What's Extreme about this stipulation? Sheamus and Dolph Ziggler should be having an Extreme Rules match, not a fucking one fall to the finish as the usual shit goes. I'm just ranting here, this doesn't put "Extreme" in Extreme rules.
Yeah, check WWE.comThis is the actual name of the stipulation? I missed this.
Oh, this is great! WWE goes HBO, in terms of showing off nudity. Kewl. Can't wait to see Sheamus/DZ's arse.
Anybody else hear them say "This is the first 'Kiss me Arse' match in WWE history" on commentary lately? Yeah, because it's not the same thing as a 'Kiss my Ass' match right? Oh fuck off ffs. I need to not hear the word arse for a long time after ER. It has run it's course for me for the time being.