BLING (poser)
Let's begin!
Please, do me another favor, and stick around for awhile. One of our tards just died and we are looking for someone to fill the position. Judging by your mound of text feces, I think you will do just fine.
The only thing that is related to a female that you've been with was when you were 5 years old and you begged your mom to take a shower with you on one of her 3 yearly visits or when you go to your Grandma's house over the summer, strip naked, cover yourself with peanut butter and prance around in her panties.
When will you learn to recognize when you are in over your head, and just bow out? We stand in awe as you post shit that was discussed days ago. We stand stunned that someone can be so unforgivably ignorant. You seem to be holding onto the delusion that you are some sort of menace here. You aren't. You are a boil on the crack of our asses and we are completely baffled that no matter how many time we pop you open, letting your infectious tard juices spill out, you still come back for more.
I wish you were banned, I truly do. I'd like to post here without having to see your babbling text diarrhea splattered all over the forum. You have zero credibility and have proven yourself to be a know nothing, backwoods cunt. The only people that will ever take anything you say seriously are the ones who don't know you and are just are ignorant and Blue as you.
Did you know that I do not believe you to be dyslexic but sincerely dense? I mean, the latter obviously screams yes but humour me. Please don't breed.
Have I struck a nerve? Oh, you know… Your responses here AND in other forums makes me believe I have. Thanks for the satisfaction, bitch.
If people can’t take the criticism of a complete stranger, who they’ll probably never meet, then I doubt they’ll have much success in life anyhow. You fail at the internet and you fail at life.
Go outside. You're computer monitor tan is ever so bright, bitch.
BLING (poser)
Let's begin!
Please, do me another favor, and stick around for awhile. One of our tards just died and we are looking for someone to fill the position. Judging by your mound of text feces, I think you will do just fine.
The only thing that is related to a female that you've been with was when you were 5 years old and you begged your mom to take a shower with you on one of her 3 yearly visits or when you go to your Grandma's house over the summer, strip naked, cover yourself with peanut butter and prance around in her panties.
When will you learn to recognize when you are in over your head, and just bow out? We stand in awe as you post shit that was discussed days ago. We stand stunned that someone can be so unforgivably ignorant. You seem to be holding onto the delusion that you are some sort of menace here. You aren't. You are a boil on the crack of our asses and we are completely baffled that no matter how many time we pop you open, letting your infectious tard juices spill out, you still come back for more.
I wish you were banned, I truly do. I'd like to post here without having to see your babbling text diarrhea splattered all over the forum. You have zero credibility and have proven yourself to be a know nothing, backwoods cunt. The only people that will ever take anything you say seriously are the ones who don't know you and are just are ignorant and Blue as you.
Did you know that I do not believe you to be dyslexic but sincerely dense? I mean, the latter obviously screams yes but humour me. Please don't breed.
Have I struck a nerve? Oh, you know… Your responses here AND in other forums makes me believe I have. Thanks for the satisfaction, bitch.
If people can’t take the criticism of a complete stranger, who they’ll probably never meet, then I doubt they’ll have much success in life anyhow. You fail at the internet and you fail at life.
Go outside. You're computer monitor tan is ever so bright, bitch.