the wound before finally decided that he was finished as he would roll Sanders onto the table and head towards the ring steps.
Pierce Donovan: I don’t know what Pariah is planning here, but it can’t be good.
Christopher McMichaels: It certainly is going to be for Sanders that is for sure.
Pariah would walk along the ring apron and position himself with his back towards Sanders, as he would shout something at Shabazz. His manager would nod his head and pick up the previously dented steel chair and rest it on top over Sanders, covering Steve’ face and chest area before clapping his hands in excitement. Pariah would bounce off the bottom rope before coming crashing down directly into the steel chair, which in turn would be driven into Sanders as Sanders would carry on through the table with the massive weight of Pariah on top of him as the ‘Fear Incarnate’ had brutally pulverized Sanders with the Life Sentence. Pariah would push himself out of the debris, as Pearl Peters would start to count.
Jasper Phoenix: If that banzai drop doesn’t keep Sanders down, then I’m not sure anything will.
Christopher McMichaels: This is a great moment, and people are going to start realizing that Pariah is on course to be the face of this company.
As the bell was rung, Pearl would indicate the match was over.
Pariah is standing on the middle turnbuckle mean mugging the crowd, tall and victorious. The crowd is inconsolable and grumpy, making their displeasure known with authority. Shabazz Hamad prances around the ring clapping his hands, he stands over the body of an unconscious Sanders and mocks him.
Pierce Donovan: Regardless of what I myself think of these two miscreants, no one can deny their destructive rise to the top. Pariah is on top of the mountain once again, much to our chagrin.
Jasper Phoenix: Finally we agree on something, Pariah is a man to be feared. And fear reigns supreme tonight in Texas.
Suddenly Buffalo Jones is standing right behind Christopher and he gets a chill in the back of his throat.
Buffalo Jones: Oh is he now?
Buffalo catches Christopher in a rear naked choke and lifts him right out of his chair and begins to drag him up the ramp.
Jasper Phoenix: Buffalo learned from Shinzo's mistake of letting Shabazz leave the table and escape his grasp.
Pierce Donovan: You're right about that, Jasper. He's taking no chances.
Buffalo stuffs Christopher's head between his things and traps his arms behind his back. Buffalo jumps off the stage with Christopher's head still tucked landing on the staging below in a devastating avalanche Dead to Rights piledriver. Paramedics rush to both men's sides.
The crowd coms unglued by the sight of Buffalo finally getting some payback against the Agency as they chant "A-M-A" in unison.
Pierce Donovan: What's the hell...we seem to be having some issues with tour broadcast equipment Jasper!
Pariah recomposes himself enough to take care of this cleaner business when the crowd gasps in unison as the lights suddenly dim. A loud screech rings through the arena as static fills the screen of the Thawne-Tron. Pariah and Shabazz look on with confusion.
We open with a very poorly lit camera as a loud thumping sounds and glass breaking can be loudly heard. The camera gets closer and focuses in. We are in an unlit office. Papers are spread everywhere, chairs on the floor, and broken glass is everywhere. Behind a desk, in a wooden chair, a mumble voice is trying to talk. As we approach, we see a young man tied up, his mouth filled with tons of unknown paper. We see a name tag on his right breast. “Tyler.”
A voice breaks the awkward mumbling.
???: Pariah...Pariah...Pariah...
The crowd slowly begins the cheer
We see a tall muscular figure walk around the chair, his face is covered by the dark light.
???: I wanted to thank you Pariah, for opening my eyes. I wanted to thank you for giving me the gift of unfiltered blood and pure violence. You truly are the embodiment of fear, after all.
Pierce Donovan: Who the hell is this...I don't like any of this.
He walks around the chair slowly, circling it as he talks.
???: And even I must admit that I treated both you and you friend Hamad with way too little respect. I tried to use reason, and honor, and now I understand why that was indeed, quite foolish. You see Pariah, you may believe you beat at Mayday. But the reality of the situation is you’ve simply woke me up. You’ve woken up part of myself I haven’t allowed to surface in a very, very long time. And for that, I wanted to send you a gift. From Shinzo to you!
Jasper Phoenix: What the hell is this maniac doing! Someone contact the authorities!
We now see Shinzo’s face. It’s scars still fresh, stains of blood still there, apparently unwashed.
Shinzo: This is the face of reckoning, Pariah. And since you were so caring in setting me back on the right path, I simply must pay you back. Perhaps with yet another bonus?
Shinzo takes a paper out of Tyler’s mouth, it’s a crumpled, bloody dollar bill.
Shinzo: Perhaps not, though. Seems like you have way too much blood money on site here. Another bonus may superlative, wouldn’t it?
Shinzo walks off camera, and comes back with a large briefcase in one hand, and gas canister In the other. HE places the briefcase on the desk in front of Taylor, opening it, and revealing a stack of bills and jewelry.
Jasper Phoenix: That's their hard earned money!
Pierce Donovan: That's the briefcase this entire thing started with, isn't it? Shabazz insisted on being paid for his services, and ever since then, it's been complete chaos. Somebody help this innocent young man, however. This is getting scary folks.
Shinzo: I’m thinking perhaps instead, I would offer you a nice, toasty vacation under the fiery, blistering sun. Would you like that? I think that would be nice wouldn’t it, Tyler?
Back in the ring, Shabazz is yelling at the screen, beside himself. Pariah is standing, immobile, a deep cold in his eyes.
He slaps Taylor on the face a few times. He then pulls out a zippo lighter from his pocket. The camera zooms it, and it’s engraved “GREED”. Shinzo pours gas on the briefcase, and kicks Tyler's chair away in a corner as he tries to scream. He lights the zippo and holds it.
Shinzo: I hope you have insurance Hamad. Certainly wouldn’t want to have to pay for a brand new office out of my pocket. Better hurry...And Pariah, thank you again for lighting a fire under me.
He smirks and drops the zippo on the briefcase, it goes up in flames and the insignia of Hamad Agency melts off.
Shinzo: See you soon, I’ll be watching.
Shabazz hops over the top rope, yells expletives, and runs towards the back, cellphone by his ear. Pariah slowly makes his way down the ramp, not uttering a single word. His face, however, fires off a rage we have yet seem from the gargantuan savage.
Pierce Donovan: Shinzo has completely lost it. He's assaulted Pariah's new intern, vandalized their office...And more importantly, set ablaze the coveted briefcase, still filled with Pariah's bonuses and riches...
Before Pariah can react beyond the mortified rage on his face, we hear the sound of sirens fill the arena. An ambulance comes out from behind the ThawneTron backing up to the ramp. The doors fly open and we see Sean Cutter's lifeless body dive out onto Pariah.
As Pariah catches him Jake Wakefield jumps out with a baseball clotheslining his esophagus with the cold steel. Knocking Pariah clean off his feet.
Jasper Phoenix: We may be used to the term Texas Tornado, but this evening we leave you with nothing less than a Texas Inferno Pierce. That's it for Last Man Standing, on behalf of AMA, we wish you a bloody good time!
Wakefield wards off anyone from attempting to mess with him as he stars down the ramp and we see the AMA credits roll on.

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