Lady Hot Rod Discussion

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Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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I guess you could call this a call out for a flame, but i'm not exactly interested in trading insults, i more of have a few questions i would like to discuss about LHR, and due to not know her IM, might as well make it in public so a dozen members can start spamming the thread about Donkey Kongs and Jizz and the like.

Anyway on with the questions!

1) Why exactly is it that you are a bitch online? Proud of it too apparently. Is it the fact that you really truly are a bitch in real life and truly don't care about others around you? Is it a facade that you use also as a tool for venting steam against people in life who you can't verbally say these things too?

2) I don't understand, has it been you who's been calling out other people, which has caused this recent backlash against you or is the flames unwarranted?

3) If you have been the one starting the flames, rather than just retaliating, haven't you heard of the old quote "if you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all" or even "treat people the way you wanted to be treated?" Naturally you have a right to not believe in these kind of things, but i think its a common courtesy too few of us use.

4) Do you take pride in using your intelligence to put down others less fortunate than you? I would hope someone of your intellect would use their knowledge to good use and help resolve conflict, not bask in it.

5) and finally, where did you get that Killer Sub you alluded to earlier in the Hell In A Thread? I am interested in trying one.

Now with that, below i have provided for you all the information that you will need to flame me if you wish in your responses. I do this in order to avoid generic insults such as me jacking off in front of my mom or shitting my diaper or getting fucked by school yard bullies. Trust me, there is plenty more material for you to go on than that about me.

Obviously i am a wrestling nerd, i am also into roleplaying games like Final Fantasy and D&D.

I wear glasses. (classic)

I have a receding hairline.

I am not that physically attractive, despite being quite skinny. Girls tend to look at me more as the "Sweet generous guy i would never date if you paid me"

That's a real quote by the way

I have bad teeth, and can't afford dental payments to fix anything because i am also virtually poor.

I work at Albertsons as a grocery bagger and cart pusher for minimum wage.

I have anger management issues at home.

I look up alot of porn in my spare time, due to losing my girlfriend because she cheated on me with a black japanese indian dude.

I can't make this stuff up people.

I enjoy theatre.

I am afraid of Tornadoes.

I am a very shallow person. Despite not being physically attractive myself, i have high standards in the looks department for whom i date.

I have been to the mental hospital twice in the past 3 years due to nervous breakdowns.

I like stupid comedies like Epic Movie and Talladega Nights.

I don't really use large vocabulary in real life, as my intellect is only shown through writing and typing, thus making me an internet user who isn't who they really are in real life.

I listen to Celtic Woman.

And i think that just about covers most of my flaws. Enjoy.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
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Best Thread Ever lol...

and btw Talladega Nights if anyone flames him about that...then your lame lmao..


1) Why exactly is it that you are a bitch online? Proud of it too apparently. Is it the fact that you really truly are a bitch in real life and truly don't care about others around you? Is it a facade that you use also as a tool for venting steam against people in life who you can't verbally say these things too?

I actually like to call it "honesty" but people can't handle it when someone points out the truth to them.

I personally don't see why people should lie. If someone says "what do you think of this shirt on me?", what's the point in saying "it looks good" just to make the person feel good when you know the shirt makes them look like a gimp? I'd rather save them the further embarrassment by telling them the truth rather than lying just to make them feel all warm inside.

I'm pretty quick with the insults but when I do it online in a flame forum, it's done strictly because that is what the forum calls for. I am not red in the face or getting high blood pressure when I type it and I have no vendettas against the people I flame, it's just all part of that section of the board. If you notice my posts outside that section, they aren't flames. I keep it civil unless someone asks for it.

It's also not some gay online gimmick. In reality, I tell people off when they ask for it. I just don't care. If someone is going to look at me the wrong way or be an asshole just because I don't look like the type of person who would talk back, they better be ready to take it right back. If they'll just run away with their tail between their legs when confronted, they'd better keep their mouth shut in the first place. My husband gets a bit pissed when I tell people off but meh, they deserve it. Otherwise, I'm a rather fun and bubbly person.

2) I don't understand, has it been you who's been calling out other people, which has caused this recent backlash against you or is the flames unwarranted?

Basically, it all started when people were just plain morons. Like I said, I am honest so if I think you're a moron, I'll tell you. I don't always do it just to be mean, I do it because it's the truth and perhaps pointing it out will make people think and stop being an annoying douchebag.

Of course, the anger from other people starts because society doesn't seem to like people who are blunt about things. I don't sugarcoat shit, I get straight to the point. If they don't like it, they can go cry into their Pokemon pillows.

3) If you have been the one starting the flames, rather than just retaliating, haven't you heard of the old quote "if you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all" or even "treat people the way you wanted to be treated?" Naturally you have a right to not believe in these kind of things, but i think its a common courtesy too few of us use.

It's a bit of both. Sometimes I start, sometimes other people start. In the end, if anyone takes flames online seriously, they should log off immediately and blow their fingers off with a shotgun.

4) Do you take pride in using your intelligence to put down others less fortunate than you? I would hope someone of your intellect would use their knowledge to good use and help resolve conflict, not bask in it.

This is an online community.....Again, if you take my flames seriously, take the action I described above.

In reality, it's much different. I don't bother people unless they ask for it and I do it in a much more intelligent way, according to the situation. An online community is just a place to fuck around and not be serious. It's pure entertainment and I actually sit here giggling at some flames because they are meant to be childish, stupid shit.

5) and finally, where did you get that Killer Sub you alluded to earlier in the Hell In A Thread? I am interested in trying one.

Subway. It was a great sub!

Now with that, below i have provided for you all the information that you will need to flame me if you wish in your responses. I do this in order to avoid generic insults such as me jacking off in front of my mom or shitting my diaper or getting fucked by school yard bullies. Trust me, there is plenty more material for you to go on than that about me.

I don't really flame people who haven't done anything to ask for it. Everyone I flame has done something to be a blueberry and the only unprovoked flames are the ones in the challenge. Other than that, I turn down "FLAME MEE!!!" requests because it isn't as fun.

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
Thanks for the taking the time to answer my questions, i just have one last thing.

I understand your point of view about flaming, but in some ways i disagree with it. I agree that this section was made for this kind of stupid shit, but i am one of those kind of people who believe the internet in some ways is serious business.

Because whether they speaking to our face, or on the other side of the world at the end of a computer screen, they are still people. I am careful not to really pick on someone like i don't know say Rose from the other flaming threads. Because i believe jumping in on the insulting of others or several cursing out someone else, whether it be on the internet or not, is still treating another individual badly.

I agree that most people should be looking at these kind of threads for the lolz, as what it seems most people do. But there are a few people who post who have legitimate or at least in their minds legitimate beefs they want to discuss. So that should be respected as well.

*Goes to Subway*


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I'm not Ms. Hotrod, but just ignore the twats who take this ish seriously. They're easy to spot, they're generally the ones who neg rep you for really just anything.

Hidden Blaze

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You mean like


Thanks for the taking the time to answer my questions, i just have one last thing.

I understand your point of view about flaming, but in some ways i disagree with it. I agree that this section was made for this kind of stupid shit, but i am one of those kind of people who believe the internet in some ways is serious business.

Because whether they speaking to our face, or on the other side of the world at the end of a computer screen, they are still people. I am careful not to really pick on someone like i don't know say Rose from the other flaming threads. Because i believe jumping in on the insulting of others or several cursing out someone else, whether it be on the internet or not, is still treating another individual badly.

I agree that most people should be looking at these kind of threads for the lolz, as what it seems most people do. But there are a few people who post who have legitimate or at least in their minds legitimate beefs they want to discuss. So that should be respected as well.

*Goes to Subway*

It depends on the person.

You would hope that people online have the sense to not let things get to them on the internet. If someone thinks you're a dick, why should you care? You'll never meet the person and what some stranger thinks of you means nothing. Be whoever you are and if someone doesn't like it, they can suck a fat one.

I am sure most members here are different in person. I don't walk around flaming people on the streets every 5 seconds but some people here seem to think so. A lot of people are sincere in their online/real life personalities and not much is different between the two but some people come online and try to be something they aren't. Yes, the internet is a fantasy world but that doesn't mean you have to be a badass when in reality, you'd get your teeth knocked out.

You can tell the fakes from the sincere. For example, Blaze just can't shut the fuck up about Peep yet he claims every few seconds that he doesn't care. It's apparent he does care because he carries on everywhere. Let's not forget when it was me who was burning his ass. He went into other forums to talk shit about me and was upset that it didn't make me cry. I wouldn't doubt that he does the same thing to Peep. Blaze also tries to be "cool" with people because he wants to be accepted, which makes me think that in reality, he doesn't have many friends so he just wants people to like him. That isn't a cheap shot, it's just what I think based on how he acts online.

If someone on the internet makes you THAT upset that you have to go around and be a coward by talking shit about them in a forum they probably don't even belong to just to make yourself feel "big", log off and never come online again. It's a world where you shouldn't care what some faceless people think of who you are. People can call me a bitch a thousand times over, I don't care. I enjoy it because I'm not afraid to say that yes, I am a bitch at times so calling me one wont hurt me.

Most flames are for fun but there are the times where someone is so annoying that you just want to call them out on it and let them know they are being fucking Blue. I think that, even though a person is being called out for an annoying trait, it can still be discussed in a mature manner.

Hidden Blaze

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lol..I don't try to be accepted..I know it seems that way but I'm just trying now to be a good member...and also thats what I said..neg repping for no reason is gay...thats what I don't like...not the fact he is doing it...I mean u neg repped me the other day...WS did...V1 did...Joo did..but idc because all gave a reason

all he did is put a . and most of the post had nothing to do with him or anything related to him or worth neg repping...

thats what I'm complaining about not the fact he did it..


lol..I don't try to be accepted..I know it seems that way but I'm just trying now to be a good member...and also thats what I said..neg repping for no reason is gay...thats what I don't like...not the fact he is doing it...I mean u neg repped me the other day...WS did...V1 did...Joo did..but idc because all gave a reason

all he did is put a . and most of the post had nothing to do with him or anything related to him or worth neg repping...

thats what I'm complaining about not the fact he did it..

The fact that you bring up the word rep in about 85% of your posts lead me to believe you are truly worthy of what I am giving you. I really could care less. But the fact that it is getting on your nerves so much that you continuously bring up the matter is what makes it humorous and thus why I continue to do it.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
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If u gave a reason in the reason box I would not give a fuck...I just think doing it to do it is pretty fucking Blue...u know.


lol..I don't try to be accepted..I know it seems that way but I'm just trying now to be a good member...and also thats what I said..neg repping for no reason is gay...thats what I don't like...not the fact he is doing it...I mean u neg repped me the other day...WS did...V1 did...Joo did..but idc because all gave a reason

all he did is put a . and most of the post had nothing to do with him or anything related to him or worth neg repping...

thats what I'm complaining about not the fact he did it..

Yes, you are. Why did you feel that you had to change your ways? It's because no one liked you the way you were so you changed just to please people, to be ACCEPTED.

Look at how I am. I have people breathing down my textual neck all the time and do I change? Hell no. If they don't like my open personality, that's their choice but I wont change just so people will like me.

You really need to get over the neg rep shit, Blaze. It's just a fucking box. It wont make you a better person if you have green boxes or a worse person if you have red. He doesn't have to give a reason, no one does.


I did give you a reason the first time it happened. Then you continuously brought up the word rep like I just mentioned. That's why I continue to do it, 'for no reason', b/c it seems to get under your skin, even though you say it doesn't.

Hidden Blaze

The Wanted Man
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Yes, you are. Why did you feel that you had to change your ways? It's because no one liked you the way you were so you changed just to please people, to be ACCEPTED.

Look at how I am. I have people breathing down my textual neck all the time and do I change? Hell no. If they don't like my open personality, that's their choice but I wont change just so people will like me.

You really need to get over the neg rep shit, Blaze. It's just a fucking box. It wont make you a better person if you have green boxes or a worse person if you have red. He doesn't have to give a reason, no one does.

U even said that giving it for shits and giggles is gay...u removed it out of there but u said that...and thats what he is doing...I mean damn...I don't give a fuck if someone neg reps me as long as they state a reason in the little box...thingy or if I can read the post and clearly see why...I mean he neg repped me in your thread about the wrecks that happen outside your place...and all I said is its a stop sign people always speed by where I live..and I am surprised no wreck has happened there...and then the thread where I was going off on how dumb he is and shit..he don't even neg rep me...that would be a place to neg rep someone.....if he done it there and didn't state a reason I would know the reason clearly is because I bashed him..

I did give you a reason the first time it happened. Then you continuously brought up the word rep like I just mentioned. That's why I continue to do it, 'for no reason', b/c it seems to get under your skin, even though you say it doesn't.

and u did not give me a reason...u just said .

thats all it says is .

so I mean really...whats the point of giving someone neg rep for no does not effect anything I do on the forum expect for maybe making a request and I got friends who I can get to do that...